Verse By Verse Ministry International is a non-profit, non-denominational, unaffiliated Christian ministry that is dedicated to promoting the preaching and teaching of God's Word clearly and boldly. We present the study of God's Word in its proper historical and theological context, and for the purposes God has ordained: to persuade the unbeliever of the truth of the Gospel and to equip the saints for the work of ministry. This ministry was founded in 2003 on a commitment to provide compelling, verse-by-verse teaching of God's Word at no charge (2 Cor 2:17), thus ensuring the whole counsel of God is proclaimed (Acts 20:27).
About Verse By Verse Ministry International
Our Mission
To provide free, in-depth, verse-by-verse Bible teaching to people worldwide that is easily accessible and shareable throughout various demographics.
We believe every Christian is commanded by New Testament Scripture to become a life-long student of God's word, and we work to support that goal in our students' lives.
Many online teaching ministries exist today, but we believe our ministry is unique in what we teach, and in how we teach.
First, VBVMI teaches through entire books of the Bible. Our teaching remains focused on the exposition of Scripture without becoming distracted by discussions of popular culture, politics, or denominational disputes. Our teaching doesn't vary with seasons or the holidays. Week after week we move through God's word dividing it rightly, seeking to eventually teach all 66 books of the Bible.
Secondly, we present the word of God in a uniquely in-depth style. We teach the full meaning of the text without losing the big picture. Verse-by-verse teaching through scripture means we don’t jump from passage to passage without connecting the dots. Instead, we uncover the full meaning of the text – including rejecting traditional interpretations when necessary when the text of scripture doesn’t support them.
On the other hand, we try not to “miss the forest for the trees,” by becoming so focused on the meanings of words or ancient traditions that we miss the main point of a passage. So we ask the hard questions and seek for the best answer, even if that answer isn't popular in the church today. We endeavor to expose our students to the depth and breadth of Scripture. We let God's word guide our understanding because we believe real spiritual nutrition is found in the meat of God's word. We're dedicated to helping our students feast on everything God has provided.
Our ministry operations focus on five key services:
1. Authoring, organizing and conducting group verse-by-verse Bible studies.
2. Preaching expository sermons by invitation from pulpits throughout the world.
3. Maintaining and expanding the VBVM International website.
4. Conducting Bible conferences and seminars.
5. Responding to Bible questions submitted by students through the ministry website.
In addition to serving students, the ministry also exists to serve the needs of teachers and church leaders, VBVMI provides teaching materials suitable for small group Bible education and offers personal consultation on how to teach the Bible in a verse-by-verse approach. All of our services are offered free of charge.
The VBVM International website is the centerpiece of the ministry's work. The site began as a simple way to distribute teachings to Bible class students, but the Lord has grown it into a Bible study resource for millions of students around the world. The VBVM International website distributes over 2,000,000 teachings each year to listeners from over 200 countries free of charge. Glory be to God!
Verse By Verse Ministry International also maintains a growing mailing list of ministry supporters. Our list is used to announce new teachings and classes, distribute a ministry newsletter and publicize other news of the ministry. Information provided for our mailing list is never sold or shared with others. Sign up for our mailing list .
VBVM International operates on the provision that God makes available through the prayers and financial contributions of our supporters. The ministry offers all its services and materials free of charge . For information on how to support our work financially, please visit our Financial Support page.