How should I understand Paul's teaching in 1Timothy 2:11-12 concerning women teaching men? Is it ever possible for a woman to teach a man?
First, we recommend you read the following article on our website on a similar question.
Secondly, Paul's teaching in 1Timothy gives us additional context to consider on this point. While in 1Cor 14 Paul was principally concerned with maintaining proper order in the church service, in 1Tim 2 he is concerned with believers maintaining a proper testimony in the world. In both passages, submission to authority is the essential prerequisite to obtaining the desired outcome.
For example, in 1Cor 14, Paul teaches that women are to remain silent when men are teaching, because to do otherwise would be a sign of disrespect and evidence that they were unwilling to submit. Furthermore, in the case of the Corinthian church this behavior had contributed to a disorderly service.
In 1Tim 2, Paul says women may not teach or exercise authority over a man due to God's requirement for male headship within His Church. Here again the issue rests on the Biblical expectation that a woman submit willingly to male authority, in this case so that they may have a good testimony within the church.
Based on Paul's teaching, the fundamental question arises, "Can a woman ever teach men?"
First, remember Paul's key concern in 1Tim 2 is that a woman willingly submit to authority in keeping with Christ's decree. So, we arrive at the general principle that women may not hold teaching positions whenever these roles constitute a de facto expression of authority over men, including teaching roles that have responsibility for establishing the normative interpretation of Scripture for the sake of the congregation (i.e., senior pastor, teaching pastor, an elder, a prophet, a curriculum developer for men's studies, etc.).
Given this principle, we could identify several possible exceptions to this rule. First, women may teach other women or children, including boys who have not reached adulthood (as determined by the customs of that church), because such a role does not require nor imply assuming authority over men in the church.
Secondly, a women could teach men, as when a man reads a Bible study book written by a woman or when a woman teaches a couples Bible study.
In these cases, there is little possibility that her teaching role would be interpreted as an affront to male headship in her church, provided her teaching received the review and approval of church leaders to ensure proper headship is in place.
Finally, it may be permissible under certain circumstances for a woman to teach men in a public setting. Though the safest interpretation of Scripture would conclude that this practice should never be permitted, theoretically a woman could teach men publicly in such a way that she conformed to Paul's teaching (i.e., by conducting her teaching in a way that clearly operated under the authority and headship of a man).
For example, the woman could demonstrate her submission to authority by ensuring a male leader was present in the class, who acted as the official leader of the class. Likewise, a woman teacher could show submission to male headship by co-teaching with a male teacher over a class of students that included men. Here again, the male teacher should be clearly identified as the leader of the class and the authority over interpretation of the text.
Even taking such precautions, many Bible students would conclude fairly that our last example pushes the boundaries of Paul's instructions and, therefore, shouldn't be permitted. We believe the Bible leaves some room for interpretation on this point (at least to the limits we've outlined), so trust the Spirit to guide your own application.
In every situation, a woman teacher must be able to point to a male church leader who provides headship over her teaching. This male leader would hold final determination of the correct interpretation of Scripture, and he must answer to any concerns over her teaching. Obviously, male teachers should have similar accountability from other men.
Every woman teacher should search her own heart to know whether she is willingly submitting to male headship in her church as she serves in her teaching gift. Ultimately, this is the test that the Lord will apply to her ministry at the judgment seat.
You may also be interested in reading an answer to a question concerning woman remaining silent in church.