The life of David was an epic drama full of peril, victories, sin, and redemption. How much of David’s tumultuous journey was part of God’s sovereign plan?
The book of 2 Samuel is a continuation of the historical account of David’s rise as king of Israel. The story picks up where 1 Samuel ends, as David contends with the deaths of Saul and David’s best friend, Jonathan, and the fight for the throne of Israel begins. The book traces the rise of David to power, his fall into temptation and the discipline of the Lord, and his renewal as a man after God’s own heart.
This interactive workbook accompanies Verse By Verse Ministry International’s in-depth video course on the book of 2 Samuel taught by pastors Stephen Armstrong and Wesley Livingston. The 2 Samuel workbook, suitable for individual study and group discussion, will guide participants on their systematic, verse-by-verse journey into the inspiring life of David.
The story of David in 2 Samuel is one of turmoil, temptation, struggle, redemption, and triumph. Get ready to dig into this book of the Bible with Verse By Verse Ministry International’s 2 Samuelgroup study. The workbook includes:
- 24 sessions correlating to the video lessons in the Verse By Verse Ministry International course
- listening guides—specific questions based on each video lesson and the scriptural readings
- discussion questions for further reflection
- optional Digging Deeper sections to extend learning and prepare for the next session
- note-taking space for each session
- an answer key
Verse By Verse Ministry International was founded by Stephen Armstrong in 2003 with a commitment to provide verse-by-verse teaching of God’s word at no charge. Verse By Verse Ministry International is a nonprofit, nondenominational, unaffiliated Christian ministry that is dedicated to promoting the preaching and teaching of God’s word clearly and boldly.