Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur perspective on life can be at odds with our reality
At times we may be sad or depressed when everything is going well, and other times when our world is falling apart, we look for the pony
Christians, in particular, experience paradoxical responses to life’s trials, because Jesus told us it would be so
Jesus said we should be glad when the world attacks us because of our faith in Jesus
Conversely, Jesus said woe to us when we are loved by the world
It’s paradoxical, and yet it’s easily explainable when you see things from Jesus’ perspective
What is His perspective? It’s neatly summed up with a simple phrase I like to use: living with eyes for eternity
It means adopting an eternal perspective, recognizing we’re just passing through this life…it’s our next one that truly counts
So we want to put everything in this world to work for the sake of the next, including our trials
Everything that happens to us and around us can be useful to God and to us for the sake of the Kingdom program
Therefore, our mission is to respond to life’s twists and turns in ways that maximize our obedience and God’s glory
And as we begin a verse-by-verse study of Philippians today, you’re going to hear me using that phrase from time to time
Having eyes for eternity is at the heart of Paul’s letter to Philippi
So that’s the perspective we need to gain if we want to understand it
As we begin today today, we need to do a little homework
Studying an epistle is like reading someone else’s mail, so we need to gain some context and background on the letter
We need to understand a little about the author and his readers
And we find that introduction in the first verse
The author of this letter is, of course, the Apostle Paul
We all know that name, and I assume many of us know Paul’s history
Paul, otherwise known as Saul, began his ministry career as a zealous, law-keeping Pharisee
In Acts 7 Luke tells us that while the first Christian martyr, Stephen, was dying for his faith, Paul watched and approved
Watching Stephen dying for his faith triggered something inside self-righteous Paul and he became obsessed with wiping out Christianity
So for the next several years, Paul embarked on a ruthless campaign to hunt down and eliminate believers in Jesus
He traveled far and wide arresting professing Christians, resulting in many being stoned to death
His name was feared among Christians throughout the empire, but Jewish leaders heartily approved his efforts
Then during one such journey to arrest Christians in Damascus, Jesus Himself appeared to Paul on the road and arrested him, so to speak
From that day onward, Jesus insisted Paul serve a different cause
Paul flipped from seeking to wipe out Christianity to working tirelessly to advance the movement of the Gospel into the world
Paul’s transition was such an abrupt change that many in the Church debated whether Paul could truly be trusted
Years later, Paul was still defending his apostleship to believers in the face of false accusations and unfounded suspicions
But in time, Paul proved himself to be, without question, the single most important and effective ambassador for Christ the world has ever known
Paul wrote most of the New Testament epistles, founded most of the key first century churches and personally discipled many of its early leaders
Paul traveled tirelessly during four missionary journeys crossing most of the Roman Empire to preach the Gospel to Gentiles
Paul set the standard for service, so that perhaps more than anyone else, he could rightly say, “imitate me as I imitate Christ”
But Paul didn’t do these great things in his own power, of course, nor did he do them alone
In fact, Paul was anything but a loner in ministry
He thrived on companionship in ministry and fellowship among the saints, and his letters reflect that
Notice at the outset of this letter Paul mentions his traveling partner at the time, a young man named Timothy
Timothy is one of several men who accompanied Paul during his four journeys, along with Luke, Barnabas, John Mark and Silas
Paul valued their company and support as he ministered from town to town
And Paul also thrived on the fellowship of believers in each city he visited, and he often mentions longing to return to them
Paul was a man who made friends easily, valued friendships for life, and encouraged the church to do the same
Next, Paul refers to himself and Timothy using a favorite term: bondservant
A bondservant was a particular form of slavery and the dominant form of Paul’s day
Most slavery in the Roman Empire was self-imposed: people made themselves slaves to work off a debt owed to a master
In time, a slave could pay off his debt through labor, and then the slave was free to leave service and regain his liberty
But in the course of that service, a slave might decide that a life serving a kind master was preferable to a life of freedom toiling in hardship
If so, then when his debt was paid, that slave might volunteer to continue in service to the master as a slave for life
The slave would renounce his freedom forever in exchange for the care and protection of the master
No longer was the slave working to pay off a debt; instead the slave was now serving out of devotion to the master
In this new relationship, the slave was called a bondslave, signifying he served his master out of a bond of love rather than obligation
Paul frequently referred to himself as a bond servant because the term aptly described his approach to serving Christ
All Christians are called slaves of Christ, because we have all been bought with a price of His blood
We all owe Him a debt of sin which He has paid on our behalf with His life
But as we mature in our faith, we come to appreciate that Christ is a loving Master, One worthy of our devotion and sacrificial service
And as we come to that understanding, we become a bond servant, a slave serving his Master not out of compulsion but devotion
This is the way Paul described his service to Jesus, which was appropriate because of the way Paul entered that service
As Paul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, Jesus blinded Paul and led him into the city to wait
Then Jesus sent another disciple, Ananias, to Paul to explain that Paul had been chosen by Jesus to preach to the Gentiles
And Ananias also explained that Paul would suffer many things in the course of that service
Paul began his service to Jesus as a slave…Jesus made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, literally
Paul was given no choice in the matter…he was made an apostle by the will of God and conscripted into service like any slave
But in time, Paul came to know his new Master as a loving, merciful Savior, and then Paul’s heart to serve changed
What had begun as a ministry of compulsion soon became a life of devotion, and Paul wanted all believers to see Christ the same
Our entry into the faith comes like Paul’s, theologically speaking…God finds us, we don’t find Him
And in our initial period as a Christ-follower, Jesus is akin to slavery in that we are bound to Christ even before we know Him well
We are compelled by the Holy Spirit into a new walk of life by God’s grace through our faith
But in time, as we learn more about the God we serve, we come to know Jesus to be good, kind, generous and merciful
His yoke is easy, His burden is light, so our service to Christ moves from compulsion to devotion
As we serve Jesus daily out of love for Him, we are bondservants of Jesus
If serving Jesus in that way isn’t familiar to you, then maybe it’s a sign you haven’t pursued your relationship with Him deeply enough
Maybe you’re trying to fit your service to Jesus into your otherwise typical worldly life rather than the other way around
After all, it’s not our service to Jesus that He desires as much as it is our devotion to Him
Slaves don’t have typical lives…our life is serving our Master, and when your Master is as good as Jesus, it’s the best life possible
So that’s a little about the author. Next, Paul identifies his audience as the saints in Philippi, an important town in the Roman empire
Philippi was a very prosperous city in the province of Macedonia named after the father of Alexander the Great
The citizens of Philippi enjoyed a number of privileges in Roman society including immunity from taxes and self-government
And because it sat on a major Roman road, it was also a center of commerce, and as a result, quite wealthy
Because of its strategic location on a major road connecting east and west, Paul traveled through Philippi multiple times during his journeys
Paul first visited the city in AD 50, and at that time he founded the church
Traveling with Paul at the time were Luke, Timothy and Silas
In Acts 16, Luke tells the story of how at one point Paul and Silas were thrown into prison in Philippi
Later that night God brings a great earthquake to open the jail and unlock their shackles
The jailer wakes up to discover the jail open, so he prepares to kill himself knowing he would be executed for the breach
But Paul calls out to save the man telling him all the prisoners have remained, probably because Paul persuaded them to do so
Paul’s willingness to forgo his freedom so that he might have opportunity to preach the Gospel to that jailer bore great fruit
Saved from certain death by Paul’s kindness, the jailer was eager to receive the word Paul was preaching
As a result, that man believed as did the man’s entire household
From that moment, Paul started the church, teaching and ministering for a period of time before moving on
Paul later returned to the city again during his third missionary journey in AD 57, and then three years later while in Rome Paul wrote this letter to the church
In AD 60, Paul was under house arrest in Rome awaiting an audience before Caesar
His house arrest lasted two years, during which time Paul wrote a number of letters in the New Testament, including this one
And while Paul was under house arrest in Rome, the leaders of the Church sent a man, Epaphroditus, to visit him
Epaphroditus brought Paul a gift of money, which must have been a great encouragement and relief to Paul
So as Paul writes this letter from house arrest in Rome, he does so from an unique perspective
Paul’s first experience in Philippi taught him how to see his present circumstances in Rome from a better perspective
God made Paul and Silas to suffer for a time in the Philippian jail so they could be in a position to reach the jailer with the Gospel
And because Paul was able to convert the jailer and his family, Paul was able to found the Philippian church
And because Paul began the church, these saints were now in a position to provide support and encouragement to Paul in Rome
God used trial and suffering in Paul’s life to further the Kingdom mission, and nowhere was that better illustrated than in Philippi
Understanding that connection between Paul’s confinement in Philippi with his arrest in Rome is key to following this letter
Which leads us into Paul’s supplication for the church…
Virtually all of Paul’s letters open with a prayer for his readers, as we see here in v.2 with Paul extending grace and peace to the church
Coming from Paul, those words had real power, because his words were inspired, meaning they came from God
Anytime a church received a letter from Paul, it was cause for great celebration, because they knew his letters were Scripture
In fact, at about the same time Paul was writing this letter, Peter, a fellow apostle, wrote this about Paul’s writing
Peter says that some in that day were trying to distort Paul’s writing, just as they do to “the rest of the Scriptures”
Peter referred to Paul’s writing as Scripture even as both men were still alive and writing letters
This confirms that Paul’s letters were seen as Scripture by the early Church from the very moment Paul authored them
And therefore, when Paul told a church that God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ were sending them grace and peace, it’s a real thing
So Paul’s promise of grace or peace in his letters were not merely kind words intended to ingratiate himself to his readers
Paul was promising his readers that at the arrival of his letter, God Himself was at work granting them grace and peace
As that church attended to Paul’s letter, reading it and heeding it, they would see more of God’s favor and experience greater peace
That promise continues today…as we study the word of God, Paul’s letters in particular, we are gaining more than knowledge
We are receiving more of God’s grace, His favor, and it will manifest in a variety of ways, including knowing greater peace
Then, beginning in v.3, Paul starts the letter proper, and as we move ahead with him, I want to offer you a roadmap for how his letter is organized
There are four chapters to this letter, as we divide it today, and each has a main point or theme
These four points come together in support of a central idea summing up the whole letter
The central idea of the letter is simply “Christ is everything”
Every reason we have to live, to strive, to suffer and to excel, is for the purpose of Jesus Christ and His Gospel…Christ is everything in life
Apart from our Kingdom mission, our lives have no meaning and no purpose
Without Christ at the center of our life, nothing we achieve or become will last or mean anything in the end
When we make our life a tool in God’s hands to bring many sons and daughters to glory, then we find meaning, joy & peace
So the letter’s main idea is that Christ is everything in life, and Paul breaks this truth down into four parts:
Chapter 1: our purpose is living for Christ
Chapter 2: our attitude is thinking like Christ
Chapter 3: our rewards are coming from Christ
Chapter 4: our satisfaction is in serving Christ
For what remains of today’s lesson, let’s take a few steps toward understanding every Christian’s goal: living for Christ, which Paul begins very simply
Paul told the church that he was always thanking the Lord for this church and praying joyfully for them at every opportunity
Some scholars have suggested that the church in Philippi was Paul’s favorite, and certainly this letter leaves that impression
But Paul’s praise for this church was not based in favoritism but rather was grounded in something very specific
Paul says in v.5 that his joy was in view of their participating in the gospel from the very first day until now
That is high praise indeed, but it’s important to understand what Paul was saying about this church
In basic terms, to participate in the Gospel is to join in the work of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and Him crucified
As we learned in our lesson on the Great Commission, there are many ways we can participate in that mission
And certainly, this church must have been active in evangelism and support of Paul and others who led the way
But many churches did similar things, so that fact alone doesn’t explain why Paul singled out this church for praise in this area
The difference seems to be that this church made participation in the Gospel a way of life
The Greek word translated “participation” is koinonia, which is usually translated fellowship, meaning a shared experience
Paul was saying he joyfully thanked God that this church shared his same outlook when it came to the needs of the Gospel
Like Paul, they had made the Gospel a lifestyle choice
What’s more, they made that choice on the first day, from the very beginning of their walk, and they still lived that way now
Now when you hear that someone has made the Gospel a lifestyle, we tend to think of vocational ministry
For example, a pastor in full-time ministry has made the Gospel a lifestyle or a missionary on the field is living the Gospel lifestyle
Those examples are true, but here’s the problem: they are just the tip of an iceberg
Full-time pastors and missionaries are just two examples of how to make the gospel a lifestyle, but there are many, many more
In fact, there are an infinite number of ways to make the Gospel a lifestyle, as many ways as there are believers in the Church
Remember, Paul said the entire Church in Philippi had fellowshipped in the Gospel with Paul from the beginning
Certainly not all believers in Philippi were full-time pastors or full-time missionaries
So what were the rest of those believers doing to make the Gospel a lifestyle?
They were going to work in the marketplace or fields, keeping the house, raising kids, attending school, serving in the military
They were ordinary people living normal lives, except that their lives were directed at the cause of the Gospel
When the blacksmith woke up each morning, he didn’t think to himself, “My job is to be the best blacksmith today”
Instead, he said, “How can I serve the Gospel today in my blacksmithing?”
When the mother began her day, she didn’t think ”it’s just another day of keeping house and raising kids…”
She said “today I will advance the Kingdom by keeping the house and raising the kids”
The Philippian church understood that their very lives were about the Gospel…it’s the only reason Jesus hasn’t come back yet
Consider that for a moment…what’s Jesus waiting for? In fact, ask yourself this…
Why don’t Christians die and go to Heaven the instant we are saved? Escape pain and suffering and tears and sickness, etc.?
Wouldn’t that make more sense? That’s where we are all going eventually…why doesn’t Jesus take us home immediately?
The obvious answer is that this life on earth serves some purpose in God’s plan, and that purpose is the Gospel
And therefore, every believer from the moment we come to faith should make every day we live about serving the Gospel
Serving the Gospel is the only reason we’re still alive today…and Paul was so thankful that the Church in Philippi understood that
That’s where we are going in this study, in particular in this first chapter…learning how we adopt a lifestyle of the Gospel
And not all of us need to enter full-time ministry…but we all need to live with eyes for eternity
An in-depth study of this letter has the potential to transform your walk with Jesus
To give new meaning and purpose to your life, and with it, more peace and joy than you may have ever known