Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongHaving put the introduction behind us, it’s time to dive headlong into the theology of Paul’s most important letter
We’ve heard Paul’s introduction as he attempted to build a bridge with his audience in Rome
We heard his thesis in Block 2 of the outline, where Paul laid down the central message of his letter
His theme is found in vs.16-17 where Paul says the message of the Gospel is (or possesses) the power of God to save those who believe it
There is only this one message that saves, for it is sufficient for all men both Jew and Gentile
And it reveals the righteousness of God through our faith
In short, this is a letter about how anyone may become good enough to enter Heaven
Or as Paul says, how we may become righteous
This is a letter about righteousness
So now all that remains for Paul to do is to elaborate on how we may obtain the righteousness required for Heaven; by a message we call the Gospel
It’s no small task
So it will require the better part of 15 chapters for Paul to do so
But before Paul even gets started, he moves first into a series of counter-arguments against false ways to become righteous before God
He refutes the claims of the four major categories of religious lies
All human religions can fit into one of these four categories
Paul will address these lies first before explaining the one true way God has provided for righteousness
Block 3 begins in v.18 with Paul’s opening statement concerning all false religion
As we studied last week, Paul says that the wrath of God is to be revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness
Paul’s saying that there is an unseen God prepared to hold humanity accountable for sin
He will hold us accountable because the existence of a true Creator God is undeniable
Paul says the knowledge of God is self-evident being witnessed by our conscience
The knowledge of God is present in every person
That knowledge is general, not specific
Everyone has an instinctive understanding that a Creator God exists
But our instinct is insufficient to explain God completely and truly, as Solomon declared:
Despite having been born with an instinctive knowledge of God, mankind is so desperately evil that we suppress this truth by substituting lies
And we call these lies we tell ourselves “religion”
Though we think a wide variety of religions exist, scripture teaches here in Romans that there are only 4 types of false religion
Within each type we can find countless variations
But those variations are meaningless…they are just playing with the details
So now Paul deals with the first of these four types: paganism (see chart)
The lie of paganism asserts that some part of Creation is our god
Pagans worship what they can see instead of the invisible God Who made it all
Pagans are people who worship the sun, moon or stars (e.g., astrology)
They may worship nature in various forms (e.g., mother nature, science)
They may worship animals or people (e.g., reincarnation, cults)
They may worship angels or aliens or demons or the devil himself
Into this category, you can fit religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Unitarianism, Scientology, Zoroastrianism, Earth religion, humanism, astrology, Darwinism, etc.
But the common denominator among all paganistic systems is worship of created things
In all cases, the pagan has suppressed the truth that these things have no power to create anything
Therefore, pagans conveniently overlook the question of where did everything come from?
They look only within Creation for their solution, and as a result they become increasingly foolish
Paul explains the pagan fallacy next:
Paul walks his readers through the history of paganism and its effects on the heart of mankind
Paganism owns the dubious distinction of being the first false religion man invented
Paganism traces its origins to the Tower of Babel, where Nimrod lead mankind for the first time into the worship of the Creation
The people declared they would come together in a city and construct a tower so tall its top would be in the heavens
The subtext of that account in Genesis 11 is that people believed themselves powerful enough to define a new heaven for themselves
They declared let us make a name for ourselves
The Hebrew word for “name” is shem
And interestingly, God invested His seed promise in the man Shem, the son of Noah
So it seems as if the people are saying let us make our own “Shem”, that is our own way to God – and so paganism was born
But remember, Chapter 11 of Genesis takes place after the Flood, almost 2,000 years after the fall of Adam
So mankind didn’t embrace worship of the creation right away
It took a while to get there, and Paul explains that process
In the beginning, the reality of God was evident to all
Mankind beheld the glory of the Creation and understood that an all-powerful God had made it
But then a process of spiritual deterioration began
The catalyst for this process, of course, was the fall of Adam and the curse that God pronounced on Creation
The fallen state of mankind didn’t just put his soul in mortal jeopardy
It also placed a cancer in our hearts, one that slowly robbed us of our ability to truly know God
Paul says that in the beginning, men knew God
Men like Cain knew God and even sacrificed to Him as we read in Genesis 4
But as the account of Cain illustrates well, these men did not honor God nor continue with an attitude of thankfulness
Instead, they became futile in their speculations
“Futile” could be translated vanity, so in vanity they began to speculate
They substitute opinions of God for the truth of what they knew
And in time this process of substituting foolish speculations for the truth darkened the human heart
The truth of God is light to our soul
But when we push that light away, rejecting truth and instead choosing to believe opinions and speculations about God, we grow more foolish
And we lose the ability to find our way back
Imagine someone in complete darkness with a single candle for light
Then they begin walking away from the candle in the darkness
In time, they will find themselves so far from the candle they can’t see it any longer
And in the darkness, they can’t find their way back to the light
Mankind made a similar journey, spiritually speaking
So in v.22, Paul says mankind was professing to be wise yet they became foolish
The word “professing” means to make an assertion
Anyone can assert anything
But our assertions are not automatically truth
Just because someone in a small group Bible study declares “what this verse means to me is…” doesn’t mean they know what it means
In fact, that statement almost always precedes a foolish statement
From darkened, foolish hearts, mankind continued its downward decent in v.23
The next step in this spiral is to exchange the glory of a creator God for a lie, the lie of paganism
They began worshipping and serving created things
Among the things we worship instead of God include corruptible man, birds, four-legged creatures and even crawling creatures
Notice the progression within that list
First men traded worship of God for God’s greatest creation, man
That was bad enough, for it should have been obvious that there was no man worth worshipping since all are corrupted
But mankind’s decent into foolishness didn’t stop there
We moved to worshipping birds, which are lower than mankind
They can’t even think and talk, like us, yet we think they are superior to us?
But at least they can fly
But we moved from them to dumb four-legged animals that can’t talk, can’t think, and can’t even fly
Bulls, goats, jackels, cats, etc.
The worst, of course, is poodle worship, for which there is no hope of redemption
Lastly, mankind began to worship the least of creation: insects
Paul’s point is to mock the stupidity and foolishness of a heart that walks away from God
We can’t shake our instinctive desire to worship something, but our spiritual blindness directs us to fulfill that need in the strangest ways
Including calling bugs our gods
And even our so-called sophisticated modern world has continued this decent
In Paul’s day, the worst he had seen was worshipping insects
But today you can find people worshipping rocks and trees
We’ve moved to the most meaningless parts of Creation
All this pagan foolishness would be laughable except that it produces such devastating consequences within society
In v.24 Paul explains the next step down this decent into oblivion
He says the Lord gave men over to their lusts so they would dishonor their bodies
We could rephrase Paul’s statement this way:
Because they walked away from the light, the Lord gave them over to their dark desires so that would suffer the consequences together
Mankind came to this point because it exchanged the Creator for the lie of paganism
Paul uses the word “exchanged” to reflect that men made this trade willingly
Mankind began with a knowledge of God yet they chose to trade it for something less
So that in future generations, mankind had forgotten they ever possessed God in the first place
That exchange then set the stage for our lustful desires to plunge mankind into ruin
Elevating the creation above the Creator amplifies the importance of physical things over spiritual things
As physical things increase in importance to us, we will give physical needs priority over spiritual needs such that the flesh will begin to rule
Ultimately, fulfilling our body’s desire becomes the end purpose of life rather than pleasing the Creator
This leads mankind to devolve in our flesh in the same way we devolved in our spirit
Just as mankind’s worship started with God but ended with rocks and trees…
Similarly, our physical lusts descend into increasing depravity
Once again, God gave mankind over to passions that dishonor or degrade the person
He allowed mankind’s physical condition to find its bottom just as He did for our spiritual condition
And what is the low-water mark for mankind physically?
When men and women trade the natural sexual desire for that which is unnatural
Of course, Paul is speaking of homosexuality behavior, except that word didn’t exist in Paul’s day
Society had not yet given this behavior such a respectable word
In Paul’s day, it was simply described as he does here
And this is Paul’s example of the worst form of human foolishness and rebellion
Today, it’s become fashionable to assert that homosexuality is compatible with Christianity
Paul calls such acts indecent, which literally means shameless
They are shameless in the sense that society no longer considers the acts to be cause for shame but rather approves them
Despite this our Lord condemns such behavior in the strongest of terms in various places in scripture
Prior to the Law, the Lord showed His displeasure with this type of conduct by judging Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from heaven
In the Law, the Lord called for the death penalty for those who might practice it in Israel
And in the New Testament, the Word of God condemns it in the strongest terms, as you see here
But there is always a consequence for sin, and Paul says the consequence for this type of sin will be a due penalty received in their own person
Due penalty refers to those necessary, inevitable outcomes
These aren’t specific judgments of God but rather the natural consequences of going against God’s design for Creation
People who engage in these things risk receiving the due penalties in their persons
Persons refers to all aspects of their being: spiritual, emotional, and physical
And of course, history has shown Paul’s words to be true as evidence for the devastating consequences of this perversion continues to pile up
Then notice in v.28 Paul moves one step further to detailing the consequences for accepting such depravity
The Lord gives mankind over to a depraved mind
The word “depraved” means not standing the test or unapproved
So once more, the Lord allowed mankind to experience the consequences of their darkened hearts and perverse choices
The end of which is a mind that cannot stand the test, that is unapproved
In other words, our minds can no longer grasp what is good and proper
Our every thought is evil
Glancing through vs.29-31 we find a succinct and accurate description of the society in which we live today
These are the due penalties inflicted upon society for their paganism
Having elevated the creation above the Creator, mankind engaged in lustful pursuits of the unnatural
And the polluting of our bodies leads to a polluting of our minds with the result that society is filled with the traits Paul lists
The Bible is not claiming that homosexuality was the direct cause of these things
Rather Paul is drawing a conclusion about any culture that embraces perversion
The same social forces that render homosexuality acceptable will also lead to the acceptance of other forms of depravity
Before long greed, malice, wickedness, arrogance, disobedience to parents and all manner of evil will become the norm
These societal woes are all the result of the deteriorating spiritual condition of mankind according to the pattern of the first lie:
Finally, Paul reminds us that all these behaviors are worthy of death according to the Creator, the author of the Law
So the great irony of paganism is that while pagans have forgotten God, God has not forgotten them
Despite paganism’s determination to push God aside, the wrath of God will be revealed against them for their evil deeds
And notice at the end of the verse that death isn’t just deserved for those who practice such things
But also for those who approve of such things
Today very few people, statistically-speaking, engage in the kind of depravity Paul describes
But very many approve of such things believing them to be good
They celebrate those who practice it
And Paul says any society who agrees with such things is as guilty as those who practice it
How do we preach the gospel to these two camps of religious deception?
For the paganist, the question must be what came before what is and who made it?
The best appeal for a paganism is the appeal of a Creator God, as Paul explained
Paul follows this model elsewhere as he confronted paganism
Paul’s appeal was to bring their attention to the origins of the very things they worshipped
So the first religious lie, paganism, asserts that the creation is God
That lie gave license for mankind to amplify the importance of the physical world over the spiritual world
Inevitably, their pursuit of the physical triggered lusts which lead to greater and greater depravity
And a culture of depravity opened the door for all manner of sin over time
Self-evidently, paganism does not and cannot lead to righteousness
In fact, it appeals to the worst side of our nature
So that it increases depravity and unrighteousness
Which rightly deserves the Creator’s wrath
So one lie down, three to go…
Notice, Paul moves into the second category of false religion: moralism
Moralism is the practice of making judgments about one’s or others' righteousness
In effect, moralism is making ourselves the judge over both ourself and others
And based on the judgments we make, we assume God will follow suit as if we know the mind of God
Moralism is the second great religious lie after paganism
Paul transitions with the connecting word “therefore”
He connects his earlier discussion with this new topic, so how are paganism and moralism connected?
Paganism gave rise to lust and depravity but not everyone in society participates to the same degree in these behaviors
The worst are pursuing unnatural lusts, while others are merely condoning it
So this gives rise to judgments
In a depraved society, mankind can begin to make distinctions between the good, the bad and the ugly
These moral judgments are relativistic and we make them according to our advantage
Like the young ruler who called Jesus good teacher
But notice Paul says to his readers that “you” have no excuse for your sin
Paul is speaking to everyone because everyone is guilty
Paul says that as we judge others we condemn ourselves
When we judge someone, we’re deciding that this person is unrighteous and therefore they are due a penalty
But when you make that determination, you are implying that standards for righteousness exist
You can’t say someone is doing something wrong (in your view) without also agreeing that rules for right and wrong exist
So if you judge others, then you acknowledge that standards for righteous exist, and those standards are not your own
Self-evidently, we didn’t make rules for society
And we certainly don’t decide who enters Heaven
Yet we speak confidently that those who practice terrible things are due a penalty
Which means we know there is a lawgiver Who must judge these things
And logically, if we are acknowledging the existence of a lawgiver and a Law that must be followed, then we have condemned ourselves
Because as Paul says we have practiced the very same things that we accuse others of doing
Obviously, we haven’t all committed exactly the same deeds
But we share a great many of the same offenses
And even beyond our actions, we share the same heart desires
Not all of us have killed a person, but we’ve all wished someone dead
Not all of us have stolen, but we’ve all longed for something we didn’t possess
Not all of us have committed infidelity, but most have been attracted by the possibility
How do we pass judgment so easily then?
Passing judgment always involves making comparison, and moralism involves making wrong comparisons that favor our ego
We judge someone who commits a certain sin by comparing them to ourselves
Since we have never committed that particular sin, we can feel good about ourselves in making that comparison
And we can feel right in judging the person who fell
If we share their sin, then we judge them for having a more severe case, or worse consequences, or even a less repentant heart, compared to us
Whatever way we can compare ourselves favorably, we’ll find it
And as we find it, we find cause to declare ourselves righteous
We draw the line between righteous and unrighteousness in that small crack that separates us from that “bad” person
And we take comfort that, once again, we’re on the right side of the line
Of course, this line moves daily
As long as the moralist can find someone who is worse than we are, then we are safe
And the very fact that life seems to be going so well for us is our proof that our methodology is working
Moralism finds its reassurance in the way they avoid the worst of society
The moralist may have been convicted of cheating on taxes, but at least he didn’t defraud millions like those evil men at Enron
The moralist may have dumped used motor oil in his backyard, but at least he didn’t pollute the Alaskan coast like Exxon
The moralist may have cheated on his wife, but at least he didn’t have sex with another man
The moralist may have killed someone, but at least he didn’t murder six million like Hitler!
The moralist can always find a comparison that affirms he is righteous enough to warrant heaven
So if you think you are good enough because you are better than Hitler, then ask yourself this…
Do you think Hitler was a liar? Yes…but have you ever lied?
Do you think Hitler ever spoke a hateful thought? Of course…but have you?
Do you suppose Hitler ever stole or deceived someone? Or coveted or betrayed or insulted someone? Undoubtedly…
But haven’t you done these very same things too?
And of course Hitler also murdered, and perhaps you have never committed murder
But is that what you’re resting on when you say you’re better than Hitler?
You can share every manner of sin with the man, but because you find one difference that justifies your superior place?
Are you willing to rest on that difference? Are you confident that God’s standard requires that only mass murderers go to Hell?
That’s why Paul asks in v.3 do you suppose, O moralist, that you will escape the judgment of God?
God is the Author of the Law and the Creator of all things under His Law, and therefore He will judge all things according to His standard
Simply put, it’s His Heaven, so He gets to decide the standard for entry
And unlike the moralist, the judgment of God is unbiased
Why has the moralist “supposed” he will escape judgment someday? Because the moralist assumes God’s lack of response to date is proof all is well
Ask a moralist if he or she is afraid of death or the judgment that follows, and he will probably tell you no
He will tell you that he has no reason to fear, because he is a “good person”
The fact that his life is going the way he desires and he has avoided disaster is evidence that he is making “right” choices
Sometimes people express this concept as “karma”
It leads to greater confidence in their self-righteousness and a heartless, judgmental attitude towards others
So the lie of moralism is that righteousness is a sliding scale, and we can be our own judge
We judge ourselves as basically good people, good enough to get to heaven
And we find confidence in our assumptions because our life is going well, God seems pleased with us and is rewarding us with a good life
When we see people suffering, we tell ourselves they did something wrong and are getting what they deserved
And we take satisfaction in knowing that the truly bad people are going to hell
But Paul says things are not as they seem for the moralist
The moralist is thinking lightly of the riches of the kindness, tolerance and patience of God
The word for tolerance can be translated delaying
God, in His kindness, is delaying addressing the sin of the moralist
And the word for patience is also translated long-suffering
So while God waits to see you at your judgment, he’s suffering watching you take His patience for granted
The moralist takes for granted their good life, and he views the absence of God’s judgment as confirmation he is righteous
But God’s delay is not an endorsement
It’s kindness from God intended as an opportunity for repentance
When the moralist dies and faces the righteous judgment of God, he or she will realize that those good years were wasted, Paul says in v.5
Paul contracts the moralist’s self-serving judgment with the judgment of God which will be righteous
God doesn’t grade on the curve
We won’t get by with the nonsense we tell ourselves; how we’re good enough because we’re not the worst we could be
Paul says that as the moralist tells himself he is safe, in reality he is storing up wrath for his day of judgment
Imagine we could measure God’s wrath in increments, like filling a measuring cup with wrath
Paul uses that idea to remind the moralist that his good days on earth should not give him confidence going into his judgment
For as each sinful day passes, the moralist’s sins don’t go unnoticed by God
The wrath those sins warrant is being stored up
The Lord is delaying bringing His wrath, but only for a time
Meanwhile, the moralist believes he has avoided wrath simply because he hasn’t seen anything happen yet
But as Paul quotes from Proverbs, the Lord will render a judgment for each man that fully reflects that person’s deeds
Each man’s life is storing up something
God’s judgment of us is connected to our deeds
This is a general principle guiding God’s judgment
Paul then gives contrasts of how believers and unbelievers store up for eternity
In v.7 Paul says that when God judges the believer, the Lord will assign reward according to our service to God
If the believer perseveres in doing good, seeking glory and honor, then that person is storing up eternal life
Now at first hearing, that conclusion sounds wrong to us, especially since Paul says later that works do not earn salvation
But remember, Paul’s talking about judgments, and the only judgment believers face is the Judgment seat of Christ
So v.7 is describing the judgment God makes of believers for the assigning of reward, not for determining if we may receive salvation
Concerning that judgment, we are storing up eternal life
Or we could say we are determining the nature of our eternal life
The more we serve, the more good deeds we accomplish, the more there will be waiting for us there
But then Paul moves to the other side, when the Lord judges the unbelieving
The Lord will render punishment to unbelievers according to the degree of a person’s sinful deeds
The worse the sins a person commits during their life on Earth, the worse the punishment will be
So we can take some satisfaction knowing that the “Hitlers” of the world will get what they have coming
But that will be little satisfaction to those who find themselves at the “cooler” end of Hell’s furnace
God’s wrath will be unbearable regardless, and all men should seek to be rescued from the just penalty their sins deserve
The sold-out moralist isn’t bothered by that arrangement
He’s already convinced he will get a passing grade
He’s told himself that his days are filled with good deeds and he has conveniently overlooked his sins
That’s the conceit of the moralist
He has declared himself to be righteous and expects God to agree with his decision
The moralist has an unrealistic view of sin, both of others and himself
So the second great religious lie follows naturally from the first
As paganism gave rise to an increasingly evil and depraved society, it produced opportunity for men to distance themselves, one from another
Some declared themselves to be better than others
It became possible to make judgments of “good” and “bad”
Which gave rise to a pecking order of morality within society
But that pecking order was self-serving and relativistic and not at all according to the standard God uses
So while men were judging themselves above God’s wrath, they were only fooling themselves
God has been watching them as they sin, storing up wrath
And one day the Lord will bring that wrath according to their deeds
Finally, how do we appeal to the moralist?
The moralist must come to appreciate his or her own sin and that the standard of God is exact, unbending and not in their favor
The best lesson for the moralist is the one Jesus taught the young ruler which we covered last week
There is no one good but God alone
And unless we equal the goodness of God, we cannot receive what is His
Remember how that encounter ended?
Jesus knowing the man was expecting to work his way to Heaven, played along with him at first
He gave the man a list of works to perform to enter Heaven
The man, a moralist, responded he liked what he was hearing
In his mind, he judged himself successful against all those commandments
The Lord intentionally picked commandments that were likely to please the man, since these rules were among the most severe
The man says he has kept them from his youth, meaning as far back as could remember
Again, his standard was that he felt good about himself, not that God did
So Jesus lowers the boom asking the man to do something not found in the Law at all
He tells him to sell everything to bless the poor so that he may receive a rich reward in Heaven
But this was too much to ask, and so the man left very sad
Notice he didn’t leave angry or defensive
He didn’t argue the point, because he knew instinctively that Jesus was asking for something “good”
The man simply couldn’t agree to those terms, and in that way Jesus exposed his biased scale
The man had judged himself worthy of eternal life using a scale tipped in his favor
But when Jesus changed the scale, the man wouldn’t (not couldn’t, but wouldn’t) meet the terms
Of course, he wasn’t truly innocent of those other laws either
But rather than getting into an debate with the man over his past imperfections, Jesus simply exposed his hypocrisy
So the answer for the moralist is that we expose his hypocrisy by explaining from scripture what the true standard is for entry into Heaven
It is to meet God’s standard
As Jesus says: