Wesley Livingston

Contributing Teacher

Wesley J. Livingston is a contributing teacher of Verse By Verse Ministry International.

Pastor Livingston was drawn to the Lord at an early age in Houston,TX and was raised in a Christian home. He sensed the Lord’s calling him to ministry at age 12 as his relationship with Jesus grew. As God continued to impress upon his heart a calling into ministry, the Lord provided the opportunity for Wesley to preach his first sermon at the age of 18. It was then that Wesley sensed the Lord was moving in a unique and confirming way in his life towards teaching the word of God.

Wesley attended Prairie View A&M University where he majored in Architecture and graduated with a bachelors and Master’s degree in Architecture. After graduating, he took on a full time job at Kirksey Architecture in Houston,TX and was involved in designing Science and Technology facilities for both private and public organizations and Institutions. After a year and a half, Wesley sensed the Lord was moving him in a different direction which resulted in teaching architecture on a high school level.

After moving to San Antonio, Wesley and his family began to seek a church in San Antonio that taught the bible in an expository way. It was in his search that Wesley came across Ariel Ministries that then directed Wesley and his family to Verse By Verse Fellowship. It was under the leadership and teaching of Pastor Stephen Armstrong that he developed the hunger to teach the bible in an in-depth, methodical way and to teach through whole books of the bible to present the whole counsel of God.

Unaware of what God was doing in His sovereign plan, it became apparent that God was up to something. In 2020, Wesley was asked by Pastor Stephen Armstrong to come on full time at Verse By Verse Fellowship as the Youth Pastor. It was during this time that Wesley was able to be personally discipled by Pastor Armstrong and grow in his understanding of the scriptures, his calling, and teaching.

After studying under Pastor Armstrong for over a year, Pastor Armstrong reassured Wesley that seminary was not a requirement to be called to ministry or to teach the word. So like Pastor Armstrong, Wesley continues to endeavor in personal study of God’s word. 

Pastor Wesley serves as an Officer in the United States Navy.