Stephen ArmstrongDevotional
How do we measure success at VBVMI?
How does an Internet ministry measure success?
As the director of Verse By Verse Ministry International, I ask this question everyday. Is VBVMI considered successful because our website distributes millions of audio lessons and hosts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year? Are we successful because we hosted numerous live events on four continents to thousands of students? Do the thousands of encouraging letters, Facebook likes and donations we’ve received this year mean we’ve succeeded?
Naturally, these signs of progress please us. In the first half of 2014, our website, podcasts and smartphone apps have all experienced strong growth in visitors and activity. Our Facebook page has surged to nearly 18,000 followers in barely 20 months. Requests for live teaching events in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas continue to increase, and the Lord has met all our financial needs through the faithful and generous gifts of supporters like you. Indeed, the Lord has blessed us in many ways.
But we don’t define our success by these things.
We define success as obedience to the Lord. Are we teaching His word accurately, honestly and humbly? Are we preaching the true Gospel of grace boldly and unfailingly? Are we living according to the word of God, so that our lives reflect what we preach? Does our teaching inspire others to greater obedience as well? That’s how we measure success.
Based on our listeners’ feedback, I believe we’re meeting our goal. Everyday, we hear from students around the world, who tell us they have been challenged to know Christ more and obey Him better:
“I want to thank you for giving me a better perspective and understanding that has changed my life and made me stronger in my faith and has allowed me to know Jesus Christ as my Savior like I have never known Him before.” – J.E.
“Thank you for your teaching. It has been an answer from God for my heart’s cry. Slowly but surely your teaching is bringing a big change which I am so grateful to God for.” – M
These testimonies inspire us to continue traveling, teaching and encouraging believers everywhere to follow the Lord through His word. But we aren’t resting on our past successes.
VBVMI continues to expand its library of verse-by-verse courses online, while traveling to teach in more places in the world. In 2014 alone, VBVMI will host live events in Singapore, the Philippines, Costa Rica, Norway (twice) and Hawaii (twice) – in addition to our weekly teaching in Texas. We also have new features coming to our apps and website, and of course we’re looking forward to our annual VBVMI Bible Conference in October.
The global impact of VBVMI would not be possible without your support. By your generosity, we continue offering all these services free of charge, which means even more student learning and obeying the word of God. This is true discipleship, and I thank you for helping us accomplish this all-important mission.