Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s time to begin the next section of our Romans study
In this section, Paul explores the ramifications of being saved by being declared justified, yet still living in a sinful body
Paul is wading into topics that dominate the concerns of every Christian
These topics arise out of the unique situation we all find ourselves in after coming to faith in Jesus and obtaining our salvation
We are justified before God, but yet remain sinful in our flesh
We have a new life in Christ but still feel drawn back into our old life of sin
And therefore, believers are likely to raise several concerns or questions about the consequences of our salvation
What should life look like for the one saved by faith and not by works?
If suddenly we’re declared justified by a faith in God’s promises and not by good works, then do our behaviors matter at all?
And if we are truly saved, why do I still have a desire to sin?
Shouldn’t I be completely free of evil if I’ve been given God’s righteousness by faith?
Finally, if I’m declared justified by my faith in an instant, and yet I go on sinning thereafter, might my relationship with God change?
Could this salvation I obtained merely by faith be undone by my actions or those of someone else?
Or could I reverse the process in some way and end up perishing in the end?
Paul now moves to addressing these questions in three chapters that comprise our fifth block in the book
These three chapters are the consequences of our salvation by faith:
The consequences for our spirit
The consequences for our flesh
And the security of God’s righteousness, or we could say the consequences for eternity
Each of these three parts is found in its own chapter
Chapter 6 is the consequences for our spirit
Chapter 7 is the consequences for our flesh
And Chapter 8 is the security of God’s righteousness
Today we consider the first, the consequences for our spirit
Paul begins the new section with his favorite rhetorical device…asking what shall we say then?
We could rephrase his question to be “what do we conclude from this”, referring to what Paul taught in the prior chapter
In Chapter 5, Paul taught that we received mercy from a God who acted for us before we even knew Him
And God’s act of mercy in Christ had the power to reverse the mistake that Adam made in placing all humanity in bondage to sin
So what do we conclude from this truth?
One of the possible answers to that question might be that our justification gives us license to sin as much as we want
And that if we continue to sin as we prefer, we are actually multiplying the amount of grace God is required to extend
Since God’s plan of redemption in Christ reflects glory upon Himself, then we are furthering God’s purposes when we give Him greater opportunity to cover our sin
The more we sin, the more God can be seen to be loving and merciful by extending us grace
That’s the first question Paul mentions at the end of verse 1
Are we to continue in sin so that God’s grace must increase to cover that sin?
Paul says no, that’s not the correct response to God’s grace
At this point, what reason could Paul give for fighting against sin?
He can’t tell us that we should fight against sin because our righteousness depends upon it
Because our righteousness doesn’t depend on what we do, otherwise that would be salvation by works
By faith alone in Christ, we are already 100% righteous before God
So what does Paul say to this comment?
He says we have died to sin, so we may not live in sin
Right away we reach the core idea of this chapter, the main point of teaching on the consequences of salvation for our spirit
Our old spirit was put to death with Christ and so it has ceased to exist
Paul uses the concept of baptism to explain what happened when we were saved by our faith in Jesus Christ
And to understand this comparison properly, we first need to understand the term baptism properly
The word baptism means a washing, and there are two baptisms described in the New Testament
One is spiritual, one is physical
One God does, one we do
One produces a death and rebirth, the other pictures a death and rebirth
The first baptism the Bible describes is spirit baptism or the baptism of the Holy Spirit
This is a baptism of spirit in the sense that a person is immersed by the Spirit of God
The Spirit of God comes to live inside a person, so in that sense the person is completely immersed by the Spirit
The baptism of the Spirit is the moment we are born again, as Jesus said to Nicodemus
This is the moment of our salvation, the moment faith comes and we are born again
At the moment of our spiritual baptism, something dies and something is brought to life
First, our old spirit is put to death
The spirit we inherited from Adam, the spirit that was fallen, ceases to exist
In its place, we receive Christ’s spirit, that is we receive a spirit that has descended from Christ
Literally, we have been born again spiritually, and the new spirit living in us traces its genealogy to Christ
Paul says it this way elsewhere
When Paul mentioned “new creature” and “old things” he’s speaking about the spirit
We are literally something entirely new spiritually than we were
Obviously, God does this work, because we couldn’t do it to ourselves
We were dead in our sins, and a dead spirit cannot raise itself
As we learned in Romans 3, no one seeks for God
Following this moment, we are called by Christ to take part in a second baptism, one we perform ourselves by entering a body of water
Our second baptism is a physical act, not a spiritual act
It’s a physical baptism with water that pictures our earlier spiritual baptism act
We do it in obedience to Christ’s word as a result of being saved
Water baptism pictures the dying of our old spirit and the coming to life of our new spirit
The water pictures a grave in the earth
So when we go down into the water, we are picturing our old spirit dying with Christ
And when we emerge from the water, we are picturing our spirit coming to life as Christ was resurrected
Obviously, the intended meaning of water baptism requires that the baptism be done through immersion, not sprinkling
Paul refers to this picture in vs.3-4 when he says we were baptized into Christ’s death
Spiritually speaking, our old spirit was buried with Christ
When Jesus died on the cross, He was taking God’s wrath for the sin of that old spirit
So spiritually speaking, Christ was acting in our place dying as our sinful spirit deserved to do
By our faith in Christ, the Father counts Christ’s death in our place
But then Paul adds that just as the Father raised Jesus from the dead, He has also raised us into a new life in the spirit
So by our faith in Christ, we are given Christ’s raised spirit
In v.5 Paul says we have become united with Christ in the likeness of His death and in the likeness of His resurrection
The term likeness reflects that we shared in those events spiritually, not physically
Obviously, you and I weren’t in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago when Jesus was crucified and resurrected
But spiritually we relived those moments when we were born again
So the consequences for our spirit of salvation by faith in Christ is profound
By the baptism of the Spirit, we became a new person spiritually, and our new person shares in the nature of Christ
As much as you were like Adam before you came to faith, you are now just as much like Christ now
Your spirit is every bit as perfect and sinless as Jesus’ spirit is
It’s the same spirit, one came from the other
Every believer has a perfect, sinless spirit given to him or her by the Holy Spirit
If you ever wondered what Jesus Christ must have felt and thought as He walked the earth, you need not worry
You have His spirit now, so you possess the same source for your thoughts and feelings
The overused adage of “what would Jesus do?” suggests that we have to imagine or guess what Jesus might have done
In reality, you already know…but are you paying attention?
Though we have a perfect sinless spirit now, we obviously don’t act sinlessly
The reason we still sin is not because our spirit is flawed
It’s because we still have a source of sin apart from our spirit
That source is our physical body
Notice what Paul says in vs.6-11
Paul says our old self (i.e., our old spirit) was put to death through Christ’s death so that our body might be done away with too
Our sinful spirit was due condemnation, and the day of our judgment by God is the day that our body dies, as Hebrews says
So had our body died before we came to faith and our spirit was born again, then our sinful spirit would have been judged by God
It would have received the justice it deserved in eternity, which is the second death – eternal separation from God
But because of His love and mercy for us, God acted in Christ to put our sinful spirit to death before our body died
Our sinful spirit was condemned in Christ when He died in our place on the cross
And at the moment of faith, we experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Our sinful spirit was replaced with a new spirit made in Christ’s likeness
So now when our body eventually dies, our spirit will already be sin-free and without condemnation, so no judgment will follow
That’s what Paul means in v.6 when he says that our old spirit was put to death so that our body could be done away with
Our spirit is the eternal part of us, so by replacing our spirit before our body died, God did away with the penalty of death
Now the death of our body is of no concern to us, because our spirit is already right with God
Our spirit, our true identity, has already been perfected
So in a future day, the Lord will put our body to death too, so that we will no longer be slaves to sin Paul says
In that future day the part of us that continues to sin, that is our fallen body, will also be taken away
Like our old spirit, it will be put to death
And when it dies, we will truly be freed from sin
In the meantime, our spirit has been freed from sin while our body continues to be enslaved to sin
And this in-between state of existence requires we adopt a new attitude and perspective
Notice in this passage Paul says “we” have died with Christ
We know our spirit has died with Christ but our body has yet to die
Therefore, the “we” here must refer to the spirit in us, not to our physical death
Therefore, we need to read v.8 this way:
“Now if our spirit died with Christ, we believe that our body will live with Him too”
Jesus saw His spirit condemned on the cross and His body died as well
Then His body was raised from the dead never to die again
Therefore, Paul says, death is no longer a master over Him
Christ no longer lives with the concern of a future death, no worry, no weight of that burden
In v.10 Paul says Christ’s death was a selfless act in service to all of us who needed that payment
But having put death behind Him, now Christ’s sole purpose in life is to serve God
Then in v.11 Paul gets to his point…our faith in Jesus means that our spiritual life will follow in Jesus’ footsteps
Just as Christ died on the cross, our spirit was put to death when we believed
And just as His body was resurrected, so will our body one day be raised new
And just as death ceased being a master over Christ, death is no longer a concern for us either
Therefore, just as Christ could live solely to serve God, likewise we must adopt that attitude as well, Paul says
We must consider ourselves to be dead to sin also
To consider means to think in this way
We must consider who we are
When we speak of ourselves, we are speaking about the spirit, not the body
You are not your body, because that body is going to die one day, but scripture says “you” never die
Furthermore, your spirit is perfect and sinless, like Christ, so “you” never sin in the spirit
But you do sin, of course, so the sin you commit is not of “you"
Your sin originates in that which is destined to die, that which is not you, that is your body
Therefore, since concerns of death are behind us, we should consider our life to be lived in service to God hereafter
As the great philosopher, Bob Dylan, once said…
“You gotta serve somebody”
You could spend your new life serving useless causes like trying to earn your righteousness (i.e., doing good works)
Or serving the devil out of fear of death, as Hebrew says
Obviously, Christians don’t need to work for salvation nor live in fear of the devil
But regrettably, many Christians still choose to live for another purpose rather than serving God
They live to serve their own dying body
Paul says we should not allow the sin in our dying body to rule over our perfect, eternal, sinless spirit
When we let it decide our choices, we are obey its lusts
This is completely backward to the reality of who we are in Christ
We’re letting that part of us that is going to die control that part of us that is going to live forever
We’re letting the part that is not us control us
We are presenting the members of our body to sin, Paul says, but present ourselves to God and our members as instruments for righteousness
To understand what Paul is saying, we need to understand terms he is using
When Paul uses the second person pronoun, he is referring to our eternal sinless spirit
When Paul uses the term sin, he is describing the sinful nature of our physical body
And when he says the “members” of our body, he’s describing our life of service in the body
So the choices we have that Paul is describing is this:
Either we (our spirit) presents (or dedicates) our life in this body to serving our sin nature leading to unrighteousness
Or we (our spirit) presents (or dedicates) our life in this body to serving God leading to righteousness
You serve either God or you serve your own body
Your sinful body will always lead you to sinful choices
God will always lead you to righteous outcomes
Sin (your sinful body) is no longer master over you, you are no longer under Law but under grace
Here again, these terms need defining
Sin refers to your sinful body,
“You” refers to the part of you that is eternal, your new perfect, sinless spirit
Law refers to the condemnation that sin deserves under God’s law
Grace refers to the salvation we have in the New Covenant, made possible by Christ’s death in our place
So Paul is saying that we are to follow in Christ’s footsteps in this too
Christ died according to the requirements of the Law, though He Himself never violated the Law
In dying He paid our penalty in His body, so we are no longer under that penalty
So the Law no longer condemns us, it no longer rules us by dictating what we must do to be righteous
So now having been saved by grace, we are free to live for God and not for our own sake
Some in Paul’s day probably heard that they were no longer under law and would have been aghast at the thought
They react much as some Christians still do today when we say that the Christian is not bound by the Law, not even by the ten commandments
They say how can this be…
Are you suggesting it’s OK for me to lie, or steal, or murder???
Of course, they ask the question to mock the idea that we are no longer bound to the law
Paul asks the question in that same spirit as if to mock his own suggestion
Are we now allowed to sin all we want since we’re no longer under the law?
Since our spirit is now without condemnation, can we do whatever we please?
Paul says the same things I say to those who ask me that same mocking question…of course not!
We have presented ourselves to Christ as His slave, indebted to Him for the ransom He paid for us with His blood
Since He bought us, we are now His slaves, so we must present ourselves to Him, obeying His desires
Since Christ is inside each of us, His Spirit living in us, then we must obey that perfect sinless spirit
If we are to be good slaves, we must obey that Master Who bought us
Just as we once were slaves to our sinful nature and obeyed it without question
That should be your goal in life…to obey your new master, your sinless spirit, as consistently as you once obeyed your previous master, your sinful spirit
Before you came to faith, you were a perfectly obedient slave
You did everything your master wanted you to do
The problem is, that master was evil and everything it required was unrighteous
Now you have a perfect, sinless spirit inside you, one that is Christ’s spirit, and it only directs you into righteousness
Paul says thanks to God that He has made you obedient from the heart, to the teaching to which you were committed
To a form of teaching
This form or pattern of teaching that directs us now is very different than the law men previously followed
The previous pattern of teaching men followed was one written on stone, speaking of the Law
But it only brought condemnation and had no power to break the master that ruled over men’s hearts, which was sin itself
But the Greek word for form is tupos, which means die or stamp
There was something stamped or impressed on our hearts that compelled our obedience and formed our commitment
It was the gospel of grace that now rules us from our hearts
And we have become 100% obedient to the new law written on our hearts, it is our new master
Where before you were a slave to sin, you have been freed
Now, you are a slave to righteousness
So we were entrapped by sin and a slave to it until God freed us by making us obey the call of the Gospel
And that, Paul says, made a slave to righteousness in our spirit
Now the question is whether you will obey that spirit with equal conviction
Where before you only had one voice directing you, now you have two
You have the voice of the spirit and the old voice of your flesh
Which one will you obey?
In human terms, we sense we have good days and bad days
We feel as though we are doing well at times and then at other times we feel as though we are losing ground
In reality, the spirit in us remains 100% sinless, while our body remains 100% sinful
But the intersection of these two brings opportunity for a battle, and in that battle one side will be strengthened and one side will be weakened
So in human terms, we feel the waxing and waning of our sanctification
Paul speaks of this feeling next:
The weakness of our flesh refers to our inability to perfectly discipline the lusts of our flesh
We are imperfect in containing our lusts, because we are spiritually weak, like a muscle that hasn’t been exercised enough
Before we came to faith, we spent our entire existence presenting ourselves as slaves to our sin nature
We were slaves to impurity and lawlessness
Now at this point, we can continue down that path by remaining weak, or we can consciously choose to serve our spirit
That will involve a struggle
It will require we begin to act in new and different ways
It means going against a lifetime of training in unrighteousness
This is a simple application of the rule of slavery
You can’t be slave to two masters
Billy Graham told a story about a man going to a dog fight, and it was revealed that whichever dog the owner fed, that was the dog he bet on to win
It’s a good analogy here – the winner is the side we feed
We either feed the spirit through the disciplines which grow us spiritually eg. Bible study, prayer, fellowship
Or we indulge in the lusts of the flesh
Paul says, but now having been freed from that slavery, you have
an opportunity
You can derive a benefit from acting according to your new master
Your old master demanded a behavior that led to death
Your new master demands behavior that leads to sanctification, eternal life, glory
Which one is the better master to serve, then?
Paul ends with one of the most powerful verses in all the Bible
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life
This is a summing principle for the entire chapter
When we obey the master of sin, we disobey the master who saved us
You don’t fight sin by stopping your sinning, you fight sin by strengthening your spirit
Fasting is a good way to discipline the flesh and strengthen the spirit
We have a perfect spirit waiting to take us away from sin – let us listen to Him instead of our body