Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re moving into a new chapter of Romans tonight, Chapter 5
This chapter is the third part of Block 4 (as I count it) in the structure of Romans
This block in Romans is the core section explaining how we receive the righteousness required to enter heaven
How sinful men and women, who fall short of the glory of God, obtain a solution outside ourselves
Paul began in Chapter 3 with the explanation of how we obtain the righteousness of God by faith
Then he moved to Chapter 4 where he proved from the Old Testament that grace has always been the Lord’s plan
Salvation was never by works or Jewish identity
Now as we enter Chapter 5, Paul addresses two possible objections to his explanation of God’s plan
First, one might ask how can we be sure that we stand cleansed before a Holy God?
How do I know that I have the justification that is promised?
Since I’m still experiencing hardship and trials in this life, might those things be evidence that God is still dissatisfied with me?
Aren’t they an indication I am still in jeopardy?
Secondly, how can it even be possible for this plan to work?
How can a ransom paid by one man, be sufficient to solve the sin problem for millions of people?
For example, wouldn’t we need one sacrifice for each of us?
Can such a sweeping plan of salvation rest on the shoulders of just One?
So Paul addresses these two concerns in turn
The question of how can I know for sure that I am justified, is answered in vs.1-11
Paul gives two answers to this question
Then Paul addresses the second question – how can one man’s death pay the debt for so many sinners – in the remainder of the chapter
Paul opens with the classic conclusionary word, “therefore”
He’s moving forward from his previous analysis and drawing conclusions from it
As we move into the text, it’s important to understand that the conversation in this chapter presupposes we understand justification by faith alone
These questions arise from the fact that Paul taught faith alone was sufficient to bring us to God, but some think it sounds too easy
But such questions never come to mind for the person who thinks they work for salvation
Notice in v.1 Paul opens with the presupposition that we are justified by faith alone
The Greek verb tense is the aorist tense, which means an action that is complete but the consequences continue forever
We have been declared innocent, and that declaration has never changed
Nor will it ever change
How can we be sure that this declaration never changes? Because Paul says we have peace with God through Jesus Christ
This is an important concept in the New Testament, obtaining peace with God
The word “peace” appears 58 times in just the Epistles
Eph. 2:14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall,
Eph. 2:15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace,
Eph. 2:16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.
In Ephesians Paul says Jesus Christ is our peace
Because in His dying on a cross, He put to death the cause for our enmity with God
Paul says that cause for God to be our adversary were the commandments of the Law
Those commandments convicted us of our sin
They stood as silent witnesses against us, reminding us that we were in trouble with a holy God Who must act in justice
But when Jesus died, He took the penalty of the Law for us
So that once a penalty was paid, there was no longer cause for enmity
God no longer had just reason to be our enemy
So the Bible’s idea of peace with God means freedom from condemnation under Law
It’s the opposite of enmity with God
Instead of God being our adversary because of our sin, we now have a peaceful relationship with God
It’s the difference between Adam walking with God in the Garden, and Adam being barred from the Garden by angels
Our relationship with God doesn’t turn on emotion or feelings
God is holy and just in all He does
Sin sets us against God because we’re in jeopardy of His judgment
And when the cause for our condemnation is removed, there is no longer jeopardy
So in v.2 Paul says it’s Christ who gave us peace with the Father
We obtained peace with God by Christ’s death in our place, which is the grace of God by which we stand before Him without condemnation
Then at some point, that grace became ours as we were introduced to it by a faith
Paul’s describing a chain of events
First came the payment which made peace with God possible
Then secondly came our introduction to that act of grace by our faith in that payment
Here we are today, standing by God’s grace, exulting or boasting in our hope of seeing the glory of God
And we boast of a future hope even as we endure tribulations of one kind or another, Paul says in v.3
Our confidence and hope in the face of troubling things in this life is extremely confusing to the unbelieving world
They ask questions like how come bad things happen to good people
And after disasters, they ask how can there be a loving God?
Meanwhile, we boast that we have peace with God and we hope in a glory to come
To our own glorification with Him
To God’s name praised throughout the earth rather
than ignored or cursed
To Christ ruling over men in perfect justice
Ultimately, to a world without sin and free from the curse
And even as the world gets worse, we continue to hold to this belief
In fact, Paul says in v.3 that further tribulation only serves to cement this attitude among believers looking to the Kingdom
It leads to our perseverance in that hope
What greater proof that we have been changed by our faith and that our standing before God has changed from condemnation to peace?
Where before we feared death the way the world does
And we feared trials of any kind since we had no assurance of what may come after the grave
But now we can see tribulation without concern since, at worst, it merely hastens our transition to glory
And as we endure suffering for His name sake, in whatever form, we persevere because of our hope
And as we persevere, our perseverance grows our spiritual character, and strengthens our resolve
The development of spiritual character through trials is a blessing to the believer, for the character growth is what lasts into eternity
A persecuted church is a strong and growing church while a comfortable church is a weak and lethargic church
Finally, as our character strengthens under trials, we become all the more sure in our hope for God’s glory
And Paul says in v.5 that our hope will not be disappointed, because it’s not without solid foundation
Because we have in us proof that we are at peace with God
We have the presence of God dwelling in us
Clearly, if we were God’s enemy He would not set up His temple
So as we increase in godly character having persevered in trials, we see the word of the Spirit in our hearts
That work is our confirmation that we are at peace with God
Your changed life, made possible by a hope in God and the presence of the Holy Spirit, is proof #1 that your faith has truly accomplished something real in eternity
You have been justified, your salvation is real, your hope will not disappoint
Just consider how you have changed since before you knew Christ, to who you are now
That’s fruit, good fruit
And the Bible says that good fruit like that can’t come from evil hearts
It can only happen when something good lives in you, and only God is good
That’s our first proof…God is living in us to make His grace known and our hope for what comes grows day by day
Even as the unbeliever lives with increasing fear of what lies ahead
You exult in God, you feel peace with God
But Paul has a second argument to make in assuring you that your salvation by faith is real
Back in vs.1-2, Paul gave a brief chain of events
First came the payment which made peace with God possible
Then secondly came our introduction to that act of grace by our faith in that payment
This order is important to understanding the argument Paul is about to make to answer the first question
Which came first? God’s act of grace or our act of faith?
Obviously, Christ died before anyone in the church placed faith in that sacrifice
In fact, God proclaimed His intention to put His Son to death as early as Genesis 3
So the point should be obvious
The Lord was working this plan long before we got personally involved
More than that, His work on our behalf started when we were helpless and ungodly
Paul says that while we were still helpless, Christ was dying for the ungodly
Helpless refers to mankind’s prospects for finding salvation
Before Christ made the one and only payment God will accept, there was literally no way for us to find God
Even the OT saints that died in faith had to stay in Sheol, waiting for the death of Jesus before they could enter the throne room
So God was enacting the plan before we were even in a position to act, much less contribute to the process
Paul compares God’s sacrifice for us, to a human being dying for another person to live
Generally, we consider this to be the highest act of sacrifice possible
There is nothing greater we can give another than our own life
And it’s so precious to us that we hesitate to give it at all
Paul says that it’s exceedingly rare for someone to give up their lives for another person
And even then we would only consider the possibility for someone good
In our world, good means someone we perceive as innocent or undeserving death
Like our own children or spouse
Or maybe an innocent bystander or fellow comrade in arms
We’ve all seen news reports of these moments and we admire the one who gives the ultimate sacrifice
But what would you say if someone suggested you die for an evil person?
Would you die to free a murderer from death row?
The very thought seems ridiculous
Yet that’s exactly what Jesus did
The ultimate good person gave His life for the ultimate evil people, you and me
Paul says that demonstrates how much God loves us
So that if you doubt whether your faith is sufficient to ensure your justification, you’re thinking about the problem wrong
You forgetting all the Lord did before you were ever introduced to His faith by your faith
You’re suggesting that God would put His own Son to death for you, introduce you to His grace by faith and give you His Spirit…but then the plan fails in the end?
Paul says in v.9 that if God did so much for you while you were still ungodly and unable to seek salvation, then how much more should we expect the plan to work after we have come to know Him and desire to have His grace?
In v.10 Paul asks if while we were doing everything wrong, God reconciled us to Himself by Christ’s death, then how much more shall we be saved by His life
This logical argument is a source of great confidence for any Christian burdened by worries about sin and security
How can you worry about the certainty of God’s promises to you when He put His Son to death for you?
If you had any reason to think the plan wasn’t going to work, then how do you explain Christ’s death?
Imagine two soldiers are at war on opposing sides, when suddenly one of the soldiers acts at great personal risk to save the life of his enemy
The one soldier proved his love for the other by risking his life for his enemy
After the war is over, the two men decide to meet in a local cafe
When they meet, they strike up a friendship made possible by that noble act
But then imagine that as they leave the table, the soldier who had been saved turns to his rescuer and says I’m sorry but we can’t meet again
And when his friend asks why, the soldier says I just can’t trust you. I’m afraid you will pull a gun and shoot men when I least expect it
The other soldier is shocked and asks, if I was willing to rescue you when you were my enemy, why would I kill you now that you’re my friend?
That’s like us wondering if our justification by faith in Christ is a certainty
If God was willing to reconcile us when we were farthest from Him, then we have nothing to fear now that we are close to Him
Which leads us to the second question of the chapter: how can one man’s death accomplish so much for so many? Exactly how does this work?
To explain how God is working through Christ to free us from condemnation, Paul takes us back to where our condemnation started: in Adam
Paul is going to examine the start of our sin problem in Adam and then compare how Adam brought us down, to the way Christ lifts us up
In this comparison, Paul will refer to “one man” who is obviously Adam
Later Paul will refer to another Man, Christ
The point is for us to understand how the solution draws from the problem
That what we’re trusting in is based in what happened in Adam, so that if it was true with Adam, it can be true in Christ
In other words, we can see the effect how Adam (one man) changed all humanity for the worse
Therefore, we can also understand how another Man can change humanity for the better
Each man – Adam and Christ – acts as the federal representative of a group of people
A federal representative means someone who rules or makes decisions on behalf of a group they represent
All democracies work in this way, with elected officials representing groups of constituents
Their actions carry consequences for their respective representatives
We accept the notion that an elected official may make a decision on behalf of a group
So it works also with humanity in a spiritual sense
In v.12 Paul says that through Adam sin entered the world
That when Adam ate the fruit he disobeyed the word of God
Before that moment, God proclaimed that if Adam disobeyed he would surely die
After Adam disobeyed and ate, he still lived over 900 years
Since Adam didn’t physically die on the day he ate, then we know the death God threatened was not a physical death
It was a spiritual death, which is the Bible’s terminology for the arrival of a sinful corrupt nature in Adam
So as Adam disobeyed God, he changed spiritually
He became dead spiritually, and in that sense he died on that very day
The power for that change was the word of God itself, since it was the decree of God that Adam would experience spiritual death
Furthermore, the Lord responded to Adam’s sin by cursing the earth, that is the ground and all that came from the ground
Since Adam’s body was made from the dirt (Adam means earth in Hebrew), then God was cursing Adam’s body to die one day
So Adam’s choice brought sin into existence, which brought spiritual death to all humanity
And it lead indirectly to physical death for all humanity
And Paul says this “spread” to all men
Spread is dierchomal – to go through, pass through
Death was passed through Adam to his descendants
The change in Adam’s spiritual nature became part of him, inseparable from his physical existence
So that as Adam reproduced, he passed this fallen sinful nature down to his children
All humanity has been born in the nature of their father, Adam
And therefore all suffer death as well, since death is the result of sin
Therefore, God doesn’t individually assess each descendant of Adam
God doesn’t determine if each individual descendant of Adam has his or her own sin
And then pronounce the same sentence against that person
Death, the penalty of sin, spread (passed from) one person to the next because all sinned
But remember death happens at all ages, even at childbirth
So if all die, it means all are sinful immediately right from birth
There is no magical age when we suddenly become accountable for our sin
We are accountable from birth which is evidenced in the fact that people die at all ages
Paul says in v.13 that this principle held true in the world even before the Law came to Israel
He says sin was not imputed without Law
He means that no one could say definitively what was sin before God defined it for mankind in His law
And yet sin existed, and this we know because men died
Something was passed from Adam to all his descendants that results in 100% of his descendants sharing in his penalty
This is the meaning of original sin
Men inherit a nature from our parents that drives us to sin
We call ourselves sinners because at some point in our life we begin to act in sin
But we are born sinners, even before we have the capacity to act it out
But it doesn’t take long, since two-year olds are nothing but blatant sinners
So Paul says in v.14 that death reigned from Adam to Moses even though the Law was around to convict and define the nature of sin
Death held people accountable for sin even though they hadn’t made the same mistake Adam made
Even the best person on earth was still dying
That proves that sin was something received through a birth process and not dependent on each person’s choices or actions
Their choices and actions were the result of that inherited nature
That’s how you must understand the life of every unbeliever
They are programmed to offend God
That programming came from Adam, but they agree with it in their hearts
It’s all they know
And they are incapable of changing the programming on their own
So one man’s decision created a chain reaction through the reproduction process that led to all men sharing his nature
And if this process can work to lead mankind into condemnation then it can be harnessed to provide a solution
One man can reverse the process and provide a solution to a new group of descendants
Before we look further in Paul’s argument, we need to pause here for a moment to appreciate an important implication of this truth
Paul’s statement in v.12 stands at odds with the teaching of Evolution
The theory of evolution maintains that mankind evolved from lower order creatures over millions of years
Before the first human existed, many other living beings existed
These creatures lived and died over millions of years, growing in complexity and evolving into more sophisticated species
The engine for this change is natural selection, a set of forces that lead to the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the weak
The idea says that natural selection forces the advancement of life
The weak die out, and the strong reproduce
There are many problems with this idea, but one theological issue stands out
The Bible says death didn’t exist until after human beings existed
Not just human death…but all death
Because in Genesis 3 the arrival of physical death came as a result of God’s curses, which He spoke as a result of Adam’s actions
So evolution says death came before mankind evolved from apes, while the Bible says death came after mankind as a result of Adam’s sin
If evolution is correct and the Bible is wrong, then not only is Genesis wrong but so is Romans
We’re no longer arguing simply over which story of origins is accurate
We’re also arguing over the cause of death
And if the cause of death is in doubt, then the meaning of Christ’s death is equally in doubt
And if death is natural and not the result of sin, we have no reason to trust in the death of Christ on our behalf
To what good purpose could Christ’s death be for us, if death is not a result of sin?
Because the Gospel says that death can only be stopped by sinlessness
But evolution says that death has no relationship to sin or sinlessness
In which case, Christ’s sinless life and sacrificial death simply don’t have meaning in a search for the problem of death
So now Paul explains how Christ can solve this problem for the world, though He is but one man
Paul compares what Christ does for mankind to what Adam did
He starts saying that the free gift of salvation through Christ is not like the transgression we experience through Adam
He means it’s like the first in the sense that it works in an opposite way, though according to a similar principle
By Adam’s life and death, many died with him
But by the life and death of Christ, by God’s grace, many will have eternal life
These two men had an opposite effect on humanity
One produced judgment from a single transgression resulting in condemnation for all
But the free gift of salvation covered man transgressions resulting in our justification
In v.17, Paul says if we can accept that one man could bring the world into bondage and under the penalty of eternal death
Then we should accept that one Man could deliver eternal life to many
The mechanism that makes this possible is the same: inheritance
In Adam, we all inherit a sinful nature and a dying body
And in Christ, we are born again
We are literally reformed spiritually in the likeness of our new Adam
We now receive Christ’s nature in place of Adam’s
So if one man’s nature could be spread to all his descendants by physical birth, then Christ’s perfect nature can be spread to all His descendants by spiritual rebirth
The Holy Spirit birthed Christ in Mary’s womb
And likewise the Holy Spirit births us again spiritually when we believe
In fact, our manner of entering into God’s grace is also a direct reversal of Adam’s actions
Adam’s mistake in the Garden was to reject God’s word, to fail to believe in what God promised concerning the fruit
There was a promise
The content of the promise was consequences of eating the fruit
The object of the promise was God’s faithfulness
Adam heard the promise and then acted in a way that repudiated faith in God’s promise
He acted without faith in God to keep His word
So a lack of faith brought about the Fall and sin and death
So God devised His plan of redemption to reverse that error in the experience of every born again believer
Every believer must place his or her trust in God’s promises concerning Christ
We must believe a promise and place our trust in God’s faithfulness to His word
When we do, we reverse Adam’s mistake and then we are born again in the line of Christ
So now one act of sin is reversed by one act of righteousness
One act drove mankind away from the Father, and by one act we are brought back to the Father
One man’s mistake made many sinners
One man’s obedience made many into the righteous
The Law never corrected this problem, because it wasn’t even capable of doing so
By the time you tell someone about the Law, they have already sinned a million times over
They were born that way, they can’t help it
And the Law only serves to highlight all that sin, not to stop it, not entirely
So in that sense Paul says in v.20 that the Law’s arrival only served to “increase” sin by making it more evident
But then that only serves to magnify God’s grace in Christ
The more you realize how much you offended God in your sin, the more amazing grace is to you
Like Jesus said to the Pharisee
Paul ends in v.21 making the ultimate comparison between these two federal representatives
Sin is reigning over the unsaved of the earth
It is their master and they live under its power to condemn them
Meanwhile, grace reigns in the life of the believer to bring righteousness and eternal life through Jesus Christ
We are not under a curse of death
Nor does death master us, since we will live again without condemnation
So everything Adam did, Jesus reverses