Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongMoving ahead in our section exploring the ramifications of salvation by faith
Last week we studied the implications of our salvation for our spirit
We learned that our spirit has been made new in Christ
We now share His perfect spirit
And we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us
So as we live today, we are alive in Christ, spiritually new and forever changed
There are still many more profound consequences of having been born again spiritually
Paul is moving to explain those consequences in the coming chapters
Today, Paul covers two of these consequences
First, Paul looks at the consequences for our relationship to the Law God gave to Israel
Secondly, Paul looks at the consequences for our relationship with our own flesh
And as it turns out, these two ideas – the law and our flesh – are closely related
Let’s start with our first topic, which runs from vv.1-6
The opening of the chapter begins with a conjunction (or) so we know we’re dropping into the middle of a thought that began at the end of Chapter 6
That chapter ended with Paul saying
First, there was our previous bondage to sin
We were born in the nature of Adam and that nature was fallen, sinful and incapable of acting contrary to its nature
So in that sense we were in bondage to sin prior to coming to faith
We could compare it to someone born with a physical birth defect, like blindness
We might say such a person is in bondage to blindness, because they cannot escape its grip
Similarly, we are born with a spiritual defect, a fallen spirit
And we are all in bondage to sin because we cannot escape its grip on us
But when we were born again by the Spirit of God, our old enslaved spirit was taken away and we were enslaved to God, Paul says
The Lord gave us a new spirit and He placed His own Spirit in us
Our new spirit is formed in the likeness of Christ and shares His perfect nature
And the Holy Spirit living in us assures us that what God has begun in us He will complete one day, bringing us a new body
Now as a result we’re enslaved to God, Paul says
He means we’re enslaved in the same sense as we were previously
Today by faith we have a perfect sinless spirit, and like Christ it cannot sin
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit living in us will not leave us nor forsake us
So we cannot escape these any more than we could our earlier condition
These things are not a product of the will
Before you came to faith, you didn’t choose to be a sinner…it’s all you knew how to do
And you didn’t choose to receive Christ’s Spirit…it was given to you by God resulting in your sanctification and eternal life, Paul says
So to explain how this changes our relationship with the Law, Paul begins with an analogy in Chapter 7
He introduces that analogy by saying or do you not know…
We could say it this way: “As you already know…”
And notice he says he’s speaking specifically to the Jewish believers in Rome
This first consequence is unique to Jewish believers, because only Jews were under the Law given to Moses
Paul says that the Law has jurisdiction over a Jewish person as long as he lives
The concept is simple to understand for a Jew
The law God gave to Israel came as part of a covenant, the Mosaic Covenant
Obviously, only those who were party to that covenant were bound to follow its Law
You could compare it to a man or woman enlisting in the military
As a recruit enlists, he or she enters into a contract with the government
And the recruit then becomes subject to military laws and regulations
Only someone who has enlisted is bound to follow these laws
And when the enlistment contract expires, the person is freed from that law
Similarly, when Israel entered into the Old Covenant at Mt. Sinai, they obligated themselves and future generations of Israel to follow the Law
But in the case of a covenant, the terms are binding until death
There is no expiration or cancellation with a covenant, because all covenants are for life
So in order for a covenant to end, a death is required
And Paul is explaining this principle using the example of a covenant of marriage
In v.2 Paul says that if while a woman’s husband is living she is joined to another man (i.e., remarries), then she shall be called an adulteress
A marriage is a covenant, and like all covenants, it can only be broken by death
Nothing else ends a covenant
So if while a spouse is living we marry another, we are committing adultery
That’s why Jesus said this, in speaking of marriage and divorce:
But Paul goes on to say that if a husband dies, the woman is free to remarry
His death has ended their covenant and makes possible a new covenant without adultery
This is why marriage ceremonies still include the declaration that what God has joined no one may separate
Society may prescribe legal ways to dissolve a marriage but God doesn’t submit to the decisions of our local county judge
Working from this principle, Paul now makes his application to the Jews’ relationship to the Law through the covenant given by Moses
The Jewish people are bound to God to the terms of the Mosaic Covenant, particularly the Law and all its requirements
That covenant remains in effect until there is a death
And for as long as that covenant was in place, it acted to condemn any who couldn’t follow it perfectly
It was a ministry of death, Paul says in 2 Corinthians
So to free us from the condemnation of God’s Law, God acted in our place to die, thereby putting an end to the covenant for those who are in Christ
When Jesus died, we were seen to die with Him spiritually
By grace through our faith in Jesus, God put our spirit to death
And a new living spirit came in its place
At that point, our old person was gone, dead
And because our old self died, we were no longer a part of the Mosaic Covenant and subject to the Law of Moses
That death put an end to the covenant and to the Law the covenant required
Like the military recruit ending his enlistment…the military laws and regulations no longer apply
Remember, Paul prefaced this section saying he was speaking to those who know the law, that is to the Jew in the church
For Jews who wondered why they could dispense with the Law simply because they accepted Jesus as Messiah, Paul says it’s because you died
They had literally escaped the covenant that was formed by their forefathers on their behalf
The covenant has been ended for their sake through their faith in Jesus
He has completed all the terms of the Law and His death puts an end to the covenant for the sake of those for whom He died
Gentiles are equally free from the Law, because we were never under that covenant in the first place
No Gentile was party to the Mosaic covenant
But we are held to God’s standard of holiness
In other words, we don’t need to be party to the Mosaic covenant to be accountable for our sin
Remember what we learned in Romans 2
Having the Law and being bound to the Mosaic Covenant doesn’t offer a person any advantages in terms of righteousness
Because that law only served to convict us for our unrighteousness
It lacked the power to compel us into righteous living
So on that day of eternal judgment, Gentiles and Jews alike will be convicted for their sin, regardless of how much of God’s law they knew
But for the Jew, the issue of their relationship to the Mosaic Law was important, because it defined Jewish life at every level
Paul is explaining a life in Christ opens the door for a Jew to live an entirely new life of freedom from the Mosaic Life
And that’s a big deal to any Jew
It’s also a big deal to the Gentiles entering the church, since some Jews were intent on making Gentile converts practice Jewish law (and this continues even today)
But all Paul is saying is that the Law is no longer in effect, because our death in Christ frees us from that covenant
Notice in v.4 Paul says we were made to die to the Law through Christ
Our separation from the covenant of Law isn’t optional, it’s not something we have to agree to
The covenant has ended because we have been made to die to it
Like a woman who has been widowed by her husband’s death
Her marriage ended the moment of her husband’s death, because the covenant ended at that moment
We could say she has been made to be single again
Now, that woman could continue to live as if she were married
She could continue to wear a wedding band
She could call herself “Mrs….”
She could refuse to seek a new husband
But these things are merely pretending
Likewise, some Jews in the church will continue living under the Law, or parts of it, voluntarily, but they do so for their own sake, not for God’s
God has not placed them under that obligation
In fact, through Christ’s death God has freed them from that obligation
And that’s why Paul tells the church elsewhere not to be deprived of their freedom by agreeing to be subject to the Law unnecessarily
Notice again in Colossians, Paul mentions our having died with Christ
That death freed us from the covenant of Law or any reason to take it up
And so he asks why the church has submitted itself to following the dietary and cleanliness rules of the Law?
These rules were merely commandments of men and therefore not of God, he says
So in v.6 Paul says that we are released from the Law, so that we might serve God in a new way – by the Spirit
This statement summarizes the first consequences of salvation for our flesh or body
We are now serving God in a new way
Before faith in Christ, a Jew was instructed to serve God by accomplishing the requirements of the Mosaic Covenant
Doing works of the Law was the spiritual service required by everyone bound by that covenant of Law
But now having been freed from that Law, we serve God in a different way, following the leading of the Spirit Who directs us
The old Law written on stone is no longer our guide
In its place, we have a law written on our heart, so to speak
We have the mind of Christ and the Spirit of God
We have a sinless spirit from Christ
So you either serve God through one system or the other
Either you are under the Law and follow those rules
Or you are freed from the Law and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit
One came through the Old Covenant and one through the New Covenant
That’s why Paul says in v.4 that we were freed from one to be joined to the other, because to mix the two is equivalent to adultery
Being in two covenants is like having two husbands
Therefore, Christians have no business mixing observance of the Old Covenant law with following Christ in the New Testament
We can observe an occasional ritual as a memorial or teaching example (like conducting a Seder meal at Passover)
But we should not submit to a lifestyle of Law keeping because to do so suggests we are still bound to that covenant
So the first consequence for our body is how we serve God now
Having come to faith, we serve Him according to our new spiritual life
That new spiritual life is boundless in its opportunities
Under the law, only certain men could be priest and serve God in the tabernacle
But now we are all priests, representing God before men
Peter calls all believers a royal priesthood
And we are no longer called to serve Him according to set rituals that never change, as was the case under the law
Instead, we are serving Him according to what we find in the truth of God’s word and from the leading of the Spirit
That’s what Jesus meant when He said:
Before moving to the second consequence for the body, Paul stops to address an obvious question that emerges at this point in his teaching
Back in v.5 Paul says that while we were in the flesh (meaning still unbelieving) sinful passions in our flesh led us into sin
Those passions were already at work in the members of our body, meaning in the way we lived in the body
Our body lusted and drove us into one sin, after another
And when the Lord gave the Law to men in Israel, it only served to focus those passions
Remember, the sinful nature of humanity is set against God
So as God defined for us what was holy, it gave opportunity for the sin nature in our flesh to focus its opposition
And that raises a question: is the Law a cause for sin then?
Was the Law the source of our sin because it directed our sinful nature?
As expected, Paul says the Law is not sin but is actually the opposite
The Law is the definition of holiness, not a recipe to sin
Paul says he came to know what sin was in him because the Law gave it a name
For example, the urge to covet was always a part of man’s sin nature
But only after the Lord defined coveting in the Law, only then did men understand it as sin
Notice that Paul used one of the Ten Commandments as his example
And in the same context, Paul refers to coveting as part of the Law
That means that when Paul says we are not under the Law, he is also including the Ten Commandments
We are not bound to the Law of Moses in any part
Now, having a definition of what was sin, our fallen nature had a target and it took opportunity to violate that rule at every turn
This is the pervasive nature of sin working in our flesh
Our sin is a force of nature, literally
It has its own drive, its own goals, its own master
This force used to define the nature of our spirit, and even now it still lives in the members of our physical body
It’s not a mental process, but it influences our thinking; it’s not a physical force, but it influences our feelings and actions
It’s a spiritual force that lives in the members of our body, independent of our spirit
You can see the moment this force came into being in Genesis 3
When Adam and Woman sinned, they put into effect the word of God promising spiritual death
They both immediately changed in their spirits, becoming fallen creatures
And that change produced a new, evil spiritual force in their bodies
That spiritual force recognized it was an enemy of God and under a sentence of death
And it immediately came to influence the thinking and actions of the Man and the Woman
First, both their eyes were opened, which is a way of describing the arrival of evil into their spirits
They were no longer innocent and unfamiliar with sin and evil
Now they knew it intimately, and in that sense their eyes were opened
Next, they sensed they were naked
They had always been without clothing but that reality was of no concern before this moment
But now they were experiencing a sub-conscience change
Their fallen spirit was now an enemy of God and under judgment
That spiritual vulnerability manifested itself as a physical vulnerability and shame, which caused them to seek covering
This wasn’t a matter of culture…it was instinctive
Of course, the need for physical cover is a reflection of their need for spiritual covering, the covering of Christ’s blood
Later, when God entered the Garden they felt the need to hide from Him, knowing Him to be their adversary
From that point forward, humanity has shared this sense of God as our enemy and that we are vulnerable to His judgment
We see men fall in fear when in the presence of the holiness of God
And we are always set against the things of God
Yet we are also ignorant of God, so until God tells me what He approves, my flesh is unaware of what to oppose
That’s what Paul means in v.8 when he says that apart from the Law, sin was “dead”
He means it wasn’t aware of what to oppose
That particular sin was dormant, just waiting to be aroused in the day when it learned what God condemned
Conversely in v.9, Paul says he was “alive” apart from the Law
He means he was ignorant of his own sin
Alive means self-righteous, thinking himself approved by God
But then as the Law is made known in his heart, Paul says two things happened
First, sin became alive
It was awakened to the possibilities of opposing God, like a sleeping lion aroused by an intruder
Once your flesh understood God said we couldn’t covet, we suddenly want to covet all the more
And secondly, Paul’s conscience came to understand he was vulnerable before God for that sin
Like Adam and Woman in the Garden, Paul suddenly felt guilt and condemnation for coveting
That feeling was his spirit instinctively knowing that he would be held accountable to God for the coveting he was doing
So the Law was a commandment explaining the way to holiness, but its effect in a fallen person’s nature is to bring us to death
It excites the part of us that brings us under condemnation
For the fallen part of our nature, it becomes a roadmap for how to sin more
Paul says in v.11 that sin (speaking of our flesh) took opportunity through knowing of the commandment, to bring us into more of the same
It deceived us in that it causes our heart to move in a direction that is inherently hurtful to our own best interests
Like the original life in the Garden, our sinful nature will tell us that what is evil is good and what is good is evil
The effect of this deception is to bring us into death, both spiritual and physical
Paul summarizes his explanation of the law in v.12: the law is holy and its instructions to us are holy and righteous and good
The problem isn’t the Law itself
The problem is how our sinful flesh responds to such instructions
This background leads Paul to the second major consequence of salvation for our body in the next passage
Paul moves his line of reasoning one step further…he asks can we say that the Law being good is still to blame for causing our death?
Paul says the cause of death was not the Law, but rather it was sin itself
We die because of sin, not because a Law exists that we violate
Paul says the law gives us opportunity to see how sinful we truly are
It shows how evil we are that we turn something good into something leading to death
We were always sinful, but by giving us His Law God showed men how utterly sinful we are
We could say the Law is a light, but if so it’s like the light of an open flame
And our sinful nature is like a pool of gasoline in our heart
So that as the light of that Law comes to us, it ignites our passions to oppose God and sin all the more
We don’t blame the Law, we blame the response of our heart
Now, all this talk of the Law and its strange power to excite our fleshing rebellion introduces a new and important theological principle
This principle is a corollary to the one we learned last week in Chapter 6
Last week we learned that by faith in Jesus we gain a new spirit, one that is sinless and perfect
So that as we experience sin in our lives, that sin isn’t originating from our spirit
It’s originating from some other place
And now we’re learning that the source of our sin is our flesh
Paul says in v.14 that the Law is spiritual
It has a spiritual source (God) and it describes the perfect nature of the divine, as Jesus said only God is good
To keep the Law is to share in the nature of God
But then Paul says we are of flesh, meaning our spirit coexists with a fallen sinful body
And this union of perfect spirit and sinful flesh results in ever-present warfare
It’s spiritual schizophrenia
We have two opposite personalities now
We have Christ’s spirit and Adam’s body
It’s like sharing the backseat on a long road trip with your older sibling
It’s like Donald Trump taking Hillary Clinton to the prom
It’s like brushing your teeth and drinking orange juice
It’s like half golden retriever, half poodle
So a consequence of salvation by faith is that our spirit is reborn, but for a time our body remains unchanged, leading to spiritual conflict
Paul describes the conflict in the next passage
Paul speaks of himself to describe the experience of every Christian
First, we see ourselves sinning and we wonder why we still have this desire to do the wrong thing
Paul says in v.15 that we do things we don’t understand
You know that feeling…it usually hits you right after you’ve done or said something you shouldn’t have done or said
We aren’t practicing what we want to do and we’re continuing to do the very things we hate
He’s describing the frustrations we all know of living with a sinful nature
But Paul is asking us to think again about what we’re experiencing in those moments
In v.16 he says if I do something I don’t want to do, then I’m showing that I agree with God’s law and confessing it’s good
My dislike for my own sin is evidence that my spirit shares the mind of Christ
Previously I wouldn’t have felt that way, and in fact, I couldn’t have felt that way before I was born again
And this recognition leads to an important conclusion: I’m not the one seeking to sin but sin dwelling in me is driving that behavior
When Paul uses the first person pronoun (me, I), he’s referring to our new spirit in Christ
It’s the part that agrees with the Law and confesses it’s good
So I (my spirit) is not the one doing the sin, as I said last week
It’s impossible for our spirit to sin, because we were given Christ’s sinless spirit when we were born again
But then where is the desire to sin coming from? All that’s left is our body, our flesh, which Paul calls “sin”
Paul says in v.18 that sin dwells in my physical fleshly container, my body
That container is absolutely, 100% sinful
Nothing good dwells in it, Paul says
It is the source of my desire for doing wrong and it is opposed to my spirit
The result is that the willing to do good is in “me” (my spirit) but the actual doing of good is often fleeting
Christians will struggle with living in ways contrary to our confession
As Paul neatly summarizes in v.19…we do not do the good we want, and we do the evil we do not want to do
How is this even possible? Why aren’t we in control of ourselves?
The answer in v.20 is that there are two sources of power working in us
Your spiritual will and your physical will
Your spiritual will wants what God wants, while your physical will wants what the enemy wants
It causes you to go against your own wishes
It gets its way because you listen to its desires and give in to its requests
That leads to a principle
Since we can see plainly that we do things we don’t want to do, then we have our proof that those desires are not our true self
They are a part us, for now, but they are not us
Evil is something that is present in us even as we want to do good
In my spirit, Paul says, I love what God loves and want what God wants
But in my physical body, I find a source of evil that is actively opposing my efforts to follow God and serve Him
It isn’t merely a bad influence on me…it’s more significant than that
It is actively working against me
It’s a foreign invader, a virus, something that fights back
Paul says it makes me a prisoner, preventing me from completely escaping sin
So with what we learned from Chapter 6 and now what we’ve learned from Chapter 7, we have powerful insight to do battle
We know that we have all we need for pleasing God living in us
I don’t need laws written on stone, I don’t need ritual or religion
I just need the word of God and the Spirit of God, because inside me I have the perfect mind and will of Christ
But I also have an enemy living in me, an enemy that always wants to do the opposite of God’s law
That force is never at rest
It’s at war with my spirit, and it tempts me into lusts of one kind or another
And it wants me to fail in my service to God
I’m a prisoner of this enemy because he lives in my physical body, and obviously I can’t exist on earth serving God without that body
Yet I’m not without defense in this battle
The stronger my spiritual will grows, the more control I can exert over the physical will
And Paul will talk more about that in the next chapter
Meanwhile, he finishes this chapter with the ultimate question, the one we would all ask at this point: how can i get rid of this stupid, evil body?
We are wretched in this present state
We’re all like a walking Greek tragedy
We’ve been equipped to know what God wants and given a desire to please Him
And yet we’re shackled to a body dedicated to opposing Him
It seems like a recipe for frustration
But in reality it’s a temporary situation
Paul says we need someone to set us free from this body of death, meaning a body that just wants to lead us into sin
And he follows with thanks be to God that this is exactly the plan, through Jesus Christ
For just as Jesus gave us a new spirit, He will also one day bring us into a new body
This is the hope of our faith; our hope of resurrection
All believers from all time look forward to this coming moment, when we receive a new body
The Bible teaches that each distinct group of saints throughout history will receive their new body at the same moment
All Church saints receive their new bodies in a single moment at the rapture
And all Old Testament and Tribulation saints receive their bodies at Christ’s Second Coming
Our resurrection is the moment of our glorification, but even before that moment, we will be freed from the scourge of this body
At our death, when our spirit leaves this body behind, we enter into the presence of Christ in heaven, Paul says in 2 Corinthians
The only thing standing between us and Heaven is our sinful body
Once the body is gone, our spirit can enter Heaven, which proves that our spirit is sinless already
Finally, Paul summarizes the main point of the chapter in v.25
With my mind (or we could say with our spirit), we serve the law of God through our life lived in Christ
But through our flesh, I’m serving the principle of sin, that is opposition to God
So when you sin, you’re seeing your flesh winning the day
When you live in holy and pleasing ways, you’re seeing your spirit in control
Watch for which one is winning the day more often, and you’ll have a measure of how sanctified you are in your walk with Christ
The life goal of every Christian should be to build up the spiritual strength of the spirit and to discipline the flesh
In working on these things, we bring glory to Christ
We show His love to other people
And we serve Him faithfully as His ambassador
That’s the mission of every Christian life, and it begins with understanding how the war is fought and won