Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we temporarily wrap up our Ezekiel study with Chapter 15
Our break is made necessary, of course, by my transition out of this pulpit and into the next
One day soon I hope to restart the Ezekiel study in Chapter 16
So stay tuned for the rest of the book
But today we have a brief chapter to complete
As you glance down the page of your Bible, you’ll notice that we only have 8 verses to cover today
If you’re thinking to yourself, “I wonder how Steve will fill an entire Sunday sermon with just 8 verses?”…
Then you are a visitor, and we welcome you to OHBC this morning
Because the regulars know this is no challenge for me
Chapter 15 brings us the fifth of eight excuses that Israel relied upon to tell themselves they have no reason to fear Ezekiel’s warnings
We’ve been studying these excuses and God’s response to each
And we’ve been considering whether we too use the same excuses for our own disregard for God and His word
The fifth excuse runs two chapters, Chapters 15 & 16
We see the excuse in Chapter 15, and then the Lord uses two chapters to respond
Normally, I would have preferred to cover both of these chapters in quick succession so we could see God’s full response
But as short as Chapter 15 is, Chapter 16 is exceedingly long
In fact, Chapter 15 is the shortest chapter in the book of Ezekiel, while Chapter 16 is the longest
So it’s simply not possible to cover both in the time I have left
Not unless you want me to cover Chapter 16 for our Christmas service…
So we’ll save Chapter 16 for the day I resume this study
Meanwhile, Chapter 15 lies ahead of us, and it offers quite a bit to consider on its own, so we’ll take our time this morning examining it
Chapter 15 is a parable, and like all parables it teaches a profound spiritual truth using a simple, everyday metaphor
So first, we’ll understand the metaphor
Then we’ll apply that metaphor to understand the spiritual truth God is teaching
In the process we’ll discover Israel’s excuse and see God’s response
Given the chapter’s short length, I’ll read it all at once
The Lord speaks to Ezekiel once again with a word for those in Israel making excuses for ignoring the counsel of the prophet
The Lord begins with a question for the prophet
He asks how is the wood of a vine better than the wood of any tree branch in the forest?
The vine God mentions is a grapevine, and grapevines grew throughout Israel
Grapes and the wine made from them was an important part of Jewish diet and culture, so every Jew knew this plant well
And the branches of trees in the forest refer to the limbs of tall, old growth trees common to the forests of ancient Israel
So God asks Ezekiel (and Israel) to compare the worth of the wood of a grapevine with that of the wood of the trees of the forest
It’s an easy question for any Jew to answer
In fact any child in Israel could have answered the question
Grapevines are good for one thing…producing grapes
But their wood is virtually worthless
It’s too soft, too weak and too gnarled to be useful for any serious purpose
The Lord goes on to ask, could you even make a peg out of the wood?
Grapevines, even older, thick ones, are so soft they cannot be used even to make pegs to hold up a kitchen pot
They would snap under any weight
So no one bothered using grape wood for anything except fueling a fire
So the answer is no, grapevine wood is not superior to the wood of the forest trees
Next, the Lord asks in v.4 that if that vine wood was thrown into a fire, and it was partially consumed by the fire, would the charred remains be more useful or less useful?
With both ends burned and only the center untouched, would the wood become stronger or weaker?
Would someone be more inclined to use it in construction or less?
Given how useless it was to begin with, burning the ends would only serve to make it less useful, of course
In v.5 the Lord affirms the obvious answer
If that wood was good for nothing while it was intact, how much less useful is it now
Here again, the answer would have been easy even for a small child
Obviously, the Lord is using this parable to lead Israel to a certain conclusion
And the Lord moves to making that application in v.6 by comparing that grapevine to the people of Israel still living in Jerusalem
The Lord says He’s bringing a “fire” to the “forest”, and if that fire can burn tall, stately trees, then it will surely burn the weak, useless grapevine too
This comparison is consistent with God’s use of the grapevine as a picture of Israel in the whole Bible
Grapevines are one of three, common agricultural symbols of Israel used in the Bible, along with fig and olive trees
We can find a grapevine picturing Israel in Genesis 42, Deut 32, Ps 80, Isa 5, Jer 2 and in the New Testament in Matt 21 (among others)
So that part of the parable was relatively straightforward
So the Lord says Israel (i.e., the grapevine) is a weak and useless nation
They were not a mighty or numerous people compared to the Gentile nations that surrounded them
In fact, Israel has never been very powerful as a people, not compared to the great Gentile powers
God made Israel great, but apart from God, the Jewish nation was small, weak and inconsequential
It was like grape wood growing in a forest surrounded by tall trees
So by logical extension, the other tall, majestic trees of the forest must represent the Gentile nations of the earth
And many of these nations were far more numerous and far stronger than Israel
Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Moab, Ammon were all stronger than Israel
They were like tall, strong, stately cedars compared to the crooked, weak grapevine of Israel
But then the Lord says He is bringing a “forest fire” that will consume all these trees
He is referring to the fall of nations at the hands of great empires that the Lord was in the process of raising up
Assyria, Babylon…eventually Persia, Greece and Rome
All the mighty Gentile nations that Daniel foretold would dominate Israel over many centuries
These series of conquests began with Babylon’s march in Jerusalem
And Ezekiel is warning Israel that yet one more Babylonian invasion is coming, one that will topple all opposition including Israel
God compares these conquests to a fire raging through a forest of cedars, taking down those majestic sentinels
Egypt, Assyria, Moab, Ammon…
Even the strongest and tallest “trees” were going to fall under the onslaught of God’s appointed victor
In the midst of the conquering forest fire, there stands a single grapevine… weak, soft and alone
How likely is it that this vine would survive the advancing fire?
Obviously, it will burn up easily and quickly
If cedars can’t defeat the enemy, a grapevine has no hope
That’s what the Lord wants His people to realize
The Lord has ordained Babylon to subdue all other nations, and in particular Israel
These things were foretold by the prophets as God’s judgment against Israel for violating the Old Covenant
Hundreds of years earlier, Isaiah told Israel to expect Babylon to conquer them
Isaiah told Israel that Babylon would conquer the land
They were God’s consecrated warriors executing His anger against His people
And they would not be defeated
So the parable reminds Israel that Babylon’s conquest was a foregone conclusion
The first two attacks were merely prelude to the coming battle
The city would be taken and the rest of the people exiled
The Lord concludes vs.7-8 that He has set His face against them
They will come out of the fire, that is they will not be destroyed, but the fire will consume them
With the result being they will know I am the Lord, they will cease their idolatry
This leads us to understanding Israel’s fifth excuse
The people were assuming God would preserve them from the prophet’s dire predictions of coming destruction because they were God’s people
Being the chosen Jewish nation, they expected God would always protect them
The other nations were falling, but Jerusalem wouldn’t fall
God would protect His people in the end
So the Jews remaining in Jerusalem took comfort in the assumption they were special people and the rules didn’t apply to them
To which the Lord responds yes, Israel is special, but not in the good sense of that word
They were disadvantaged compared to other people
He told them that long ago
Notice the Lord emphasized to Israel in their Law that He chose them because of His love for their fathers, not because they earned His love
The Lord set His love on them not because they were so numerous nor mighty but because He was keeping a promise to Abraham
And they conquered mighty nations in taking possession of the land because the Lord did the fighting for them
Elsewhere in Deuteronomy, the Lord told Israel not to become puffed up by these successes nor to think themselves so good or worthy
When Israel went conquering throughout the land of Canaan, the Lord knew they would be tempted to boast
They would claim the Lord was on their side because they were the good guys while the Canaanites were the bad guys
Well they were half right…the Canaanites were bad guys, but Israel wasn’t much better apart from their relationship with God
The Jewish people were so certain they were special that they assumed God was prohibited from acting against them as they sinned
They thought God’s hands were tied by His promises to them in the covenant He made with Israel
And they assumed this despite the terrible atrocities Israel committed in pursuit of idolatry
This was their excuse for ignoring Ezekiel…our special status renders Ezekiel’s warning null and void
But once again, their excuse was based on a conveniently selective memory
First, they conveniently overlook the fact that Jews were already sitting in exile in Babylon
Remember, in the parable the Lord asked Israel if the vine becomes better after having its ends burned?
The Lord was referring to the first two attacks that Babylon brought against the city
The first attack was likened to burning one end of the vine, while the second attack was likened to burning the other end
That left only the “middle” of the vine intact
And so the Lord asks Israel that if the vine couldn’t withstand the fire when it was whole, how can it expect to endure after two ends are charred?
Clearly, the people had no reason to think the Lord would defend the city from a third Babylonian attack
Their own captivity was proof that Israel’s covenant relationship with the Lord wasn’t a guarantee of protection
Secondly, that covenant relationship was itself responsible for God’s wrath coming against the city
As we saw last week, the Old Covenant spelled out the very disasters Ezekiel was predicting would come against the city
They were appointed by the Lord as the consequence for Israel’s disobedience
So that covenant relationship didn’t tie God’s hands…it bound Israel to receive the very disasters they said couldn’t happen
Finally, Israel made the very mistake God warned about in Deut 9
They thought they were inherently worthy of God’s protection
They assumed they would be protected merely because they entered into a covenant yet they failed to consider its terms
That’s like us expecting to be protected by our government under all circumstances merely because we are citizens
But if we do not obey our country’s laws, then we will not be protected…we will be punished
Similarly, the covenant God made with Israel called for national obedience to the Law as a condition for receiving His protection
That covenant relationship did make Israel unique among the nations of the world, but it did not make Israel inherently special
If the people of Israel lived according to the covenant’s commandments, then Israel would receive God’s protection
But if they disavowed their God, engaged in idolatry and disobeyed His covenant, then they receive His wrath
In the end, the nation will always be preserved in some form, because the Lord made a promise to their forefathers
But along the way, many in Israel would see the consequences of the nation’s disobedience
And in Ezekiel’s day, that meant emptying the city and destroying the temple and walls to purge idolatry from Israel forever
God was taking drastic steps to cut away a cancer in order to save the patient
If the Lord had taken less serious action, that cancer of idolatry would have remained in the hearts of the people
Like any cancer, if you leave even a few cells alive, they eventually come roaring back
Eventually, idolatry would have destroyed God’s people
So instead, the Lord cut it all out, which was painful and left scars among the people
But in the long run, that radical step saved the patient
The nation survived and when they finally return to the land, they come back changed
Never again did the nation bend their knee to an idol
Christians too can presume that our relationship with Christ is like a magical force field that protects us from every bad thing
Some Christians believe that nothing bad will befall a Christian because of our covenant relationship with Christ
These believers repeat favorite phrases like “God loves us and has a plan for our lives”
They misquote scripture saying, anything I ask in Jesus’ name will be done, and that no weapon formed against me may prosper, etc.
They believe these things mean God has promised to keep us from all harm
I call this Jingo Christianity
Jingo Christianity reduces our expectations of God to a cosmic genie, and makes us invincible superheroes
It’s a blind faith in a hyped and false view of what our covenant relationship with Christ says about our future
It’s believing what the Jews believed in Ezekiel’s day
That God will never allows us to suffer defeat, just as God would never let Babylon defeat Jerusalem
But just like the Jewish people, such thinking is self-evidently false
Bad things do happen to Christians all the time
Christians get cancer, Christians go bankrupt, Christians lose their jobs
Christians experience wars and earthquakes and fires
Christians are attacked and murdered and worse
If we’re promised to be like Christ in the eternal life, than we ought to expect to experience what Christ did in His earthly life
In His earthly life, Christ was tempted by the enemy…and so will we be
Christ felt sorrow and loss…and so will we
Christ was mistreated and slandered…and so we will be
Christ was beaten, tortured and murdered…and so will go the lives of many Christians
A slave is not greater than the Master, as Jesus said
But these things do nothing to change our relationship with God or our eternal future, much less our salvation
We are saved by our faith in Jesus Christ, and that salvation is assured forever because God has made promises to us
He’s come to dwell in us forever to prove His intention to fulfill those promises
He has made us a new creature, and our old nature has passed away never to return
And He says He will never leave us nor forsake us
Meanwhile, we serve Christ for a time while living here in a fallen and sinful world
Sin is all around us
In fact, it’s still inside us, dwelling in our physical bodies
So until we shed this body and receive our new body, we will know the ravages of sin
We will commit sin and we will suffer its consequences whether at our own hands or at the hands of others
But the good news is God is using those “bad” things to accomplish wonderful, amazing eternal things
For example, God used terrible things in Job’s life to author a book that has given hope to countless millions who faced similar devastation
God used the terrible things of Israel’s exile to put an end to their soul-crushing idolatry
And God used nails and whips to disfigure and kill His own Son so that we might know God’s perfection and glory and love
Good things coming from bad things
But there’s a second way we can repeat Israel’s excuse, and it’s even more dangerous
We might begin to think that our covenant relationship with Christ means we’re special and the rules no longer apply to us
We might tell ourselves that since Christ died to pay for our sins, God won’t give regard to our sin
That we can do no wrong now
Certainly, by our faith in Jesus, the Lord has set aside the penalty for our sin
Because of our faith in Him, we are credited with Christ’s righteousness, and the penalty for sin fell on Him rather than us
But that does not mean God overlooks our disobedience or that we have free license to sin
Such presumption is the pride that goes before the fall in a believer’s life
It’s the same self-deception Israel used to excuse away the prophet’s warnings
Like Israel, it stems from assuming we are inherently deserving of God’s protection
Once again, we need to separate our eternal life in Christ from our life lived for Christ
Living in Christ, we are deserving of mercy and forgiveness and protection because the Father loves the Son
Living in Christ, we are assured eternal glory because we are heirs to Christ’s promises
These promises are spiritually true for us now by our faith in Christ
And one day they will become our experience in the age to come
But in the meantime, we are expected to obey the Bible’s commands for how to live for Christ
Living for Christ, we discipline our flesh to prevent its sin nature from ruling us
Living for Christ, we put away sin to please Him and to become a more effective ambassador in His name
Just like Israel, our covenant relationship didn’t tie God’s hands from responding to our sin
It bounds us to serving the God Who has saved us, and to living according to His commandments or experience His discipline
Ironically, one of the strongest warnings in the New Testament against this attitude involves the same analogy
In this parable, Jesus is the vine and we’re His branches
The Father is the vinedresser, caring for the branches
We gain our spiritual supply in Christ
We are nothing apart from Him, just as Israel was nothing apart from the relationship with the Lord
We abide in Christ by keeping His commandments, for to love Christ is to keep His commandments, just as Christ loved the Father by obeying the Father
And we glorify the Father by bearing much fruit
Fruit bearing is doing works that glorify the Father while putting away the sin that displeases Him
We can do these things when we depend on the supply of the Vine
But that branch that will not abide, that will not obey, is taken away
He dries up and is gathered for burning
That’s the same picture Ezekiel used for the Israel that disobeyed the Lord, a vine being burned
Just as Israel didn’t cease to be God’s chosen nation, neither is that Christian who is taken away ceasing to be God’s child
The disobedient Christian risks being set aside from the work of glorifying the Father
That’s a useless life, a life wasted
But it doesn’t have to be that way, of course
It think it’s appropriate that the first part of this Ezekiel study should end with this reminder, since I think it neatly sums up my overall teaching perspective
To quote Jesus, to whom much is given, much is expected
In Christ, we have been given so much, more than we can even imagine
When we see the glory of Christ’s appearing to us, and when we see the heavenly realm and the kingdom age to come, we will be stunned by all that the Lord has prepared for us
We will be overwhelmed by His love
Only then will we begin to appreciate all that we have been given in Christ
And in that moment, we will also appreciate why the Lord had right to expect so much from us
Let’s be ready for that moment
Let’s all be ready to say we held nothing back from Christ, because He gave us everything
Abide in Him, keeping His commandments, and not making excuses for our sin
Let’s bear fruit