Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe Lord said Israel was a rebellious house, making excuses for ignoring the word of the prophet
And we’re in the midst of a study of these excuses
And we’re watching how the Lord responses to each one
Refuting them by rendering them void
It reminds me of the wife who rendered her husband’s excuse void
The two excuses we studied last week were kissing cousins with one another
The first excuse denied that the prophets couldn’t be trusted since their predictions never come to pass…yet we know this wasn’t true
The second excuse acknowledged the prophets spoke truth, but the fulfillment of those prophecies was so far in the future there was no point in considering them
I called these two excuses denial and delay
But as we also learned last week, false prophets operating among the people contributed greatly to their cynicism and doubt
These men spread false predictions that never came true
God never sanctioned them to speak nor gave them vision to know the future
They plied their corrupt trade for the praises of men rather than the approval of God
And in the end, they gave an already rebellious Israel the proof they needed to ignore the word of God
Last week in Chapter 12, the Lord accused these men of flattering divination
They told people what they wanted to hear, collected their payment from grateful victims and then moved on
And because their prophecies inevitably proved false, they undermined the people’s trust in God’s word
So that soon, Israel couldn’t (or wouldn’t) distinguish between the true prophets and the false ones
Because false prophets were eroding trust in the word of God, the Lord promised He would act to remove this cancer from among His people
And today in Chapter 13 we learn how the Lord deals with these men
In the course of our study, we also come upon the third excuse in this section
This excuse is a little buried in the events of the chapter, but we’ll find it easily enough when we get to it
But first, let’s see how the Lord beings to deal with this cancer of false prophets
The Lord confronts these posers by calling them out publicly
In v.2 the Lord describes them as those who prophesy from their own inspiration
That’s a way of saying they don’t speak with the inspiration of God
A true prophet is a man (or woman) speaking under the inspiration of the Lord
They communicate things that could not be known by mere men apart from a revelation of the omniscient God
In that way, a prophet’s own words validated the authority of their office
If a prophet was false and his prophecies were not inspired, his con would become evident soon enough
Eventually, he would be shown to be a liar when his prophecy failed to come to pass
On the other hand, when man spoke under the inspiration of God, and his predictions did come to pass, he would be validated before the people by the accuracy of his prophecy
In fact, the Lord often gave His prophets near-term visions to relate to the people to legitimize his office
False prophets were not inspired by God in this way, so they had only their own inspiration to guide their prophecies
Which was worthless, of course
Everything they predicted was completely made up in their own heads
Or to borrow from Nehemiah’s retort to the men who lied about his motives in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem:
Notice in v.2 that the Lord’s first command to such men was to listen to the word of Lord (which is the solution to every problem, really)
If these men truly had a heart to serve the Lord, they would have focused on learning from God rather than pretending to speak for Him
If they had devoted themselves to a study of God’s word, they could have at least spoken from an informed point of view
They could have benefited from the inspiration God has already revealed in scripture
So even though they weren’t gifted by God to receive special revelation, at least they could have shared godly insight with Israel
But they did not care for the truth of God’s word, so they gave no attention to it
They preferred the attention of the people and the power they derived from claiming to be one who spoke for God
False prophets and false preachers only thrive among people who place too much emphasis on receiving special revelation from God, and too little emphasis on understanding the already revealed word of God
Though they have the full counsel of God’s word and though the Bible itself tells us that should be our focus, still some feel it’s not enough
So they seek for a sign or wonder or a supposed prophet, because they want to be the exception to the rule
So naturally come false prophets to tell us what we want to hear – that the Lord has a specific word for us!
The more God’s people seek for such, the more false prophets are ready and willing to serve it up
But we already have so much revelation from God, to say nothing of His ordinary revelation in the world around us
If we would only take advantage of what He’s provided, we could never exhaust its wisdom or power
We wouldn’t think to demand something special and unique, because we would be too busy marveling at what has been provided
And God says that if the false prophets had done that themselves, then at least they might have had something of value to offer the people
But perhaps the Lord is admonishing the false prophets to read the word of God in the hope they would discover the penalty God assigns in His law for those who give false prophecies
If a man speak presumptuously as if from the Lord when he wasn’t commanded to speak by God, then the Law said he shall die
But how would Israel know that a man was speaking falsely?
So the Lord gave Israel a test that every prophet must pass
The test was that if any prophecy a man spoke failed to come true – even just once – then that man is deemed a false prophet and he should die
The people should not be afraid of him, because he is nothing
God’s standard for determining a true prophet tells us something about the way true prophets operate under divine inspiration
When God chooses a person to speak His word and gifts that person with supernatural insight, the Lord also promises He will maintain perfect control over that person’s tongue
So that whenever the person claims to be speaking for God, he will be under God’s direction and therefore will never prophesy in error
So the expression of the prophetic gift would never be a hit-or-miss affair
God would never allow someone He called as a prophet to make a mistake, because that would undermine the people’s trust in God’s word
So if the prophecy of a person claiming to be a prophet fails to come true, Israel should know this man was not a prophet
He was never called by God
So that even if some of his past predictions seemed to come to pass (whether by luck or otherwise), it didn’t matter anymore
Because if the man was wrong even one time, he proves he is a fraud, always was a fraud and always will be a fraud
His record of prophecy must be rejected entirely and he must be silenced
So the Lord made it easy for Israel to distinguish between true and false prophets
If only Israel had paid attention to the word of God, they never would have been taken in by these charlatans
So as I said, it all comes back to that, doesn’t it?
Do we turn to the word of God for our guidance and authority?
And do we apply what it says?
Or do we ignore it, get taken in by crafty lies, and make the same mistakes over and over again
So now the time has come for the Lord to judge these men for their lies, as He promised Ezekiel and the exiles He would
In v. 3 the Lord pronounces woe against these men
The word woe in the Bible is an expression of divine judgment
It’s sometimes translated “alas”
It’s like the expression a courtroom of observers might make after hearing a judge hand down a verdict of guilty
So the Lord is condemning them for their crimes
The Lord describes these men’s crimes in vs.4-7
He describes them like foxes or jackals scampering among ruins
Foxes make homes in rubble by finding crevices to hide in
It’s a description of how these men were taking advantage of Israel’s situation in exile
They were preying on the people’s fears and worries and desperation to hear a good word from God
These scoundrels made a home for themselves in the rubble of Israel’s ruin
In v.5 the Lord indicts them for not standing in the breaches of those metaphoric walls, preventing them from falling rather than taking advantage of their fall
The Lord is asking where were these men, who claim to be building up the house of Israel in exile, when Israel needed spiritual guidance before they came under judgment
The city of Jerusalem fell under God’s judgment because of Israel’s idolatry and abominations, as we learned in earlier chapters
Had these men been true ministers of God, they would have worked to end the idolatry and to remove the abominations
Instead the false prophets were taking advantage of the exiles telling them sweet sounding stories that weren’t true
In v.6 the Lord says the people were hoping for the fulfillment of their false predictions
The people placed their hope in those lies but their hopes were going to be dashed in the end
In that way, these men were making a bad situation even worse
Then in v.7 the Lord brings His judgment against these men, saying did you not lie when you said the Lord spoke to you when I didn’t speak to you?
Therefore, the Lord says, I am set against you
The Lord will be their enemy
And when the Lord is your enemy, there is no one who can save you
The Lord pronounces His sentence against these men in vs.8-9, and it’s very harsh
First, the Lord says these men will no longer have anything to say to God’s people
He will silence these men
And as we’ll see, He will accomplish this by putting them to death through the very circumstances that they deny are coming
Secondly, in v.9 the Lord says the names of these men will no longer be recorded in the registry of the house of the Lord
The Lord is saying these false teachers will lose their citizenship in Israel
And because they lose their citizenship, they will be denied the right to return to Israel after the exile ends
Jewish identity was carefully guarded in Israel
The Jewish people were scrupulous in determining Jewish identity and verifying such claims
Generally speaking, in Ezekiel’s day a person was considered Jewish if the father was Jewish
And the father’s Jewish identity was determined in a similar way, that is, according to his father’s identity and so on back to Jacob
In order to verify claims to Jewish identity, it was necessary to maintain genealogical records for all Jewish families
These records were the legal proof of a person’s family identity
These records were kept in the temple building and could be checked when necessary to verify family or tribal identity
That’s one of the reasons why the genealogy that begins Matthew’s Gospel is so important
It was written before the temple’s destruction, so Jesus’ genealogy could have been easily verified in that day
So no one could dispute Matthew’s record of Jesus’ family line to David
When the city of Jerusalem was taken by Babylon and the temple destroyed, those family records were carried into exile as well
During the years of exile, the Jewish leaders did their best to maintain these records as families continued to grow while in captivity
While most Jews remained pure while in exile, some chose to marry foreigners forfeiting their Jewishness
And in other cases, some family records were lost in the turmoil of the exile which meant these families could no longer vouch for their Jewish identity
These records became especially important when the exiles returned to the land 70 years later
As Ezra sought for men to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city and temple, he ensured only true Jews were permitted to participate
If a Jew couldn’t prove their Jewish identity, they were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and from the work of rebuilding
We see this situation reflected early in Ezra’s book
You can see how families were being excluded from the priesthood
And others were excluded even from joining the exiles at all, because their names weren’t found in the registration
Back to Ezekiel, we now understand what the Lord was saying to the false prophets
When the opportunity arises for the false prophets and their families to go home, they won’t be able to return the Lord says
The Lord is literally going to separate them from the Jewish people by erasing their Jewish birth records
Somehow, their names will mysteriously disappear from the rolls
As a result, the false prophets will never return to the land of Israel again
In this way, the Lord ensures that when the remnant of Israel returns, it will return without the scourge of these men
Now at this point, we reach the third excuse that held back Israel’s obedience to the word God gave Ezekiel
But the excuse is subtle, so it’s a little hidden in the text
The third excuse in found here in v.10, as the Lord repeats what the prophets have been saying to mislead the people
Specifically, the prophets were declaring that the future of Jerusalem would be one of peace
When in reality, what was coming for that city was not peace at all
Instead, the city would see the fulfillment of all disasters the Lord has been promising through the true prophets
And the people believed this report
So the third excuse was claiming that Ezekiel had been superseded by other prophets
Ezekiel has been predicting woe, but now other prophets are predicting peace
So it looks like God revised His prediction, issued an update, and we’ll be ok after all…just a false alarm
Undoubtedly, we can assume there were multiple voices giving positive predictions of peace (i.e., flattering divination)
While on the other side, there were just a couple of men (Jeremiah & Ezekiel) saying otherwise
Faced with the choice of believing a minority negative report vs. a majority positive prophecy, the people chose the positive
And perhaps they took confidence in the fact that the majority of voices were against Ezekiel
As we saw with the earlier excuses, the truth was not hard to see (had the exiles been truly interested in the truth)
First, the failures of false prophets must have been evident by now
Israel must have noticed that these flatterers were usually (if not always) wrong in their predictions
And so the people should have had the good sense to reject their predictions concerning Jerusalem no matter how positive
Secondly, if these people had turned to the word, they would have realized how demanding God’s standard was for a prophet
They could have measured the performance of these false prophets and discovered they weren’t able to meet the test
And as a result they could have dismissed them and ignored them
Instead, they ignored the word so they could cling to a hope in something they preferred
Thirdly, they could have seen how accurate Jeremiah and Isaiah had been in their predictions and known to trust them
Those men predicted the conquering of the city and it came to pass
And so when they predicted yet further destruction, Israel shouldn’t have doubted
In the second half of v.10 the Lord describes the work of the false teachers as like plastering over a wall with whitewash
In this metaphor the wall represents Ezekiel’s prophecies concerning what will happen to the defenses of Jerusalem
Ezekiel has said the walls of the city and all that were within them would be destroyed
The Lord compares that prophecy to an ugly, decaying wall
To something rotten and soon to fall
But the Lord says false prophets were telling a different story, a lie intended to make the people feel better about the future
They were like men plastering and whitewashing over Ezekiel’s rotten walls
They took the hard truth of God’s coming judgment and they painted over it to make it look better
But underneath that whitewash is the same rotten wall
Though it suddenly looks better, the reality hasn’t changed
The wall is still destined to fall and it won’t be saved by a little paint and plaster
What a great picture of how false prophets work
They start with something God has said or done but then they cover it over with a thick coat of lies
They whitewash it, so to speak, so that it’s unrecognizable to a true student of scripture
But to the ignorant or immature, it’s all the more attractive and alluring
Nevertheless, in the end the whitewash is destined to crack and fall away, because only the word of God stands the test of time
We will return to this passage next time to see how God exposes these liars, but before we end today, I have to ask have you used this excuse?
Have you ever given preference to a false teaching over the truth in the Bible simply because the lie sounded better than the truth?
You may say no but ask yourself this…
When you hear Bible teaching or when someone offers you a perspective on the Bible, how do you know if they are speaking truthfully?
The obvious answer is, we should compare their teaching to the Bible so you can double check what they say
But many of us are too unfamiliar with what the Bible teaches to do that homework (and others are simply lazy)
So uninformed or immature Christians will simply guess, and usually they choose to believe whatever sounds better to them
I think many of the doctrinal disputes that divide the church exist because of this excuse working in our thinking
We prefer what sounds better to us, and we discount any teaching to the contrary
Keep in mind, the Bible is perfectly clear about every major doctrine of our faith – including those doctrines that are often in dispute
If the church wanted to resolve these disputes, we could do it easily enough if we would just attend to the Bible without regard to preference
You cam see this excuse at work behind the recent rise in popularity of the heretical teaching that claims hell doesn’t actually exist
People feel better rejecting the idea of hell because we prefer that no one suffers
And this view is gaining hold in some corners of the church despite the fact that the Bible says plainly that Hell is real
The truth is Hell is operating today and more people enter every hour
But if Hell isn’t real, then what exactly did Christ die to save us from?
So excuse #3 is believing only what we prefer, and dismissing contrary evidence even when it’s compelling because we don’t want to accept hard truth
It’s an excuse made possible by believers who don’t understand the Bible well enough to reason out the truth from scripture or they simply ignore it altogether
Therefore, they fall back on personal preference to determine what to believe
They may prefer a teaching because it agrees with a favorite pastor, or a spouse or parents’ teaching or with their denominational position
That’s painting the hard truths of the Bible in whitewash so as to obscure what it says and replace truth with palatable lies
We have to be good Bible students so we can defend ourselves and each other from this nonsense
Unfortunately, the false voices speaking flattering lies in contradiction to God’s word are getting louder and bolder
The two most common lies floating around the church today are the prosperity gospel and the word faith movement
The prosperity gospel says that a relationship with Christ is merely a means to receive wealth and success on earth
While the word faith teaching says that we can “claim” a preferred outcome in any situation and the Lord promises to bring it to pass so long as we have enough “faith” in that outcome
Each of these false teachings have a large community of false prophets and a devoted following of disciples
Both of these false teachings tell Christians things they want to hear, that we can have what we want in life
And both contradict the clear teaching of scripture
Moreover, the majority of voices in the church today – certainly those on TV and the bookstand – echo these false teachings
While the voices that proclaim the truth of God’s word are getting harder and harder to find
So it would seem that popularity is on the side of the false teachers
Therefore, if you should ever confront someone caught up in this nonsense telling them what the Bible actually says, they often won’t hear it
You show them from scripture that Christ didn’t promise to make His followers rich; He taught that we must be prepared to lose everything
Or you explain that the Bible says God does not cater to our desires but calls us to take up a cross, sacrificing our desires to follow Him…
Still, they won’t hear it
They dismiss your counsel because it doesn’t appeal to them
And they say you’re just one voice, while there are many voices on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) saying differently
The believers who have been sucked into these miserable deceptions spread by hypocritical liars are following the same example of the exiles
They are giving attention to false words of counsel simply because they prefer that message over what the Bible says
They care little or nothing for what the Bible actually says
And these false teachers are experts in preying on these desires
Once again, the truth in these matters isn’t hard to find, so long as we’re willing to give our attention to God’s word
And giving attention means serious, life-long study
In days when the enemy is working so effectively to whitewash walls, we must set our minds on becoming even better Bible students