Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s time to start the third division of prophecy in the book of Ezekiel
This third section runs from Chapter 12-19
This section is really quite interesting because it’s the first time we hear from the exiles themselves
They’ve been watching and listening to Ezekiel’s prophecies for the past year or so, but they haven’t believed him
So in these eight chapters they offer eight excuses for why Ezekiel’s prophecies will not come to pass
And the Lord speaks through Ezekiel to refute all eight excuses in their hearing
In Chapter 12, we find the first of their excuses, but it doesn’t show up right away
In fact, we don’t get to that excuse until next week
Because before we get to the excuse, the Lord has Ezekiel prepare another street performance to send a message
The Lord gives Ezekiel another message to act out before His people in exile
Notice this message is not dated as were the past two prophecies
That tells us that this is a continuation of the moment from the earlier vision that started in Chapter 8
Nevertheless, we count this as a separate section because the material differs dramatically from the previous section
So we must assume that Ezekiel has related what he saw in those visions
And the people have had a chance to respond
And from what we learn in this chapter, they haven’t responded well
In fact, they are denying Ezekiel’s word
Their rebellion against the word of the Lord began while in Jerusalem
And it continues even now while they are in exile
In v.2 the Lord tells Ezekiel that these people are a rebellious house
He says they have eyes to see and ears to hear but don’t see or hear
The Lord is speaking in spiritual terms
Through their prophet, the people have been given “sight” of spiritual truth
And as Ezekiel has spoken spiritual truth to them, they have been given “ears” to hear the Lord
The Lord has shown Ezekiel what will happen to Israel so that the people might repent and respond in the right way
But instead they deny Ezekiel’s prophecies, which means they aren’t seeing and hearing as they should
I like this description of how men and women respond to the word of God
All believers have the been given spiritual truth in the word of God
And we all have the Spirit of God to teach us all things
And sometimes we use these things to see and hear truth and respond to it
And then there are other times we close our eyes and ears because we’re rebellious
Ignoring the word of God is like closing our eyes and ears to God
And grieving the Spirit is like ignoring the Lord
It never ceases to amaze me how many Christians treat study of God’s word as an optional pursuit
And how many more will knowingly adopt views of life and ministry that are directly contradicted by scripture
These are moments of rebellion
We all have these moments to deal with in our lives
It’s never a good thing, but the real problem begins when we make this pattern our lifestyle
We determine to keep our eyes shut and ears closed because we prefer our rebellion
When we do this, we’ll feel the Spirit’s conviction as He works to bring us back to the Lord in obedience
Sometimes we respond to that conviction in the right way – returning to the word, listening to the Spirit
But sometimes we make excuses for our rebellion and intentional blindness
And I bet many of those excuses for why we can’t (or won’t) do what the Lord wants, sound like the excuses Israel offered Ezekiel
The Lord knows the excuses are coming, so he gives Ezekiel a message to send to the people, and once again He asks Ezekiel to act out the message
This skit will reinforce the truth that they’ve already heard from Ezekiel
That the city of Jerusalem will be sacked, destroyed and the people sent into exile
The Jewish people will be removed from the land entirely
They will be scattered and the temple destroyed
And they will not return for a long time
That’s the key issue that the exiles failed to grasp
While they understood that Judah was under judgment (because their own exile made that truth self-evident)
They didn’t grasp the magnitude of that judgment
They assumed they were going to be held outside the land of Israel for a short time and soon they would return
And they assumed their brethren would remain in the city maintaining a Jewish presence in the land
And they assumed the glory of the Lord would remain living alongside the people as it had for the previous 340 years
These wrong assumptions had given them false hope, and that false hope gave opportunity for their pride to stir up rebellion in their hearts
Misplaced confidence gave birth to hard hearts
And yet the Lord is still working to soften them
Notice in v.3 the Lord tells Ezekiel to perform these acts in the hope that perhaps Israel will get the message
Ezekiel is told to pack baggage for exile and leave his home
The baggage for an exile would be very little of course
Someone going into exile is in a rush and under threat, so they gather only a few essentials
Therefore, Ezekiel would have taken only the bare necessities from his home
The Lord tells him to take it out by daylight
This probably means Ezekiel brought out his belongings into the court that typically surrounded homes in that day
This would have turned to a spectacle, with clothes, some food or other items thrown out the door
His neighbors would be asking what Ezekiel was doing or where he was planning to go?
Then later in the day, as evening approached, Ezekiel was to move out of his home
But he isn’t to leave through the door or gate
He must dig a hole in the wall, probably a hole in his courtyard wall
And then he will crawl through the hole with his baggage at nightfall
Leaving at nightfall pictures the calamity that will fall upon the people as they walk in darkness
And crawling through a wall reminds the people of the circumstances in which the exiles leave
They aren’t leaving through the gate as in times a peace
They will be taken out of a city that has fallen to a siege campaign and has seen its walls breached
Finally, as he crawls through the hole, Ezekiel is told to cover his face so he can’t see the land
The general point is that the exiles won’t see their land after they leave it behind
This isn’t a temporary affliction nor will Israel escape their enemies or find refuge elsewhere in Israel
But this detail has an even darker meaning that the Lord will reveal shortly
In v.7 Ezekiel reports that he did exactly as the Lord intended
And of course, his antics would have been the talk of the town
He’s already gained a reputation as a man who sees visions and does crazy things
So as soon as he starts throwing clothes outside his house, he probably attracted a crowd
And then when he began digging in his courtyard wall, you know the people started laughing and mocking him
And that’s the reason the Lord gave Ezekiel this task
The people have been given this same prophecy before, and yet they continue to ignore it
So the Lord is amplifying the message through this spectacle
The people certainly can’t ignore what they see Ezekiel doing
The question is will they come to understand that Ezekiel is communicating the words of God?
It’s natural to feel some pity for Ezekiel at this point
He’s being asked to sacrifice his pride and honor to reach a people who have repeatedly rejected the word of the Lord
It’s tempting to think they had their chance…they made their bed, let them lie in it
Why should a man of obedience and upright character like Ezekiel sacrifice his dignity to serve a people who couldn’t care less about pleasing God?
Because it’s called ministry for a reason…it’s what the Lord asks from all of us, though in different ways
The word “minister” means to serve – and service isn’t easy and it won’t be possible without a personal cost
We’re all called to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the lost
And our personal sacrifice is a primary means for us to glorify the Lord
Serving God isn’t all doom and gloom, of course
Sometimes, the Lord allows us to stand in the spotlight, to receive the thanks and accolades of those we serve
To experience triumphs and to see miraculous fruit
Moments like Peter experienced at Pentecost or Paul and Barnabas experienced in Antioch
These are the moments we all yearn for, and the Lord will grant them from time to time to encourage us and to glorify Himself
But other times – perhaps most of the time – serving the Lord demands great personal sacrifice
There are no spotlights, no cheering crowds, no fame or fortune
The Lord assigns us a task that requires we set aside personal interests like wealth, comfort, safety, popularity, & dignity
At the very least, you sacrifice your time when you serve the Lord
Even worse, we may lose our career, friends, family, or freedom
He calls us to take up a cross of shame for the Lord, just as our Lord did for us
No one is exempt from this pattern, for even the apostles knew this call, as Paul reminds us
Paul says the Lord exhibited the apostles as a spectacle, meaning He put them on public display just as He did Ezekiel
What spectacle did God call Paul to perform? I’ll let Paul tell you in his own words
Paul’s suffering for the gospel matters little to him, because he knew he had everything he needed waiting for him in the eternal realm
And he had more of it because of his willingness to serve God in sacrificial ways
Simply put, Paul lived with eyes for eternity
Likewise, Ezekiel was called to be a servant to the people of Israel: a disobedient, stiff-necked people
Serving God under those circumstances required great personal sacrifice
But his obedience in this difficult assignment and his service to a disobedient, unappreciative audience made for an even more powerful testimony
And we presume an even more glorious reward
After Ezekiel completed his task, the Lord gives Ezekiel a full interpretation of his skit
The Lord explains the meaning of all the symbols in his drama, presumably so the prophet could communicate it to the people in case they missed the point
Notice the Lord says in v.9 that the people have been asking Ezekiel “what are you doing?”
Obviously, the skit got their attention as was attended
They have watched it intently and now they want to know what it all means
So the Lord explains to Ezekiel what it all means
First, in v.10 the Lord says this burden that Ezekiel bore concerned the prince in Jerusalem
The term prince here refers to the ruling king of Judah, King Zedekiah
Zedekiah was appointed king by Nebuchadnezzar following the second siege of the city
The previous king, Jehoiachin, had rebelled against Babylonian rule, and was taken into exile with the second wave of refugees
Ezekiel and the rest of the exiles still saw Jehoiachin as the legitimate king, so the prophet calls Zedekiah merely the “prince”
But Zedekiah was ruling over those left behind in Jerusalem, and this prophecy describes what was coming for him and the rest of the people
Just as was done to the earlier exiles so it will be for those still in the city
Even King Zedekiah will find himself trying to escape the city under cover of darkness with a few possessions on his back
He will dig a hole through the rubble of the wall and he will cover his face to conceal his identity
Then, the Lord says in v.13 that He would set a net and snare for this king
The Lord promises Zedekiah would be captured by the Babylonians and brought back to Babylon as an exile
Eventually, the king would die as an exile in the land of Babylon, never having returned to Israel
Nevertheless, the Lord says, the king would never see the land he will occupy
According to Josephus, the king received word of this prophecy somehow, perhaps by a Jewish slave traveling with a Babylonian official
But unsurprisingly, Josephus says the king didn’t believe it
Ironically, Josephus says Zedekiah rejected the prophecy because he thought it disagreed with the words of the Jerusalem prophet, Jeremiah
Here’s what Josephus wrote
The king thought the two prophets were in disagreement, but in fact they were in perfect agreement
Both said the king would end up in Babylon, and so he did
But Ezekiel adds that Zedekiah wouldn’t see the land, and that turned out to be true also
When Nebuchadnezzar met the exiles in Riblah, he had all the leaders of the city killed
He also killed Zedekiah’s sons in front of the king, so that he was forced to witness the death of his children
And then Nebuchadnezzar had both of Zedekiah’s eyes gouged out so that he was made blind
And thus the king never saw the land of Babylon
Finally, the prophecy explains in v.15 that the people of the city would be scattered among the other nations and spread into other countries
Many would die in the siege and others would die in captivity by disease and famine
But to fulfill the Lord’s purposes, He says He will spare a few of Israel so they may be His witnesses
They will testify to these events so they may become cause for future generations of Israel to remain true to the covenant
So that is the full meaning of the prophecy Ezekiel acted out
It’s interesting that as the people were asking Ezekiel what his strange routine meant, he didn’t have answers for them
We can safely assume Ezekiel understood the broad storyline about the coming exile
After all, the Lord has already told that story a couple of times already
And so most people probably gathered this was another message of judgment
But the exact meaning of each little detail wasn’t available to Ezekiel or to the people until after he had completed the task
Only then the Lord revealed the full meaning to them
And as you can see, these details could never have been understood until the Lord put the pieces together
Can you identify with Ezekiel’s situation? I know I can
God asks you to serve Him in some way, but His call doesn’t make sense to you
It lacks details, it doesn’t answer your questions or doubts
And others may even ask you why you are doing what you’re doing, but all you can say is the Lord told you to do it
They wonder if you’ve got a screw loose and you’re beginning to question yourself too
It’s a test of faith
Years ago my wife and I were attending a church where we were active in teaching the Bible and we liked the pastor and had good friends
After attending there several years, there came a point when we felt the Lord was calling us to leave the church
He didn’t give us a specific reason though we searched to explain it to ourselves
We didn’t have a new church waiting for us and even if we found one, we knew we wouldn’t be able to teach or serve right away
All we knew was it was time to leave
Leaving a church is tough enough even when you have good reasons
Leaving a church means leaving friends, leaving service opportunities, kids leaving their friends too
You don’t want to hurt feelings and you don’t look forward to the grueling process of finding the next church home
But when you don’t have a specific reason for why you’re leaving, everything gets even harder
When the pastor or our friends asked us why we’re leaving, we didn’t have an acceptable answer
I remember telling him I felt the Lord was telling us to be “available”
That answer confused them, and I assume he thought we weren’t telling him the whole story
And our kids were not happy
The truth was even we didn’t like that answer, and we weren’t sure we were moving in the right direction, because we didn’t know what the Lord was doing
And not knowing turned out to be an even bigger test of our faith than if the Lord had told us everything up front
That test of faith was whether we were willing to step out in obedience without having all the answers
And whether we were willing to wait on Him to direct us when we had no place to go
A couple of months went by…we had largely stopped attending church
And then a couple of families approached us asking us to start a church with them, and my career as a pastor was launched
And suddenly we had our answer for why we needed to leave, why we needed to be available
Ezekiel was probably used to getting strange assignments that came with more questions than answers
But still, he had to step out even before he knew what the Lord was doing
And He had to endure the questions from the crowd, from neighbors and perhaps even his friends
And he didn’t have answers other than “Thus saith the Lord”
Each of these moments built up the prophet’s faith, giving him greater reason to obey the next time God asked something difficult and didn’t explain why
Later in this book, the Lord is going to ask even greater sacrifice of Ezekiel
These earlier moments teach Ezekiel to serve God even when he didn’t understand
Look for that same pattern in your walk with Christ
Expect Him to call you to small tasks first and greater tasks later
Watch Him call you without explanation and then provide the answer after you’ve obeyed
And when you’ve gained some practice in following, trusting that answers come in time, you’ll find the burden growing lighter
You’ll begin to understand Jesus’ words “My yoke is easy and My burden is light”
When you learn to follow the Lord sacrificially and without requiring all the answers first, He’ll do great things through you