Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe return to our study of the third division of Ezekiel’s prophecies
As I mentioned last week, in this section we find the rebellious exiles giving excuses for why they should not listen to the prophet’s counsel
Across eight chapters we will find eight excuses
And in response to each excuse, the Lord will give Ezekiel a word for the exiles
And I also mentioned that these eight excuses may sound familiar to us
There are times in a Christian’s life when we may use similar excuses to defend our choice to disobey or ignore God
After all, it’s human nature to make excuses, even if they aren’t very good
Our excuses rarely sound as good to others as they do to ourselves…and they never sound good to God
Last week we studied the first half of Chapter 12, where the Lord asked Ezekiel to prepare another charade for the people of Israel
Ezekiel was told to pack some belongings, dig a hole in his courtyard wall and pretend to go into exile
He was depicting what God said was to happen to the remaining Jews living in the city of Jerusalem
Ezekiel’s message to the exiles wasn’t news, of course
He has told them all this before
But because they hadn’t listened in the past, the Lord directed Ezekiel to tell them again in this more dramatic fashion
But after the people saw Ezekiel’s display and they heard his explanation concerning its meaning, they simply went on their way
They were neither impressed by, nor believed in, what the prophet foretold
But still, something must have stirred in their hearts because they felt the need to invent a reason to dismiss it
So they offered an excuse for why Ezekiel’s words weren’t worth considering
We don’t see them sharing their excuse directly with Ezekiel
But the Lord has heard their mumblings, and He brings the excuse to the prophet
And then the Lord directs Ezekiel how to respond
Let’s look at the excuse first
The Lord shares with Ezekiel what the Lord has heard the exiles saying about Ezekiel’s prophecy
The Lord asks, “Son of man, what is this proverb your people have…”
The Lord is referring to a cynical saying that circulated within apostate Israel culture even when they were living in the land
And now the exiles were repeating it in defense of their unbelief
The proverb says “The days are long and every vision fails”
It means the things foretold by prophets always turn out to be false because life goes on unchanged
It’s a similar sentiment to what Peter said will be repeated during the last days of our age:
Peter says in the last days people will mock the promises of scripture which declare Jesus will return one day and judgment will follow
Peter says these mockers also claim that “the days are long”
Or as Peter puts it, everything continues just as it was from the beginning
They say there will be no end of days, so we have nothing to fear
That’s the same sense we find in the exiles’ proverb
They deny a dramatic judgment awaits them
And their confidence is based in the fact that no one can remember such a dramatic thing ever happening
Their cynicism is especially foolish given their circumstances in Babylon
These people have already experienced a dramatic upheaval
It’s not like they’re still sitting in Jerusalem scoffing at a prophet declaring their city would one day fall to invaders
That’s already happened!
Ezekiel is simply revealing that more of the same is going to happen
Yet the exiles comfort themselves with this proverb
The second half of the proverb is even more absurd
They say “every vision fails” meaning the prophets always get it wrong
On the one hand, their skepticism is understandable
False prophets had been victimizing Israel for centuries
And the people had become accustomed to taking such predictions with a grain of salt
But here again, their present circumstances in Babylon should have caused them to recognize that not all prophets are wrong
Jeremiah, the prophet to Jerusalem, told the people their city would fall to Babylon well before it happened
Centuries before him, Isaiah foretold that Assyria would conquer the north and it happened
Isaiah also alluded to Babylon’s capture of Jerusalem
So, of all people, the exiles in Babylon should have recognized that not all prophets are wrong
Only the false ones are wrong
Nevertheless, the people blindly assert that prophets can’t be trusted
So with this proverb, they assure themselves they have nothing to worry about
Have you ever used this excuse with God? Tell Him that the days are long and His word fails for you?
Maybe not in so many words, perhaps, but maybe you’ve thought something like this:
I know God’s word says I shouldn’t being doing such-and-such, and that sin has consequences…but so far, so good
I’ve avoided disaster to this point, things seem fine so far, I can control this, I can handle it
So I can continue to ignore the word of God and it will all work out
In essence, that kind of thinking is no different than the proverb spoken by the exiles
The commands we find in the word of God directing us into holiness and obedience seem more like suggestions
Even though God’s instructions were intended for our good, to preserve us from the destructive consequences of sin, still we choose to ignore them
And even when we read warnings in scripture about willful disobedience, we tell ourselves it won’t come to pass
Or we just don’t want to think about it, burying our head in the sand
Ironically, when the Lord is merciful to us by delaying those consequences, we treat his mercy as excuse to continue, like those in Babylon
We tell ourselves nothing has happened to us so far, so it will never happen
Even though we know others who have experienced consequences under similar circumstances
But we will be the exception
We all use this excuse from time to time, but we’re not fooling ourselves and we’re certainly not fooling God
Our spirit knows better; that the word of God can be trusted
The Lord is faithful to His word, so as we play with sin, our spirit knows we’re playing a game of roulette
Sooner or later, if we persist in disobedience, our number comes up
But the Bible also warns of hardening of our heart
You could define a hardened heart as reaching the point where you believe your own lies
I think that’s how to understand the exiles in Babylon
They were a rebellious house because they had come to believe their own lies about God
And so they repeated the proverb among themselves even though they had plenty of proof the Lord was faithful
So how does the Lord answer this excuse? Very simply…he renders it void
The Lord asks Ezekiel to respond to their excuse by saying, therefore tell them I will make this proverb cease
The Lord will bring their proverb to an end by proving it wrong
He says the days are drawing near when everything He has foretold through Ezekiel and Jeremiah will come to pass
Every vision will happen, and it will happen soon
The Lord is going to call Israel’s bluff
Moreover, the Lord says there no longer will be false visions or flattering divination given within the house of Israel
Not only will the Lord prove the accuracy of His words, but He will frustrate the words of the false prophets in Israel
Notice the false prophets were those who gave flattering prophecies to the people, prophecies that the people liked to hear
This is hardly surprising, since false teachers and prophets have always sought the approval of men rather than God
In the New Testament Paul calls such false teaching “tickling ears"
Tickling ears produces a counterfeit joy that isn’t rooted in anything real, so cannot last
These wolves in sheep’s clothing were sowing confusion among the people, encouraging skepticism of prophecy by their false words
Because of so many false prophets, the people of Israel assumed men like Isaiah and Jeremiah were just like the rest
They lumped the whole group together – both true prophets and false – and then they chose to ignore them all
But they neglected to notice that some guys, like Ezekiel and Jeremiah, got it right…every time
So the Lord is going to get rid of the noise drowning out His voice among the people by thwarting the words of the false prophets
Obviously, the predictions of false prophets have no power to come true in any case
But sometimes they get lucky or sometimes the outcome isn’t clear one way or the other
But now God was preparing to actively oppose the predictions of false prophets
So when a false prophet flattered someone by promising God was going to bring a healing, God left their infirmary remain instead
When a false prophet promised a person riches, the Lord brought the person to ruin
Promises of safety would lead to disaster, promises of children would leave a mother barren, and so on
Soon the people would come to see the difference between the true prophets and the false prophets
In fact I imagine it didn’t take long before the last thing the people wanted was to be the subject of a false prophet’s visions
The Lord has more to say about false prophets in the next chapter
Meanwhile, everything Ezekiel said would happen would take place just as the Lord promised
Notice He says “in your days, O rebellious house”, these things will be carried out
The Lord is hastening these things in response to the people’s stubborn doubts in His word
Those who had scoffed at Ezekiel were going to live to see how wrong they were
Once again this is how the Lord gains the attention of His people
So Israel’s first excuse survived in their culture because of two factors
The people of God had short memories of God’s faithfulness and they gave their attention to false voices drowning out the truth
These same problems still exist among God’s people today
So it makes sense we should still see this excuse in use today
And therefore the solution remains the same
We need to amplify the Lord’s voice in our life, remembering His faithfulness, and we need to turn down the false voices everywhere
It’s like two volume knobs on a radio
We need to turn up the truth and turn down the static
Because the more you remember the faithfulness of the Lord and the less you trust proven liars, the more reason you will have to act in obedience to the truth
As William Gurnall once said:
As you pursue your study of God’s word, allow time to reflect on the times God has been faithful to you
Those moments of grace when He steps in to alter the course of your life or provide or comfort you
The ways He brought encouragement or strengthened you to face a trial
How He took a small step of faith and magnified it in amazing ways
Those memories of yesterday become a testimony that encourages us to anticipate His faithfulness tomorrow
And as Gurnall said, nothing will give us cause to be true to God more than to remember His faithfulness to us
The exiles forgot God’s faithfulness to His word and it encouraged them to scoff at the prophets
And secondly, we need to grow in our discernment for where we go for counsel and who we give our attention
Our world is filled with false prophets, but most of them don’t wear sackcloth or say “Yea, verily…”
Instead, they host daytime talk shows or write bestselling books
They might be that well-meaning but ungodly neighbor or relative always ready to hand out advice
When you rely on those false voices and in the end they prove themselves worthless, you may start to think like these exiles
You may assume every voice is false, every teacher is wrong
Your cynicism grows, and eventually you turn away from God’s people and from God’s word too
That’s the place of a hard heart
Remember the case of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist?
The priest was standing next to an angel in the Holy Place of the temple
He knows the messenger is someone special and he’s afraid of what he sees
The angel responds with great news, that Zacharias will have a son
And that this son will be used mightily by the Lord
But how does the priest respond to this great revelation of God?
He asks for proof…he’s making the same excuse in a way
He’s saying my wife has been barren for our whole marriage, so the days are long and nothing changes
And perhaps others have prayed over them or prophesied they would have children, but those things didn’t come to pass
So now he doubts everyone, even an angel in the temple of God
And we see what God did to discipline this man
If we persist in listening to the wrong voices, the Lord may act against us too, out of love to demonstrate the folly of trusting in the world
If you place your trust in wealth or status instead of in the word of God, then maybe He’ll shake your financial world
Prefer the opinions of your godless friends or the talking heads on TV rather than the voice of your pastor or elders?
Then maybe He’ll frustrate your plans
Prefer the leading of your flesh over the leading of the Spirit? Maybe He’ll bring your flesh to its end
All these things are possible, but the Lord doesn’t want us to experience them
A God willing to place Himself on a Roman cross for the sake of sinful men and women is a God who has proven He has our best interests at heart
So when He directs us in His word, you can know He is telling the truth and it’s for the best
He’s not trying to steal away your fun or deny you what you need
He’s telling you that He knows best what’s good
And while His grace knows no limits, His patience does have a limit
Using the excuse of “so far, so good” is like daring God to speed up His plan and to expose our misplaced trust
Don’t let yourself follow in the footsteps of these exiles, forgetting the faithfulness of God and dismissing His counsel
We still have a few verses left in Chapter 12, and these verses give us time to examine the second excuse Israel offered, which was closely connected to the first
Once again the Lord comes to Ezekiel telling him what the people are saying about His prophecies
Some are saying that Ezekiel’s visions are true, but they will not come true for many years from now
This is a variant on the earlier excuse
In the first case, the people were saying nothing ever changes and prophets are always proven false
This excuse says the prophets do speak truthfully
But they speak about things so far away, we need not concern ourselves with what they say
I think of this excuse when I hear scientists telling us that in a few billion years from now, our sun will exhaust all its fuel and go supernova
The sun will violently explode
And the explosion will grow to consume every planet in the solar system
All life on earth will be extinguished, and even the planet itself will cease to exist
Why doesn’t that prediction worry people? It’s because of that little detail at the beginning…”in a few billion years from now”
We hear that part of the prediction, and we say, “Oh that sounds terrible…what are we having for dinner?”
It’s not a concern because we’ll never live to see it and we have more pressing concerns
That same thinking is also reflected in that passage I quoted earlier from 2 Peter…it won’t happen to us
But the exiles weren’t listening to Ezekiel’s words very carefully, because he’s been predicting things that could be far away
For example, in his prophecy concerning the destruction of the city in Chapter 11, Ezekiel predicted the death of two current leaders in the city of Jerusalem
So obviously if his predictions are true, then they have to come to pass during their lifetimes
It’s more of the same bad logic we’ve discussed already
These people are willfully blind
If you’ve never used the first excuse, perhaps you’ve used the second – because they are two sides of the same coin
God’s word is true…but just not yet
The Lord says He’s coming back for His church, but I’m guessing it’s not happening today
The Lord says that I should be serving Him and should be growing in my spiritual maturity…but that can wait for tomorrow
If the first excuse could be labeled denial, then this one could be labeled delay
We don’t deny the truth of the word; we just tell ourselves that it’s too far away to matter
Like a supernova, God’s word is interesting in theory, but it’s not very practical
I think this is one of the more common excuses you find in the church today for why people ignore, and flat out disobey, the word of God
It’s why you see so many pastors pandering to congregations with sermons advertised to be “relevant” or “practical”
I think those are code words for “Bible-free” preaching
Our church culture has been trained to acknowledge the Bible is true but to also assume it doesn’t speak to our situation or needs
Part of the problem is there is a lot of bad Bible teaching going on
There are a lot of men in the pulpit who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag, much less divide rightly the word of God
And when our people sit under such nonsense week after week, it dulls their senses and distorts their view of what Bible teaching should be
It’s the same situation that caused the exiles to use the same excuse
They had false teachers everywhere, which cheapened their appreciation for God’s word
In the end, many acknowledged the truth of God’s word, but none of it seemed meaningful or relevant
So they said it concerns distant things, therefore we can ignore it
When I began to teach Ezekiel to our congregation, I heard from several pastors who said they would never consider teaching this book to their congregations
They said they didn’t think their people would listen to it…the content was too far removed from their experience
At first, I gave some thought to those words and began to worry this wasn’t the right book for me to teach either
And then I realized this was the very excuse that God condemns in His word… ironically in this very book
God gave us this book for a reason, and if we think it’s too remote, it’s only because we’ve forgotten the power of God’s word
Some of the events of this book are distant…and some are right around the corner
Some of the situations in this book are unique to ancient Israel…but many are as relevant to us as our own diary
You only have to look deeper into what God is saying to find what He has for you
The solution to ending this excuse among God’s people is the same as the earlier excuse
In v.28 the Lord simply declares that none of His words will be delayed any longer
He will speak to near term events and He will bring them to pass
And then the people will not be able to claim that His word isn’t relevant
I believe we’re living in days when the Lord is preparing to remove this excuse from the church as well
Prophecies are being fulfilled
And much more is going to happen soon
Now is not the time to doubt the word of the Lord or to think it’s not happening soon
It’s all true, and it’s all relevant