Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongI’m often annoyed by the way the world portrays devout Christians in the movies
The “cool” Christians are those who don’t take their religion too seriously
They’re vaguely religious, keeping their beliefs to themselves
They celebrate tolerance in the spirit of love
They even embrace other religions and even enjoy a little sin once in a while
That’s the cool Christian
Then there are the evil, wacky Christians in the movies
We’re the ones who actually believe the Bible
We dare to live according to what it says
We talk openly about the need to be forgiven of sin and the reality of hell
And we insist that unless you are born again by faith in Jesus Christ, you cannot see heaven
Those are the bad Christians, according to the movies
Of course, we know what’s really going on here…
This is a spiritual battle, where the enemy is seeking to silence the Gospel and neutralize the witness of true believers
The world hypocritically calls for tolerance but will only tolerate Christians who hide their Christianity
They demonize Christians who actually live out their faith, because our witness prompts conviction and fear of judgment
So they try to pressure us into silence
And yet, ungodly people often find comfort in an association with the godly as an insurance policy against bad things happening
We’re like a lucky charm for them when things go really wrong in their life
They may ask us to say a prayer for them
Or they desire our friendship or counsel because they feel we’re “closer” to God and we can provide them some protection
It’s superstition born out of an ignorance of Who God is and how we find a relationship with Him
This misconception is not new…it’s always existed among the ungodly and unbelieving of the world
And we’ll see it at work among Israel today in Chapter 14 as well
Last week we studied the fourth excuse of Israel, the excuse that Israel’s leaders were personally responsible for the nation’s idolatry
The people said they need not fear the word of the prophet since God’s judgment would fall only their leaders
They thought they would be spared since they were merely following the example of the elders
So they ignored the prophet’s warning and went on sinning
The Lord declared their excuse to be invalid by calling all Israel to repent personally or else face judgment
God said His mercy was available equally to all who repented
But likewise, His judgment would fall upon all who failed to repent of idolatry
That fourth excuse exposed a bias within the people of Israel, a false understanding of how God operates
They assumed that the behavior of one person could be the basis for God’s relationship to an entire group of people
Just as they thought the Lord would let judgment for their bad behavior fall on a leader
In the same way, they assumed that the good behavior of one person in the group would be cause for God to overlook the sin of the group
These are excuses for sin, and the Lord is setting them straight
Last week He corrected their misconception concerning leaders
And in the second half of the chapter He explains that another’s righteousness will do us no good
The Lord says if a country (namely, Israel) sins against Him in unfaithfulness to the covenant, then He will stretch out His hand against them
In response, He will bring various calamities against the land and the people
The calamities include four categories of disaster
First, in v.13 the Lord describes a famine so great it cuts off man and beast
In v.15 he describes attacks by wild animals that run people out of the land
Those two would seem to go together, for as famine increases we would expect wild animals to attack humans for food
Then in v.17 the Lord warns of war devastating the country
And finally, in v.19 the Lord warns of a plague so great it leaves no one alive
These four disasters are uniquely specific, and they draw our attention back to a certain chapter of the Law found in Leviticus
In other words, these warnings are not new information for the people of Israel
The Lord promised these outcomes in the covenant of the Law as penalty for disobedience and unfaithfulness
Specifically, in Leviticus 26 the Lord promised:
In Lev 26 we find all four types of calamities mentioned here in Ezekiel
These curses were part of what God promised to Israel in the Law as repercussions for breaking His covenant
And Lord reminds Israel of these judgment to make clear that He’s simply acting in keeping with His word
He’s remaining faithful to His covenant even as Israel did not
Because He’s a covenant-keeping God
Remember, the Old Covenant was a national covenant that obligated all the people of Israel to a single response from God
If the entire nation obeyed the covenant, then they all received the promises
But if the entire nation wasn’t faithful to the covenant, the entire nation would see these curses
So God is only doing what He promised to do
But then the Lord moves to making His point concerning associated righteousness
He says in v.14 that even if three especially godly men were living among them, nevertheless His judgments would still come against Israel
The three men were Noah, Daniel and Job
The Lord is speaking entirely hypothetically, because these three men didn’t live at the same time in history
Noah lived thousands of years earlier, Job lived hundreds of years earlier and Daniel was still alive
By the way, Ezekiel’s mention of Daniel refutes those who say Daniel’s book was written long after the events he predicted
God chose these three men from history to emphasize the point that one man’s righteousness has no bearing on another’s fate
For example Noah was a righteous man, but his righteousness couldn’t save the world when the flood came
Daniel was a righteous man, but his righteousness couldn’t save his nation when Babylon came
And Job was a righteous man, but his righteousness couldn’t save his own family when the enemy came
An upright man couldn’t save the world nor a nation nor even a family
Their righteousness only served to save themselves
The rest suffered the penalty they deserved
Few principles of scripture could be more important than this: we are each accountable to God for ourself
No matter how “good” someone is, that person will not be cause for God to overlook another’s sin
You may have an especially godly mother or father
Or you may be married to an especially godly spouse
Or you may best friends to Billy Graham or you might shine the pope’s shoes or mow the pastor’s lawn…
But none of that counts for anything when you stand before God for your judgment
There is only one relationship we can have that will pay dividends for us at our judgement
That’s our relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Jesus is the one true righteous man, the one man who never sinned
And because He was perfect, He pleased God the Father
No other human being can make that claim
Therefore, if we hope to be saved from the judgment we deserve for our sin, we need to receive credit for Christ’s perfection in place of our sin
Placing faith in Jesus Christ results in God crediting us with Christ’s righteousness
And God counts Christ’s death as the payment our sin required
That’s the only association that pays us dividends in Heaven
That’s what made Noah, Daniel and Job righteous in the first place
They were righteous by faith, credited with the righteousness of Christ, and their faith saved them
In v.20 the Lord says these three men were delivered by their own righteousness, which refers to their saving faith in God’s promises
And that salvation wasn’t transferrable
Notice the Lord repeats this conclusion three times in the passage I read
In v.14, v.16 and v.20 the Lord says these men couldn’t even save their own sons and daughters
Noah, Daniel and Job needed a Savior too
Every person is equally guilty of sin before the Lord
In fact, if these three men HAD been living in the city, it would have only made the judgment that much more appropriate
In v.21 the Lord says how much more when He sends His four judgments against the city…
He’s saying that if Noah, Daniel and Job were living in the midst of the city, He would preserve them from judgment because of their righteousness
But then after preserving them and removing them from harm’s way, how much more would the remainder of the city deserve what was coming?
So rather than saving the city, these men would only serve to convict the city all the more, since the city should have seen their good examples and followed after them
To quote Jesus in Luke 18:19, there is no one good but God alone
Therefore, none of us have any “spare” righteousness to offer another
We all obtain righteousness by our faith, and that righteousness is not our own, it’s Christ’s righteousness given to us
So we don’t have anything to give to anyone else
Yet among the unbelieving in the world, people still assume God works this way
The world likes to think they may earn God’s approval one way or another
And conveniently, the world thinks the standard for heaven is low enough that they can meet the requirements with just a little effort
So when they come across someone who is especially devoted to serving God, the world assumes that person has an excess of heavenly credit
They are doing way more than what’s required to get into heaven, so they can afford to share that wealth with other people
So by associating with that person, they’re getting a heavenly insurance policy
That thinking lies at the heart of the Catholic teaching on saints
They teach that certain people lived such a commendable life that they merited excess favor with God
And so their excess merit they can be shared with others
So when things begin to go wrong for a Catholic, they turn to these “spiritual” all-stars seeking comfort and protection
They pray to their favorite saint expecting a heavenly transfer of favor
And this superstition is also evident in personal relationships
Have you noticed how unreligious people will sometimes seek out a committed Christian to ask for prayer in times of desperation?
Or maybe they joke about you putting in a good word for them with “the Man upstairs”
You find this happening especially in families where there’s a lone Christian in the group
I see this happening in my own family every year about this time, as Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around
The family I came from is not religious at all and so we never bother with saying a prayer before a meal
Except when I’m at the table and it’s a holiday
There’s that awkward pause before everyone eats as they all look at me helplessly expecting me to pray so they can eat
Because God hears my prayers since I’m so “spiritual”
That’s the same kind of thinking we’re talking about here
Though Israel was unwilling to obey God, they expected the Lord to be merciful to them because a few Jews among them were obedient
Like their reasoning for their fourth excuse, they assumed history supported their assumption
Last week I mentioned that the history of Babylon’s attacks on the city of Jerusalem may have given the people reason to think that their leaders alone would be judged
But as I said, they had selective memory, because they overlooked that many Jews besides the leaders were caught up in the destruction
And perhaps the people have again drawn the wrong conclusion from their history
Perhaps they remembered the account of Abraham saving Lot from Sodom’s destruction
In that account, Abraham asked God to spare the city if ten righteous people could be found
That story seemed to suggest that God saves cities if there are any righteous living in them
If that’s what they thought, then they conveniently overlooked the outcome for the city of Sodom in that story
While the Lord fulfilled His promise to Abraham concerning Lot and his family, in the end the city of Sodom was destroyed and all the ungodly with it
Only those who were willing to obey the voice of the Lord spoken through His messengers, the angels, escaped the judgment
So though a righteous man lived in the city, in the end the city still received judgment
In Jerusalem’s case, the city would be judged and nothing was going to stop it
The die was cast, because the people had violated the covenant
But even still, we’ve been watching the Lord giving warning after warning
He’s told the people time and again through Ezekiel that this judgment was coming
And He’s told them how to survive the attack by repenting
If they did as He asked, they would survive and be given safety in exile
In that way the Lord could both be faithful to His promises in the covenant to judge Israel’s unfaithfulness and yet He can also be merciful to His people
Despite His patience and mercy, the people continue to make excuses for why they should ignore Ezekiel’s warnings
Remember this pattern when you reflect on what the Lord is preparing to do in Jerusalem
The Lord has been merciful and patient with His people, and yet He is also faithful to His word
That’s what a good father does…He keeps His word while looking for every opportunity to show mercy and grace
When my kids used to get into trouble and we had to discipline them, sometimes they would expect us to overlook their mistake
They wanted to avoid punishment, of course, but as parents we had to balance maintaining respect for our authority
So I would tell my kids, “You did the wrong thing, and now I have to do the right thing in discipling you. You can’t expect me to do the wrong thing also.”
Nevertheless we looked for every way we could to show mercy and restraint in that discipline, depending on the degree of repentance the child demonstrated
More repentance, more mercy
Less repentance, less mercy
But in all cases, we had to keep our word to bring some kind of consequences otherwise our word quickly meant nothing
That’s how you should see the Lord responding here to His covenant people
In fact, notice how the chapter ends
In spite of everything the city has done in worshipping idols and setting up abominations and failing to repent, still the Lord will preserve survivors
In fact, the Lord says that the city would see the conduct of these people and that would bring them comfort in the calamity
The Hebrew word translated conduct and actions literally means evil actions
So the Lord is saying that the exiles will see the kind of people who will join them from Israel
Evil people will be preserved through the judgment
And as these evil people come to Babylon in captivity to join the rest of the exiles, they will testify to what they did
And they will explain how the Lord preserved them nonetheless
And then the people of Israel will take some comfort in seeing the big picture
They will understand why the Lord brought everything that He did against the city and the people
And they will appreciate the Lord’s mercy and kindness and restraint in the face of His righteous judgment
Moreover, the Lord says in v.23 that they will find comfort in seeing that His judgment wasn’t in vain
The Lord is alluding to the change of heart He knows this judgment will bring to His people
The exiles will cease their rebellion in idolatry
They will acknowledge their wicked past
And they will commit themselves to remaining faithful to the covenant in the future
Earlier the Lord said that not even Noah, Daniel and Job could save their sons and daughters from the coming judgment
But now in v.22 God says He would save both sons and daughters
By His mercy He would preserve a remnant within Israel
What Noah, Daniel and Job could not do, God did
Righteousness couldn’t spare the guilty
But a righteous God could, by responding to their repentance with grace
This is our relationship too…before coming to faith in Jesus, we were no better than Israel was
We engaged in different sin, but it made us just as unholy and just as deserving of judgment
We too may have thought that we would escape judgment by our own righteousness
Or perhaps that of our parents or spouse
But they couldn’t save us… and we couldn’t even save ourselves
But God can save us
The Lord is prepared to save those who throw themselves on His mercy, who acknowledge their sin
And those who accept the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ are receiving the righteousness that can’t be found any other way
In the end, that person will be saved from judgment