Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we’re moving away from Paul’s explanation of Israel’s unique place in His plan of salvation and back into Paul’s main point of teaching
Before we do, we still have Paul’s summary at the end of Romans 11 to consider
This summary will serve as our transition back into his essay on righteousness
So let’s pick up in v.28
Paul’s summary brings together everything we’ve learned in Chapters 9-10
Paul says that from the standpoint or perspective of the Gospel, God made Israel His enemy for our sake
But Israel isn’t God’s enemy in all respects
Paul says God made them to be His enemy only in relationship to the Gospel, that is to Christ
Israel rejected Christ and they impeded the movement of the Gospel, and in that sense they are an enemy of the Gospel
But Paul goes on to say God made Israel to be this way for our sake, so that we might receive God’s mercy for a time
So understanding this situation from God’s perspective, we find something astounding
Rather than forsaking His people, God’s hardening of Israel is proof that God is still very much working for their good
It’s proof that God is keeping the covenants and promises that He made with Israel
Paul says we can see they are still beloved for the sake of “the fathers”
In other words, God is still keeping every promise He gave to the patriarchs, the fathers
And among those promises was the guarantee that God would hold Israel under judgment for their sins if they disobeyed the Law
For example, in the Old Covenant the Lord told Israel this:
Israel is currently enduring a millennial-long period of judgment, outside the mercy of God apart from a remnant
They endure this because God promised Israel it would happen for their disobedience to the Old Covenant
So incredibly, Israel’s current circumstances prove God’s continuing love for His people
Paul says that from the perspective of God’s choice, Israel remains beloved by God
For 2,000 years Israel has been under judgment
Yet the nation hasn’t disappeared or ceased to remain a distinct people
And in the past century, they began to return to their land for the first time in two millennia
This is our proof that God is still at work with them, fulfilling His promises to them, which means He still loves His people
And therefore we can know that He will eventually fulfill the “good” promises too
Just as when a parent disciplines a child properly, it’s evidence of a parent’s caring heart
Nevertheless, we may suppose this is unfair or unloving
Perhaps we would expect the Lord to overlook Israel’s rejection of Christ and forget His promises of judgment
But if that’s what you expect, think about what you’re asking
You’re asking God to be unfaithful to His promises
You might think you’re doing Israel a favor with that petition, but in reality you’re destroying your own faith
For if God could do as you want – ignore His promises to judge Israel and forget His own word to them – then what prevents God from doing the same to you?
If He can ignore His promise to judge Israel might He also forget His promises to give you eternal life?
We can’t have it both ways: either God is a trustworthy God Who always keeps His promises – whether “good" and “bad”
Or else He is not trustworthy to keep any promises and we have believed in vain
Paul emphasizes this conclusion in v.29 saying the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable
When God gives a gift, it cannot be refused or lost, for our possession of it didn’t depend on ourselves in the first place
Likewise when God places a calling on a person or group of people, that calling will never be revoked
Because God doesn’t call in error or change His mind later
Paul is applying this principle to nations, but it applies equally to individuals
That is, our gift of eternal life is irrevocable
Once we have been called and justified, our standing in Christ’s righteousness cannot change
As Jude says
Furthermore, the calling of God on a Christian cannot be revoked
God calls men and women to serve Him in certain capacities and He gifts us with abilities to meet that calling
And these things never change, the calling is a permanent duty for life
But regrettably, in the weakness of our flesh we may act in ways contrary to God’s calling
For example, we’ve all seen men or women who began in ministry only to walk away later
Which leaves us wondering did they reject God’s calling or did He reject them?
Someone who walks away from God’s calling is disobeying God
And the one who takes up a ministry without God’s calling is presuming on God
In the case of Israel, God gifted the Jewish people with covenants and called them to be His people for eternity – and those things cannot be reversed
Meanwhile, in v.30 Paul says God is also working His plan for Gentiles
We were once in Israel’s place, that is, outside God’s mercy
And our collective disobedience to God became cause for God to reach out and establish a plan of redemption
He moved first through a single man, Abram, gifting him with a covenant by which God established the Jewish people
These people would be the first among all peoples to receive God’s mercy in a plan of salvation
But when God’s plan culminated in the arrival of Christ, Israel was the one who acted disobediently to God
So then God used Israel’s disobedience as just cause to begin showing mercy to the Gentiles through the same Gospel
And that period continues today
But then in v.31 Paul says this course pattern has yet one more turn before we reach the finish line
A day is coming when the Lord will bring mercy to Israel again
Why? Because He owes them the same opportunity for mercy that He gave to disobedient Gentiles in times past
Remember, Gentiles weren’t seeking God when He came to us with Jesus
We didn’t deserve His mercy when He elected us to receive it
He simply acted on His own for our sake in spite of our disobedience
So now that Israel has become disobedient, they find themselves in the same place we Gentiles were once
So Paul says if God was willing to overlook our disobedience to bring us Christ in the past
Then in fairness He will overlook Israel’s disobedience to the Gospel to bring them Christ as well
One day Israel will be brought to faith in Jesus too and thus will God’s plan to save the nations come to its conclusion
The central flaw – and conceit – of Replacement Theology is overlooking this final turn in God’s plan of salvation
They acknowledge three fourths of Paul’s argument
They acknowledge that Jews were once given mercy
And they agree that Gentiles were once disobedient and without God
And they see that God set aside Israel for their disobedience while extending mercy to Gentiles
But they overlook that God says He will do the same for Israel, extending mercy to them despite their disobedience
Paul summarizes this concept powerfully in v.32
God has left each group, Gentiles and Jews, in their disobedience for a time
He shut up all, Paul says
We could also say God “shut out” each group for a time, leaving each group largely without mercy for a time
And He also extends mercy to each group for a time, thereby treating each group fairly in the end
As we sit here today, we might see this as unfair because we are witnessing only one moment of the plan
But by Paul’s teaching, we come to appreciate that God’s plan is to use one group’s disobedience as just cause to go to the other group with mercy and vice versa
When you think about what Paul is explaining, you begin to sit back in your chair in awe of the plan of God
And you share in Paul’s exclamation at the end of the chapter
This is the proper response to understanding the sovereignty of God and the power of God to extend His mercy to all
When you learned about God choosing those who will receive mercy and who will not…
And that God has determined to open doors or shut doors for whole groups of people over the course of history…
If that caused you to question God’s love or even the truth of what you read in the Bible…
Then as they say, you’re doing it wrong
Or in this case, you’re understanding it wrong
Because your response should be the same as Paul’s response here
We’re witnesses to the wisdom and knowledge and power of God at work to bring salvation to all people according to His will
And it’s unfathomable
His judgments and His mercy are unsearchable and beyond our understanding
And if you think you know better how it should be, Paul says we are in no position to counsel God or to teach Him
We have nothing to offer Him that He should profit from a relationship with us
He owes us nothing for He already has all things, Paul says
So all that God is doing in these things is for His glory, not ours
So now we understand how Israel’s rejection of Jesus and their present hardening was appointed by God
It was both just and purposeful on God’s part
But it’s also temporary
Ultimately, God plans to fulfill His promises to His people in a day to come
So Israel’s situation does not cast doubt on our own confidence in the promises we’ve received from the Lord
Rather, God’s willingness to hold His people under judgment is even greater cause for us to have confidence
For it tells us that God is, indeed, a promise-keeping God – even as He holds His people under judgment for a time
Meanwhile, we who are in Christ Jesus have no worry of such condemnation
Because we are not under the Law God gave Israel, so we do not share in their jeopardy
And what’s more, anyone who has come to know Jesus as Messiah is no longer under Law
Therefore, the curses that Israel is experiencing now are not appointed for those in Christ, whether Jew or Gentile
So we can live in the light of a salvation that is without end and cannot be taken from us
Knowing this, how should we live?
That’s the topic Paul will address in the last section of His letter
Beginning now in Chapter 12, we move from an explanation of how we are saved to an exhortation for how we live in light of our salvation
Simply put, we leave a conversation about justification (Chapters 1-8)
And we move to a conversation about sanctification (Chapters 9-15)
That means it’s time to consult our Romans Structure chart again
Notice that our topic is still righteousness, but now we’re talking about righteousness lived out rather than obtaining righteousness
Chapters 1-8 taught us we obtain righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ
And we can never lose that righteousness because it didn’t become ours based on our actions – it came as a result of God changing our spirit
And since we have been freed from any concerns about earning salvation, our life can be directed at serving Christ without fear or worry
Yet that service comes in a certain way, according to a certain priority
And so in these chapters Paul gives us a prioritized list of the ways we should live out our righteousness in service to Christ
They progress from our person, to the church body, to our witness to unbelievers, to our role in society
And once again, at the end, Paul narrows his focus on Jew vs. Gentile
Before we look at the first part of this section, let’s consult a new chart that will guide us through this final section
Paul has organized his discussion of sanctification in a very careful manner
We must appreciate his structure, otherwise his instructions may appear as merely a collection of do’s and don’t’s
In reality, these chapters are a prioritized system for directing our approach to serving Christ
And his structure has the benefit of resolving conflicts that arise from competing priorities or values
We can represent Paul’s system with a bull’s eye chart like the one above
Each ring in the chart represents a relationship in which a believer must seek for righteousness
The heart of the bull’s eye represents righteousness in our relationship with God
The next ring is our righteousness among the Church, which is our relationship with believers
The next ring is our righteousness before the world, which is our relationship with unbelievers
The final ring is our righteousness within societal structures, which is our relationship with government
The outward movement of these concentric rings sets our priority for where to work and how to resolve conflicting goals
The center of the bull’s eye is our highest priority
As the rings move outward, the priority diminishes
For example, our relationship with God is the most important area of sanctification
It’s a higher priority than our relationships with the church or the world
But as we attend to our personal holiness with God, we also become better equipped to attend to the needs of the outer rings
Obviously, we never “finish” working on a given ring
We will always battle sin in ourselves and we will always work on improving our relationships in the body of Christ, etc.
Nevertheless as we gain some measure of strength in one ring, we begin to benefit from that strength as we work in other rings
A Christian cannot short circuit this process
We cannot skip over an inner ring and expect to succeed in outer rings
For example, the believer who has not made an effort to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ is not well-prepared to serve fellow believers
Likewise, if we don’t strive for holiness in our relationships within the body of Christ (where we have a safe environment to fail and learn), how will we win unbelievers?
Finally, we work on these relationships in the power of the Spirit to convict, teach and guide us through this process
We can’t achieve results in our own power
We must following the Spirit’s leading, allowing Him to change our hearts over time
When we pursue sanctification according to Paul’s pattern, we gain a biblical tool for resolving conflicts in our obedience priorities
For example: if serving God in our personal righteousness comes into conflict with the government’s demands upon us, who do we obey?
According to Paul’s prioritized system, we must obey God over government (we’ll talk more about this in Chapter 13)
Or if our commitment to the body of Christ conflicts with our obligations to the world, we give priority to our Church relationships over the world
We’ll look more at these examples as we go through Paul’s teaching
But I hope you already see the value of this chart for guiding our walk with Christ
These chapters are much more than merely a laundry list of rights and wrongs…
They are the masterplan for how to live for Christ
So let’s start where Paul begins, at the center of the bull’s eye: our relationship with God
This is the bull’s eye of our chart, and though we have only two verses for this ring, they are the most challenging in the entire list
First, notice Paul’s transition
He says therefore, as if he’s moving from an earlier point
That earlier point is not the end of Chapter 11 so much, but rather the end of Chapter 8
As we did earlier, let’s take a look how the end of Chapter 8 and the beginning of Chapter 12 fit together
If I put the final thought of 8 and the first thought of 12 together, they are seamless
Nothing in this world or the next world can ever separate you from the love of God
So therefore, you don’t need to waste your energy on earning God’s mercy…you already have it!
So, work on these things instead
Beginning with attending to your own personal righteousness or holiness
Remember, the righteousness that brings you into Heaven is not your own righteousness but Christ’s righteousness obtained by faith alone
But that doesn’t mean your personal righteousness doesn’t matter
Our personal righteousness still matters to God as a means to glorifying Him and to achieving the mission of the church
Obviously, we cannot pursue personal holiness until we have first come to faith in Christ and received His righteousness
Hebrews 11 tells us that apart from faith, it’s impossible to please God
Without the Spirit of Christ living and working in us, we have no engine to drive our spiritual change
And we lack a spiritual compass pointing us in the right direction
As I like to say, until you’ve walked the Romans road of Chapters 1-8, you can’t walk the walk of Romans 12-15
Paul makes the same observation at the start of the chapter
Paul urges us to take up a pursuit of personal righteousness by the mercies of God
The original Greek text is singular, so Paul actually wrote “by the mercy” of God
The mercy of God refers to God’s compassion toward us in the way He saved us and gave us His Spirit
So Paul urges us to pursue holiness by depending on God’s mercy rather than seeking to become holy in our own power
Regrettably, we prefer to seek holiness without relying on the mercy of God, typically by making our own plans for how to be holy
Seeking personal righteousness without depending on God’s mercy only arrives at self-righteousness
We turn a blind eye to the real sin in our lives or make excuses for the things they don’t want to confront
While claiming victory over so-called sins that aren’t the things the Spirit is asking us to address
Like the Christian who takes great satisfaction in never reading Harry Potter books yet carries on gossiping at every opportunity
Unfortunately that’s the only kind of “sanctification” some Christians are willing to pursue
It’s living two different lives
One life is public, portraying themselves as a successful Christian, following Christ without regrets and living the dream
While the other life is lived in secret, filled with hypocrisy, sin, spiritual double-mindedness and the guilt that these things produce
But neither life is true…
In reality, in our secret life before God we are righteous by faith and loved unconditionally without guilt or shame
While in our public life, we are actually a hypocrite, in need of others’ counsel, prayer, forgiveness and love
If you want to escape the false Christian life, seek righteousness in the right way, according to God’s mercy
Paul gives us that way here
And unsurprisingly, it involves two steps that directly contradict the weaknesses of that hypocritical Christian life
First, Paul tells us to present our sinful bodies to Christ as a living and holy sacrifice
Paul’s drawing a comparison to the sacrificial system of the Jewish temple
Every morning and every night in the temple, priests would sacrifice an animal to God as directed in the law
Day in and day out, those sacrifices happened in the temple without fail
They weren’t for specific sin but as an ongoing act of worship and service to God
The animal was killed and then its body was completely consumed by fire on the altar
Paul compares our service to God to that of the sacrificed animal brought before God in the temple
Paul uses the Greek aorist tense in v.1 for the verb “present”
The aorist tense describes an action that happens once with an effect that continues indefinitely
So Paul’s saying that we must make a daily decision to serve God with our lives, submitting ourselves to God continuously thereafter
His verb choice reflects the struggle of sanctification
We know submitting to God in this way is the right thing to do
Yet we still struggle to do it daily and to follow through on our convictions and promises
Nevertheless, like those priests in the temple, we must determine every morning to honor the temple of God by making the sacrifices He requires
Paul says our sacrifice will be with our bodies, not with an animal, and it will be by a living sacrifice, not by a death
God doesn’t want us repeating the animal sacrifices of the Law, for those sacrifices merely pictured greater things to come
The daily sacrifices pictured God’s people making a daily sacrifice by their service to God
So it’s our duty to practice the fulfillment of this picture, not to revisit its origins in the Law
So what does it look like to make a living sacrifice of our bodies to the Lord?
Well, in short it’s everything Paul teaches in Romans 12-15 and in the Bible over all
But simply put, it means placing the goal of pleasing the Lord ahead of pleasing ourselves or anyone else
In keeping with the meaning of the word sacrifice, it means giving up something we value because possessing it stands in the way of our personal righteousness
And on every day of our life, there will be some specific sacrifice the Lord will ask us to make for the sake of holiness
Something we are holding on to – a possession, a relationship, a desire, a thought, an attitude – something that leads us away from holiness
And each day the Lord will ask us to bring that thing before Him and burn it up on the altar of our heart
To let it be consumed entirely, so that by its removal we may be pleasing to Him and over time become more like Him
Now if we aren’t willing to make that sacrifice today, it will still be there waiting for us tomorrow
So that until we make that sacrifice, our forward movement in sanctification will be impeded to an extent
That’s why we sometimes find ourselves struggling with seasons in our walk with Christ
These are times when we can’t seem to rise above some obstacle standing in the way of personal righteousness
We know what we must do but we can’t bring ourselves to do it
And so there we stay, stuck on our path of sanctification
During these seasons, we may still be attending church or even serving within our community
But these things aren’t really moving us ahead because they aren’t addressing the sacrifices the Lord has asked of us
Notice Paul says we must sacrifice what is acceptable to God
If God is asking to sacrifice our lust for pornography, we can’t please Him by sacrificing chocolate instead
If God asks us to sacrifice time in Bible study, we can’t substitute time spent mowing the neighbor’s lawn or serving in a soup kitchen
If God asks us to sacrifice our pride by forgiving someone, we can’t choose instead to sacrifice money by making a donation
We are called to present before God sacrifices that He finds acceptable
And we are called to do this in a living way, daily
Paul says this is our spiritual service of worship
And once again, he’s referring back to the daily sacrifices in the temple, which were an act of worship by the priest in the temple service
We often talk about serving God through worship, and when we use that term we generally thinking of singing songs to God
That’s certainly a form of worship, but Paul gives us the true form of worship
We worship God when we serve Him in obedience
By agreeing to sacrifice those unholy aspects of our life that stand between us and holiness
That’s how we demonstrate a true heart of worship
And it’s actually the most powerful form of worship possible
Any heart (even an unbelieving heart) can stand up and sing a song and call it worship
But only a heart of faith, submitted to the will of God and seeking to please God, will be willing to make sacrifices God requires
So do you want to worship God? Then obey Him
You want to serve God? You can serve Him no better than following the Spirit’s leading
But the payoff for making these sacrifices rarely comes in the moment
Usually, it’s a painful struggle against the flesh
We feel the immediate loss of what the Lord’s asking us to sacrifice
But we don’t see the fruit of our obedience for a time
Maybe not until we receive our reward in the Kingdom
Therefore, obeying the Bible’s call to sacrifice will always require a measure of faith
We need to operate in the faith that God out of His love for us knows more than we do about what’s best for us
And that what He’s asking us to sacrifice can’t compare to what we stand to gain for obeying His call to pursue righteousness
We must operate in faith, following the Spirit’s leading, denying our flesh its desires so that we may please Christ
When we do this, we’re operating in a way that is exactly opposite of the way the world operates
The world says look out for #1 (i.e., yourself)
The world says get what pleasure you can now, because you only live once
The world says there is no God and there is no Hell
This is the way the world thinks, but even a believer can begin to think that way too, which will lead us away from serving God
Which is why Paul says in v.2 that we must not be conformed to the world
The call of Romans 12:1-2 stands in opposition to the call of the world
And there is no way to reconcile them
You cannot serve two masters, as Jesus taught
So we are either being confirmed to the world or we are being conformed to the likeness of Christ
You are either moving in the direction of holiness or you are moving away from holiness
In other words, there is no such thing as standing still in our walk of sanctification
So how do we make sure we’re always moving forward and not backward?
Paul says it requires engaging in a transformation process beginning with a renewing of your mind
There’s the secret to successful Christian living…and it’s been hiding here in the open in Romans 12
We transform ourselves by adopting the mind of Christ
Our thinking becomes more holy so that our behavior may become more righteous
Paul’s talking about spending time in the word of God and in prayer and in the counsel of godly people
Listening intently, considering it carefully, applying it diligently
It’s a transformation process, one done by the Spirit of God in our hearts
He’s the engine for that change
But the fuel for that engine is the word of God
The transformation happens inside us, but its effects are witnessed by the world
Paul says we seek this transformation so we may “prove” what is the will of God
To prove means to demonstrate truth through actions, as in to testify by our lives
As we transform our thinking into Christ’s and our behavior follows, we testify to the will of God
God’s will is made evident in us because our lives begin to reflect His will
It’s like God’s the director of a great theatre production, and we’re the actor in our own life story
So God directs us to think in righteous ways, so that as we live that instruction out before the world we show the world the director’s will
We are showing the world what God considers good and acceptable and perfect
In a word, our witness
It’s how we make decisions, how we respond to tragedies in life, how we set priorities in our finances, how we conduct our relationships
It’s how we raise our kids
It’s how we treat our parents
It’s how we love our enemies
These decisions prove what is pleasing to God before a world blinded by the enemy
That’s the first ring in Paul’s teaching on sanctification
It’s living in a way that pleases God, pursuing personal righteousness in our relationship with God
While knowing we already have been credited with Christ’s righteousness
Therefore we work to please God for the sake of a righteous witness, not for the sake of salvation
The Old Testament has a simple way of describing this relationship between eternal righteousness and personal righteousness
In the Old Testament, a man like Noah would be declared righteous because his faith made him so in the eyes of God
And he was also declared blameless because he possessed personal righteousness in the eyes of men
Romans 12 tells us to seek to be blameless before God even as we are already righteous by faith