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Stephen ArmstrongImpartido por
Stephen ArmstrongOne of the first things anyone learns about God is His omnipresence
We’re taught from an early age that God is Spirit and He is everywhere at all times
And so when we hear that the glory of God dwelled among men in the tabernacle or temple, it sounds a bit confusing
Isn’t He already there?
And if so, what exactly is different about the glory of God dwelling with men?
Well, we’ve been exploring these questions over the past several weeks as we learn how the glory of the Lord departs His temple in Ezekiel’s day
The visions Ezekiel has received in Chapters 8-11explain coming events in Jerusalem from a spiritual perspective
In Chapter 8 we saw Ezekiel predicting the end of the city through a 14-month long street performance
In Chapter 9 we learned that the Lord decreed the death of all ungodly in the city, and the glory of God begins to leave the temple
In Chapter 10 the city itself is destroyed by God’s judgment and the glory of God moves from the doorway to the temple, to the east gate of the temple
Along this path, we’re asking the question what all this means?
Why does God’s glory move in this way?
Why is the Lord explaining His glory’s departure in such detail and why does it move so slowly?
Perhaps we should ask why does God’s glory dwell among men at all?
Today in Chapter 11 we see the final installment in this particular prophecy given to Ezekiel
Today the glory of God makes one final stop on its way out and Ezekiel learns the Lord’s plan to return in a future day
Once again, this chapter is a continuation of our scene – as the word “moreover” indicates
So we’re moving away from the moment that the cherubim land by the temple to escort the glory of God out of the building
The glory of God found no sanctuary in the Holy of Holies, since the priests that serve Him were worshipping the sun instead
And the glory found no sanctuary in the court because the leaders were worshipping Egyptian gods in its walls
And therefore the glory of God now hovers above the east gate leading out of the court of the temple to the city
The Spirit now transports Ezekiel in his vision to that gate to see yet another scene
Outside the gate stood another group of 25 men
This group is different than those we saw earlier in Chapter 8
That earlier group were priests serving in the temple, but these men are described as leaders of the people
It would be natural to see civic leaders gathered in a city gate, since this is where administrative business was conducted
Among these men are two who Ezekiel recognizes and names
Nothing is known about them except their names
The name Jaazaniah means God Hears
And the name Pelatiah means God Delivers
These names prove ironically prophetic in light of the circumstances
The Lord says these men are supposed to dispense godly advice to the residents of the city, but instead they devise sin and give evil advice
The Lord gives Ezekiel two examples of their evil
First, they advise the people not to build houses saying the city is the pot and we are the flesh
To understand this statement, we have to know something that the people had been told by one of Ezekiel’s contemporaries; Jeremiah
Remember, Ezekiel is prophesying in Babylon to the exiles taken during the earlier campaigns
But Jeremiah is in the city speaking to the remaining residents
By this point, Jeremiah and the rest of the city had witnessed many of their brothers and sisters hauled off by the Babylonians into captivity
Twice before the city had been attacked and twice before the Babylonians had succeeded in defeating the city
So the Lord spoke through Jeremiah to the people remaining in the city that they were to be next
Jeremiah told the people that they should submit to the Babylonians and not fight back because they were God’s instrument of judgment
The people were to allow the Babylonians to take them
And if they submitted to this outcome, they would have their own life as their reward for obeying the Lord
Furthermore, Jeremiah told the people that they were to make a life in Babylon because they were going to be there a while
Notice in Jer. 29:5 the prophet said specifically to Jerusalem to set their minds on building houses in Babylon and living in them
This would not be a short term exile; they’re going to be there for a while, so make the best of it
And to reassure them, the Lord said He would provide for their welfare while they were there
Now look back at Ezekiel 11:3
In v.3 the elders tell the people that the time is NOT near to build houses
They are mocking Jeremiah’s prophecy
They are saying the prophet was wrong, a third exile is not coming and they need not be concerned about building homes in Babylon
Instead, they lie to the people a second time saying they are like flesh in a pot
The word pot means a cauldron or basin that you use to cook food over a fire
So the leaders are saying to the residents, live inside the protection of the city of Jerusalem so they need not fear the Babylonian army
In the same way that meat in a pot isn’t touched by the fire outside the pot, so the people in the city won’t be harmed either
More than likely, these men were basing their confidence in the fact that the glory of God was dwelling in the temple
They mistakenly believed that the glory of God would dwell in its place forever
And that as long as it did, no army could take the city
Such were the lies these men told themselves and the people
So far, we’ve seen a corrupt high priest, corrupted priesthood, corrupt elders and now corrupt civic leaders
So it’s no wonder that the city is accepting and even celebrating such abominations
It would be easy for us to scoff at this generation of Israel asking how they could have been so foolish
But when everyone who leads you has moved in the same evil direction, it’s almost impossible for the people not to follow
This is why God is strict about the type of men and women He calls as leaders over His people
Israel was poorly served by their leaders, including the kings who were mostly often evil themselves
And when the head of the snake is diseased, then the whole will be as well
We cannot tolerate sinful, ungodly leaders over us, because if you show me your leaders, I will show you your future
Israel’s leaders have produced a very bleak future for the people
The Lord goes on to correct the lies of these leaders in vs.4-12
The Lord begins saying I know your thoughts
He means He knows the intentions of their hearts
God’s power to know our hearts is symbolized in the cherubim having eyes all around
He knows these men weren’t seeking to advise the people in truth and godliness
Instead, they were seeking to manipulate the situation to maintain their position of power
But because they contradict the word of the Lord and promote evil in the people, many more will die, the Lord says
He says these men multiply the dead in the city
They didn’t literally kill the people, but their advice will lead to more loss of life as the people fight against the Babylonians
If the people had heeded Jeremiah’s word, they could have saved their lives
In v.11 the Lord mocks them by using their own statement about pot and flesh
He says the flesh in that pot will be the slain in the city
Rather than being preserved, they will perish
And moreover, you’re not going to stay in the pot (the city
Instead, they will find themselves crossing the border of Israel as they are taken into Babylon
So not only is the city not a sanctuary for them, but neither will the land of Israel be their home
As the people crossed Israel’s border at Riblah, Nebuchadnezzar met the exiles and executed Israel’s civic leaders by the sword
Two of those men executed were Jaazaniah and Pelatiah
Remember their names? God Hears and God Delivers
Even as these men claimed God didn’t hear, God did in fact hear them
And therefore, He delivered a just response to their sin
The message was clear…if Jerusalem could not be a sanctuary for the Lord, then He would not allow it to be a sanctuary for His people
If they will not live by His precepts, then they will not live at all
And they will not live in the light of His presence
Israel learned this lesson in a visceral way, watching their city destroyed and the families dragged into a foreign land
But the principle is no less true for us even if we never see such disasters personally
We have opportunity to live in peace and in the light of the presence of the Lord so long as we give attention to His precepts
Or we can heed evil counsel or follow the lusts of our heart and experience the darkness that follows
Nothing escapes the notice of the Lord and He always has the perfect response to expose our heart’s intent and correct our ways
Next, the Lord gives Ezekiel a vision confirming the outcome for these two men
Ezekiel sees one of these two men, Pelatiah, drop dead at the city gate
Remember, we’ve said that these visions aren’t depicting the literal manner by which these events will take place
Instead, they explain the purpose behind these outcomes
In real life, Pelatiah doesn’t drop dead at the gate; he dies at Riblah
But this vision explains why his death is necessary
Seeing the man die causes Ezekiel to ask the Lord the same question he asked in the prior chapter: are you putting an end to all Israel?
He asks is the Lord putting the remnant of Israel to a complete end?
The word “remnant” causes some confusion here because normally that word refers to the believing element within the nation
But clearly Pelatiah is not a believing Jew, since he is principally responsible for the evil among the people
By the context of the passage, we must interpret the word remnant here to mean the remaining population of Israel living within the city
So Ezekiel is distraught at the prospect of seeing all remaining Jews in the land extinguished
Like any Jew, Ezekiel would have been aghast at the idea that there could be an Israel and Jerusalem with no Jews
And yet that is exactly what the Lord plans, at least for a time
Notice the Lord’s response to the prophet in vs.15-16
He tells Ezekiel that those who remain in the city are those who have been saying that exiles deserved to to be taken
They told their brothers and sisters like Ezekiel to “go far from the Lord” because we have been given the land as a possession
They feel as though these exiles deserved to be taken away from the presence of the Lord
While they assume they remain behind because the Lord has awarded the city to them instead
Once again, the presence of the Lord in the city seems to be the thing these people are hanging their hat on for security
And for that reason the glory of God will leave the city and so will they
Their offenses could only be rectified by taking such drastic action
But then comes a glimmer of hope, the first reason for hope we’ve yet seen in the book of Ezekiel
This next passage introduces one of the most important themes of the book, a theme that will be developed in much greater detail in coming chapters
For now, let’s consider what the Lord says in connection to His glory and its departure
The Lord begins to speak from a future point of view, looking back on the events in this vision
He says in v.16 though I removed My people from the city and scattered them far away among the nations of the world, nevertheless He would remain a sanctuary for them
He’s describing the way the Lord intends to protect His people while they are in exile
Ezekiel has been concerned that the Lord’s harsh actions would lead to the disappearance of the Jewish people
And certainly, without the Lord’s grace they most certainly would have disappeared
Anthropologically speaking, it would have been impossible for such a small people group to maintain a distinct identity over the many centuries they spent outside their lands
Yet they have done exactly that, survived intact
The Lord says He will be their sanctuary during these times of exile
They will turn to him in their afflictions and He will hear them
They will seek to keep the covenant in ways their evil ancestors wouldn’t, and by doing so their identity will be preserved among the nation
Ironically, the people didn’t find their sanctuary in the Lord when He dwelled among them in their city in peace
Yet now while in exile and under persecution, His people will seek Him earnestly
And this exile will be for a “little” while the Lord says in v.16
We know that the people were in exile in Babylon for 70 years, and certainly that is only a little while in terms of history
But when we look at what the Lord promises to do for Israel at the end of this time, we find He’s talking about a different time altogether
Notice in v.17 the end of this “little while” will result in Israel returning to her land and to possessing it again
Not just part of the land, but the Lord says they will possess “THE land of Israel”
The Lord means the entire land He promised to Israel, to Jacob
The exiles that returned from Babylon never realized this promise
Furthermore, the Lord says the Israel that returns to the land will once and forever put away their idols
As we mentioned in a previous week, the nation of Israel never returns to systematic idolatry after the Babylonian exile
But this promise goes far beyond mere external religious practices
Notice in vs.19-20 the Lord says all Israel will receive a “new heart” at this time
They will lose the hard heart of stone that didn’t know Him and didn’t obey His word
And in its place, the Lord will give them a heart of flesh, meaning a soft heart capable to hearing His voice and responding in obedience
As a result, the entire nation of Israel will walk in keeping with the Law of God and they shall all be God’s people
These are dramatic promises and they can only be understood in the context of Israel receiving the Kingdom
Under no under circumstances will we find Israel possessing all her land in peace
Under no other circumstances do we find the people of Israel united by the same heart of faith
Under no other circumstances could we find even one person – much less all the people – keeping the commandments of God
So the Lord is telling Ezekiel worry not, the people of Israel are in good hands; the Lord’s hands
On the other hand, the hands of Israel’s leaders are not good
Far from it…they are the ones leading the people astray
So the Lord says in v.21 that these will perish, because He will bring the consequences of their conduct back upon them
This is the full, 360° view of God’s relationship with His people
They are bound to Him by covenant, so He will not walk away from them
But neither can He overlook their sins against Him
Especially when the covenant itself warns the people of the consequences
But He also promised their father Abraham that He would bring blessing to his descendants
And the Lord is faithful to that promise
The Kingdom will arrive one day and on that day Israel will receive what they have been promised
But as the Lord reveals here, they will need to be regathered and they will need to receive a faithful heart first
So I ask which is the more remarkable thing that God does?
That He would bring punishment against a people that worshiped idols and committed the worst perversions
Or that He would bring glory and honor and blessing to that very same people?
It seems to be that God was only doing what should be done when He brought judgment
But we should be amazed at His grace when He promises to bring redemption as well
Which brings us back to the story of the departure of the Lord’s glory
Once again the movement of the Lord’s glory is initiated by the supernatural escort of cherubim upholding the glory of God
It moves from the east gate in the midst of the city to a point overlooking the city from a high point to the east of Jerusalem
Just as the Lord told Ezekiel, the leaders wouldn’t be safe in the city depending on the glory of the Lord to protect them
The Lord’s glory won’t inhabit the temple or its court nor even the city itself
The Shechinah glory was leaving the city for a very long time
Its next destination is a mountain to the east of the city
That particular pinnacle was one of several hills that surrounded Mt Moriah, the hill on which the temple is built
It had no particular name in Ezekiel’s day
But later it will be called the Mt of Olives
This is the final stopping point for the Shechinah glory before it departed Israel altogether
Scripture never tells us how long the Lord’s glory remained here before departing earth altogether
Clearly it departed at some point, since we don’t see it now
Perhaps it remained long enough to witness the destruction of the city as a testimony against the people
The rabbis who reflect on this passage teach that the glory remained on the Mt of Olives for 3.5 years
This detail brings us back to our discussion of the picture of Christ, revealed in these movements of the glory of God
As we read last week from John 1, the coming of the Messiah meant the arrival of the light of God’s Shechinah glory in greater form
Paul told us in Colossians 1 that Jesus is the visible manifestation of the invisible God
That glory came to Israel for 3.5 years before it departed the earth for a time
And when Jesus left the earth, He too ascended from the Mt of Olives
And that detail draws a clear connection between the movements of the glory here and the glory of Jesus Christ
When Jesus ascended, the disciples who witnessed His departure were told this
The angels declared that the glory of God would return from Heaven in the same way as He departed
Well, we know how Jesus departed and we also know how the glory of God departed in an earlier time
So how should we expect the Lord to return in His glory in the Kingdom to come?
First, we know He will arrive in Jerusalem on the Mt of Olives; the place of His departure
Zechariah describes the Lord’s return this way
Near the very end of the seven-year Tribulation on earth, the Lord returns to the city and place where He departed
The glory of God will once more return to the city to dwell among men
And following His arrival, the glory of the Lord in the Person of Christ will retrace His steps with which he departed the city in Ezekiel’s day
Later in this book when Ezekiel is shown a vision of the new temple of the Kingdom, he witnesses the Lord’s return to His temple
Just as the glory left through the east gate so will it one day return through the east gate
This east gate is very different to the one of the past or even the one present in the wall today
So as the glory left through the east gate so it will return in Christ
Finally, the Lord will retrace His steps in the court and into the temple itself
We’ll revisit these passages in a day to come, so for now it’s enough to understand the picture here
The manner of the Lord’s departure from the temple pictures the manner of the Lord’s Second coming
And why is this picture important?
It’s the silver lining in the otherwise dark cloud hanging over Israel
That even in the midst of these dark times for Israel – times of judgment, death and exile – there is reason for hope
The Lord has not forsaken His people
This pictures confirms that even as Israel must experience God’s wrath of God, they will also know His mercy and redemption one day
One day the Lord will regather them from exile
One day He will dwell among them again
One day He will give all Israel a heart to know and follow Him
One day the Lord in His kindness and mercy will restore Israel to glory
In that day, the Lord blesses His people beyond all measure and certainly beyond what they deserve
And we, like them, will be blessed to be included in that day
By the Lord’s gracious choice, He has placed His glory in us promising us the same future
A day when we will have soft hearts that know and obey Him
A day when we too will dwell with God in glory by our faith in Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior of all men