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Stephen ArmstrongImpartido por
Stephen ArmstrongLet’s return to Ezekiel’s vision of the movement of God’s glory out of His temple
Last week in Chapter 9 the Lord’s glory moved out of the Holy of Holies to the threshold of the temple
At the same time, Ezekiel saw a vision of the coming judgment for the people in Jerusalem
That scene continues today into Chapter 10
And we’re going to see something familiar in Ezekiel’s vision today
Because the cherubim with their wheels return
Ezekiel has just witnessed the destroying angels striking down the people in the city
It was a traumatic moment for the prophet
It caused him to ask the Lord in horror if He was putting all the remnant of Israel to death
It’s the low point so far in the visions Ezekiel has seen
But from that moment, the scene changes again and in a profound way
Ezekiel looks up from the temple and the city to see that same heavenly expanse he saw in Chapter 1
The expanse held the throne of God, just as it did in Chapter 1
And below the expanse, upholding the the glory of God, are the same cherubim we saw in Chapter 1
You’ll remember these strange creatures
They have four wings and four faces on a neck that doesn’t turn
Their feet are like that of an ox and they move like lightning on strange wheels
Ezekiel will describe them again in detail for us later in this chapter
Their reappearance at this moment reminds us that their assignment is to guard the glory of God
So it only make sense that as God’s glory prepares to depart, the cherubim have arrived as escorts
But they also participate in the judging of the city
Notice the One on this exalted throne calls down to the man clothed in linen and gives him instructions
He’s told to enter underneath the wheels of the cherubim to fill his hands with burning coals
Earlier in Chapter 1 Ezekiel described these coals
Ezekiel said these burning coals were in the midst of the living beings
And now in Chapter 10 he clarifies that the coal fire was inside the space created by the four wheels under the living beings
Into this space, the man in linen (who I suggested was pre-incarnate Christ) reached to fill his hands with burning coals
Then he’s told to scatter these coals on to the city
Scattering burning coals is a picture of God’s judgment
Remember, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with fire and brimstone
And remember Paul when he wrote these words
So here we’re seeing the destruction of the city foretold in this vision
In the previous chapter Ezekiel’s vision foretold the death of the city’s residents apart from the remnant
Here we see the destruction of the structures and walls of the city
Then Ezekiel broadens our view of the scene by changing our vantage point within his vision
He tells us that the cherubim were standing on the right side of the temple itself
He means on the south side of the building, looking east
The south end of the Temple was the side facing the old city of David
So they are stationed between the city as it’s being destroyed and the holy temple where the glory of God dwells
Once again, they have assumed the position of guarding the glory of God
As they stand guard, the man in linen enters the court of the temple
And in v.3 Ezekiel says that as this happens, the court is filled with the cloud
The glory of the Lord is commonly pictured as either fire or a cloud
The people of Israel followed both in their desert wandering
At night they followed a pillar of fire which gave light in the dark
And in the day they followed a pillar of cloud which obscured the sun to give them shade in the desert heat
So as the man in linen enters the courtyard, the presence of the Lord fills that space in the form of a cloud
This cloud forms in preparation to receive the Shechinah glory as it leaves the temple
Remember we read last week how the glory of the Lord moved from the Holy of Holies to the threshold of the temple
The threshold was the doorway of the temple leading into the open court
But now Ezekiel explains that movement again in more detail
In v.4 the glory of the Lord goes up from its place under the cherub on the mercy seat of the ark
It moves through the length of the Holy Place in the temple, Ezekiel says, and as it does the temple was filled with the cloud
And the court was filled with the brightness of the glory of the Lord
You’re watching a handoff, of sorts, taking place
The cloud comes in to escort the glory out
This gives us a better appreciation of how special the appearance of God’s glory is
God’s glory is so holy, so exalted, that it cannot be viewed in its fullness
It must be obscured by cloud from the eyes of sinful mankind
You may remember that Moses’ face used to shine after an encounter with the glory of God in the tent of meeting
Moses’ face was reflecting the glory of God, but even that reflection was too intense for sinful Israel to behold
So Moses took to wearing a veil when he stood before Israel to obscure the reflected glory of God
Even Moses himself couldn’t behold the full glory of God on the mountain but had to be shielded from God’s glory
Finally, Ezekiel says the cherubim stand by beating their wings as if they are preparing to take off at any second
They make a sound like the Almighty God speaking
So imagine the brightest light you’ve ever seen emerging from the temple
Met by the loudest sound you’ve ever heard as these fearsome cherubim beat their wings atop their gigantic whirling wheels
This whole scene reminds me of a military hostage rescue operation
It’s as if the glory of the Lord has been held hostage in the temple by the ungodly and wicked of Israel
The glory of God remained captive there for a while but the time has come for the glory of God to be rescued
So in come the Apache cherubim whirling their wheels like the rotors of a helicopter
They land just outside the temple, rotors turning, holding off the enemy to the south
Meanwhile, the special forces soldiers (dressed in camouflaged linen) enter the courtyard under cover of smoke
They escort the glory of God out of the building and to the safety of the cherubim
Before they leave, they need a diversion, so they lay down some suppression fire
As the man in linen was ordered, he approached the wheels of the cherubim
The cherub reached out to pick up some of the fiery coals burning in the midst of the four cherubim
Later in v.8 Ezekiel explains that this was possible because underneath each cherub’s wing was the hand of a man
Then the cherub deposited these coals into the hands of the man in linen who went out
He went out to use these coals in the destruction of the city
Remember, last week we said that the death of the people in the city didn’t happen in the way depicted by the vision
Angels didn't kill the people
Babylonian soldiers did the dirty work
But the purpose of the vision was to explain that the Lord had decreed the deaths of the ungodly
Similarly, here we see a fantastic vision of the Lord using supernatural fire from cherubim to destroy the city itself
But we know that the city was razed by an army bent on making an example of rebellious Israel
But once again, we’re learning that the end of the city, wall and temple was an act of God
But we also learn that this destruction happens only after the Lord has moved His glory out of the way first
So far, the glory has moved to the threshold of the temple
But of course, that is only the first movement of God’s glory
It has several stages of movement remaining
The next stage of the movement is described in the next passage of this chapter
But the passage is rather long and most of it consists of a lengthy description of the cherubim
This description is very similar to the one we received in Chapter 1
So we won’t spend much time revisiting the details here
Instead, we can look at the bigger picture of what’s going on here
But first let’s read the account
From vs.9-17 we find a second description of the cherubim that largely matches the one we received in Chapter 1
There are a couple of differences though, and so I’ll spend a moment on those parts
First, in v.12 Ezekiel tells us that these living beings had eyes over their whole body
In Chapter 1, we heard that the wheels were covered in eyes
But now we learn that there were eyes literally everywhere on the cherubim
The presence of so many eyes reinforces the conclusion we made in Chapter 1
These creatures are present with God at all times, seeing all that He sees
Nothing escapes their attention
Secondly, the faces of these creatures are described a little differently
In v.14 Ezekiel says they had faces of a cherub, man, lion and eagle
In Chapter 1, it was ox, man, lion and eagle
Apparently the cherubim mostly resemble oxen, so Ezekiel called the ox face the face of the cherub
That makes sense when we remember that these creatures had feet like a calf
So we should imagine a living creature with a body torso that largely resembles an ox
And therefore the ox face is the cherub’s natural primary face, so to speak
Then in v.18, we find the second movement of the glory of God
It departs from the threshold of the temple to ride above the cherubim
At that point, the Apache cherubim lifted off and carried the glory of God to the top of the east gate in the court wall
Here the glory of God hovered above the east gate of the temple
This gate is commonly called the Beautiful Gate
And here the glory of God remained for a time during these visions
There is still one more stop for the glory of God, which we will study next week
But before we get there, I want to direct your attention to a picture that the Lord is forming in this account
First, let’s remember that Christ is the ultimate manifestation of the invisible God, as Paul says:
When you think of the glory of an invisible God, you must imagine something physical, for how else could you witness it?
And the physical manifestation of the Glory of God is found in Jesus Christ
Any time the Father manifests Himself into His Creation, He does so through His Son
As Hebrews says:
Like rays of light that emanate from the sun, Jesus is the radiance of the Father that reaches our eyes
He is an exact representation of who the Father is
So we can accurately describe the glory of God as Jesus Christ
Here in the times of Ezekiel that glory is in a pre-incarnate form, which we call the Shechinah glory
But in a later day, the glory of God would reach its fullness in Christ Himself
Moreover, the glory of God is called the Shechinah glory because it is the dwelling of God among men
Remember, the word Shechinah incorporates a root meaning of “to dwell”
So God’s Shechinah glory is that part of Himself that dwells among men
The glory we see departing here is a lessor form of glory, for one day a greater glory would dwell among men
As Haggai the prophet explains:
Haggai was called to chastise Israel for not being willing to make the necessary sacrifices to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
The remnant had returned from exile in Babylon, the same exile that Ezekiel is now experiencing
But after they returned, they became distracted in their own pursuits
And they neglected the temple construction
As the prophet speaks to them, he tells them that a day is coming when the Lord will not need to beg His people to build His temple
He will shake the nations of the world and all the wealth of the nations will come to the temple
More importantly, the glory of God will fill this house with glory, the Lord says
These details point to the temple that will exist in the Millennial Kingdom
But when the Lord refers to “this” house, he’s referring to the second temple
After Babylon destroyed the first temple, the returning exiles rebuilt the temple
That second temple, some call Zerubbabel’s Temple, eventually became Herod’s temple
So the Lord promises that the latter glory of this second temple will be greater than the glory of the former temple
And this principle will continue into the Kingdom, as the glory of the Kingdom temple will be greater than Herod’s temple
Christ is the fulfillment of these promises
So with that background, we can begin to understand how the departure of God’s glory out of the first temple connects to Christ
As the glory of God leaves the temple at this time, the glory of God will never again inhabit the temple in the same way
It never enters the first temple again since this temple is soon to be destroyed
And even after the second temple is completed, the Shechinah glory of God does not enter it as it once did before
Nevertheless, the glory of God did occupy the second temple and He did so in a more glorious way than the former
The glory of God did, in fact, occupy the second temple
But it didn’t occupy it in the same way as before, but as Haggai said it would
God’s glory came in a much greater way, in the form of Jesus Christ
Ironically, that form appeared less glorious to the religious leaders of Israel who opposed Him
But in reality, He was the fullness of God’s glory
The glory of God entered that temple on multiple occasions
And once Christ departed the earth, His glory continues to dwell in His temple, and again in a new and better way
Today the glory of God dwells in the temple of the Body of Christ, the Church
Today, you are the temple of God because the Spirit of God has set up residence inside every believer
And this is still greater glory
Because collectively, the Church is an even greater display of God’s glory in Christ than was Christ Himself in His body
As Jesus said to the disciples:
Later, we know in the temple of the Kingdom, Christ will return to occupy His temple in His full glory
This will be the greatest display of God’s glory in His temple
So that as the prophet said, the latter glory will exceed the former
But sometimes we don’t fulfill the mission we’ve been given to shine the glory of God among the nations
Sometimes, we let sin rein in our mortal bodies
We grieve the Spirit of God
We compromise our witness
We pollute the temple of God
On a personal level, we can run the risk of repeating the abominations that Ezekiel witnessed in the temple in Jerusalem
As Paul warned
We should consider our every action and thought from the perspective of how it reflects glory on the Lord
We should ask ourselves whether we are creating a suitable dwelling place for the Spirit of God by our choices
And as we experience conviction in that regard, look to the Spirit to guide you and empower you into making better choices
He will do it
And you can follow Him
If you make the glory of God your priority
Remember the contrast of Chapter 9 and Chapter 10
Are you living like those in Jerusalem who perverted the temple for selfish reasons?
Or are you like those cherubim, who dedicated themselves to protecting and honoring the glory of God
Rescue Him from the abuse of sin in your temple