Taught by
Annette ArmstrongTaught by
Annette ArmstrongReview of Chapter 1:
The Word of Life is Jesus from beginning of creation.
Jesus brought the way to have fellowship with God resulting in eternal life.
The apostles were eye witnesses to Jesus’ physical resurrection.
Believers have sin but should avoid sin.
Chapter 2:
Jesus is our propitiation.
A person cannot love the things of the world and God at the same time.
Antichrists deny Jesus is the Christ.
The truth leading to eternal life is found in Christ which leads us to love others and practice righteousness vs. the lie which denies Christ’s deity and practices sin.
Be prepared to deal with false teaching and false teachers in the church.
What are the five basic tenets of Gnosticism discussed?
1. knowledge superior to virtue
2. non-literal scripture only a select few could interpret
3. God is not only creator because He couldn’t create a world with sin
4. Deity can’t exist in flesh
5. No resurrection
Chapter 3:
Believers are children of God.
We will be resurrected as Jesus was resurrected when He comes back for us.
The part of a believer that becomes purified like Jesus is in the spirit as one receives the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation when we are born again, this allows a believer to practice righteousness and love the brethren.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
Believers are to love one another and demonstrate this in actions of sacrifice even to death as Jesus did.
Chapter 4:
Believers are to test the spirit in someone to identify false teachers.
The test is those who confess Jesus Christ came in the flesh and was God have the Holy Spirit, those who do not confess this have the spirit of antichrist.
Those with the Holy Spirit will love the brethren sacrificially.
Finishing tonight with Chapter 5
v.1 What declarative statement does John continue with? (Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him.)
How is Jesus described? (the Christ)
This is a very specific name used in declaring the coming Messiah of the Jews.
Jesus declared himself to be the Christ. John 4:25-26
The disciples declared Jesus to be the Christ. Matthew 16:15-17
In the early church this was the focus of the gospel especially to the Jews. Acts 9:22, 18:5.
This Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Old Testament referred to as the Christ.
Everything they needed to know was already provided in their scriptures.
1 John 5:1 Those who believed that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah (The Christ) were what? (born of God.)
This person is a believer.
What else demonstrates the heart of a believer? (and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him)
Who is the “child born of Him”? (Jesus)
Believers accept the truth about who the Messiah is
The believer will love the Father and the son born of Him.
v.2 What is John’s next statement? (By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and observe His commandments.)
What are the believers to do? (love God and observe His commandments)
When a person loves God and observes His commandments what is true? (By this we know that we love the children of God)
Believers can know they love the brethren when they love God and observe His commandments.
The commandment to love your neighbor as yourself will take care of this.
v.3 How does John define love? (For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.) See 1 Samuel 15:22
The connection between love for God and obedience is to demonstrate this is not a feeling of love, but true love demonstrated in action.
When a believer loves God he willingly desires to obey His commandments.
This is a demonstration to God of the love one has for God.
To the unbeliever, God’s commandments are unnatural and difficult or even burdensome.
1 John 5:4 Why can a believer love and obey God? (For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith.)
The verse begins with what? (For whatever is born of God)
The verse does not begin with whoever.
You have to read to the end of the verse to find the object.
What is the “whatever” referring to? (our faith)
Our faith is what needs to be born of God.
That faith then does what? (overcomes the world)
How is the faith described? (this is the victory that has overcome the world)
What is the object of this faith that has overcome the world? (v.1 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ)
v.5 John clarifies the overcomer how? (Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?)
The overcomer believes Jesus is the Christ and is the Son of God.
v.6 What does John clarify about this Jesus? (This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not with the water only, but with the water and with the blood. It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.)
Who is the ‘One' referring to? (Jesus Christ)
John says Jesus came by what? (water and blood)
How and when did Jesus come by water? (Baptism by John)
In Acts we learn that whoever the new apostle selected had to be with Jesus from the time of His baptism to His resurrection. Acts 1:21-22
What important event occurred for Jesus at the time of this baptism? Acts 10:36-38
John also testifies to this event in John 1:32
The baptism by water is understood to be the time of baptism by John the Baptist where the Spirit came and remained with Jesus.
What is the baptism of blood? Romans 6:4
Jesus referred to His death as a baptism as well. Mark 10:38-39.
The baptism of blood was accomplished through the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus was speaking to James and John.
James was the first apostle to die as a martyr. See Acts 12:1-2
John was the last apostle to die.
1 John 5:6 John continues how? (not with the water only, but with the water and with the blood.)
John says it is this Jesus, the Christ, who experienced both the baptism of water when the Holy Spirit came upon Him all the way through the crucifixion when the Holy Spirit was still with Him.
The baptism of the Spirit at water baptism and the baptism of blood at the crucifixion are authenticated facts bearing witness to the truth of an incarnate Jesus.
Who does John say testifies to this? (It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.)
It is helpful to understand this was a refutation of a false teaching John is contending with.
Some false teaching at that time said “the Christ” descended upon Jesus at baptism but left Him at the crucifixion.
The identity of “the Christ” then becomes the Holy Spirit and not the man Jesus.
John counters by saying it is the Holy Spirit that testifies to the truth that “the Christ” is Jesus.
Water and blood become the evidence John is using to describe the incarnate Jesus.
vv.7-8 John continues with more evidence to validate his point how? (For there are three that testify: v.8 the Spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.)
Because Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit is a testimony to Jesus being the Son of God, the Christ.
At the water baptism when the Spirit comes on Jesus, God testifies that Jesus is His Son.
In this the water testifies to Jesus being the One who came, the Christ.
v.31 says “They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem”; this is concerning the crucifixion.
Immediately after the crucifixion is being discussed God testifies to Jesus being His Son.
Notice God says “whom I have chosen”.
Jesus was chosen for this event that has not taken place yet.
God speaks to Jesus immediately before the crucifixion and says, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again”
What is “it” referring to? (I came to this hour)
What is “this hour”? (The crucifixion)
God testifies He has glorified Jesus to come to this hour, put His Spirit in Jesus at the water baptism and is going to glorify Jesus again when the crucifixion is done with His Spirit in Jesus.
1 John 5:9 Men can say and believe something because they have heard it from another man – John makes what comparison of this? (If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater;)
God is to be believed more than the testimony of man.
How does John conclude? (for the testimony of God is this, that He has testified concerning His Son.)
God Himself testified concerning Jesus.
What did God testify? Matt 3:17 (This is my Son), Luke 9:35 (This is my Son), John 12:27-29. (His name had been glorified and will be glorified) In Jesus.
1 John 5v10 What is true for the one who believes this testimony of God about His son? (The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself;)
The one who believes Jesus is the Son of God believes Jesus is The Christ
The one who believes Jesus is The Christ has what or who inside himself? (The Holy Spirit)
The testimony of being a Son of God is the Holy Spirit, both for Jesus and for men.
What is the opposite of this truth? (the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son.)
One who does not believe in the testimony of God concerning His Son does not have the testimony in himself, does not have the Holy Spirit in himself and is not a believer.
v.11 John gives insight of this testimony how? (And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.)
God’s testimony is that He has given believers eternal life.
How is this eternal life given? (this life is in His Son.)
v.12 The simple truth is what? (He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.)
We cannot think of eternal life apart from the Son.
It is impossible to have the one without the other.
v.13 Who does John clarify he is talking to? (These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God,)
What do we call those who believe in the name of the Son of God? (Believers)
What does John say to believers? (so that you may know that you have eternal life)
Assurance of salvation for believers is important, especially if there are false teachers putting that security into question.
v.14 What else does John say to the believers? (This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.)
Who is the Him? (v.11 God has given us…)
How do we ask for things from God? (Prayer)
When a believer prays for anything according to His will what is the promise? (He hears us)
v.15 How does John continue? (And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.)
When a believer has asked for something that is in God’s will then God hears the believer.
God not only hears but the believer will have the request answered.
This does not mean the believer will see the request answered as it may happen outside of the knowledge of the believer.
God will always grant His will to be accomplished.
Notice the believer is still to seek to know God’s will.
The believer is also to still seek the request from God, meaning the believer is still to pray to God about the request.
v.16 John continues discussing prayer for the believer and addresses what? (If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death.)
When a believers sees what? (sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death,)
What kind of sin does not lead to death? (Any sin committed by a believer)
All sin is forgiven for a believer.
This assumes the death is in regards to eternal death not physical death.
When a believer sees a brother, a fellow believer, committing sin we are to ask for what? (God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death)
What does it mean “for him give life”
To give life can be an eternal understanding.
However the believer already has eternal life so it would make more sense that the prayer for the believer is to remove the sin that is talking about life in some manner in the temporal sense.
We might say take sin away so the believer can live a more abundant life, or abiding life or virtuous life.
What is the contrast John puts forth next? (There is a sin leading to death;)
What is this sin John has been discussing that can lead to death? (Not believing the testimony of God concerning His Son, or unbelief) Ephesians 2:1-5
We are all dead in this sin before God made us alive with Christ by grace through faith
1 John 5:17 What does John say a believer should not do in regards to the sin of unbelief? (I do not say that he should make request for this.)
A believer cannot ask God to just forgive this sin of unbelief.
What should all believers pray for as a request from God concerning all unbelievers? (That they would believe)
Believers can pray God will grant the grace and mercy of faith to believe but one cannot be forgiven the sin of unbelief.
v.17 How does John continue? (All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death.)
What sin does not lead to eternal death? (The sin of a believer)
When a believer commits sin it does not lead to eternal death but it is still sin.
v.18 John reaffirms what first? (We know that no one who is born of God sins;)
Who is one who is born of God? (A believer)
Where does a believer not sin? (In his spirit)
Why does a believer not sin? (but He who was born of God keeps him,)
Who is the “He who was born of God"? (Jesus)
John already gave the testimony that this was truth by the Spirit, and water and blood.
What is true for the believer? (and the evil one does not touch him.)
Who is the evil one? (Satan)
In what way is a believer assured the evil one cannot touch him? (Spiritually, eternally)
v.19 What do believers know to be true? (We know that we are of God,)
What is the contrast? (and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.)
Who is the whole world? (Unbelievers)
What is true for unbelievers? (lies in the power of the evil one.)
v.20 When we are of God and not the evil one what do we know? (And we know that the Son of God has come,)
The Christ had come.
What has He given us? (and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true;)
Because the Christ has come we now can understand who God is through the Holy Spirit. See 1 Corinthians 2:11-14.
1 John 5:20 Why can we understand who God is? (and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ.)
We are in Jesus now.
What is revealed to us who have Jesus in us? (This is the true God and eternal life.)
This relationship of knowing the true God is happening now and will continue with our eternal life.
v.21 What is John’s final warning? (Little children, guard yourselves from idols.)
Who is John speaking to? (Believers)
What are believers to do? (guard yourselves from idols.)
The term idols means “false gods”
Any movement to worshipping another God without a complete understanding of the true God revealed through the Spirit because of Jesus is idolatry.
There is knowing and worshiping the one true God and then there is everything else!
John writes this letter to refute the lies of the false teachers
In doing this John accomplishes many things for the encouragement of the believers.
John has written this letter to encourage believers that they have all they need in Jesus.
John reiterates who Jesus is and what He is to the believer, The Christ, the propitiation for our sin and this is testified to by men, the Holy Spirit and God the Father.
We are Sons of God, we have forgiveness of sin, we have eternal life, we can live victorious over sin and can love other believers.
This teaching is provided by a contributing Bible teacher who is not employed by Verse By Verse Ministry International. The Biblical perspectives beliefs and views of contributing teachers may differ, at times, from the Biblical perspectives this ministry holds.