Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter our introduction last week, today we’re ready to dive into the prophecies of the Book of Daniel
The next section of the book is written in Aramaic, which indicates that the context was intended for both the Jew and the Gentile
This section runs for the next six chapters
And it contains one of the most impressive prophetic revelations anywhere in Scripture
The section is organized as a chiasm, which helps us understand the overall meaning of the section
A chiasm is a structured way of organizing a writing to emphasize the main point – similar to the way we use outlines
The chiasm of Chapters 2-7 can be charted this way:
The chiasm helps explain the seemingly contradictory plan for Israel under Gentile domination and persecution
While at the same time God protects and preserves the Jewish people until a time of rescue
Israel will be on the losing side of a struggle against the Gentile world
But it’s God Who put Israel there and it’s God Who will ultimately rescue Israel
Tonight, we study the first part of this chiasm
In Chapter 2, Daniel will interpret a dream for the king of Babylon
In this dream, the Lord reveals His plan to bring a succession of Gentile kingdoms to rule the earth
During this time, Israel will be under the authority of Gentile powers
But at the end of this long period of history, the Lord will restore Israel as the chief nation on the earth
And thus will the Messiah usher in the long-awaited Kingdom promised to Israel
In v.1, we hear that in Nebuchadnezzar’s second full year as king, he had dreams
As we’ll soon see in the chapter, the dreams were not the result of too much pizza the night before
God has given these visions to the king intentionally
The Hebrew indicates that the king had multiple dreams
There is some Hebrew in this chapter – the Aramaic doesn’t begin until v.4
So either this dream repeated itself, or the king received the dream in pieces
Either way, God made the visions so dramatic, so troubling, so provocative that the king didn’t forget them and couldn’t ignore them
Yet God has also done something else interesting
He made sure that the king couldn’t understand the dreams
Not all our dreams have significance, much less prophetic meaning sent from God
Mine rarely even make sense
But occasionally, the Lord may use dreams to communicate to someone from behind the scenes, even today
In this case, the Lord withheld the meaning from the king to ensure the king would reach out for explanation
And reach out he did
Nebuchadnezzar calls in all his counselors in Babylon seeking their advice
These men consisted of four groups: magicians, conjurers, sorcerers, and astrologers
A magician was one who attempted to divine the future
A conjurer attempted to communicate with the dead
A sorcerer cast spells or called upon demons for power
Finally, the astrologer studied the heavens to determine the future
As we see in the text, these men were called to give an interpretation, but the king wanted to be sure they were telling the truth
So Nebuchadnezzar wisely required that the men tell him both the dream and the interpretation
Normally, these men expected their leader to describe the dream first
Then, they would each appeal to their respective demonic power to arrive at an answer
Probably if their sources failed to answer, the men might simply propose their own answer to satisfy the king’s curiosity
It seems the king suspected they might do this
Which is why he threw them this curveball
Predictably, the counselors object to the new rules, since it makes their job much harder and will expose any fraud
Starting with their first protest in the second half of v.4, Daniel switches to writing in Aramaic
The first three verses were still in Hebrew
But now from v.4 until 7:28, the original text remains in Aramaic
This indicates that the subject of Daniel’s writing is to be known by the Gentiles and Jews
When these men protest, the king sees right through their scheme
In v.5, he declares that he will tear them limb from limb and destroy their families’ homes if they won’t do as he instructs
He’s calling their bluff
If they can’t tell him something he already knows (i.e., the content of the dream)
Then by what power could he expect them to tell him things he doesn’t know?
And that’s the only reason they are employed
This back and forth of the king’s demand and the counselors’ protests serve to set up the next part of the story
Notice how they end their final protest against the king’s methods
They insinuate that Nebuchanezzar isn’t a great king, since no great king would ask such a thing
And they claim that only gods could reveal the things that the king seeks to know
And that is precisely the conclusion the Lord wants Nebuchadnezzar to reach, as well
This is a dream that only the Lord will reveal, though contrary to their claims, He will reveal it through flesh (Daniel)
This sets up the entrance of our hero
The king received these dreams in his second year
The ancient Babylonians counted a monarch’s first year of reign as starting on the first calendar year after he took the throne
Ancient records show that Nebuchadnezzar became king at the halfway point in the year of 605 BC
So the king’s first full year didn’t start until he had already been ruling for six months
So his second full year started in 603 BC and ended in 602 BC
Therefore, Daniel was either just ending his three-year training, or very near the end, when these dreams came to the king
In either case, Daniel was the least qualified among all the king’s men
Which made him the perfect candidate to be elevated into God’s service
For when Daniel is able to interpret the dream, God will be glorified, not Daniel
Predictably, Nebuchadnezzar declares that all wise men be destroyed
Since Daniel had just entered service in this capacity, he and his friends suddenly find themselves caught up in this melee
In fact, they know nothing of what brought about this sudden decree
So Daniel shows great discretion, but with discernment
In other words, Daniel doesn’t panic, he doesn’t beg or argue
He remains rational and thoughtful, though aware of the seriousness of this situation
Simply put, Daniel doesn’t operate in fear
Fear is a sinful response to the circumstances of life, reflecting a failure to trust the Lord
And it’s often born out a longing to preserve this life at the expense of the next
Jesus was speaking about this dilemma when He said:
Daniel didn’t want to die if God would spare him
But he knew that his ability to understand and operate in God’s will in the midst of these challenging circumstances depended on keeping his wits about him
Daniel’s example continues to be eminently practical
Be smart, be creative, be adaptable, be calm, be thoughtful and be unyielding in your character and godliness
Trusting God for whatever comes next
Daniel’s next step is to buy some time
He needs time to appeal to the Lord for an answer, for he knows that only the Lord can grant him the insight to save his life
To get the time he needs, Daniel goes to the king and asks for the time
And the reason he gives is so that he can interpret the dream
He’s already assuring the king that he can give the interpretation, which suggests that Daniel had a sense of his calling and gifting already
He wasn’t presuming God’s will, except to assume that God wouldn’t have placed him here except to serve this purpose
It’s a fine line, admittedly, but I think we can operate in a similar confidence when we know the calling on our life
Evangelists who are confident in their gifting and mission will step forward to present the Gospel when others hesitate
Teachers who know they are called and gifted with insight will tackle a study of Scripture that others struggle to understand
The same can be said of those who have calling and gifting to pray, heal, plant a church or make a large financial gift
If you’re operating in God’s calling and gifting, then you don’t need to hesitate or apologize for confidence
Daniel declared that he was ready to serve the king, but then he stepped back long enough to seek the Lord’s blessing
Presumably, if the Lord had not granted approval, Daniel would have retreated from serving and gone to his death
But that would have been God’s will
Of course, that wasn’t God’s will in this case
In Daniel’s narrative, he jumps immediately to receiving an answer from God
We don’t know how long he prayed to the Lord, since his prayer isn’t captured in the text
But it appears that he prayed that night and received an answer in the same night
It’s hard to believe the king allowed Daniel much more time
That night, the Lord gives Daniel his answer through a night vision
A night vision in this case could be a euphemism for a dream, or it can mean a conscious revelation that occurred in the evening
The point is that Daniel received the answer to the dream directly from the Lord
So the Lord delivered the coded message to the king
And He delivered the decoded interpretation to Daniel
We might ask why didn’t the Lord just give the king the decoded message in the first place?
Two reasons: since Abraham, God has always revealed himself through the Jewish people
He may use Gentiles like Nebuchadnezzar as well, but even then, the Lord requires that a Jew be involved to explain God’s purpose
Secondly, the Lord is speaking to a Gentile leader about the rise and fall of Gentile kingdoms
But the ultimate subject of the vision is Israel’s future, so the Lord uses a prophet to reveal this truth to Israel
Daniel then responds in a praise of God for His revelation
Daniel’s words indicate he not only understood the vision, but its significance
First, he credits God’s wisdom and power for the plan that was revealed
He isn’t merely talking about God’s ability to reveal these mysteries
Daniel is talking about the subject matter of the revelation itself
God’s wisdom and power is evident in the plan that the dream reveals
In v.21, Daniel extolls the works of God as revealed in the dream’s interpretation
God changes times and epochs
And He establishes and removes leaders of nations
As Daniel speaks of times and epochs, he’s referring to something very specific, the very topic of the dream
The word “times” refers to the course of history, and the word “epoch” refers to specific periods of time
So history can be called “times”
And therefore epochs are the sectioning or dividing of history into periods
God is both the author of history (times) and the One Who divides time into its periods (epochs)
God does these things with purpose, according to a master plan
These concepts are also taught in the New Testament, though with slightly different terms
In the NT, the term for epochs is “ages”
The history of Creation is divided into ages, which the Lord controls, as Daniel says
Ages are long, but finite, periods in God’s program for history
For example
Jesus speaks about a “present age” and an “age to come”
It’s clear that we exist in one age (or epoch) today, yet God has another period of history, another age, planned after this one
This pattern of one age leading to another age is the way God has always worked in history
Furthermore, the Lord generally gives notice when these changes in ages happen, just as He is giving notice through this dream
In the NT, the transition from one age to another is characterized as “last days”
The last days are the final period of one age that ushers in the next age
Daniel is praising the Lord for His sovereignty in these transitions
God authors the events of history
But more than that, He has set these events into ages so as to accomplish a greater purpose
As Daniel proclaims in v.20, God is the One Who changes these periods of history
He is in control of them, leading the world to a certain purpose
As we’ll see, this dream is an elaborate description of one such age, of how it begins and how it ends
Furthermore, the Lord decides who He permits to see these things and understand them
Daniel acknowledges in v.21 that many people live and die without ever understanding what God as doing around them
Of course, we can only see a few decades of history, which naturally limits out ability to understand the larger scale of God’s plan for time
Only if He reveals it to us by His Word can we understand the big picture
Daniel praises the Lord for choosing to grant him that revelation
Finally in v.22, Daniel praises the Lord for His purposes in these matters
God is working to bring light into darkness
The light of His truth into a world darkened by the lies of the enemy
Ultimately, He is working through ages of history to bring evil and darkness to an end
God will triumph over evil, but He chooses to do it on His own timetable
Daniel has received a remarkable insight into both
So in v.23 Daniel ends in thanks for the revelation, knowing it has saved his life and the life of his friends
That next morning, Daniel hurriedly reaches the king’s representative to stop the executions of the wise men
When Arioch hears Daniel’s story, the guard goes to the king, claiming to have found the man to interpret the dream
We see the guard seeking a little credit for himself
Meanwhile, Daniel consistently redirects credit away from himself and toward the Lord
When the king asks Daniel if he can reveal both the dream and the interpretation, Daniel says, in effect, “no”
Daniel can’t do such things, but the One true God can
Daniel specifically locates his God as the One in Heaven
As opposed to the false gods of Babylon that occupied earthly temples
And of course, Daniel’s accurate revelation is his proof that the God of Israel is true
As Daniel prepares to give the king his answer, he introduces his answer by describing it as a prophecy concerning “latter days”
The term “latter days” simply means future days of the end, but that just begs the question, “the end of what?”
As you probably guessed, latter days refers to the last days of an age
And in fact, this dream is a description of an entire age, from beginning to end, not just of the last days
Daniel says this is a prophecy about the future, but he refers to the latter days because that is the main point of the dream
It’s a description of a period of history, an age, but the meaningful part of the vision is in how the age ends
Just as in a story about an important football game, the most important part of the story is how the games ends
Similarly, in this prophecy, the most important part is how the age ends
Even more important, knowing the age and how it ends explains God’s purpose in this age
The events that make up history are not random...
They are part of a plan God is working to bring an age to conclusion and lead us to the next age
All ages work together to bring God glory and accomplish all that He has promised to His people
Through this dream, the Lord is communicating what happens in this age of history and why it is happening
So then, Daniel begins to explain to the king what none of the other men could do: he describes the king’s dream
The king’s dream is one of the most intriguing visions in the Bible
The dream was of a strange and majestic statue
The materials of the statue vary from head to toe
They progress from greater value to lessor value
And from softer to more brittle
Daniel describes the divisions of the statue from head to toe, and then he describes what came next
A stone, uncut by human hands, descended from above, like an asteroid, and struck the statue at the feet
Though it struck at the feet, nevertheless, the statue was completely destroyed and obliterated
Leaving nothing of the statue
The stone remained, however, and it grew to a giant mountain that filled the entire earth
This is the dream, and obviously, despite its simplicity, no one could imagine its meaning simply by hearing the description
It could meaning almost anything
But it has a specific, assigned meaning given by God
So unless we know and accept the Lord’s own interpretation, we will not have the correct understanding
That’s why it required that God provide the decoder ring to the dream
It forced Nebuchadnezzar to seek for Daniel, whom God empowered to answer the king’s inquiry
Ultimately, it results in Daniel being elevated as God intended
Now we turn to Daniel’s interpretation
Daniel says the head of gold at the top of the statue represented Nebuchadnezzar as ruler of Babylon
Daniel tells the king that his power to conquer the nations of the world was a direct result of Israel’s God giving them into his hand
And the Lord’s decree was even more comprehensive than the king may have imagined
By God’s decree, Nebuchadnezzar ruled over every inch of the physical earth
Now, we know Nebuchadnezzar didn’t travel to every inch of the globe during his time as king, so how can Daniel say he ruled the entire earth?
He’s describing the authority God gave to Nebuchadnezzar, regardless of the degree to which Nebuchadnezzar actually assumed that authority
Jeremiah confirms Daniel’s words
Jeremiah confirms that for a time, God appointed Nebuchadnezzar king of the world
The choice of gold for Babylon represents the style of government in that kingdom
In Babylonian society, the king was all-powerful
No one could challenge his rule or edict
There was no senate or prime minister
Gold represents the absolute authority of Nebuchadnezzar
But notice also in Jer. 27:7 that his rule is temporary
In fact, Nebuchadnezzar would lose his authority while he was still alive
The next part of the statue confirms this conclusion
Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar something comes after him
In fact, another kingdom will arise to replace his kingdom
Though Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon falls to another kingdom, nevertheless, this new world power is somewhat less powerful
Before we look at the second and third kingdoms, let’s understand what our statue represents
We see the head of gold is Babylon, and that the silver and bronze represent subsequent kingdoms in the statue
Therefore, the statue represents a timeline of history
Each part of the statue replaces the prior part, indicating time progressing from the head of the statue to the feet
So the statue represents an epoch, or an age, of time in history
We know when it began, since it starts with Nebuchadnezzar
And when we get to the end of the dream, we will know how it ends as well
So what does the Bible call this age?
Jesus names this age and defines its purpose in Luke 21
In Chapter 21, Jesus is in the midst of explaining how Jerusalem will be destroyed by the Romans
As He’s explaining the coming fall of the city in AD 70, Jesus says these events are part of a larger plan of God
Specifically, the people of Israel are to be scattered outside their land
And the city of Jerusalem is to remain under control by Gentile oppressors
Until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled
The Greek word translates as “times” in my Bible is the Greek word kairos
That word can also be translated “season” or “age”
In other words, Jesus said there is an age called the Age of the Gentiles
It is defined as a period of Jewish exile
And of the city of Jerusalem under Gentile domination
It’s called the Age of the Gentiles because it will be a period of history when Gentile nations rule over Israel
So the events of AD 70 were merely a continuation of the age, which is why Jesus said these things will happen until the age is fulfilled
The Greek word for “fulfilled” is pleroo, which can also be translated “completed”
So the Roman sacking of Jerusalem was just another moment in a timeline of Gentile domination of Israel
And this domination will continue until it reaches its appointed end
And from the statue in Daniel 2, we now see where this age began
The head of gold, which is Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, was the first time in history that a Gentile authority scattered the Jews of Jerusalem and captured the city
That’s why Nebuchadnezzar represents the start of the statue and the timeline
He is the beginning of the Age of the Gentiles
So the statue represents a timeline for the Age of the Gentiles
We know the age began in 605 BC, when Nebuchadnezzar first conquered Judah and Jerusalem
We know the age was still ongoing in Jesus’ day
And we know its purpose is to subject Israel to Gentile domination until the age is completed
Like all ages, this age has a beginning and an end, so one day, Gentiles will no longer dominate Israel once this age is over
From studying the rest of the dream, we will come to understand how the Age of the Gentile progresses and how it ends
Moving to the second and third kingdoms
Daniel says the silver (the second kingdom) will be inferior to Babylon
The inferiority of the second kingdom is represented by the lesser value of silver, compared to gold
How will the next kingdom be less than Babylon?
To understand this question, we must determine which kingdom replaced Babylon in history, since Daniel doesn’t name it
So we must determine the criteria for defining each kingdom
The criteria to be one of the kingdoms in the statue derive from the definition of the age itself
Each kingdom must be a Gentile kingdom
Each kingdom must be the most powerful kingdom on earth, having replaced the prior kingdom in that position
Therefore, each kingdom must possess Babylon and Jerusalem
Because Babylon possessed each of these cities originally
Looking at history, only three kingdoms meet these criteria
First, the kingdom of the Medo-Persians replaced the kingdom of Babylon in 550 BC
We read of this transition later in the book of Daniel, because it happened in Daniel’s lifetime
This kingdom was formed by the alliance of the Medes and Persia, represented by the two arms of the statue
It grew in power until it challenged and defeated Babylon under Cyrus the Great
The kingdom was less majestic than Babylon because the king Medo-Persian empire was not all powerful
He had checks on his own authority
In particular, the Medo-Persian laws stipulated that a king could not reverse the decisions of prior kings
We will see this rule at work later in the book of Daniel
So the rule of a Medo-Persian monarch was like silver, compared to Babylon’s gold, because it wasn’t as absolute
Nevertheless, the Medo-Persians will defeat the Babylonians at a point in the age and assume their position of authority
Meanwhile, the Age of the Gentiles presses onward
In v.39, Daniel adds that a third kingdom is also slated to assume power over the world
That kingdom will replace the second, and will likewise exhibit lesser majesty in its rule
Based on our criteria above, the next kingdom to qualify for the statue was the Hellenistic Empire of Alexander the Great
Alexander extended the Greek empire out of central Europe and into the East
He defeated the Persians in 330 BC
He is represented by bronze because the leader of the Greek empire was far less powerful than those of either the Medes or Babylonians
He competed with the leaders of city-states within the empire and with land aristocracy
Ultimately, the sovereign enforced his control through a powerful military that could impose his will
Also, the statue divides during this period, represented by the division of the legs
This division reflects the way the Hellenistic Empire evolved
Alexander the Great died barely four years into his reign
At that point, he had no heirs, so his kingdom was divided into four parts assigned to four generals to rule
The two generals in the West allied together and the other two generals in the East were allied
This East-West political divide has never changed
Even today, we still speak of the East and West, politically
The division that began under Alexander the Great remains throughout the rest of the age
Just as the legs in the statue remain forever separated
Daniel’s interpretation sped past the second and third empires because they were not important features in this timeline
They must be covered, of course, but only because they lie along a path leading us to the final kingdom
As we said in the beginning, the part of the timeline that is most important is how it ends
And therefore, this fourth kingdom gets the most treatment in the interpretation
The final kingdom moves to the least valuable, but more brittle materials: iron and clay
This kingdom replaces the prior kingdom by breaking it down and crushing it into pieces
The fourth kingdom follows a very different pattern, compared to the first three
Rather than consolidating power into a single entity, the fourth kingdom will assimilate existing powers, yet leave them as pieces
Some of these pieces will be stronger than others, resulting in an empire that is unbalanced in power
Just as clay and iron do not stick together well, this kingdom will find its various pieces combining for a period of time and then breaking apart again
Nevertheless, this combining and separating pattern will not mean the end of the kingdom overall
Together, the pieces continue to act together to perpetuate the Age of the Gentiles
Together, they function to dispossess the people of Israel from their land
And they take turns trampling the city of Jerusalem
Finally, as the kingdom comes to its end, a division of ten emerges, represented by the ten toes of the statue
Daniel doesn’t explain what the ten toes represent, at least not in this chapter
But we will get our explanation in Daniel 7
For now, we simply understand that the kingdom ends in a division of ten
What kind of earthly Kingdom fits this unique set of details? We know from history that the next Gentile power to follow Greece was the Roman Empire
The Roman Republic defeated the Hellenistic Empire in 168 BC
Rome eventually defeated Judea in 63 BC and took control of Jerusalem and Babylon
And Rome continued to expand even after for the next several centuries
As Rome conquered, it transitioned from a republic to a monarchy ruled by Caesars
Yet it added territory by assimilating cultures and lands without changing the culture of these lands
As a results, the Roman Empire could very well be described as iron held together by clay
The Romans conquered like iron, crushing those who opposed them and cutting up land into new divisions
But because these lands retained their cultures, they continued to see themselves as independent of Rome
At this point, we ask the natural question, “What came after the end of the Roman Empire?”
Well, in a word…nothing
The Roman Empire has never completely disappeared, at least not in the sense intended by the statue
Remember, this fourth kingdom is made up from “pieces” not a single entity
These pieces combine for periods of time, but like iron and clay, they don’t adhere, so they eventually break apart
This pattern has never ended
It defined the period of Roman rule
But it’s only increased in the centuries since the Roman Empire disappeared
Western and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and even North Africa and Western Asia have all experienced this pattern
New alliances are created and then later dissolve
So given this unique pattern, as reflected in the statue, we can’t call this fourth kingdom the Roman Empire
Certainly, the Roman Empire began this fourth period, but the period extends beyond the Roman Empire itself
In later centuries, the kingdom was still operating, but different pieces and different unions were at work
So we must see this fourth kingdom in the way the statue represents…“pieces” combining and breaking apart over history
Instead of calling them “Rome”, we might call this kingdom the Imperialistic-Democratic Alliances
This name better reflects the changing nature and identity of the actors that combine to make up this kingdom
Collectively, these parts serve to dispossess Israel and keep Jerusalem under Gentile authority
Daniel then writes of an interesting end, about a stone that came down
Finally, the last piece of the puzzle, the stone falling from the sky
Daniel says the stone that fell and crushed the statue is itself a new kingdom
The kingdom represented by the stone is not connected to the prior Gentile kingdoms
We see this because the arrival of the stone coincides with the destruction of the statue
The statue represents an age of time, the Age of the Gentiles
When this new Kingdom comes, it puts an end to the Age of Gentiles
Therefore, this new Kingdom is something entirely different from what came before it
We can understand what this new kingdom is by first remembering that the Age of Gentiles is defined as a period of history when Israel is scattered and the city is ruled by Gentiles
So, by definition, if this age comes to an end, then the scattering of the Jewish nation must have come to an end
All Jews must be returned to their land
Likewise, if the Age of Gentiles has ended, then the trampling of Jerusalem by Gentile nations has ended as well
So Israel must have regained complete control of their beloved capital city
So we know that this coming Kingdom represented by the stone cannot be another Gentile Kingdom
It must be a Jewish Kingdom, for what is not Gentile is Jewish (again, by definition)
And this Jewish Kingdom must be the most powerful nation on earth
Just as in the statue, whatever replaces the prior dominant power must itself become the dominant power
Daniel confirms this assumption for us in v.44 when he says this new Kingdom will end all other kingdoms on earth
Furthermore, this new Kingdom will endure forever...no more transitions, hence the end of the statue
Next, notice that this Kingdom is set up by God Himself
This is an odd detail, since Daniel already told us that the Lord is always the One removing and establishing kings (v.21)
But this time, Daniel means that God doesn’t just place another man as king of the world
This time, God Himself is the King on Earth and He personally sets up the Jewish Kingdom that replaces the Gentile powers
Furthermore, the symbol of a stone uncut by human hands confirms that this Kingdom comes as a result of God’s arrival on earth
The term “uncut stone” finds its source in the Law, where the Lord declares:
The Lord commanded that Israel only use uncut stones for His altar
The use of natural, unworked stones signified that our atonement could not be earned through our own works
The altar of sacrifice would be a place where only God’s work (i.e., the Creator of the stones) was applied
Likewise, the uncut falling stone represents the work of God, and since it falls on the statue, we conclude that it comes from the sky (i.e., Heaven)
It grows into a mountain that fills the earth
Mountains, when used symbolically in Scripture, represent kingdoms
And here, we see that pattern continuing, since we’re told the mountain represents a Kingdom filling the earth after the statue is gone
Notice also, the stone fell “on the feet” of the statue, indicating that the coming of Christ happens at the end of this age
Therefore, the falling uncut stone pictures the coming of Christ to set up His literal Kingdom on earth
It will be a Jewish Kingdom, in that Jesus is Jewish
It will replace all other ruling authorities on Earth
It brings an end of the Age of the Gentiles and ushers in a new age on Earth
And it will result in the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel to grant them an eternal Kingdom in their land
Daniel’s interpretation reveals a long history of world empires that bridge history from Judah’s first dispersion until their final regathering under Christ
Obviously, we’ve already seen three of these four kingdoms rise and fall
And we’re currently somewhere in the midst of the fourth kingdom
How close are we to the end?
We will get a better sense of that question when we get to Chapters 7 and 11
But consider that Daniel gave us this progression of kingdoms before any of these transitions took place
Given his accuracy today, we can trust him for the rest of the prophecy
Which means we’re still waiting for the stone, the coming of Christ
But He will come, and He will set up a Kingdom
Obviously, Daniel’s interpretation more than satisfies the king
The king’s response is understandably appreciative
He sees in Daniel a power of gods and pays Daniel homage as a result
Of course, it didn’t hurt that the king liked what Daniel said
At least he liked the idea of being the chief power on earth
Consider for a moment that the most powerful man on earth has bowed to the least in his service
On what basis would such a thing happen? Only because of the revealed Word of God
God’s Word is more powerful than kings, even those who God Himself has placed in power
Despite his homage to Daniel, it’s also clear that Nebuchadnezzar is not a man ready to bow down to Daniel’s God
He calls the Lord “Daniel’s God”, though he does recognize that this God is above other gods
He’s just a step short of recognizing that the Lord is the only God
The king appoints Daniel over all other wise men and gives him gifts, probably great wealth
Daniel is still a teenager, barely out of basic training
And suddenly, he rules over all the wise men of Babylon
Do you suppose that Daniel has just made some powerful enemies within the Babylonian government?
Never mind that Daniel saved their collective lives
Daniel’s intellect and wisdom and savvy come to his aid again at this point
And with the king of the world paying homage to you, what should you do next? You make requests of the king
So Daniel asked for positions of power for his friends, as well
This isn’t simply cronyism
Daniel wants friends in his new role, especially since he knows everyone else will be against him
So his friends join him in administering the province of Babylon