Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe book of Daniel is the foremost book of prophecy in the Old Testament
What the book of Revelation is to the New Testament canon, the book of Daniel is to the Old Testament canon
The prophecies of Daniel reveal more future events, in exceptional detail and in greater concentration, than any other book of the Bible
Daniel explains how God’s plan for Israel, God’s plan for the Gentile nations and God’s plan for His coming Kingdom unite in history
In fact, without the book of Daniel, it would be literally impossible to understand the rest of biblical prophecy, much less God’s program for history
Therefore, a proper understanding of all prophecy hinges on obtaining a proper understanding of the book of Daniel
Daniel is particularly important for its comprehensive unveiling of the political future of the major powers on the earth
The book accurately predicts the rise and fall of world empires spanning thousands of years of human history
Its predictions about coming world empires were so accurate that biblical critics in the 18th century concluded the book must be a forgery
These men (who denied the existence of prophecy in the Bible) proposed that Daniel was written during the Maccabean period, years after the events in the book had already come to pass
But the book’s undeniable historical accuracy is not the result of a human hoax
It’s the power and wisdom of God revealed through a prophet
Because when your source happens to be the Author of human history, perfect accuracy is to be expected
The Lord wanted Daniel to relay his perfect insight to us, so we might understand God’s purposes in appointing the rise and fall of nations
The book is like a roadmap, explaining historical signposts and intersections of peoples
Daniel is also our “decoder ring” for interpreting Revelation, as these are the only two apocalyptic books in the Bible
Daniel explains many critical events of the end times not addressed by any other book of the Bible
Which explains why Daniel is the most-quoted OT book of prophecy by the NT authors
Finally, Daniel contains more fulfilled prophecies than any other book of the Bible
Daniel can also be classified into “twos”, divided in several ways
First, the book is divided by two languages
Chapters 2-7 were written originally in Aramaic, the common language of the Near East and the Babylonian empire
Chapters 1, and 8-12 were written in Hebrew, the language spoken only by the Jewish people
Daniel’s choice to use different languages also tells us that the book was written to two audiences
At the time of Daniel’s writing, Judah was living in captivity in Babylon, so the Jewish people learned both languages
But the Babylonians could only understand their native Aramaic
Furthermore, Daniel was the only Jewish prophet who delivered his prophecies to a Gentile employer, rather than directly to the Jewish people
Therefore, we conclude that the chapters written in Aramaic were intended by Daniel to be understood by both Jews and Babylonians
While the Hebrew chapters were directed to the Jews alone
Thirdly, the book has two messages
First, Daniel explains God’s future plan for Israel in delivering the promised Kingdom, but only after a period of judgment
Secondly, Daniel demonstrated how God’s people are to live in faith even now while they await the Kingdom
Finally, the book has two themes:
The first theme is the sovereignty of God, as evidenced by His control over the rise and fall of earthly powers according to His timetable
God will ultimately triumph over evil, even if for a time, it appears that evil has the upper hand
The second theme is God’s grace for His people, as evidenced by His response to their prayers and His faithfulness to His promises
At various points in the book, God responds to prayer, reminding us that even as God is writing history, He gives attention to our place within it
Normally, we would spend some time introducing our study with more background on the author and his circumstances
But fortunately, the opening chapter of Daniel is an introduction of its own, so we begin there
Daniel dates his writing in a precise manner
Daniel is a book of prophecy that anticipates important events in history
Prophets earn their credibility based on the accuracy of their predictions
Daniel’s predictions were so specific, it’s critically important for Daniel that we understand he wrote before the events came to pass
He also wants us to know how he came to possess his ability to foresee history so clearly
So he establishes up front that he wrote these things before they came to pass, which means the knowledge came from God
Jewish prophets dated their writings by the reign of Jewish kings
And Daniel dates his story to the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah
The third year of Jehoiakim’s reign corresponds to 605 BC
In that year, a Babylonian prince named Nebuchadnezzar led the army of his father, Nabopolassar, against two enemies: Assyria and Egypt
Assyria had been the dominant world power in the Near East for centuries
The Assyrian kingdom stretched from Mesopotamia to the Arabian desert
Assyria had conquered the great power of Egypt, making the Pharaoh and his people Assyria’s vassal
Assyria had also conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel, as God appointed scattering those ten tribes
But now, Babylon was gaining power and challenging Assyria for world supremacy
Five years earlier, in 609 BC, Assyria and Egypt fought together to retake the Assyrian capital of Harran from Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian army who had seized it
As the Egyptian army traveled north up the Via Maris (the way by the sea) through Judah to meet up with the Assyrians at Haran, they suddenly found their path blocked by the Judean army
King Josiah had massed his forces at Megiddo in the Jezreel valley, seeking to destroy the Egyptian army before it reached Haran
Since Assyria was in decline, and Egypt was weakened from years of Assyrian domination, Josiah thought he saw his chance to free Judah from Egyptian oppression
As the Egyptians and Judeans confronted one another in the valley, the Pharaoh Neco, who was leading his army, issued a warning to Josiah not to interfere
That moment is captured in 2 Chronicles 35
As 2 Chronicles explains, the Egyptian Pharaoh, Neco, warned Josiah to go home and not interfere
Interestingly, Neco tells Josiah that the Lord Himself was directing Neco’s steps into battle
Furthermore, Neco says that God Himself will destroy Josiah if he gets in the way
Here’s a Jewish king receiving a word from Israel’s God from the mouth of a Gentile enemy
God was at work bringing nations against one another for His own purposes in the world
And He graciously allowed Josiah the opportunity to step back from acting outside God’s will
Regrettably, Josiah would not listen to the “mouth of God” referring to the words spoken by Neco
So Josiah decides to attack anyway, contrary to God’s wishes
As a result, God lets Josiah die in the battle
And then the Egyptians proceeded north into the battle against the Babylonians
The Assyrians and Neco failed to recapture Haran in 609 BC, so the Egyptians returned to Egypt, passing through Judah once more
During the three months Neco was battling at Haran, the people of Israel had appointed Josiah’s son, Joahaz, as king
Three months later, Neco returned to Judah and deposed Joahaz
Neco placed his brother, Jehoiakim, on the throne, since he was willing to submit to Egyptian authority
Jehoiakim, became king in 608 BC
He ruled three years under Egyptian authority, until 605 BC
In 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar arrived at Jerusalem, having conquered Assyria at Carchemish
When Nebuchadnezzar arrived, he took control of Judea
He robbed the temple of some of its artifacts
And he took captive some Jewish nobles and royalty
Nebuchadnezzar’s policy was to bring the best of whatever kingdom he conquered to the capital, to strengthen his court
In this case, removing the nobles helped ensure the loyalty of King Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadnezzar left in power to rule under Babylonian authority
One of the nobles taken at that time was a young boy named Daniel
Notice how Daniel describes these nobles
In v.4, Daniel uses the word “youths”
The word in Hebrew describes a young boy, maybe barely a teenager
In v.5, Daniel says he was to be trained for three years before entering the king’s service
Plato reports that education of Persian court servants began at about age 14 and continued until 17, when they would assume a role in the court
So it seems that Daniel was probably age 14 when taken to Babylon
These young men were the best and brightest of Israel, which is why Nebuchadnezzar wanted them in his court
They were physically strong, intelligent, discerning, and therefore appropriate for royal service
Wonder if Daniel included these details merely to compliment himself?
No, Daniel was explaining his opportunity to accomplish amazing things on behalf of the Lord in Babylon
It’s one of the great ironies of the book that Daniel was virtually unknown when he lived in Israel, yet he becomes one of the greatest men for Israel’s enemy, Babylon
His rise to prominence was the result of God elevating him, of course
But, his personal traits were also essential in his story
Daniel was a man of character, intelligence and discernment
These traits become tools in God’s hand to accomplish great things for His glory
Now we often remember 1 Corinthians 1, where Paul says the Lord uses the weak things of the world so that He might be seen to be strong
But let’s not misunderstand Paul’s teaching
God does choose to work through the weak and inconspicuous, but He elevates men and women of strong character
He accomplishes the impossible with the least
Yet He favors those who are faithful, devoted and spiritually mature
So don’t confuse God’s preference for humility or obscurity as indifference to our spiritual strength
Daniel may have been but a child, but he was a spiritual giant among men
And if we have a desire to be useful to God, we can’t ignore the importance of being ready for any opportunity
To be prepared in our character, knowledge of Scripture and spiritual maturity
Finally, notice how Daniel’s position in the court of Israel’s enemy, Babylon, parallels the experiences of Joseph and Moses
Like Daniel, those men became instruments in God’s hand to rescue God’s people
And they were useful in that way, precisely because God caused them to rise to prominence in the court of a foreign king
And even before that moment, they each spent time learning the culture and politics of the foreign realm
It reminds us that God has placed each of us in a certain place and culture for a reason, so that we might understand it and work within it
And by that work, we might minister to the people of God for the glory of God
At the end of v.4, Daniel says the king wanted these boys trained in the literature and language of the Chaldeans
The word “Chaldean” can refer either to the Babylonian culture, or it can refer specifically to the profession of astrologers and magicians
The magicians of Babylon were the keepers of all science and ancient knowledge
These “Chaldeans” were society’s experts in natural science, mathematics, medicine, history, and astrology
In v.4, Daniel is using the word “Chaldean” to refer both to the culture of the Babylonians and to the profession of magician
Daniel was going to become an expert in all these things
Leading him to eventually rise to become the leader of the magi in Babylon
Among those taken in his group were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah
Josephus reported that Daniel and these three boys were all relatives in the family of Zedekiah, the final king of Judah
As was customary, these boys were assigned new, Aramaic names
New names were especially necessary in the case of these four, since all four of their Hebrew names incorporated a reference to Israel’s God
“El” means “God” and “iah” is short for “Yahweh”
Daniel is renamed Belteshazzar, which may refer to the wife of the chief Babylonian god, Marduk
“Shadrach” may mean “I Am of Little Account”
And “Abednego” may mean “Servant of Nebo” (a god of Babylon)
Changing a person’s name signified they were now part of a new people, a new culture, and it served to cut ties with their past
The king wanted these young men to see themselves as part of Babylonian society
But the Jewish people have never been completely assimilated into Gentile culture, because the Lord is preserving His people
So changing names wasn’t going to change Daniel and his friends
Finally, notice in v.5, that the king wanted to ensure these men had access to the best in the land to strengthen them for studies and service
So Nebuchadnezzar commanded the boys be fed from the king’s table, which meant first-class dining
That sounds great to us, of course
It seems the Lord is blessing Daniel already, allowing him to receive this choice menu, even as he lives in captivity
But this is not a good situation for a faithful Jew living under the Law
Daniel and his friends are obligated by the Old Covenant to observe certain dietary restrictions, especially regarding the preparation and type of meat and drink served
It’s highly likely the meat the king served was not kosher
And it was likely sacrificed to Babylonian idols
Daniel and his friends may have been required to pour out a cup of wine as an offering to a false god at the table before drinking
So if Daniel and his friends partake of the king’s table, they must violate the Law’s requirements and pay homage to foreign gods
This sets up the first conflict between Daniel’s convictions in service to God and the king’s authority
This confrontation begins as all such conflicts begin
In the heart of the believer
Daniel knew what was coming, and he understood his choices and the likely consequences of his choices
So he had a private decision to make, even before his situation was made known to anyone else
Daniel had to resolve to do the right thing
So Daniel considered all the possibilities, of what would happen if he ate and what would likely happen if he didn’t
He knew eating would mean disobeying God and inviting God’s displeasure
On the other hand, Daniel knew that refusing to eat meant crossing the most powerful man on earth and risking his life
With those two options on the table, the choice was obvious: Daniel chose to side with God, rather than the king
Daniel made up his mind to not defile himself, it says in v.8
The Hebrew word for “made up” or “set” means to fix or determine something and to hold to it surely
Daniel is determined to remain ceremonially obedient, no matter what comes
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in trying to avoid the earthly consequences
He doesn’t want to become a martyr, if he can avoid it
So Daniel seeks permission of the commander of the officials to forgo eating the meat provided by the king
Isn’t this remarkable? How many of us, when we imagine ourselves in such a situation, would consider the option Daniel selected here?
Wouldn’t we just assume that by our defiance we must steel ourselves for inevitable punishment?
Do you ever stop to consider asking permission before making a protest?
The Word of God commands us to give preference to God’s commands over the precepts of men
But the Word doesn’t mandate we walk into persecution, unless it’s unavoidable
Daniel’s discernment protected him, so that even as he resolved to defy the king’s order, he was still searching for a way to please the king
This is the essence of Paul’s command in Romans
Daniel is searching for a way to obey God, while still respecting the king’s authority
And he thinks he has a way to do that, by approaching the commander of the court, the steward appointed to watch over them
Daniel asks the commander if he and his friends might avoid defiling themselves with the king’s food by eating only vegetables
Vegetables were generally safe for a Jew to eat and were not routinely sacrificed to idols
We might assume that a steward working for a pagan king would reject such a request out of hand
Why tolerate the demands of prisoners?
But notice in v.9, the Lord was already working behind the scenes to support Daniel in his obedience
The Lord granted Daniel compassion in the “sight” of the commander
In other words, God softened the heart of the commander so he would see the situation from Daniel’s perspective
Already, we see the Lord at work through the agency of earthly authority to ensure that Daniel’s stand for righteousness would succeed
This will be a recurring theme in Daniel’s book
And while we can’t say for sure what the Lord will do in every situation, we can take comfort seeing what the Lord did for Daniel
This example reinforces our earlier observation: that when we take a stand for God’s Word, we shouldn’t assume persecution will always result
Persecution will come sometimes, certainly, and it does for Daniel eventually
But other times the Lord, by His grace, may choose to step in to keep us safe from the world’s hatred and persecution
We simply do the right thing, trusting in Him for whatever the outcome
The commander, moved by God to consider this request with sympathy, then wonders what will happen when the king sees the boys’ declining health
Normally, a vegetarian diet must be carefully planned to ensure proper nutrition
This would have been true, especially in that day, when people depended on meat to bolster the diet and ensure strength
So the commander imagines the worse...that after a month or two of vegetables only, Daniel and his friends will appear gaunt and weak
His concerns are reasonable and probably accurate
A month or two of vegetables probably would weaken Daniel and his friends noticeably
Then, the king would turn to the commander and blame him for neglecting his duty to care for these young men
Truth be told, the king probably didn’t care what Daniel ate
Nebuchadnezzar’s only concern would have been that the commander take good care of these young men in his charge
So commander’s dilemma is in how to keep the king happy, while satisfying Daniel’s request
Daniel suggests a test to reassure the commander
In v.10, Daniel tells the commander to let them eat vegetables and drink water for ten days, and then examine their appearance
Ten days is short enough time that the king would be unlikely to notice any differences in their appearance
But the commander could inspect their appearance closely, to know if they were being negatively affected
If after ten days the boys appeared healthy, then the commander could be confident the king wouldn’t notice either
The choice of ten days is meaningful, since ten represents testimony in Scripture
The Lord inspired Daniel’s choice of ten as a testimony of the Lord’s intervention to sustain these boys
It suggests that the Lord planned to ensure their health, regardless of their diet
Daniel must have had an expectation that the Lord was prepared to sustain them, which is why he proposed the test
His faith was such that he had confidence in the Lord to perform this miracle in response to their obedience
And what was the result?
Miraculously, these boys weren’t simply holding their own, they were actually better looking than their peers who continued to eat a regular diet
His peers were other youths in captivity, probably including some from Judah, yet they didn’t share Daniel’s convictions
This reminds us that even as Daniel obeyed and followed the Lord, he represented a minority
The people of God are not uniformly obedient
And based on the history of Scripture, it’s safe to assume that a minority will seek to serve Him in faithfulness and without compromise
It’s that group we are all called to emulate
As a result of this outcome, the commander saw no reason to suspend his support for Daniel
So the commander continued to give them vegetables only
The Hebrew word for “vegetables” in v.16 appears only here in the Bible
It literally means “seed grown”, as from the ground
Daniel ate only of the ground
Daniel goes on to say, in v.17, that the Lord’s grace toward Daniel’s physical strength was matched by the Lord’s grace for his spiritual strength
Daniel also grew in his knowledge and intelligence while in training by God’s grace
God was preparing this young man for great things, and it all began with Daniel taking a step of obedience in the face of opposition
While Daniel’s training program may have originated in the mind of a pagan idol worshipper
Its true origin was in God’s economy to school Daniel in ways suited to God’s purpose for ministry in Babylon
Daniel’s situation parallels Paul and Moses, again
Paul was prepared in the great rabbinical traditions of Israel
Yet he lacked a heart to know God truly until God chose to harness Paul’s intellect and training for the sake of the Gospel
Moses was trained in the courts of the Pharaoh, which prepared him to lead a people against the most powerful nation on earth
And now, Daniel is being prepared to serve the Living God, but that training came at the hands of a pagan court
How is the Lord preparing you to serve Him through the everyday influences of a fallen, lost world so you may fulfill your mission for Christ?
Finally, Daniel’s introduction comes to an end, as Daniel graduates this Babylonian academy
He is presented before the king, and of all those who had been trained in this process, none was his equal
Once again, you can see that though God uses weak things, He is not beyond making weak things mighty when it suits His purpose
Daniel has become mighty: mighty in knowledge, mighty in discernment and wisdom, yet mighty in humility and obedience as well
These are not contrary qualities
In fact, they are essential compliments for anyone who desires to serve the Lord to the fullest of his or her capacity
Daniel’s companions are also judged superior, perhaps as a result of their close companionship with Daniel, and as a group, they enter the king’s service
As the king consults these young men for counsel, he finds them ten times better than any other Chaldean in his service
It seems unlikely that the king could quantify the superiority of Daniel’s service so precisely, so we must conclude that the number ten is yet another reference to testimony
Daniel’s excellence in service to this pagan king becomes a part of his testimony
Just as Paul reminds us to do all we do in excellence, as for the Lord
If we must be poor at something in life, let us be poor at sinning and nothing else
Daniel is an example of what can come of our obedience to the Lord’s Word, even in the face of persecution
Daniel’s knowledge and wisdom were a testimony to how the Lord helps us rise to meet difficult challenges when we make excellence in His name our goal
Daniel’s strength and fortitude remind us that faith lived-out calls for courage
And courage is the result of trusting in God’s greater power over the power of our enemies
As Paul says in Romans 8, if God is for us, who can be against us?
At the same time, Daniel sits in captivity, taken from his home and forced into serving a foreign king
Which reminds us that God’s choice may be for us to serve Him in difficult situations
Daniel didn’t assume that because he was in Babylon that the God of Israel was no longer on the throne
He lived with a trust in God’s power, even as he came to accept that the Lord’s will was for Daniel and his friends to be in slavery
Remember that as you confront difficult circumstances in life
The fact they exist doesn’t mean God isn’t God
The test is whether we will still serve God in every situation, trusting He has good purposes for placing us where we are
Consider how the chapter ends...looking to the end of Daniel’s life and career in Babylon
Daniel served the king of Babylon until Babylon was conquered by Cyrus of Persia in 538 BC
His work as a minister in the court of the king lasted 65 years, making Daniel nearly 90 years old at the end of that time
We have no record that Daniel ever returned to Judah with the exiles
So despite Daniel’s faithfulness and strong character, it was God’s choice to leave Daniel in exile his whole life
This is the important footnote to Chapter 1
Daniel was a man who received the favor of God his whole life
Yet God kept Daniel subject to a foreign authority his whole life
The lesson is that we can’t measure God’s faithfulness by our circumstances
God often places us in difficult circumstances, expressly so we can see His faithfulness at work
And He may leave us there for a time so we can demonstrate our faithfulness to Him in turn