Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight, we take the next step down the chiastic structure of Chapters 2-7 in the Book of Daniel
In the chiasm, we’ve studied steps A and B so far:
Step A was Chapter 2, where Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
The main point of that chapter was to explain God’s plan to place Israel under four successive Gentile authorities
It gave Israel the context to understand their fate in captivity
In Step B, we studied last time in Chapter 3, as Daniel’s friends were spared supernaturally from persecution
That chapter reminded Israel that though they were under Gentile oppression, the Lord has not abandoned His people
Particularly, the remnant within Israel was assured of the Lord’s continuing favor, even in the midst of this time of judgment
Furthermore, it illustrated that even though God has written a coming history of empires and kings, nevertheless, He continues to exert His supernatural influence
Daniel 3 stands as refutation against those who believe God has created the world and stepped back to let it rule itself
Like a top set spinning on a table
Instead, the Lord is active and engaged in steering the world, even as He reveals His larger plans
Now today, we reach the deepest part of the chiasm, Step C
Step C and its corresponding alternate point, Step C’, provide the “point” of the chiasm
In today’s chapter, the Lord humbles the king of Babylon
He’s the very man God placed in authority over Israel, and indeed all the world, yet he will be brought low
Ultimately, he will be restored
The point in these circumstances will become evident as we study through the chapter
But perhaps the most interesting part of the chapter, is it’s author
The chapter is written from the first person perspective of Nebuchadnezzar himself
It was penned by Daniel, but it’s likely Daniel simply recorded the testimony of the king, who dictated it to Daniel for posterity
So we could say this is the only chapter of Scripture written by a Gentile, and perhaps the only one written by a pagan
As we begin the chapter, let’s take note that the chapter itself is structured as a mini-chiasm in an ABB’A’ form
It begins with the king praising the Lord of Heaven for His mighty works
It moves into an account of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
Followed by Daniel’s interpretation and its fulfillment
And it ends with the king praising the Lord once more
Let’s begin with the first of those four parts
In v.1, Nebuchadnezzar opens his account by addressing everyone on the earth
It may seem a bit grandiose to think that his words would be sent to the entire world
Like assuming everyone else is as interested as you are in the poodle pictures you posted on Facebook
Because let’s be honest...no one wants to see a poodle picture
In this case, the king’s assumption makes sense, given what the Lord told him in Chapter 2
The Lord declared he was king of all the earth, according to the interpretation of the dream
So Nebuchadnezzar is merely acting on that premise in addressing the entire world as his subjects
Furthermore, the Lord made his words part of Scripture, which will endure forever
So both in the king’s day, and in our day, these words go to the entire earth
His testimony is a testimony for all people for all time
In v.2, Nebuchadnezzar says it seems good to him to declare the good things the Lord has done
He’s referring to the story that is about to unfold
Looking back on what happened, he remembers the entire experience as something mighty, something great
As you read through his account, however, you may struggle to understand why he thinks this is so great
In fact, his story will read like a mini-version of the story of Job
Secondly, the effect of this experience for Nebuchadnezzar was to declare that the Lord’s Kingdom was everlasting
Specifically, it is from generation to generation
This is an important summary of the purpose of Chapter 4
Earlier, we learned that the powers that rule the world would transition
One kingdom would give way to another
A few generations would have power for a time, but then in a future generation, power would be lost to another kingdom
But the Lord is truly the One ruling the earth and His Kingdom is everlasting from generation to generation
Who better to declare this truth than the man who begins the statue as the head of gold
Even the man who received power to rule has come to recognize that his own ruling was subjected to the authority of God
Remember, this king is a Gentile and a pagan who took God’s people captive, killing many of them in the process
Yet, this man declares that God Himself is greater and that His Kingdom is always in control
Remember this next time someone suggests that Hitler’s reign of terror over the Jewish people proves God wasn’t in control
Now the king starts to tell the story of his dream
Once again, we find the king receiving a dream from the Lord
Also, the dream makes an impact such that the king can’t stop thinking about it
Unlike the dream in Chapter 2, this time, the king is willing to tell them the dream up front
And then, he asked for an interpretation
Why do we suppose the king is willing to do this now, when he didn’t before?
The answer is that this method is the normal procedure
The king would call his staff of advisors and he would tell them the dream
And then, they would explain what they thought it meant
Back in Chapter 2, the king departed from the normal pattern in demanding they reveal the content of the dream first
We don’t know what reason the king had for changing the pattern in Chapter 2
But we know the Lord planted that desire in the king’s heart to ensure the other men would be frustrated
Which ensured the king would meet Daniel
By that same token, we wonder why the king even bothered asking the other guys for help this time?
Once you’ve discovered a man with the talent Daniel possessed, why waste time with lesser counselors?
A couple of reasons come to mind
Perhaps Daniel was busy elsewhere
Remember, he was made a man of power and responsibility in the province of Babylon
So it’s unlikely he just hung around the palace
But it’s also possible that the king had a sense of what the dream was revealing, and he was afraid to hear Daniel’s interpretation
Therefore, he may have been shopping for a better answer
Furthermore, when the king turns to his regular counselors, still they couldn’t offer any explanation, even knowing the dream
Is this just a group of quacks?
Their silence is especially surprising, since this dream is relatively easy to interpret, even without supernatural assistance
In fact, the dream practically interprets itself at one point
So why didn’t these guys offer any answer to the king?
The logical conclusion is that they understand the dream very well, but were afraid to give the answer
Because, as you will see, it’s not good news
Finally, notice in v.8 how the king describes Daniel
He repeats that Daniel is Belteshazzar, which he says is a name after Nebuchadnezzar’s god
He then acknowledges that Daniel is a special man
Daniel has the spirit of “holy gods”
These statements are important because they confirm for us that at the outset of this story, the king is a pagan worshipper
He identifies with a pagan god, from whom he got Daniel’s name
And he sees Daniel’s powers as coming from other “gods”
He respects the power Daniel demonstrates
But that demonstration hasn’t been enough by itself to lead the king to rethink his allegiance to his god and to seek after Daniel’s God
He then proceeds to reveal the dream to Daniel
The dream centers on a single great tree that dominates the earth
It reaches to the sky, such that the entire earth can see it
Interestingly, on a round earth, this is literally impossible
So we must assume that the king was dreaming of a flat earth
Since we know the earth is round, we wonder why the Lord doesn’t give the king a dream consistent with Creation?
The answer is simple...the king would have assumed the earth to be flat, as that was the common understanding in his day
Therefore, the Lord gave the king a version of the world in his dream that fit his expectations
He did this not to confirm the king’s viewpoint, but simply not to distract him from the main point of the dream
Imagine if the Lord had shown the king a round earth, that detail might have overshadowed the other, more important details
So on a flat world, one tree reaches to the sky and can be seen from everywhere
This tree was like Eden itself, feeding the world and protecting its inhabitants
The fruit was abundant
The branches were home to every bird
The shade accommodated every beast
But then, an angel from Heaven appeared to remove the tree
He did violence to every part of the tree
Only the roots of the tree and its stump were allowed to remain
The stump was shackled with bronze and iron
Then, the stump is allowed to simply sit in the field of grass
But then, at this point in the dream, the pronoun changes to “he”
It becomes clear at this point that the tree stands for a man
And that’s why I said it practically interprets itself
This man is to live in the wild like an animal
And he receives the mind of a beast, acting like an animal
And this strange period in the man’s life will continue for a period of seven
The reference to seven is not defined, but as we will see in the interpretation, it refers to seven years
Then the angel declares in the dream that this has come to pass as the result of the decision of “the holy ones”
The use of a plural here is curious
At first, it suggests that the angels themselves made the decision to humble this man in this way
But that conclusion doesn’t make a lot of sense, given that angels are messengers and not decision-makers
The more reasonable conclusion is that “the holy ones” refers to the Godhead itself
In other words, God (plural) decided this fate for this man
This would be another OT reference to the Trinity
Finally, the reason given for this man’s strange downfall is to ensure that he understood that the power to rule came from above
This power is given out as the Lord desires
We could say, “easy come, easy go”
He even gives it to the lowest of men
Rather than give commentary on the dream itself, I’ll wait for the interpretation to weigh into the significance of these things
As Daniel hears the dream, he too is frightened
The king doesn’t appear to be surprised by Daniel’s reaction either
We’re getting the sense that everyone connected to this dream knows it’s bad
Daniel is truly grieving over what he has to reveal
And this was a consistent feature of every prophet God sent to Israel
They usually had bad news for the people, and they often wept over what they had to reveal
The king reassured Daniel that it’s ok to reveal the bad news to him
With that reassurance, Daniel then has the courage to move ahead and reveal it
But not before he commiserates with the king over what he’s about to reveal
Daniel then tells the king what he, and probably everyone, knew: the tree was a representation of him in his rule over all the earth
Like the head of gold in the statue, this tree emphasizes the complete and total rule Nebuchadnezzar exercised over the earth
And each detail in the dream reinforced that picture
The birds nesting in the branches is a classic picture of Gentile populations
The beasts feeding represents the provision the king’s empire makes to all its subjects
And the shade represents the power of the kingdom to protect and defend its citizens by enforcing a time of peace
So the tree pictures the king, as the king himself represents the entire kingdom of Babylon
Then, Daniel says the angelic woodcutter means that the Lord will drive Nebuchadnezzar away from his kingdom for a time
Notice the tree was cut down, but the root was not removed
It was left in the ground, which means it has the potential to sprout growth again
Notice in v.26, Daniel tells the king that the fact that the root remains is proof that this calamity does not spell the end of the king’s time as ruler
If the Lord intended to end Nebuchadnezzar’s rule forever, the stump would not have remained
It would have been pulled out by the roots
So leaving the stump or roots of a tree means hope for a future restoration
This is a powerful symbol in Scripture that the Lord uses repeatedly in a similar fashion for other people
In particular, the Lord uses this symbol to represent the Nation of Israel hardened and set aside for a time, but later restored
Paul says in Romans, speaking of how Israel was cut off for a time to give opportunity for the Gentiles
The root is Paul’s picture of what remains of an Israel cut off for their unbelief
The fact that a root remains, however, means that the nation has not met its end
In fact, Israel will one day rise again, as Paul goes on to say
So just as a tree root here is used to picture the return of Nebuchadnezzar on a future day, so it will be for Israel too
Curiously, the tree stump in the dream is bound by a band of brass and iron
The symbol of a band suggests captivity or subjugation
And the metals of brass and iron suggest judgment
The Lord’s judgment is always pictured by brass in a furnace
And iron is a picture of ruling in power (e.g., “a rod of iron”)
So the meaning is clear: the king will be taken out of power as a judgment from God
Yet he is not being deposed, nor is he forgotten
He is only set out of power for a period of time
But during this time, he will endure a particularly humiliating set of circumstances
In v.25, we get the details of what God has planned for this king
First, the king will be driven away from mankind
He will trade the comfort and civility of the palace for life among the beasts of the field
Notice he will not make this change of his own desire, but he will be driven in this way
What drives the king to do such a thing?
Back in v.16, we’re told that the king’s mind of a man was changed into the mind of a beast
Simply put, Nebuchadnezzar would start thinking (and therefore behaving) like an animal, rather than a human being
We don’t know to what extent his behaviors looked like an animal
But the description indicates he lived like a wild man in the fields, without shelter
Perhaps attacking and eating prey, much like a lion, refraining to communicate with words
Today, we would describe this behavior as insanity, and certainly it must have appeared to be that way in his day as well
Perhaps the Lord accomplished this change by permitting a demon to possess Nebuchadnezzar
Certainly, demon possession produces these kinds of bizarre behaviors, as we see with the man living in the tombs in Luke 8
So perhaps the Lord brought a demon to bear on Nebuchadnezzar
Or perhaps the Lord did literally as He describes
Supernaturally, the Lord changed the king’s mind from that of a human to something less
We can’t imagine how that works, but we can’t say it isn’t within God’s power to do so
In either case, we need to give a moment’s thought to what it means that God can do this to a person
Insanity is simply the name we give to unexplained, bizarre behaviors
The secular world gives no allowance to the possibility that bizarre behavior is the result of a supernatural cause
Clinically, the condition Nebuchaadnezzar experienced is called “zoanthropy” today, which tells us that other people have done the same
But here, we clearly see that this malady is the result of the Lord producing insanity in the king’s life for a good purpose
While we can’t draw broad conclusions from one example, we should be more thoughtful about where abnormal or pathological behavior originates
Is the cause natural? Environmental? Genetic? Or is it the decision of God to bring a trial, a test or to make a point?
Nebuchadnezzar's strange behavior resulted in the king abdicating his throne for a time, specifically for a period of “seven”
It could mean seven hours, seven days, seven weeks, etc.
The text doesn’t say and Daniel doesn’t specify either
Later, we learn that the “seven” refers to years
Knowing the Lord has declared this is coming, Daniel exhorts the king to do what he can to stop it
Specifically, Daniel says forgo sinning, repent and do works of mercy for the poor
It would seem this king had not been particularly concerned with the plight of the poor
And in general, Daniel doesn’t seem to think the king is particularly upright
So can we assume that Daniel’s offer for mercy was inspired by the Spirit, or was it merely Daniel’s own point of view?
In this case, we might assume that Nebuchadnezzar’s plight was inevitable, since it fits into the Lord’s larger plan to demonstrate His sovereignty
If so, then it’s hard to imagine that the king could have done anything to stop this prophecy
But we shouldn’t assume that no opportunity existed for the king to avoid this fate
It’s a fundamental truth of Scripture that repentance can forestall God’s judgment
The Lord gave that opportunity to Cain in Genesis 4
Jonah declared it to Nineveh
The prophets declared it to Israel
But the principle of repentance has a corollary
As repentance delays, judgment advances
So that at some point, the judgment is assured and the time of repentance has come and gone
In the psalms we find a good example of this truth
The psalmist writes that God is a righteous judge, ready to strike against those who fail to heed warnings
And in that sense, the one who falls to judgment has dug their own grave
And his violence will descend upon his own pate.
The psalmist says the unrepentant sinner falls into the hole he made for himself
His decisions return upon his head
These truths don’t deny God’s mercy, nor do they contradict the grace God extends to every believer so that our sins aren’t counted against us in eternity
We’re simply learning that whatever mercy God may be prepared to extend to us, His mercy depends on timely repentance
So perhaps Daniel’s declaration to Nebuchadnezzar was an offer of mercy from the Lord, which gave Nebuchadnezzar opportunity for a time
But if so, the king didn’t make use of the opportunity
In v.28, we get the bottom line: it all happened
Remember, this narrative was written by the king himself
So in a sense, he’s confessing to having ignored Daniel’s advice
And he ignored it for some time
The events of the dream didn’t come to pass until twelve months later
This delay would seem to confirm the psalmist’s observation
The king was busy digging his hole for a year
And that year of waiting was clearly grace from the Lord
But in the end, the king fell in
The king’s downfall is clearly pride in his position over the kingdom and the world
Daniel intimated the king’s pride problem in his advice to Nebuchadnezzar
And now, we see the king himself confessing to this problem
In v.30, the king relates how he was reflecting (probably to himself) on how great Babylon had become
Ancient records recovered from Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon document the king boasting of the splendor of his kingdom
Josephus quoted another historian of antiquity, Berossus, who said Nebuchadnezzar had much to boast about
His impressive building exploits were some of the most ambitious in all ancient history
Babylon’s capital city was walled to a circumference of about 17 miles
The king’s palace sat inside the city, behind a second wall running about 5 miles in circumference
The river Euphrates ran through the palace
The hanging gardens of Babylon inside the palace were one of the lost seven wonders of the world, fed by an elaborate water supply
Statues of bulls and dragons lined a huge processional avenue leading to a huge ziggurat temple to Marduk,
But the key comment in Nebuchadnezzar’s boasting is in found in v.30, where he says he himself made the nation great by means of his own might and for his own glory
He couldn’t have been more wrong on every count
He didn’t make Babylon great, the Lord did
He didn’t accomplish anything in his own might; it was the Lord’s power that created Babylon
And Babylon wasn’t elevated to bring Nebuchadnezzar great glory; it was for glory to God
The king’s pride blinded him to the work of God going on through him, despite God having already revealed the details in the earlier dream
God told him he had been elevated to the position of king of the world
And the Lord said he was placed there for a purpose not his own
And the dream even told Nebuchadnezzar that he wouldn’t hold the position forever
Nevertheless, the king has let the whole affair go to his head and now he thinks it’s all a result of his power, wisdom and good looks
He’s forgotten God, and this is always the way pride works
Pride is like spiritual amnesia
It causes us to forget God in every sense, and our ego is only too happy to step into the vacuum we created
Pride was the first sin in God’s creation, and since that beginning, pride has been at work in the hearts of humanity to cause us to forget God
Nebuchadnezzar knew God, at least in the sense that he knew that Israel’s God existed and had power over him
And he knew the Lord’s words, as revealed through Daniel
He even had a second dream warning of a coming judgment
And yet here, he is telling himself that he’s big man in the universe
When time runs out for repentance, God’s judgment arrives swiftly and without additional warning
In v. 31, Nebuchadnezzar reports that even as he was uttering his prideful boasts, he heard a voice from Heaven proclaiming his sentence
God’s pronouncement includes a dose of sarcasm
Before the final boast exited Nebuchadnezzar's mouth, the Lord had already nullified his boast
The king’s declaration was overridden by the Lord’s declaration
Nebuchadnezzar said, “I’m the king of the hill!”
And the Lord’s response was, “Not anymore.”
The Lord declared sovereignty has been removed from him
At that very second, a switch was thrown in Nebuchadnezzar’s brain
Immediately, his mind became like an animal and his behavior followed suit
If you find yourself wondering if God is treating him fairly, remember how we got to this point
The king should have known the Lord was over all and assigning authority as He desires
He had two dreams to explain it and he had the experience of Daniel’s friends to demonstrate it
Yet it still required this dramatic experience to get the point through to him
Ironically, God made Nebuchadnezzar to look insane
But the real insanity was the king acting as if the God Who had revealed Himself so clearly didn’t actually exist
The Lord explains how Nebuchadnezzar’s life will go for the next seven periods
First, he will go away from mankind
Nebuchadnezzar had just been marveling at the magnificence of his palace, and now he will be denied the comforts of it
Instead, he will literally live outdoors in the fields where wild beasts live
No doubt, he will be the talk of Babylon, as the people marvel over how far he has fallen
In keeping with his new animal nature, he will eat only grass, which probably means he will eat various green plants, but nothing particularly normal for a human diet
He had been enjoying the luxuries afforded a king who demanded only the best
All the while denying mercy and provision to the poor in his kingdom
Now, the Lord visits those sins back upon the king by denying him even the most basic human food
Yet even in these harsh conditions, we can still see God’s grace
Normally, a man living out in the fields for a long time would not survive very long
For example, wild predators would have been a real threat, especially lions
Secondly, desert days are brutally hot under the sun, and the nights can be quite cold, especially in the winter
So if the animals didn’t get him, exposure would have
And then there is his diet of grass
He ate food that normally wouldn’t sustain a person for long, and may have even been harmful
Under those circumstances, it’s hard to believe the king could have survived outdoors that long without God’s grace and supernatural protection
He survived because he was the stump, cut down, chained in judgment, but not dead, not destroyed
He was to remain this way for a period of “seven”
And that period must have been a period of seven years for several reasons
First, the description in v.33 of his appearance implies a very long time
Specifically, his hair grows to the point of looking like eagles’ feathers
That description suggests long, unkempt matted hair, long enough to resemble an eagle’s wing, which is about 22 inches (56 cm) long
And his nails are as long as an eagle’s talons, which are 2 inches long
Men’s hair and nails don’t grow that long in just seven weeks or even seven months
It would require seven years
I imagine the people of Babylon would have taken great fascination in the plight of their king
As long as he was alive, he was still the king, though I suspect others were handling the business of the kingdom in his absence
In fact, it seems likely that Daniel played a significant – if not the prominent – role in governing the nation in his absence
We might also suppose that Daniel righted Nebuchadnezzar’s wrongs regarding the poor or otherwise
And finally, we know Daniel understood the king would return to power one day, so he probably advised the staff to prepare for that day
It would not go well for anyone who tried to undermine the king in his absence when the king returned to discover their disloyalty
So the Lord achieved a fair judgment against the king, while also correcting his errors in rule and elevating Daniel once again
We suppose that Daniel also found ways to show kindness to the rest of Israel in slavery
It would have been a tremendous encouragement to the people of God to see their adversary humiliated while Daniel took charge
That’s the point of this chapter, again
The power of God resulted in God’s people under Gentile rule
But God continues to protect the remnant
And the Gentile authorities God installs still owe their position to the Lord and therefore, they rule only by His grace
Eventually, even Nebuchadnezzar got the point
Just as God controlled the timing of Nebuchadnezzar’s descent into madness, so does the Lord dictate the moment of his recovery
The king testifies now in the first person again, that after the 7 years were complete, he then regained his senses
And as if released from a prison of the mind, the king immediately does what he should have done in the beginning
He raises his eyes toward Heaven and makes a declaration that matches the one that opened the chapter
He praises God and he declares that God deserves honor, the One Who lives forever and ever
The fundamental difference between man and animals is that God made man in His Own image so we could relate to Him
The Westminster Confession declares that the chief and highest end of man is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy Him forever
It requires the mind of a man to know and glorify God for all that He is
And an animal mind can’t do that
Nebuchadnezzar wasn’t using his mind to fulfill his purpose, so the Lord took his mind for a time
Now that his mind has returned, he immediately begins to use it for its consummate purpose
In the second half of v.34, the king emphasizes the never-ending dominion of the Lord, which was the point he needed to understand
God’s rule is eternal and always in effect
Men come and go as God appoints, but God is the true sovereign
And He remains sovereign, regardless of whether men on earth acknowledge Him as such or not
He doesn’t grant everyone the chance to learn this truth this side of eternity
But sooner or later, every knee bows and every tongue confesses
Furthermore, the king acknowledges the absolute sovereignty of God
Perhaps this was the more personal lesson for the king
In v.35, he says all the inhabitants of earth are accounted as nothing
He doesn’t mean that God cares nothing for the people of His Creation
He means that in any conversation about power and world outcomes, the only actor that truly matters is God
God is the absolute author of History
Some imagine the Lord reacts to circumstances so as to direct them in a certain direction
Like someone guiding the steps of a toddler running down the sidewalk
Others go a step further and imagine God is only an observer of His Creation, intervening periodically in response to prayer or exceptional circumstances
Neither of these views could be farther from the truth, and Nebuchadnezzar testifies from firsthand experience that the answer is very different
God is in control of all things
Imagine the worst thing from human history that you can remember, and the Lord caused it to happen
Imagine the best that’s ever happened, and the Lord made that happen too, as He says in His Own Word
Nebuchadnezzar saw the Lord give him great power and then take it away
He went from the best of times to the worst of times
And now, he finds himself back in a position of power once again
How can this be explained in any other way?
The Lord Himself revealed the plan to Nebuchadnezzar in advance and set the time at seven years to be sure everyone knew He commanded it
Furthermore, the king adds in v.35 that no one is in a position to second-guess God in what He does
No one can stop Him
No one can challenge Him
This is what it means to be God
The king’s account ends with two verses that show the degree to which the Lord’s work changed his heart
First, the king was fully restored to power
His counselors returned to seeking his leadership
Probably Daniel was at the forefront, bringing it about
This was true grace for a man who was thought to be insane for seven years
The king also recognizes that his own pride was the cause of his downfall
He acknowledges that the Lord worked to humble him and he seems genuinely pleased to have been brought to this point
Nebuchadnezzar is an example to prove that humility is a preferable way to go through life than to live in pride
When we seek to be prideful, we imagine it gains us an advantage in life
But experience teaches us that pride diminishes us in the eyes of others and gives cause for the Lord to bring us low
Finally, look at how the king addresses the Lord in the final verse
He gives Him praise and honor as the King of Heaven
These terms would seem to suggest that Nebuchadnezzar is rejecting the prospect of other gods in favor of the one true God
Perhaps he has become a follower of the one true God
If so, then we would say that he was saved
When we contrast his words to those in the beginning of his account, it would seem his heart had changed
But it could still be possible that his respect for God simply means he placed God above all other gods
Only God knows for sure what happened in Nebuchadnezzar’s heart
In the end, the lesson is clear: the Lord controls those who control Israel
Remember, even after Nebuchadnezzar came to his senses and praised the God if Israel, he didn’t free Israel
The people of God may have assumed that Nebuchadnezzar’s (possible) conversion would have resulted in their freedom
But it didn’t, because God was in control of that too
And the people of God were in captivity because God brought them there
Chapter 4 of Daniel reminds both Jew and Gentile that God is in control. Period.