Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s been some time since we left Chapter 25, so a short review is in order
Abraham’s story in the book of Genesis has come to an end, as he died and was buried with his wife Sarai
Abraham carried the promises of God and received His blessings
The true fulfillment of God’s promises won’t come for Abraham until he is resurrected and enters the Kingdom of Christ on earth
Abraham’s death introduces a new and important question, which Moses addresses in the second half of the chapter
The question is, what becomes of the promises God spoke to Abraham?
Remember, God extended His promises both to Abraham and his descendants
But the promises were – by their very nature – limited to a single individual
Two children couldn’t inherit the promise of God’s blessing given the way God expressed it
The promise included the prospect of being in the line of the Messiah
Only one child could inherit such a promise
As Moses begins to trace the movement of the blessing from generation to generation, he uses a common term to described the inheritance of God’s promises
Moses refers time and again to the “birthright”
The birthright is a position of honor among those who stand to inherit from the father
The birthright entitled a person to receive a double portion of the father’s inheritance
So if there were six children, the estate is divided seven ways, and the oldest received two portions
Ordinarily, the first born male held the birthright automatically
Only if the first was disqualified by the father for some reason could the birthright transfer to another
Finally, in that culture the father held the power to decide who would receive the birthright
But in the case of God’s promises, God Himself determined where His promises and blessing would rest
Not even the patriarch himself could override the Lord’s choice
Remember that Abraham earlier tried to persuade God to select Ishmael as Abraham’s descendant
But God flatly told Abraham no, it must be Isaac instead
So now following Abraham’s death, Moses makes clear that God’s choice for the birthright is Isaac
We read these verses in our previous study, but let’s briefly consider Ishmael’s mention here
Moses inserts the description of Ishmael’s end between Abraham’s death and the story of Isaac’s family
The point is clear: let’s get Ishmael’s story out of the way so we can move on to the important story of Isaac
Once we address Ishmael’s end, we can see clearly that God’s work continues through the line of Isaac alone
Moses gives us a footnote for Ishmael’s life
We’re told he settled in the east, an ominous sign
And he lived in defiance of all his relatives
For many of us, we know relatives who live like this
But in Ishmael’s case, the statement is a fulfillment of God’s statement to Hagar at the well years earlier when the boy was young
God said that Ishmael would be a wild ass of a man, as he would be inclined against Isaac’s family as a perpetual adversary
God intends to use this adversarial relationship to His own good purposes over the history of Israel
Then Moses moves his focus to Isaac
Obviously, we know the details of how Isaac came to be married to Rebekah
But now we learn something surprising about their marriage
Isaac and Rebekah are unable to have children
Like father, like son
Or more accurately, like mother, like wife
Because Sarah was the one who couldn’t bear children
And we’re told here that Rebekah was barren as well
This situation seems like too much coincidence
And as Christians who read our Bible, we know that there’s no such thing as coincidence
For everything happens according to God’s plan
Furthermore, we know God intends to bring the seed promise through the line of Isaac
God has already pronounced in Genesis 17:19 that Isaac will have descendants
So why bring Isaac a wife who was barren?
We get the answer in the rest of the verse
After twenty years of childless marriage (v.26), Isaac decided his wife’s barrenness required the Lord’s intervention
So Isaac prays for the Lord to solve the problem
Isaac’s response to his situation was a far cry from the one Abraham pursued
When Abraham faced the same issue, he listened to the voice of his wife and took a concubine
And the result was Ishmael, a son who will produce a legacy of pain for Israel
Isaac took the right approach and appealed to the Lord
And Isaac’s response was exactly what the Lord was seeking and it explains why Rebecca was made barren
As Rebecca conceived, the Lord is clearly seen to be the author of this birth
Just as God wanted Isaac’s birth to be an undisputed miracle, this pregnancy will carry a similar significance
Thinking about Isaac’s situation, we must consider that God will work at times in our life in similar ways
When we lack what we desire or even the basics of what we need, God may be withholding these things simply to encourage us to ask Him
And the reason He desires our prayers is so that we can grow in spiritual discipline and strength by giving Him the opportunity to answer prayer
Furthermore, the Lord receives all the more glory when we witness Him working through our prayer life
This principle is reflected throughout Scripture
The Lord isn’t promising to give us everything we want, since this wouldn’t be the good and proper thing for a father to do for a child
But Jesus is stating that those who are inclined to ask and to seek God’s answer will receive
As compared to those who are not so inclined and therefore will not find God responding
God’s solution will be far better than our own
As we examine Rebekah’s situation, give a moment’s thought to the prospect that Isaac and Rebekah are to have twins, the first mention of twins in the Bible
When Abraham went outside God’s counsel, he and Sarah produced an “extra” child, Ishmael
This extra child was not the promised child, and his arrival complicated life for Abraham and will trouble Israel for centuries
But we understood this consequence was the result of Abraham’s sin
And we assumed that if Abraham hadn’t taken this sinful step, then Ishmael wouldn’t have been born
But now we have Isaac and Rebekah with twins
Isaac did the correct thing praying to God
He waited on the Lord to answer
So naturally, we expect the Lord will grant Isaac the one, true appointed child to carry the promise forward in the family
But now we hear the Lord caused Rebekah to conceive twins
And as with Ishmael and Isaac, only one of these boys can carry the promises of God forward
Only one will receive the birthright
And this fact will lead to a struggle for the patriarch and his sons
A theme is emerging in Moses’ narrative concerning God’s choice
The number two in Scripture signifies God’s choice and here we see it clearly at work
God has produced these two sons so that His choice is clearly seen by the outcome of their lives
No one will be able to look at Abraham, Isaac and later Jacob without recognizing the Lord’s sovereignty and His choosing
We see this plainly even in the words the Lord uses in speaking with Rebekah
Turning to the question, Rebekah encounters a strange situation
The children are struggling within her womb
Most brothers wait until they are outside the womb to fight, but these two got a head start
She asks “if it is so, why then am I this way?”
In Hebrew, the question is a little more nuanced
She asks what is this struggle about, and why do I live?
The struggle inside her womb is so striking, she is asking why her womb is alive, as in alive with activity
Now notice where Rebekah brings her question?
She brings it to the Lord
Doesn’t it make sense for her to go back to the Lord if the Lord was the One responsible for bringing the children in the first place?
Naturally, and it’s encouraging to see that both Isaac and Rebekah have become accustomed to seeking their answers from the Lord
This moment further confirms how the Lord’s purposes are being fulfilled in this situation
First, God waited for Isaac’s intervention before producing the pregnancy so that we might know that this birth is something God is at work to create
Secondly, He creates twins and then brings them to a struggle in the womb precisely so that Rebekah would petition Him with this question
And by these maneuvers, God has gained an opportunity to make clear His purposes in advance of their births
Without Isaac’s prayer and Rebekah’s question, we would never have gained the background story on what God was at work doing here
And in God’s answer, He makes clear why there are twins in her womb warring
God delivers Rebekah a surprising answer and each line of the answer carries significance
First, God has placed two nations in her womb
Each son will become the father of a nation
One will become the father who gives birth to the nation of Israel
The other will become the father of the Edomites
God has purposes for these two boys that go far beyond merely expanding Isaac’s household
God is at work in eternal ways to produce these two lines of men who will ultimately serve eternal purposes
Secondly, He says these two people groups will be separated from your body
God is saying that He will have separated them into their respective identities and futures from the moment they leave her body
God’s assignment will take place right from the start
Third, the nations will not have equal strength or equal prospect in the future
In fact, one of the nations will be much stronger than the other
Historically, there have been times when Israel was more powerful than the Edomites and times when the opposite was true
But God has always shown that Israel would dominate Edom
In fact, today Edomites are extinct having been assumed into other Arab peoples
God promises Rebekah that He will ensure this outcome to suit His purposes
Finally, and most importantly, God sets forth a simple and utterly profound stipulation to ensure God’s role in all this isn’t overlooked
The older shall serve the younger
The phrase is a reference to the birthright
In normal cultural practice, the first born child is always the one to receive the birthright and the greater blessing
So in this case, whichever son is born first will be granted by custom the benefits of the birthright including the Lord’s promises
But when the Lord says the older shall serve the younger, man’s rules are being ignored
No man would choose nor expect this outcome
But remember that God has orchestrated this conversation so that He can brings these things to light before the births take place
Taken in context, God is saying that all that He has presented above concerning these sons is His choice
That there are two nations, that they are to be separated from birth, that one will have greater power…these are God’s choices
And God is making these decisions in advance and sharing this prophecy with Rebekah so that God rightly receives the credit for the outcomes
If the older child had been God’s choice, then men would have naturally missed the point, because we would have assumed that God was merely giving the first born what he deserved
So God is going to take the least worthy and assign that child the blessings of the covenant
And the child with the natural right to obtain the blessing will be set aside
This is evidence of the theme I mentioned earlier
The stark dichotomy of God’s choice; a choice of two
The natural child vs. the child of promise
The child of flesh vs. the child of Grace
Remember that Abraham also saw God at work to produce a choice between two children
But in Abraham’s case, the reality of God’s choice is potentially obscured by Abraham’s sin
We may be tempted to explain God’s preference for Isaac over Ishmael as a result of Abraham’s sin
If our only story of choice was in Abraham’s story, God’s sovereignty would be lost
But now, God creates a perfect circumstance to make His sovereign choice clear
The pregnancy is not the product of sin
It came only after Isaac prayed and God answered
The twins prompted Rebekah’s questions and God’s answer
Which demonstrated that God had already made determinations concerning the children
Finally, the counter-intuitive nature of the outcome will drive us to the conclusion that this is God’s work, not a product of chance or human will
Therefore, as these prophecies come true, we are left with only one interpretation: God choose the younger over the older
Moreover, God created twins and placed the older child in the womb so that His choice could not be dismissed as God reacting to man
Rather, God is acting apart from man
Paul gives us this same truth in his well-known commentary on the story of Rebekah’s twins
Paul begins speaking of who are the children of God
The children of God are those who come under the promised blessing of God
They are not the children of flesh, that is the children created in the flesh of men
Abraham and Hagar produced a child of flesh, in that Ishmael was a product of their sin and of their sin natures
But Isaac was a child made possible by the word of God, by the promises of God
These are the children of God, because they are chosen by God and made a child by the faith that comes from God’s promises
And then Paul goes forward to our example of Rebekah
She had conceived twins by Isaac, and then the Lord appeared to her with His statement concerning these children
Paul says that the twins were in a state where neither could be said to have earned God’s favor or to have sinned and lost the opportunity to receive the blessing
Yet it was at this time, God declared that the older will serve the younger
In v.11 Paul gives us the reason God made this decision
So that God’s purpose would stand
The word stand could be translated abide or remain
The point is so that we would see and understand that entrance into the promises of God comes only by God’s gracious choice and not by anything men can do
The younger son of Isaac will enter into the promises of God while the older will be excluded by God’s choice
As Paul states, so that this choice could be understood not by because of works but because of who God calls
The reality of God’s sovereignty in the lives of men is a deep and important truth, one that often requires a lifetime of study and great humility to accept, but it is the testimony of Scripture
We will see this truth emerge over and over again in the course of our study, and it appears on virtually every page of Scripture
If you feel God calling you to explore a full study of this truth, the Lord provided us with a thorough examination of the truth in Romans
And I highly recommend our Romans study to every Christian interested in examining the Scriptures’ testimony of grace
Next week, we see these boys born and the prophecy God made coming true