Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we start Chapter 25, we officially reach the halfway point in the study of Genesis
That’s halfway in terms of chapters, but I think we’ll find that in terms of time, we’re actually closer to two thirds done
Our study will pick up from this point, since the narrative revolves around two patriarchs and their children
Like any good drama, the pace quickens
We’ve already studied the life of Abraham, and in today’s chapter we learn of Abraham’s death
We’ve already begun our study of Isaac, the child of promise
He’s married and living in the land
And in this chapter, he has his first children, twin boys
And before the chapter is over, questions of the promised child will become an even greater focus in the story
But first, Moses ties up some loose ends in the life of Abraham
Sometime after Sarah’s death, Abraham has found a second wife, named Keturah
Abraham lived 38 years after Sarah died, which was plenty of time to marry and father six more sons, plus an unknown number of daughters
He marries Keturah, which means perfume or incense
She is a concubine (see v. 6) as was Hagar
Concubines are slave women who have married their master
She does not cease being a slave nor does she share in the Master’s inheritance
Similarly, the children remain slaves in the home and do not have the same inheritance rights
Their plight is similar to that of Ishmael earlier
But remember, God’s promises to Abraham were unconditional
No matter who Abraham married and no matter how many children he fathered, they were all assured to be blessed
Abraham would be a father of many nations
But the blessing to Abraham extended only to his first generation except for the seed promise
The child with the seed promise would see all the blessing continue through to later generations
Isaac was this seed promise child, the one God chose
And as with Hagar and Ishmael, Abraham understands that this promise was solemn and couldn’t be transferred
God chooses who receives His grace and His promises, and God designated that Isaac would be the child of promise
So Moses lists the sons of Abraham from Keturah to ensure we see God’s faithfulness in this relationship
Of the six names listed, we can trace six Arabian nations
Like Ishmael, these children became forerunners of Arabs
Most notably, the land of Midian came from Abraham’s son of the same name
This was the land in southern Arabia where Moses lived for 40 years after before returning to lead the Israelites to freedom
References to Midianites are found throughout the OT, and often they are seen intermarried with Ishmaelites
Eventually they are assimilated into the Ishmaelites
Whatever we might make of Abraham’s decision to marry Keturah, the key verse to remember is v.5
Everything God gave Abraham was transferred to Isaac
Before Abraham died, he assigned his wealth to Isaac
For Isaac was Abraham’s only heir, according to the Lord
Remember, Isaac has been assigned as a picture of Christ, while Abraham is a picture of the Father
And just as the Father in Heaven has only one begotten Son, similarly Abraham will have only one son and one heir
So Abraham arranged for the concubine and her sons to be sent away with gifts prior to Abraham’s death
This is similar to what Abraham did for Hagar and Ismael
Perhaps God appeared to Abraham to instruct him of the need to do so, but I doubt it
I’m sure Abraham was already clear on God’s desires
Notice in v.6 that the concubine children receive their gifts while Abraham was still living, and then they were sent away
Abraham wanted to be sure they were gone before his death to avoid any possibility that they might fight with Isaac over the inheritance
So Abraham required that his concubine and her children leave the household
He gave them parting gifts as a sign that they were to receive no inheritance
But Isaac, the child of promise, would receive all that was Abraham’s
Yet Isaac didn’t receive his inheritance at that time
He couldn’t receive the birthright and the inheritance until after the death of his father
That’s how an inheritance works…you cannot receive an inheritance until the one who grants it has died
Therefore, the grants Abraham gave to Keturah’s children were not an inheritance, they were merely gifts
The inheritance given to Isaac included Abraham’s vast wealth, but even more importantly, Isaac was to receive the birthright to God’s promises
God gave Abraham a special set of promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant, called the birthright
God made these promises to Abraham and to his descendants, but it would only transfer to the descendants that God chose
Just as God chose Abraham in the first place, God would continue to designate who may receive His grace in the form of the birthright
As we studied earlier in Genesis, God has made clear that Isaac would be the child of promise, that is the child to receive the birthright
By that birthright, Isaac would carry the promise of God forward after Abraham
We know another son, Ishmael, had been born before Isaac, and according to wisdom and customs of men, Ishmael should receive the birthright
But God would never permit such a result
The promises of God are a testimony to His grace and mercy and sovereignty to carry out His plan of redemption
As such, God’s promises will rest on only those He chooses
And in the first three generations after Abraham, God is careful to demonstrate over and over again that He is the One Who chooses the recipients of grace
And the clearest way God can demonstrate this truth is to go against man’s ways and man’s expectations, by assigning the birthright to an unexpected child
For Abraham, the surprise was to father a child in his old age and then to see God assign the birthright to the second born son rather than to Ishmael
But Ishmael was a child of flesh, a child born by the work of human sin
God’s mercy doesn’t come to those who work, but to those who have faith in God’s work
So the promised child who received the Abrahamic covenant was Isaac and Isaac alone, according to God’s will
God is still moving His promises of blessing from generation to generation in this same fashion
Hebrews explains it this way
The writer says that those who have been called by God are to receive the promise of eternal inheritance
This is the same promise that Abraham received
The basis for that promise was a covenant God made with Abraham
And the fulfillment of that covenant is found in the blood of Christ
The word the writer uses for covenant is diatheke, which means will or testament
The covenant made with Abraham was a testament or will
When we make a will we are making a determination, in advance of our death, of who will receive our inheritance
The person who receives it does nothing to earn it
They don’t even have to ask for it
We designated them to receive the blessing
But the blessing of that inheritance can only come after we have died
The writer in Hebrews says where there is a covenant (or a will), there must be a death of the one who made it
For that covenant or will is only valid when men are dead
For it is never in force when the one who made it is still alive
So the covenant made with Abraham was the last will and testament of Jesus Christ
It was a grant to Abraham and to certain descendants of Abraham whom God selected
That grant included the promise of eternal life and an inheritance in the kingdom to come
But those promises found in that testament can only come true after the death of the one who made the testament, that is Christ
When Christ died, His will went into effect and the inheritance for those He invited into the covenant was made sure
As Paul described:
Not only are we like Isaac in that we are the recipients of God’s mercy according to His gracious choice, but we are also to receive an inheritance
In fact, we’ve already received a downpayment on that inheritance, in the form of the pledge of the Holy Spirit in our hearts
This is a valuable deposit, to be sure
Having access to the wisdom and power of God within us is no small matter
And if this is a downpayment on what God is prepared to give us in the eternal realm, how much greater will that inheritance be?
But have you noticed that not everyone who receives a great inheritance knows how to make use of it responsibly?
With all the recent hoopla over the huge lottery jackpot, I found several interesting stories online about what’s happened to people who've won huge lotteries
One man won well over $100M and a few years later he was serving time in prison for writing bounced checks
Another man committed suicide
Others have fallen into addictions, been embroiled in endless court battles with spouses or family members
Many have been defrauded by con men
Likewise, not every Christian who receives the grace of God and enters into Christ’s inheritance will handle these riches with wisdom
Some will abuse the grace of God, using it as license to go on sinning
Others may choose to ignore it or even doubt its existence
God’s promises and our inheritance are not in doubt
It’s not like winning the lottery where the chances of being struck by lightening are greater than receiving the prize
The news reported this story
And no, he didn’t win the lottery
While we wait to receive the inheritance we know is assured, let’s do our best to honor it by our obedience to the Father and to recognize the responsibility that comes with it
Scripture teaches that we may see our eternal reward diminished or increased according to how we serve the Lord here and now
These are references to God’s system of accounting for determining eternal reward
We shouldn’t be ignorant of these truths, but let them have their intended effect in influencing how we live our lives
As we make decisions and take actions to serve Christ or avoid that service, remember you’re not working for the praise of men or the comforts of this life
You’re working for the praise of your Lord in Heaven and the reward of an eternal inheritance that cannot perish
We’ll study much more about the importance of the birthright and inheritance in coming weeks, especially in the lives of Isaac’s children
But for now, let’s conclude the story of Abraham and his descendants
Abraham lived 175 years before he died
As we discussed during the flood, this is a literal description of his age
He lived about 100 years longer than the normal life expectancy of men today for reasons we learned back in our study of Noah
More importantly, Abraham died satisfied with life
We know he was a very rich man, but do you think that was what made him satisfied?
Contrast Abraham’s situation in his last days with those of another very rich man in the Bible, King Solomon
I think it’s safe to say that Abraham’s contentment wasn’t created by earthly riches
Instead, he was content with knowing that God’s promises were everlasting and His faithfulness was without limits
And so as Abraham approached the end of his life, he could truly be satisfied with life because it had met its purpose in preparing him for his eternal existence
First and foremost, Abraham was righteous before God by faith in God’s promises
Secondly, Abraham’s life was a testimony to that faith
And by that testimony, Abraham died confident that he would receive an inheritance
Abraham’s buried in the cave he bought for Sarah, and so they rest together
And his spirit, which lives on eternally, is gathered to his father’s
Meaning, Abraham’s spirit went into the care of the Father in eternity waiting for the day of resurrection when Abraham would receive his new body
And then notice in v.11 that following Abraham’s death, God’s blessing transferred to Isaac
The testament of Abraham became effective upon his death and the birthright and blessing transferred to the son of promise
But what of the other son, Ishmael?
Moses gives us the accounting for Ishmael so that we can put an end to Ishmael’s line and focus squarely on Isaac
The 12 sons of Ishmael are listed here, and each will be the father of a different Arab tribe and nation
Among Ishmael’s descendants are men who began many of the Arab nations who persecuted Israel in centuries to come
Notice they all settled in the east, a clear sign that they were not recipients of God’s grace, but instead were enemies of God and God’s people
Just as God said, they lived in defiance to their relatives, that is Israel
None of these sons are under the seed promise
They are not a part of Israel and therefore until the promise was made available to Gentiles following Christ’s death, they and the rest of the Gentile world were outside God’s grace
But in this time of mercy, the Gospel has been extended to the world by virtue of the Church
We have that opportunity to know the truth and receive the Lord’s mercy and have salvation by faith in God’s promises
The promise that Christ died for our sake and paid our price for sin
Don’t let that promise pass by and don’t forfeit your eternal life and inheritance