Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn our study last week, we noted that Abraham’s life was drawing to a close
But before he could die, there were two matters of unfinished business in his life
He needed to secure a resting place for himself and his family
And he needed to secure a wife for his son, Isaac
Abraham addressed the first issue upon the occasion of his wife’s death
He bought the cave of Machpelah
And now Sarah is lying there awaiting her husband
It’s now been three years since her death, and Abraham turns his attention to addressing the second outstanding question: where will Isaac find his wife?
Remember last week we learned that Abraham was determined to remain in the land where God planted him
Even when culture and tradition would have dictated that Abraham journey back to his ancestral home and be buried with his family, he stayed in Canaan
The world would have said that Canaan was not Abraham’s land, but Abraham lived by a faith that knew it was to be his one day
And now that it’s time to find a daughter in law, Abraham is going to make a similar counter-culture choice by faith
The world would have expected Abraham to intermarry with the Canaanite people
Finding a local daughter for his son would have ensured a strong family connection with the Canaanites
Abraham and Isaac could have strengthened their rights to live in the area
And Abraham could have been directly involved in the process of selecting the proper Bride
Instead, Abraham is going to live by faith again
He knows God has given him the land of Canaan, but God has also made clear that Abraham is to be separated from these people
He has lived as a nomad, never permitting anyone to claim they made Abraham rich
And he won’t have a woman from the Canaanites lay claim to any part of his family
So let’s study the way Isaac receives a bride
And as we embark on this study, we’re also going to watch a beautiful and important picture of Christ developing in this story
But this picture isn’t only of Christ
You and I are also represented in this story
Moses says that Abraham is advanced in years and God has blessed him in every way
God’s blessings for Abraham include long life, wealth, a loving wife, a promised son and the freedom to sojourn in the entire land of Canaan without worry
And these are the least of Abraham’s blessings
In a future day, after the Resurrection of the Saints, Abraham will receive his eternal inheritance
And that inheritance will pale in comparison to the one he has seen in his earthly life
And in this way, God will have blessed Abraham in every possible way
Every believer shares in a measure of this same blessing
We all receive some measure of blessing in this life
To some degree, our blessings will follow our obedience but we have no guarantee of anything this side of Heaven
But in the life to come, we’ll receive our eternal inheritance, and this coming blessing will dwarf whatever we receive here
As Paul wrote:
Then came the time for Abraham to seek a bride for his son
Since Abraham will not leave his home in Canaan, he sends his servant back to find a wife for Isaac
Abraham wants the servant to act according to Abraham’s specific instructions
He must find a wife among his household back in Ur
The servant cannot seek a wife from among the Canaanites
Abraham is worried that the servant might get lazy and fail to make the trip all the way to Ur
He might return with a woman from some other place and simply claim she was from Ur
So Abraham requires the servant to participate in a tradition of the day
The servant places his hand under Abraham’s thigh, the text says
The Hebrew word for thigh is actually far more personal
It could also be translated loin
The servant was asked to swear while holding something very dear to Abraham as a sign that if the servant failed, Abraham’s descendants would exact revenge upon him
The sacred oath would ensure the servant did everything in his power to obey Abraham’s command
And the instructions Abraham delivered to the servant were strict: find Isaac a wife from Abraham’s relatives and bring the wife back to Canaan
The servant asked the logical question: what if the woman didn’t want to return?
Abraham answered first that Isaac was not to go to Canaan…the woman must come here
He then repeats the promise God had given to him
Abraham’s descendants would inherit the land of Canaan
And Abraham was determined to see his son remain in the Land and inherit the promises
In fact, Isaac will be the only one of the three patriarchs to never leave Canaan at any point in his entire life
He lives out his years in the land
Abraham responds as only a man of faith would
He says God appeared to Abraham and swore that Abraham’s descendants would inherit the land of Canaan
Clearly, that oath God gave Abraham in Chapter 22 has had the intended effect in Abraham’s life
He has taken hold of the hope set before him, namely that he would receive the land God promised
Based on that oath, Abraham is absolutely sure that God will keep His promises
And because God has made this promise, Abraham is absolutely confident that God will work all things to ensure that this promise will come to pass
Abraham’s faith in God give him confidence to pursue this course of action on Isaac’s behalf
In. v.7 Abraham says that if God has promised this thing, then he can be sure God will bring Isaac a wife without requiring Isaac to leave the land
So Abraham tells the servant that God will go before the servant to ensure the servant finds the right bride
And should the servant find no woman willing to return, then he would be freed from the obligation
They would both take such an outcome to be a sign of God’s will
This is such a beautiful and clear picture of living by faith
First, it begins with an understanding of God’s promises
Then it moves to a faith that God will keep His word
Which then brings about a change in our thinking and behavior
Ultimately producing a confidence that as we walk with God, He goes before us causing all things to work for good according to His plan
This is wishful or positive thinking
This is faith in action
So the servant swears he will obey Abraham’s request and follow in faith
As the servant departs for Ur, he takes a substantial entourage with him
He has ten camels carrying a variety of his master’s goods
Collectively, these camels are the price to pay for the Bride
They are a small fraction of Abraham’s wealth, but they will still be a significant gift to whomever receives them
The number ten in Scripture is always the number for testimony
So the ten camels are a testimony of Abraham
Of his wealth, of his generosity and his desire for his son to have the perfect bride
And then he sets out for Mesopotamia
He will likely travel the fertile crescent which is the half circle that extends from Canaan northeast around Arabia and back down the Euphrates river valley
The total distance will be 500 miles one way
This is a long distance to go to find a bride for Isaac
We notice also that it is a trip from the West to the East
From the Promised Land back to the world
Eventually, he reaches the city of Nahor
The city isn’t named Nahor
It is the city of Nahor because this is the town where Nahor, Abraham’s brother, lives
The servant would have known to come to this town based on the news that Abraham received concerning his brother a number of years earlier
The town had a well near the outskirts of the city
Since wells were a precious resource, they were located strategically to support the entire town
Women had the duty of drawing water and bringing it back to the home, often several times a day
Since wells were a gathering place of women, they were also popular places for men looking for a companion
Three notable OT figures found their wives at wells
Isaac, Jacob and Moses
And Jesus had several interesting encounters with women at wells in the Gospels
The servant brought his camels to rest at the well outside the city expecting this might be a good place to come upon the woman for Isaac
The question is, how to know which woman to select?
The servant had no doubt he would see women that day, as he might on any day
But how would he know which woman to select for Isaac?
The servant’s faith in God was also strong, so strong that he prayed for the Lord to direct him specifically
His prayer was for God to show lovingkindness to Abraham by granting the servant the opportunity to find the right woman
So the servant devises a simple but certain test
He asked God to bring about a certain circumstance
The woman who was appointed to marry Isaac would be kind enough not only to give the servant water upon request
But she would also voluntarily water all his camels
The servant designed this to be a test
If the circumstances unfolded in the way the servant prescribed, then he would interpret them as a sign from God
The Bible records tests in numerous places, and Christians can sometimes become confused over if and when tests are appropriate
As when Moses taught the Israelites in the desert
So did the servant do the wrong thing when he tested the Lord?
No, because there are two different kinds of tests in Scripture
There are times when we test God’s patience
We are knowingly disobedient and continue in sin daring God to take action to stop us
If we dare to test the Lord too often, He will eventually respond to bring discipline
This is the kind of test Scripture prohibits, because it’s another word for sin
Then there are times we ask God for a test so we may discern His will
This is a very different meaning of the word test
Gideon is well known for seeking a sign from God as a test of God’s will
And that’s what the servant is doing here
This second type of test is done in faith by a heart that desires to obey and simply isn’t sure of the proper course to take
God delights to answer the questions of an obedient heart
There is nothing wrong with using tests to discern God’s will
When we are given direction from the Lord and we sense Him communicating to us through prayer, circumstance, or His word, we may lack clarity
In those circumstances, it’s perfectly acceptable to construct a test to discern God’s will
But if we are to apply this principle properly, there are some clear guidelines we must follow if we are to be sure we hear God properly
First, we should only request a test from God when considering matters placed before us by God Himself
God is not a genie that we can conjure up at our whim
He will not communicate to us except on His terms as He pleases
If simply want to know the winning lottery numbers, don’t place a test before God expecting an answer
But if you hear God telling you to sell all your possessions and you want to be sure you heard correctly, proposing a test might be the right thing to do
Here the servant was engaged in a matter given him by God through Abraham
So he sought the Lord’s guidance
Secondly, the test should be specific and unmistakable
We narrow our concerns to the issue on our heart and ask God to give us specific direction on that issue
For the servant, the question was which woman to select for Isaac
For Gideon, it was whether to go ahead with the attack against the much more powerful forces aligned against Israel
We can’t use tests for fishing expeditions
Finally, they must be constructed in such a way they will lead us to the clarity we seek
There can’t be a chance of ambiguity in the final result
In this case the servant wanted to be sure that he could know that it would be God speaking in the test
So he contrived a situation that was as improbable as any
A thirsty camel could drink 25 gallons of water in one sitting
So ten camels would require 250 gallons of water – a significant amount of work for any woman to complete
It would be unthinkable that any woman would agree to undertake such a task for a stranger
And it would be even less likely that she would volunteer to do so without even being asked
The nature of the servant’s request precluded any chance that he might misinterpret the outcome
Or that he might miss it when God speaks
Why don’t Christians rely on tests like this more often?
Asking the Lord for a test is a Biblically legitimate way to gain clarity in following God
Yet many Christians walk through their spiritual life unsure of what God is asking of them
God can speak to us in many ways and does
But we are poor listeners
What a shame that we aren’t willing to seek the Lord in this honest and faithful way, confident that the Lord will answer
Could it be that we don’t seek a test from God because we’re afraid of the answer?
It’s relatively easy to ask a question, even a question to God
The hard part is accepting the answer when it comes
Gideon asked God to confirm that he should enter battle with only 300 men against a huge opposing force
He asked once and got his answer
He asked again to double-check and got the same answer
Then the issue became, would he obey?
Next week we’ll see if the servant finds a woman willing to do the unlikely and improbable task
Then we’ll see what he does in response
And we’ll also start to break down the picture of Christ that’s in this story