
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn scripture, it’s common to find comparison between earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father, and between earthly children and the children of God
The comparison is useful and instructive, even if it falls short of fully describing our relationship with the Lord in many cases
Fathers are to be loving caretakers over their children
Fathers are to be teachers instructing their children
Fathers are to be disciplinarians and guardians over children
And fathers are to be authority figures over children
While children are to be respectful, obedient, and honoring of their fathers
Concerned with pleasing their father and winning his approval
And as we’ll see today, even the bond between fathers and children pictures the relationship between God and His children
Paul uses this analogy extensively in the first half of Chapter 4 to complete his thought on the relationship between the church and Christ
This analogy – and the way Paul applies it – will form his teaching on ecclesiology, the doctrine of the church
So far in his response to the Judaizers, Paul has substantiated his authority and message
He has defended salvation by grace alone
And he has set forth the true purpose on the Law
He will return to these topics in time
But as we ended last week, Paul was transitioning out of a discussion of the law and into the proper understanding of our relationship to the Father
He used an analogy of a child growing up under the care of a guardian
As I taught last week, Paul is teaching on two levels in this comparison
First, Paul is describing the individual’s experience in moving from under a state of law and into a position of sonship by grace
Before we come to faith, we are like children in a household
We are held in a form of enslavement
Paul says that bondage was under the elemental things of the world
Elemental things means basic principles
As in the fundamental truths of the world
Like children bound by their guardians, before we came to faith we were restricted from access to the kingdom and our inheritance
What were these elementary things that bound us as unbelievers?
That thing differed depending on whether we are Jewish or Gentile
In the case of the Jew, the bondage was to the Law given to limit the Jew’s sin and point them to Christ
Notice Paul makes reference to “those under the Law” in v.5 and says “we” might receive adoption as sons
The reference to “we” is a reference to Paul’s Jewish brethren who were under Jewish Law
Then notice also in vs.6-8 Paul addresses Gentiles in a similar way
Paul says “you” and says the Gentiles in Galatia are no longer slaves either
But in v.8 Paul clarifies they were in bondage to that time when they did not know of God at all
They were slaves to idols and pagan rituals, which were no gods at all
So while the Jew and the Gentile might have experienced that bondage differently, they arrived at the same result
As unbelievers, both Jews and Gentiles were in bondage to something prior to coming to faith
Like Bob Dylan sings, “everyone has to serve someone”
Jews served the Law in works of flesh, while Gentiles served pagan idols
But then Paul says in v.6 that because we are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts
Paul is describing the moment of our salvation
It is the arrival of the Spirit in our hearts that brings us to the moment of salvation
Remember, Paul says in 1 Corinthians
As a result of the Holy Spirit coming into our heart, we respond by calling out to our Father in Heaven
The word “Abba” is Aramaic for father, and it is a very personal intimate form of father
It is the word used by someone who knows the father like a child knows his daddy
Did you notice the chain of events in v.6?
Paul says our salvation moment came about because we are sons of God
Doesn’t that seem backwards?
Don’t we become a child of God because of our confession of faith and the arrival of the Spirit?
Paul answers that question no
Paul said we did not become a child of God because we confessed Christ and received the Holy Spirit
Paul says we confessed Christ and received the Holy Spirit because we were a child of God
Paul is referring to God’s election of His children before the beginning
Notice the analogy Paul has chosen to use has a child living under bondage
The analogy says we were always a child of God
God knew it and God planned it
But we were unaware of that plan and were in bondage under elementary world principles
But we were always a child because God had determined to call us into faith on an appointed day
Paul describes this truth in Ephesians
Notice again in this passage that Paul is calling the believer a child or son of God
In this case, he says we are adopted sons of God
And that adoption was something God planned from before the foundation of the earth
And He placed us in His family as a result of the kind intention of His will
God chose us, Paul says, we didn’t choose Him
This truth fundamentally destroys the Judaizers’ argument
You were chosen by God to know and follow Him, to become an adopted son or daughter of God
Then what possible value are your works in bringing you into the Kingdom?
The Law or the pagan rituals we observed prior to salvation are part of that process
In fact, Paul says they were the barrier that kept us under bondage and away from our Father
But our Father knew us and chose us and when the time was right, sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts
And when the Spirit was sent to us, we received the gift of faith
And by that faith, we came to know Jehovah as God and Father
Therefore, we cried out to the Father, calling daddy as only a true child can
The chain of events begins with God and leads us to follow Him
So the first way Paul is using the analogy of a son under a guardian is to describe our individual experience of leaving bondage to law and entering salvation by faith
But there is a second application implied in this analogy
As we discussed last week, there is a giving way of one dispensation to another
In the time of Law, the Jew was under bondage to the Sinai covenant while the Greek was excluded from the promise
This was a time when God was laying the groundwork for His Son’s arrival
Then notice in v.4 Paul says everything changed in the fullness of time, when Jesus was born of a woman
That moment wasn’t the moment of our personal salvation
That was a moment when a dispensation was changing
The phrase "fullness of the time” means at the completion of an age
So when the age of Law had come to its end, then the next age began
This was the age of grace in the face of Christ
That is why the Law is no longer the primary instrument to lead men to Christ
Now men are called by the proclamation of the Gospel
This leaves us at the end of v.8 with Paul having laid out his arguments against the Judaizers
He has argued that scripture and experience taught the Galatians that faith alone brought them to God
He dispelled the power of Law to save
He showed its purpose to convict and send us to Christ
He explained that the church is not an entity of Jew and lessor members, that such distinctions no longer matter
And he has demonstrated that our very adoption of sons and daughters was the result of an act of the Lord according to His will
After piling up all that evidence in his corner, Paul then turns to admonishing the church for their failure to apply these truths
The Galatian believers had transitioned away from a state of bondage and into a state of sonship by which they knew God and called Him Father
So Paul asks why if they have come to know God would they ever want to go back to weak and worthless things?
Notice Paul catches himself and adds a correction
He says you have become known by God
This further confirms that Paul is teaching that this church didn’t find God
God found them
And therefore since God found them, why in the world would they prefer to live as someone who had yet to know God fully?
And Paul says this return to the Law was a voluntary submission to re-enslavement
How were they returning to slavery? Paul lists the ways in v.10
The church in Galatia was observing days, months, seasons and years
Each of these time periods was a shorthand way of describing an aspect of regular Jewish observance under the Law and tradition of Israel
Days refers to observing all the restrictions of the Sabbath day observance
Months refers to the monthly new moon festival
Seasons refers to the Jewish festivals associated with the Spring and Fall harvest seasons
And the years refers to the New Year, sabbatical year and jubilee yearly observances
Paul is unequivocal in his critique of these observances
He says to make a lifestyle of observing these patterns is a return to weak, worthless things
They are weak with respect to mitigating our sin
And they are worthless in bringing us righteousness
Furthermore, they represent a form of slavery that is entirely unnecessary in light of Christ’s arrival in our hearts
Elsewhere in Colossians Paul says we have liberty to observe the Sabbath, festivals and new moons as we choose
The observance of such things were intended as shadows of Christ
But once the real thing has arrived, the shadow is no longer necessary or even preferred
But taking this together with Paul’s teaching in Galatians, we see that liberty doesn’t give us the right to confuse other believers – or even ourselves – concerning their meaning
In a sense, we can sin by observing the Law too much
In that our observance confuses the purpose of such things and causes immature believers to be confused over the Law
We don’t have liberty to use our lives to testify to the wrong things
Living a testimony that the Law has value and should be a part of our daily life is wrong, Paul says, and therefore it is sin
So in v.11 Paul expresses concern for what he is hearing
Paul fears he labored over them in vain, meaning his work achieved nothing
Now at first glance, we might think Paul worried his work had failed to convert them to Christianity
That perhaps their behavior was proof they weren’t actually Christian
But Paul himself said earlier that the Galatians (like all men) came to faith because of God’s work, not Paul’s and not even their own will
Notice in v.19 Paul says he is again laboring for them until Christ is formed in them
And also notice he still calls them “my children”
Later in v.28 he will refer to them as the children of the promise
So Paul isn’t questioning their faith or salvation
Paul is referring to his work in maturing them into enjoying the freedom of their liberty
He is concerned that all his teaching and modeling for them has been in vain
And instead, they are choosing to remain in the bondage that their faith freed them from
Furthermore, notice Paul’s call to the church: be as I am
Paul is saying become free of these things as I have become
Ironically, Paul is saying to Gentiles “You should act like me, a Jew who no longer keeps the Law”
Rather than being Gentiles trying to act like Jews
He adds they should become like him as Paul himself became like them
He means in the way he willingly adopted a Gentile lifestyle while living among them in Galatia
That was Paul’s style to become all things to all men to win a few
And now Paul’s argument becomes intensely personal based on their past history together
At the end of v.12, Paul says to the church you have not wronged me
In other words, Paul is saying that the church has not offended him or lost his support and affection
Then notice the next verse begins with the word “but”
Paul then reminds the church of how they first became acquainted
Apparently, Paul was suffering from some physical ailment
It was may have been an illness to his eye, since he mentions the church wishing to transplant their eyes for his sake
According to v.14, it was also difficult for some others to be around
Paul says it was to the church’s credit that they did not loathe him, which is a strong word
In any case, this ailment led to the opportunity for Paul to preach the gospel for the first time in Galatia
Perhaps it placed Paul in an infirmary or local home from which he began to preach
The occasion of his illness was the means God used to bring the church the Gospel
At that time, Paul says they received him as an angel, because the Lord opened their eyes and showed Himself to them through Paul’s teaching
He asks where has their sense of blessing from Paul gone?
He’s asking them why they no longer receive his teaching and authority as a source of blessing?
Why do they treat his teaching with so little regard and in its place accept the teaching of the Judaizers?
Why not continue to receive Paul’s teaching for the blessing it is?
So then based on their history Paul asks, what’s changed?
How had Paul suddenly become their enemy simply for teaching them the truth?
Of course Paul knows exactly what’s happened
His question was intended to lead them to that same conclusion
The arrival of the Judaizers were to blame for the church turning their backs on the very man who had delivered so much blessing in the first place
So in v.17 Paul points out the true motives of the Judaizers
Paul says these men are seeking the church but not commendably
In this context, to seek means to win men over to a point of view
The Judaizers were seeking to convert the Galatians to their point of view
But it wasn’t commendable because their motives weren’t honest and righteous
Paul says they want to shut the Galatians out so they will seek after the Judaizers
The term shut out is ekkleio which means excluded
The Judaizers wanted to exclude the Galatians so that then the Galatians would seek after them
In that statement, you find the key to understanding almost all Christian cults, legalistic false teachers and the like…including Messianic Christian movements
The true motivation for the Judaziers imposing Law and the obscurity of Jewish practice, custom and regulation upon the Gentile was a matter of power
Knowledge is power, and these men were interested in honor and power
They knew that by teaching that Law was required, they could set themselves up as Pharisees over the church
Then those in the church would feel a need to seek after them for access to that wisdom and approval
Of course, these men would not give up their secrets and approval easily
And that’s where their opportunity to obtain power and control came from
Knowing this will give you an invaluable defense against legalism and those who propagate it in the church
Those pushing rules, regulations and the like on the church are seeking control through the power of knowledge
And for any who have bought into such things, it’s very hard to ever let go of that false teaching
Because in doing so, it renders all our work and effort to amass that knowledge useless
We would first have to admit that our pursuit of that knowledge and our conformance to the rules was a wasted effort
It’s a matter of pride and it’s tough to back away from such a pattern
That’s what makes legalism in any form so dangerous in the church
In contrast to the Judaizers, Paul says he has sought after the Galatians in a commendable fashion
Paul had pure motives and intentions and he spoke with the truth
Paul sought after them first for the sake of their salvation
And then he sought for their maturity in the faith
And now he seeks for their benefit from a distance, he says
Paul says in v.19 that he knows he is again laboring for them
The term for laboring literally means giving birth again
Paul is saying he is willing to endure the painful birth process a second time for their sake if it means bringing Christ to development inside them finally
He is working to rescue them from the clutches of these false teachers
And he wishes he could be in their presence to make the case in person
Furthermore, he wishes he could speak in a better tone
Already he has called them foolish
And now he says he’s perplexed by their behavior
I mentioned in an earlier lesson that Paul develops his teaching in a loosely structured chiasm
Here we see Paul having taken his turn and he’s working his way back out
We’ve left the topic of ecclesiology and returned to the topic of Israeology, or the doctrine of Israel and the Law
And Paul comes back to this topic with a provocative question
Tell me, you who want to be under the Law, do you not listen to the Law?
Notice how Paul words that question
He says you who “want” to be under the Law…
If Christians were truly under the Law, then Paul wouldn’t have said “want”, he would have said “you who are under the Law”
Clearly, Paul is indicating that these believers are not truly under the obligations of the Law, though they have a desire to believe it
It’s all in their heads
Then he follows with the question “do you not read the Law?”
What Paul means is do you not see what the Law itself teaches concerning its purpose in God’s plan
If a student of scripture reads the Law carefully, he or she will see that the Law itself never portrays itself as an instrument of righteousness
To prove his point, Paul uses an allegory taken from Genesis
Paul says this is the “Law” because to a Jewish mindset, the Law was the entire book of Moses, which is the first five books of the Bible
So in the Law, that is Genesis, Paul find this allegory to prove that the Law was never intended to be a lifestyle for obtaining righteousness
The example is of Abraham’s two sons, Ishmael and Isaac
In v.24, Paul says this is an allegory, so that means we must take each player in the story and draw a comparison to spiritual matters under review in Paul’s argument
For example, Abraham is a representative for every believer
And Abraham received a promise from God, just as every believer receives a promise from God in the New Covenant
The question of the allegory is how does the believer obtain the fulfillment of that promise from God?
In Abraham’s case, he tried two different options
In the case of the first option, Abraham tried to bring about the promise of God through his flesh, that is by human works
Specifically, Abraham tried to conceive the promised son by lying with his concubine Hagar
The result of that liaison was Ishmael
In the end, both Hagar and Ishmael were cast out of Abraham’s family
His works amounted to nothing lasting
And they certainly didn’t amount to the promised child
They merely counterfeited the promise in a way that could not stand God’s scrutiny
Ishmael was forever a reminder of Abraham’s sin
The allegorical application to believers is clear: we have our promise, but how can we obtain what God has promised in Christ?
Are we to obtain it through our works?
Whether by works of the Mosaic Law or any set of rules, we will arrive at the same place as Abraham
We will only produce further condemnation, because our works will merely serve to remind us how far we fall short of the Lord’s standards
Any product of those works will be cast out, because they will pale in comparison to the work of Christ
The second option is to rely on faith in God’s promises, for both Abraham and for us
And Paul develops the rest of the allegory with five sets of pairs
These pairs apply the contrast of Abraham’s two options
The pairs are of the wives, the sons, the covenants, the mountains and the cities
Each of these pairs represents an aspect of the contrast between relying on works vs. trusting in God’s promises
First, Hagar represents the Mosaic Covenant, while Sarah represents the Abrahamic Covenant
Hagar was a wife of Abraham’s works
While Sarah was the woman God promised would bear Abraham’s son
Ishmael represents the product of works, while Isaac represents the product of faith
Ishmael was a source of anguish and a reminder of sin for Abraham
While Isaac was a blessing and reminder of God’s faithfulness
Mount Sinai represents the place of bondage, while Mount Calvary represents the place of freedom
At Mt Sinai God’s people entered into the bondage of the restrictions of the Law
While at Mt. Calvary the Lord purchased the believers’ freedom with His blood
Present Jerusalem represents the destiny of those held in bondage, while the New Jerusalem represents the destiny of those of faith
The Jerusalem of Paul’s day was in bondage to Roman soldiers and filled with unbelieving Jews under penalty of the Law
The New Jerusalem is prepared for those who know Jesus, and offers a destiny of glory
Paul’s application is obvious in v.28
We are like Isaac, the child of the promise
We are on the path of faith and blessing, relying on promises and not making the mistake Abraham made
We don’t need to supplement God’s work with our own worthless and weak methods
But realize that because we are children of the promise, we will experience the things that God’s children have always experienced
We will suffer persecution at the hands of those who are not God’s
Just as Isaac suffered at the hands of Ishmael, so should we expect to be persecuted by unbelievers
And in the case of the Galatian church, the persecution they are experiencing is the persecution of the Judaizers
As these false teachers attempted to place a burden and yoke on the brethren, they were unintentionally proving the allegory true
They were like Ishmael persecuting Isaac
This proved both that they were false and that their interests were not commendable
There was nothing the Judaizers could offer that would add to what the church had already by faith
As Paul concludes in v.31, we are not children of the flesh and works
We are children of freedom
Of liberty, not Law
The liberty we have in Christ permits us to live in a variety of ways short of sinning
But only to the degree it doesn’t compromise our witness concerning the meaning of such things
We may need a sabbatical from the Law to remind ourselves we don’t depend on it, we depend on Christ alone