Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we finish the story of Isaac and his bride to be, Rebekah
As we left off, the servant sent to find Rebekah for Abraham had confirmed the marriage with Rebekah’s family
The servant explained his story of how he was sent to find a bride for Isaac and how the Lord brought him to Rebekah
And his story convinced the family that this was a marriage ordained by God
So the servant paid the bride price to the family and bestowed gifts to Rebekah
And soon they will return to Canaan to meet Isaac
And of course, God has fashioned these events so that this beautiful story forms a picture of an even more important relationship between Christ and His Bride, the Church
As we studied last week, the picture mirrors the events of the story
The Servant, the Spirit, goes out into the world to find those who will receive the Lord’s proposal
And the Father directs the Spirit to those who will respond and causes the Spirit’s search to be fruitful
And as a person responds to the Gospel, the Spirit responds by betrothing the person to Christ
The betrothal includes gifts that seal the relationship and bless the prospective bride in the meantime
Then as a result of this new relationship, the Bride has opportunity to give a testimony to her world and family regarding this new relationship
And when she testifies by the Spirit, the Lord is glorified
And the best testimony comes as a result of the Spirit speaking through us, both in our words and actions
Rebekah has yet to meet her new husband face to face, so naturally this becomes the next step in the relationship
But at this point, she’s a world away from Isaac and she has a long walk to return to him
But she has the company of Abraham’s servant to guide her back to her husband
Before she can leave, however, there is a small matter of her family and their attachment to Rebekah
Following the official agreement for Rebekah’s marriage and the payment of the bride price, the celebration ensues
This is the usual tradition in Eastern marriage practices
The representatives of the groom and bride will enjoy a brief celebration at the bride’s home
Usually this celebration was brief because the bride’s family expected a chance to enjoy a larger celebration at a later time
The normal tradition for arranged marriages was for the betrothal to be a brief affair
Then the bride would remain with her family while the son prepared a home for his bride back at his father’s house
When the home was ready for the bride, the groom would return to the bride’s home to claim his bride
When they returned to the father’s home, the couple would consummate the marriage
And the father’s family would celebrate with a seven day feast
Once that celebration was completed, the couple returned to the bride’s home to continue the celebration at her family’s home
But in this case, the family knows that Rebekah will be traveling a very long way and will not likely return
So whatever celebration they will enjoy must happen now
When the servant arose in the morning, he is intent on making a quick departure, as would be the custom, and getting started on the long journey back to Abraham
It probably took over a month or two of daily walking to make the trip back to Canaan
And now that the marriage had been approved, there was no reason to delay any longer
But her brother, Laban, and her mother insist that they stay a total of ten days
It’s interesting to note that the father, Bethuel, plays such a minor role in the entire story
Apparently, the household isn’t run by the father
Instead, he leaves the decisions to his children and his wife
This seems to be an intentional contrast in the narrative, between Abraham’s leadership in his godly family and the absence of patriarchal leadership in his pagan family
The family’s request for the deal was understandable, perhaps, but it was also quite excessive
Under the circumstances, there was no reason to celebrate for so long, and it was uncustomary to expect such a long delay
And the servant has no interest in honoring such a request
He came here on a mission
In fact, his master Abraham is expecting him to return as quickly as possible
One of the concerns the servant expressed to Abraham even before he left was that the girl wouldn’t want to leave
Which is why Abraham released the servant from his oath should the girl not be willing to return
And this place isn’t his home and these people aren’t his people
So the servant isn’t going to be persuaded by their requests and he is going to continue to push for a rapid return
Before we move on, it’s time we considered what the Lord is teaching us in His word concerning the second story, the picture of Christ and the Church
As we come to know the Lord and enter into salvation by faith, we enter into the company of the Spirit, just as Rebekah accompanied Abraham’s servant
The Spirit is our life-long companion provided as a pledge, Paul says
The pledge is a downpayment on our eternal inheritance and an assurance we will meet our Groom in the future
Just as Rebekah received her bracelets and ring
And from the moment we receive the Spirit and enter into this relationship, we are awaiting the day when we will finally meet our Groom in person
For Rebekah, the delay was created by the distance required to travel to meet Isaac…at least a few weeks or months
In our case, the delay is a result of waiting for our death and resurrection
But in both cases, the delay brings a dilemma…what to do in the meantime?
For Rebekah, the challenge was in recognizing the importance of starting her walk back to Isaac without delay
The walk was going to be long and arduous and would require some sacrifice
By comparison, staying in her family’s home was a more comfortable option
Plus, her family was pleading for her to stay and they welcomed both Rebekah and the servant to remain as long as possible
And as the picture suggests, we face a very similar challenge in our new relationship to Christ
The day we are saved and enter into the relationship, the Spirit has come upon us in our world of relationships and comforts
We will have all our old habits and lifestyles and friends
We may have family members who haven’t entered into this relationship and don’t understand the attraction
But we will also have the company of God’s Spirit, His Servant to bring us back to Him
And the Spirit will immediately begin a process of persuading us to move away from the world we know and into a walk with Him
A walk that leads us closer to Christ
His call in our life will be to holiness and to separating ourselves from the world we once knew
The Scripture calls our departure from the world and our moving toward Christ in the Spirit our sanctification
The word literally means to be set apart, to be made more holy, more pleasing to God
It’s the name we give for the process of yielding to the Spirit’s convicting and guiding influence in our lives
And to following the Spirit as He accompanies us in life, leading us into a life that is Christ-like
This is our upward call of Christ as Paul calls it
And that life-long walk of sanctification is pictured here by the servant leading Rebekah back to Isaac
But that walk will have its challenges, not least of all the attracting influence offered by the world we’re leaving behind
First, we may find the thought of leaving everything behind too much to accept
The world of sin and selfishness is designed by the enemy to appeal to our flesh, and it works
But when the Spirit calls us to move away from what we know and toward the unknown of a life with Christ, we may pause
That upward call of Christ is going to rip us away from the lifestyles, and habits, and various choices that defined our life before Christ
And the Spirit may also call us away from relationships, friends and even family, that stand in the way of our relationship with our new groom
As Christ Himself said
Just as with Rebekah leaving her family for the last time, these separations will be painful
We should expect a fight within us as we try to leave them behind
That’s why we have the Spirit with us
The Spirit Who dwells inside us is like that servant accompanying Rebekah
He’s on a mission
The Father sent Him to find us and to escort us back to the Son
And God’s Spirit is singleminded in His task
He has no interest in the things of our world
He has no affinity for our prior way of life, our ungodly relationships, our various goals
So He will consistently call upon us to get moving and walk in the right direction, spiritually and physically
And the Spirit in us has the power to strengthen our will in the face of these fights
But according to God’s design, the Spirit’s role is to persuade
But it remains our decision to obey
Consider Rebekah as our example again
One day she was living her life ignorant of this possibility
Until the servant of Abraham introduced himself
And then her entire life was changed in an instant
And now she’s being called to leave everything she knows behind in exchange for a relationship with her husband
Her family is pressing her to remain at home, for as long as possible
But the servant will not be persuaded by her family, so he presses again for the chance to leave immediately
And then the family decides to appeal to Rebekah to make the final decision
Although in Middle Eastern tradition it was not usual to ask the bride for her opinion, it was common in the Hurrian culture from where Rebekah came
So Rebekah has the right to say whether they will leave or stay ten days
And to the question of whether to follow the servant or listen to the voice of the world, Rebekah says plainly, “I will go”
The Spirit and God’s word calls us to make exactly the same kind of decision
While the Spirit calls us to move forward in sanctification, our flesh, world and our ungodly relationships will continue to pull us backward
Ultimately, the decision of which way will go falls to us
We can say I will stay or I will go
I will stay as I am, I will stay where I am, I will stay who I am
Or I will go
I will follow the Lord’s will
I will leave behind my sin and sinful choices
I will submit to the authority of Christ and His word
I will break away from the ungodly influences in my life
And make no mistake, there is no in between, neither for Rebekah nor for us
Rebekah was married and her groom awaited to meet her
She was in control of how quickly she moved in Isaac’s direction
But she was either moving toward him or moving away
She either made progress or she didn’t
The servant didn’t give her multiple options on when or where they traveled
He said we’re leaving now and we’re going to Isaac…are you coming with me?
And the Spirit asks us only one question, fundamentally
Are you following me or not? Will you go wherever I ask, do whatever I require, knowing that I lead you to Christ?
And when the world tugs at us to make the wrong choice, remember Paul’s words
So the time to depart comes
As they depart, the family pronounces a blessing on Rebekah
This would have been a bittersweet departing for the family, knowing they won’t see their daughter again
And so Rebekah mounts one of the camels and is joined by her maids
And the entourage is led by the servant back to Isaac
Now Isaac was living in the Negev, in Beer-lahai-roi
This is the place where Hagar encountered the Angel of the Lord and this is land that Isaac now owns because of His father’s treaty with Abimelech
This is Isaac’s home, essentially
The home he had prepared for his bride when she arrives
On one particular evening, Isaac was out in the field, away from his tent, when he saw his servant and the bride coming from a distance
Rebekah herself noticed Isaac coming out into the desert to meet her on his camel
So she asked the servant who was coming to greet her
And the servant responded that this is his master, the one to marry the bride
In response, Rebekah places a veil over her face
This was a customary way for a bride to meet her husband for the first time
Typically, the veil was worn until the marriage night and the consummation of the marriage
Only then would the veil be lifted
And it was the husband’s privilege to remove the veil and behold the face of his bride for the first time
Finally, Isaac learns the story of how his bride was found and delivered
And they entered Isaac’s tent together and were married fully
And Isaac loved Rebekah and was comforted by her
Can we see one last important connection between this story and our relationship to Christ?
First, we know that right now our Husband Christ is living in His Father’s home awaiting our meeting
And Christ told us that this time away would be a time of preparation for us and for Him
Christ has promised that He is engaged in preparing a place for us, and then when the place is ready, He will come for us
Just as Isaac has prepared a house for Rebekah and was awaiting her arrival
And when the moment for their meeting comes, it is not the Bride who finds her way to Isaac, though she has been moving closer steadily
Instead, the groom comes out to meet his bride
Notice that Isaac left his home and began to ride out to meet his bride
Rebekah required the servant make the introduction
And she prepared herself to meet her husband
So will it be with us as well
The Lord will come out of His home just long enough to collect His Bride
And when we see Him coming for us, it will take us by surprise and we may not recognize Him at first
But the Spirit will have prepared us for that moment and we will have become a spotless Bride, readied for Her Husband
And how does Scripture say we will meet our Lord for the first time?
We call this moment “the rapture”, from a teaching Paul gave in 1 Corinthians 15
This is the moment of our resurrection
When the Lord will descend to the air and call all Church saints, those who make up the Bride of Christ, to rise in the resurrection
Both those who have died in the body and those who remain alive will rise
And we will be like Rebekah, seeing our Groom coming for us
And we will rejoice at the union and enter into the Father’s glory to remain with him forever
This is the promise we all have in Christ through faith
And we eagerly look forward to that moment, even as we walk with the Spirit every day between now and then