Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe restoration of Israel is in its final phase
The Lord has raised a godly leader to take Israel from the classroom to the field
The plan is for Nehemiah to lead the people into rebuilding the wall and gates of their precious city
But, the spiritual purpose goes far beyond brick and masonry
God’s purpose is to build up a people who will follow Him truly
Last week, we saw Nehemiah leave Persia after bravely requesting permission to assist the people of God
The king permitted his departure because the hand of the Lord was upon him
So he left Persia and, as we’ll learn later, he brings about 42,000 more Jews with him
We ended last week at the end of Chapter 2, as Nehemiah conducted his inspection of the gates and rallies the people to build the wall
Let’s take a second look at that passage, as we begin to move forward in the book
Our story of Nehemiah has moved into a new section, revolving around the completion of the work of building the wall
We’ll see the challenges Nehemiah must face, the problems he must solve, the enemies he must contend with
And if that weren’t bad enough, he has to lead Jews
Nehemiah’s greatest task is moving the people of God together as one group, without having them tear each other apart in the process
The point in this section of Nehemiah isn’t to learn the intricacies of wall construction or even leadership in general
It’s a study of the way God uses the accomplishment of a task as an opportunity to build up His people
And He does this work through the leadership of godly men like Nehemiah, who recognize that the physical work is secondary to the spiritual work
It’s a laboratory setting in which sanctification can take place
Notice in vs.9-10, we already see the opposition beginning early
Although Nehemiah traveled with letters of passage from the king, the other province officials aren’t happy to hear Israel was receiving help
These two men are officials in Samaria and Ammon, neighboring territories of Judah
But there’s nothing new in this moment
Anytime God’s people are receiving grace from the Lord, the enemy and his followers are quick to notice and protest and scheme against it
A godly leader moving in to do the Lord’s will, had better have a thick skin
Because the world isn’t shy in sharing its opinion or trying to get its way
Had these officials had their way, Israel would never have been rebuilt
And we haven’t heard the last of these two adversaries
Nehemiah’s decision to wait for three days in the city has intrigued students forever
Was there something specific Nehemiah was waiting for?
Did he want to avoid tipping his hand concerning his purposes too quickly?
Maybe his encounters with Sanballet and Tobiah left him concerned that his enemies might disguise themselves as thieves and attack him if he were in public
Maybe he wasn’t sure where to start and needed some time to think about his plan
Perhaps all these reasons are true, but when the time to set out came, Nehemiah goes it alone and goes out at night
His travels proceed outside the city, by way of the Valley gate, headed south
Then he moves eastward around the southern end of the city, and then north up the east side of the wall
The southern portion of the city walls and their gates are still present, though in terrible condition and without wooden gates
This makes sense, since the attacks from Babylon came from the north, so the only portion of the wall that remained was on the south
Eventually, he gets stopped by an impasse and returns to the Valley Gate
Once again, why did he go alone and at night?
Did he want to be free of other opinions as he considered his options?
Perhaps, but he doesn’t seem like a man who worried about others’ opinions
Was he was trying to conceal his plan from his enemies?
That doesn’t seem like a good reason, since Nehemiah announced his plan publicly the very next morning anyway
In v.16, Nehemiah does mention that no official in Israel knew where he went or what he planned to do
It would seem that he was concealing his purposes from the Jews themselves, at least at first
The only logical answer is that Nehemiah wanted to control the message
He had one chance to make a first impression
If he had paraded around the city wall in the day time, and with an entourage, the word would get out that he was surveying the wall
That public display would then give rise to assumptions and gossip among the people concerning Nehemiah’s plans and purposes
“He must be sent from the king to check on our work.”
“He’s here to make Israel slaves to finish the work.”
“He’s going to rebuild the walls and kick out the Jews.”
Whatever their conclusions, Nehemiah faced the possibility of losing the PR battle long before he could make his case
Instead, Nehemiah wants to assess the situation in private, develop his plan and then make his pitch without competition
Nehemiah knew he must preach the call of God to the people without voices of dissent competing for the hearts and minds of the people
The spoken word is the powerful tool God uses to stir His people into action one way or another
But the Lord doesn’t share His stage with anyone
Nehemiah couldn’t afford to lose his one opportunity to preach the truth of God’s call to rebuild the wall
Throughout the ages, God has determined, by the mystery of preaching, to speak to His people through the mouths of men called to preach
And there is simply no substitute for the call of the spoken word
The Word made flesh by the voice of men echoing the words of God
Nehemiah’s address to the people of Israel must be a spoken call to action and obedience
Nehemiah doesn’t send his appeal through messengers, or by letter
He assembles the people and delivers His call with God at the center of his argument
This technique is as ancient as Creation, and yet, it remains God’s method to reach, exhort and inspire His people to know and follow Him
It’s no coincidence that even in this age of the Internet, smartphones, multimedia and the like, that people still find pulpit preaching compelling, essential and irreplaceable
These modern inventions have only served to make preaching more accessible and popular
We can read sermons
We can watch dramas
We can browse websites
But nothing stirs us to think and act differently as powerfully as a well-delivered sermon from the Word of God
And that’s the way the Lord intends
Godly leaders in the Church can come in many shapes, sizes, personalities and with a variety of strengths and gifts
But the one universal ingredient is a gift of exhortation, combined with a grasp of God’s Word
Call it teaching or preaching...
But the ability to communicate through the spoken word is essential to leading God’s people
And when the time comes to exhort God’s people, a godly leader understands that the enemy will be close behind, trying to disrupt and interrupt the preaching
Hoping to block or neutralize its effects
So Nehemiah stacks the deck in his favor as he determines the time and manner to reveal his plan
And sure enough, the enemy responds in short measure
The two officials who had been disturbed by Nehemiah’s arrival hear of the plan
Clearly, the word has spread fast, indicating that not everyone in the city of Jerusalem is a friend
As these enemies of Israel learn of the plan, they go down to the city to see what they can do to put a stop to it
They’ve seen the king’s letter, so they can’t oppose Nehemiah directly
So they try the next best thing: they look to undermine him in the eyes of the people
Notice, in v.19, these three men are said to mock and despise “us”
They aren’t speaking to Nehemiah
They are directing their derision against the people of Israel, hoping to discourage them or frighten them into disregarding Nehemiah’s call
The enemy rarely makes a frontal assault against the work of God
He is too crafty for that, preferring to attack at the weak spot
Nehemiah wasn’t going to be swayed by God’s enemies
But God’s people are fragile and vulnerable, which is why Nehemiah was sent to them in the first place
So these men try to place doubt in the people’s minds
Once again, Nehemiah steps up to defend and encourage God’s people
Nehemiah bravely stands up to these men and states one of the more memorable one-liners in the Bible (and he has another one later)
Nehemiah tells them three important things
First, he says the success of the people doesn’t depend on their skill, bravery, wealth or even the king’s permission
They may have skill, they may feel brave, they may have wealth, and they may even have received permission from the king
But their success won’t come from these things...it will come from the Lord alone
Therefore, Nehemiah says, secondly, that the people will persevere in building the walls, because if the Lord is for us, who can be against us?
Knowing the Lord will bring success doesn’t mean we don’t have to work or contend with difficulties
It means we have every reason to persevere, despite those things
And that’s Nehemiah’s conclusion as well
Finally, Nehemiah informs the men that they have no portion, right or memorial in Jerusalem
The word “portion” refers to having a tribal history in the land
So no portion of the land belonged to their ancestors
Therefore, they have no right to claim any of the land of Israel in their day
They had no standing to decide how the land might be used or what might take place with it
Finally, they have no memorial, meaning there will be no record of these men in any future Jerusalem
Said simply, these men have no past, present or future interest in this matter…so butt out!
So the building begins, and Chapter 3 is the detail of who did what to accomplish the building of the wall
You have a map handout to help you follow the places where the work was taking place
So we’re going to read the entire chapter at once to see the entirety of the building process
The third chapter of Nehemiah provides a detailed (some might say tedious) list of all the workers and their assignments in the building of the wall
The list begins with Eliashib, the grandson of Jeshua and his
brothers building the Sheep Gate
They filled in the wall between two towers that marked the
center strongholds on the northern wall
This family had the help of at least two other families
In this context, a family means a clan, a large group
Then as we scan down the chapter, we find the same thing happening all around the city wall
Another clan rebuilds the Fish Gate also on the northern wall
Another clan builds the Old Gate on the extreme NW corner
Another team for the Valley Gate on the west side of the city
Another team worked on the Refuse Gate (Dung Gate) on the extreme southern end
Then, up the eastern wall, the Fountain Gate is repaired
Another man named Nehemiah works as well
And down the chapter, we see different families taking part at different places along the city
We even find the Levites and priests working in sections
By the time we reach the end of the chapter, we’re back at the Sheep gate, having circled the entire city wall with workers
What’s most interesting about this chapter, is the diversity of people engaged in the project
Literally, there is no one in the city who isn’t working on the wall
They have put aside any other daily duty or pursuit
Their regular labors have taken a backseat to pursuing the call of God
Crops aren’t being planted or harvested
The expectation is the Lord will take care of those needs as Israel serves Him
Isn’t it remarkable how Nehemiah was able to engage so many different families in such a large project
I admire him, because I have trouble getting my entire family to participate in an afternoon of yardwork
He had thousands of family members working together
Every member of the nation had a part to play in the work
The wall lay in ruins for decades as the people went about their daily lives
And then suddenly, the people were of one mind in responding to the call of the Lord
One godly man speaking a word from God can move a people to turn their priorities upside down
For any aspiring leader, here’s the secret to sanctifying God’s people: let them do the work of ministry
Paul says that the path to Christ-like living is to serve, and that service is encouraged and enabled through the preparation of godly leaders
These various leadership roles in the Church were given to the Body to ensure that the Body was properly equipped
That we are taught, that we are inspired, exhorted, and led
And that equipping is intended to prepare us to serve in ministry
And Paul says that ministry is service to the Body of Christ
If our time spent in Bible study or in church doesn’t ultimately lead us to serve in some capacity, then the equipping has been for nothing
And then, Paul says in v.13, that the work of service is the means by which we attain to the unity of faith and to the knowledge of the Son
It is the path to becoming a mature Christian
So to put it simply, we are sanctified through service
When the Nation of Israel responded to Nehemiah’s call to serve, they experienced a measure of sanctification in their sacrificial service
Nehemiah couldn’t build a wall by himself, so he had no choice but to recruit the nation to work beside him
But pastors and other leaders have that choice today in many cases
We can look to the people to serve in the Church or we can look elsewhere
We can use the Church funds to hire people to perform many of the duties in the Church, rather than exhorting the people to serve
When we do this, we outsource sanctification
We go against the principle of Ephesians 4:11-13
We have to be willing to allow a call to go unmet so that the pressure builds for the members of the Body to step up to meet the need
In Jerusalem, the walls sat in ruins for decades
That wasn’t the best outcome, but it was better than letting someone else build it for Israel
In the day that Israel finally heard the call of the Lord and responded in unison, they received a great spiritual blessing
Not only were the walls built, but the people were edified...they were built up too
Which is the true mission of any godly leader: to build up the people
And since the work has begun in such a dramatic way, then certainly God’s enemies will step up their challenge as well
Once these walls are complete, the city will be in a position to defend itself from any attacker
At that point, they have respect and standing among their enemies
The world could no longer take advantage of an Israel that could defend itself
And so the prospect of the walls going back up is greatly disturbing to any who hated the thought of a strong Israel
So the protagonists return to the city and begin to mock the workers as they work at their tasks
Once again, Sanballat and Tobiah try their best to discourage the people by ridiculing them as they work
We’re told he spoke in the presence of other influential men from the surrounding area of Samaria
The Hebrew word for “wealthy” also means “army”, and that is probably the better translation in this case
Sanballat has come down from Samaria and brought his clan and army to intimidate the people as they build
And in a loud voice, they begin their mocking
They ask can this people restore a wall by themselves?
Can they finish in a day?
Can they sacrifice?
And if a little fox jumped on the wall, it would fall
The point in these questions is to imply the people are in a hopeless situation
First, they question the people’s expertise and ability to construct a useful wall
Then, they ask is they can finish it quickly enough to avoid an attack from the army that stood watching them
And they ask if they can sacrifice, suggesting the people would need to pause their work sooner or later to conduct the normal sacrifices
Which would then leave the walls unguarded
Finally, even if the wall was finished, their army could tear it down easily
Each of these taunts were intended to drive doubt and fear into the people’s hearts again
None of these people were likely expert wall builders, so the comments probably worked to a degree
But as Nehemiah has already said, their success wasn’t dependent on their own abilities, but on the Lord
Moreover, the point in God’s economy wasn’t to build the world’s strongest wall...it was to build the world’s most godly people
They need not worry about the army...God was on their side
Once again, when the enemy is working to discourage God’s people, the response of a godly leader becomes all-important
He doesn’t need to puff up his chest and fill the room with hot air, trying to fight words with words
Instead, the godly leader leaves the fight to God
And that’s what Nehemiah chooses to do
He prays for the Lord to avenge the people and lead the enemy’s tactics to fail
Nehemiah’s response is to pray to the Lord for justice in the face of the enemy’s work
He calls to the Lord for vengeance
This is the proper response for a godly man
We can fight only so far in our own power
But when the enemy begins to discourage our people, pray for the Lord to deal with His enemies in His own power
As Paul teaches
The Lord is more than capable of handling these situations
We need not worry...if our work is truly the work of the Lord, then nothing will prevail against the work He has ordained
Nehemiah’s prayer is a strongly worded condemnation of these people
At first, this might sound excessive and harsh, but it’s really nothing more than asking that their own words come to rest upon their heads
Nehemiah asks that all they say about Israel would be brought back on their heads
Let their walls be felled
Let their cities be taken
Let them be plundered and taken in to captivity
Then he asks the Lord that their sin would not be forgiven for having demoralized the builders
We need to understand this statement as an inspired statement reflecting God’s will for these men
God himself is speaking through Nehemiah to announce His own intentions
These men are not going to be counted among the saints when all is said and done
And their sin in this situation will be brought back upon them
As a result of Nehemiah’s prayer, the wall construction continued
The wall has now reached half its intended height
Now Israel’s enemies can’t deny that the city wall is well on its way to being built
If they can build it halfway, they can build it all the way
So once more, they set out to stop the progress
After days and weeks of trying to discourage the builders, now the enemies of Israel decide it’s time to take up arms to stop them
Sanballat and Tobiah are back, along with Arabs, Ammonites and Ashdodites, all long-time enemies of Israel
These four groups represent the four sides of Jerusalem
The attack would come from the north, south, east and west
Though Nehemiah doesn’t record it in detail, we know an attack took place and it claimed many casualties
Josephus reports that many Jews were killed in the attack that followed
But the attack wasn’t strong enough to capture the city
Does it surprise you that the Lord allowed this attack to claim Jewish lives? Or that He allowed the attack at all?
Would you have expected that the Lord would have defended the city from its enemies entirely?
He certainly could have done so
But He doesn’t for at least two reasons
First, the people are given a firsthand lesson in why the wall needed to be rebuilt, and why it should have been rebuilt in earlier decades
Obedience to God’s Word is an imperative
God is a righteous judge, and if we run afoul of God’s instructions, we can expect consequences
God allowed the enemy to succeed in a limited, measured way to teach Israel a lesson on the importance of finishing this wall
Secondly, the Lord has already declared through Daniel the prophet that Israel’s past sins under the Old Covenant would result in a long period of Gentile oppression over Jerusalem – we call it the Age of the Gentiles
It began in 605 BC
And it will not end until the Second Coming of Christ
And this attack is but one in a long history of attacks by Gentiles on the city of Jerusalem, as Jesus described
The times of the Gentiles is that time between the first attack of Nebuchadnezzar and the Second Coming of Christ at the conclusion of Tribulation
Only at Christ’s return, will Jerusalem return to a period of eternal peace
Once again, Nehemiah’s response is prayer
Notice this time, it’s not just Nehemiah praying for the Lord to intervene
Now the whole of the people is praying together
This is a good example of the sanctifying effect of serving together
As the people join together to work on the Lord’s task, they begin to see the persecution that comes upon God’s people
As they face that persecution together, they are brought to a greater dependence on the Lord
As they sense that dependence, they pray together
Sanctification is a process of coming to the end of ourselves so that God may show us something better in us
These people are learning to follow the Lord in the face of adversity
They are learning to pray when faced with trials
They are learning to trust the Lord with their needs
And they are learning these things because a leader inspired them to join in the work of the Lord
Prayer is important and makes everything else possible
But there is also a time to act in keeping with God’s instructions
Nehemiah tells the people to set up guards to protect the workers
This isn’t an act of faithlessness
It’s a recognition that God had given them the means to solve the problem
Even still, guards aren’t going to be successful against an army unless the Lord grants that success
The point is, that a godly leader is a man who demonstrates dependence on prayer, combined with a willingness to act when God makes a way available
Nehemiah organizes these guard units, but the damage has already been done
The people are burdened now with the weight of the work, the fear of attacks, the mourning of the lost people, and the immensity of the task
At this point, the work is in jeopardy, and the outcome is in doubt
So it falls to the leader to respond yet again for the sake of the people