Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongBy his obedience and godliness, Joseph finds his situation changing from bad to worse
The Lord is testing Joseph by leading him through a series of circumstances
In each case, Joseph does the right thing
But the sinful world heaps more misery upon him
Joseph is persecuted for his righteousness
But we know the Lord is at work in these outcomes
He is allowing the troubles to pile up so He can create an opportunity for Joseph to develop his testimony
A testimony before the world, represented by Egypt
And a testimony before the family of Israel
These things are happening to Joseph because he has been appointed as the birthright holder within the sons of Jacob
His earlier dreams told us that Joseph was appointed to become the patriarch in the family
And he would receive a double portion of the inheritance
While Judah would receive the seed promise to bring forth the Messiah
We’ve already seen how unrighteous Judah was rescued by the Lord’s hand from corrupting the seed line
Judah’s story reveals that the salvation promise comes through men but is made possible by the grace and power of God
For certainly, Judah added nothing of value to the process
But the story of Joseph tells the opposite story
As a picture of Christ, Joseph’s story teaches us that God will bring salvation to the world and to Israel through the life of one man
This man will be righteous and obedient
He will suffer for his righteousness yet will pass every test the world and enemy throws at him
And in the end, by his obedience, he will be elevated to a position of power and authority over the world and over Israel
This is the story of Joseph and of Jesus Christ
One pictures the Other, and in that picture we come to understand the reason Joseph is called to suffer in these ways
Joseph has been appointed to bring this picture to us through his life, but what a challenge this must have been for the man Joseph
Today we cover the final verses of Chapter 39 and then move into Chapter 40
Joseph has been accused of rape and imprisoned by Potiphar
He enjoyed great success as a slave, but now he’s starting over
And he’s moved into an even more challenging set of circumstances
Even as we see Joseph’s situation deteriorating, we hear that the Lord continues to extend His grace to Joseph
Once again, take note of the way scripture melds Joseph’s negative circumstances with a testimony of God’s favor and kindness
These two things are not in conflict
The measure of God’s goodness or kindness is not whether our life is carefree or easy or without suffering
Joseph’s descent into prison didn’t mean God was displeased with him
It didn’t mean Joseph had done anything wrong
It wasn’t unfair
On the contrary, the Lord was with Joseph, was extending kindness to him and giving him favor
The word for favor in Hebrew is chen, which simply means grace
Joseph received grace from God
But that grace came in the context of prison, not freedom
Given the option of a trial-free life without God’s grace or a trial-filled life accompanied by God’s grace, we should always seek for the latter
In this case, God’s grace came in the form of a jailer who took notice of Joseph’s superior leadership qualities
Like what happened in Potiphar’s house, the jailer places Joseph in charge over all the other prisoners
Clearly, a pattern has emerged in Joseph’s life
Everywhere he goes, he quickly establishes himself as the authority figure over others
He ruled over his brothers
He ruled over the slaves
Now he rules over the prisoners
This is an outcome of God’s grace in his life
He has determined that Joseph will be the one to lead people
No matter where Joseph lands, this outcome repeats itself
At this point in the story, a fascinating parallel to Jesus’ life begins to emerge, in keeping with Joseph as a picture of Christ
Joseph’s time in prison is the low point in his life
It represents the point where he is tested to the greatest extent
It also represents the end of his testing
From this point forward, Joseph begins to increase in stature and power
If we draw a parallel to Jesus’ life and ministry, then we could draw a parallel to the time He hung on the cross and descended into Hell for a time
That point represented the low point in Jesus’ life
It was the greatest test and trial
And it made possible Christ’s exaltation
So as we move forward in this chapter, we’ll look for more evidence of those parallels between Joseph’s time in the prison and Jesus’ time on the cross and in the grave
Joseph gets some company in prison
The cupbearer and baker of the Pharaoh are thrown in prison for what
we will soon see is a capital offense
These officials of the court shared the same feature of Potiphar – they were eunuchs
The same word for “official” used here was also used to describe Potiphar
What did these gentlemen do to anger the Pharaoh?
Scripture doesn’t say
But we can make an educated guess
A cup bearer and baker were positions that served Pharaoh directly
A cup bearer wan’t merely responsible for holding a cup
He acted like a Secret Service bodyguard to Pharaoh
He was responsible for ensuring that Pharaoh’s entire food chain was kept safe
He would oversee the food bought in the market
He would inspect all food brought into the Pharaoh’s kitchen
And to ensure the food was safe, the cupbearer would sample all the food before the Pharaoh ate of it
This way the cupbearer had a strong incentive to ensure it was poison-free
He got his title from his role of sampling the drink before giving the cup to Pharaoh
The baker had a subordinate role, preparing the meal in the kitchen
He shared responsibility for ensuring the food was safe
So between these two men, the Pharaoh’s protection from his enemies was their highest duty
Since they were each responsible for the Pharaoh’s bread and drink, perhaps Pharaoh had reason to suspect one of them was trying to poison him
Remember, that the Pharaoh was not an Egyptian (he was a Hyksos)
He must have feared regularly for his safety
Since there was apparently some doubt about which one of the men was guilty, they were both placed in the prison with Joseph
They were awaiting the Pharaoh’s decision for who to hold responsible
The jail the three of them are in is attached to the captain of the guard’s house
That’s Potiphar’s house – he had a jail attached to his home
As court officials, they would have received special handling
The fact that the court officials were sent to this prison while
awaiting judgment says this was not an ordinary prison
Joseph was sent to the same prison, a jail in the best of circumstances
So God continues to protect Joseph even though He is sending Joseph through these trials
We’re told in v.4 that Joseph spent “some” time in this prison
The Hebrew word for some is the word yom, which literally means a day
But in this case, the word is used in a secondary meaning of an age
As in an extended period of time
We learn later that Joseph will leave prison and be elevated by Pharaoh when Joseph reaches the age of thirty
Remember, Joseph went into Egypt at seventeen
So Joseph was in Potiphar’s house and that jail for a combined total of 13 years
And based on the opening verses of 41, Joseph must have been in the jail for at least 2 years and probably several more
We’ve already understood that bad things happen to good people when God chooses to work in us through trials
But are you prepared to accept how long a trial may be required in God’s plan to test us?
Remember, Noah was called to suffer 100 years during the years he devoted to build the ark in keeping with the Lord’s command
To say nothing of the 14 months he spent living inside the ark?
Talk about a prison!
And do you think Daniel suffered during Israel’s 70 years of captivity?
To say nothing about his experience in the lion’s den?
And what about Joseph?
His circumstances required he spend 13 years suffering
We read about it in just a chapter or two of Genesis, but it took more than a decade for Joseph to rise above his trials
That’s almost as long as we’ve been studying Genesis
So why must Joseph suffer for so long?
The writer of Psalms tells us
Joseph is being prepared to teach his elders wisdom
That preparation involves 13 years of learning the ways of Egypt
Consider that when Joseph arrived in Egypt, he didn’t know the language
He didn’t know the customs
He didn’t understand Egyptian laws or traditions
But the psalmist says Joseph was appointed to become a lord over the house of Pharaoh
To demonstrate wisdom, to execute God’s purpose in Egypt
Ultimately, he comes to picture Jesus in all these things
But if Joseph is going to fulfill this purpose, he must spend time learning Egypt inside and out
So the Lord puts Joseph in the house of a servant of Pharaoh
In that place, Joseph learns the language and etiquette of royal society in Egypt
He learns the names and functions of court officials
He becomes familiar with law and customs in Egypt
Then he goes to prison, but not just any prison, the king’s prison
And here Joseph comes into contact with more court officials
And through one of these court officials, Joseph begins to make inroads to reach the most powerful man in the world – Pharaoh himself
After some time together in the prison, Joseph notices both men looking particularly sad
Only someone like Joseph could look upon two men sent to prison and ask why are you so dejected
But Joseph evidently knew these two men well enough by now to sense something was different
They had both experienced dreams, dreams that troubled them greatly
But since they were in prison and had no access to the Pharaoh’s official dream interpreters, they were without a way to understand the dreams’ meanings
Egypt, like Babylon, employed sorcerers who used the black arts to divine spiritual knowledge
We see similar men working (or trying to work) in the book of Daniel
And also serving Pharaoh in the story of the Exodus
But these men fell helpless because there are no interpreters nearby
Or so they think
Joseph tells them that interpretations of spiritual messages come from the Lord, so it does not depend on certain men
It simply requires the Lord to grant the proper spiritual equipping, and any man can serve Him in interpreting
This truth is so powerful, and it remains every bit true today
Spiritual truth and godly counsel aren’t the privilege of a few men
On the contrary, these things are God-given, and all God’s children have access to the same spirit
So we don’t depend on a man to hear from God or to serve Him
On the other hand, scripture also tells us that God equips His children in different ways with different spiritual gifts to serve the needs of the body
So if the Lord appoints certain gifts to certain people with the Church, we do well to take full advantage of these giftings wherever we find them
Let gifted teachers, teach; gifted prayer warriors, pray; gifted healers, heal; gifted hearts of service, serve
In Joseph’s case, he was gifted to lead and to interpret dreams
In all the Bible, only Joseph and Daniel were gifted in this way, and both share some interesting similarities
Both interpreted while captive in a foreign land
Both serviced foreign monarchs who worshipped pagan gods
Both interpreted dreams given by God that no one else could interpret
Both speak in bold ways, sharing the interpretation without fear
Both were elevated into positions of authority by their interpretations
Clearly the Lord is working in these dreams to bring Joseph to a new and better place
Each man relates his dream to Joseph
The cupbearer’s dream concerned a vine with three branches
As the grapes ripened, the cupbearer took the grapes and squeezed juice into Pharaoh’s cup
And placed the cup in Pharaoh’s hand
Joseph tells the interpretation of the dream
The three branches reflect three days more of suffering in jail
But at that point, the cupbearer will be restored
At this point, Joseph sees an opportunity to help himself
Knowing a positive result is assured for the cupbearer, Joseph realizes that this man will soon be in Pharaoh’s presence again
Once he reaches that position, he will be able to influence Pharaoh concerning Joseph’s situation
Certainly, the king would have use for a man like Joseph who can interpret dreams
So Joseph asks for his help
Notice how Joseph describes himself
He was from the land of the Hebrews
That’s a statement of faith and political savvy on Joseph’s part
In this day, the land where Jacob lived was not the land of the Hebrews
It was the land of the Canaanites
But Joseph knew it had been given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by God by way of a promise
So even now he’s referring to Canaan as the land of Hebrews
But Joseph has also learned that the Pharaoh is a Hyksos king, not a Hamite ruler
And Hyksos were also Semites, like the Hebrews
So by mentioning his origins, Joseph hopes to persuade Pharaoh to take an interest in his case
Here we have the complimentary lesson to our earlier focus on learning to accept trials and sufferings as part of serving the Lord
Joseph may have understood that God was working in his circumstances and so he remained obedient in the meantime
But that doesn’t mean Joseph had to be passive in his circumstances
Obedience during a trial doesn’t require we abandon all hope for a rescue
And it certainly doesn’t mean we can work in appropriate ways to improve our circumstances
Joseph used his God-given talents and abilities to improve his situation everywhere he went
In Potiphar’s house, he worked hard and showed trustworthiness
And the result was a better situation as a slave
In prison, he did the same, and gained the benefit again
Now he has a chance to win his freedom or so he hopes
So he makes the most of it
But he does it by relying on the gifts God has given him
And he gives all credit to the Lord in the process
And then he waits to see what the Lord will do with his hopes and his service
Don’t forget Joseph’s example in the midst of your personal trials of faith and endurance
Know God is working in your circumstances
Trust that the Lord has a good purpose in your circumstance
Continue to obey and serve diligently without discouragement
And use every God-given talent and gift and brain cell to find your way out of your circumstances
And pray for Him to make the most of your efforts