Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJoseph is our focus
He is the next-to-youngest child of Jacob, but he’s shown himself to be wiser than his years
The text last week said Israel loved Joseph more than his brothers
The true sense of that statement was that Jacob assigned Joseph the position of the birthright in the family
Since Joseph was the first born son of Rachel, Jacob has given to Joseph the position of the birthright holder after Reuben, the first born of Leah, disqualified himself
Jacob recognized Joseph’s wisdom and emerging leadership qualities
We should take note that it says “Israel” not “Jacob” when speaking of Jacob’s decision
Evidence that this was a godly action in keeping with God’s will
He gave Joseph a coat of honor indicating Joseph held the position of authority in the family
Naturally, his brothers resented their younger brother gaining this position of authority
They hate him and won’t even speak to him, we’re told
But their hatred for their brother was due to his righteousness and their unrighteousness
Those who had sin and hatred in their hearts hated the one who did right and honored his father
This animosity will only grow with time
We also noted that Joseph is a picture of Christ, in many of the details of his life
Even the fact that he was the beloved son of Jacob chosen to rule over his brothers gives us a picture of Jesus
Jesus was the beloved Son of God,
But he was born under humble circumstances
His outwardly appearance didn’t impress the Jewish people as someone they should follow
He was hated by His Jewish brothers because he spoke truth and demonstrated righteousness
They put Him to death because they had evil in their hearts
Nevertheless, Jesus is the One the Father has appointed to rule over the people of Israel
And He will obtain that rule in an appointed day
Joseph’s life is following this script perfectly, picturing Christ in every detail
Today as we move forward, we’re learning still more about how Joseph ends up in Egypt
The Lord is working in Joseph’s life to bring about the transfer of Israel into Egypt, as He promised to Abraham
Joseph experiences a dream so powerful and vivid he feels the need to share it with his family
The dream involves sheaves of wheat in the field
Each brother is binding a sheaf of wheat in the field
And the sheaves of Joseph’s brothers bow down to his sheaf
Symbolically, the sheaves represent the person
So the clear message in the dream is that someday the brothers would accept Joseph’s ruling over the brothers
Remember, Joseph has already been appointed as the birthright holder over the family by Jacob
So Joseph already has the right to rule over his brothers
What’s new in the dream is the brothers accepting his rule and submitting to it
Joseph didn’t need the brothers’ acceptance in order to be the ruler of the family
He was appointed to that role by his father alone
But whether the brothers would accept that rule was another matter altogether
This dream was predicting that they would one day acknowledge Joseph’s authority
Even the symbols used in the dream are important
The day of his brothers’ submission will come in conjunction with a famine that drives them to Joseph looking for grain
They will be seeking wheat and will bow down before Joseph in order to receive it
This is exactly a picture of Israel’s relationship with the Lord Jesus
Jesus is the Messiah, the appointed One Who rules over the world and Israel
He will return in glory one day and rule the nations, including Israel
That rule will come with or without the approval of those He rules
One day, every tongue will confess and every knee will bow to Christ
But the question is whether the stubborn and stiff-necked people of Israel will ever accept Jesus as their Messiah?
Paul teaches us in Romans 11 that one day the nation of Israel will accept Jesus as Messiah
And on that day, all Israel will be saved and will receive Jesus upon His second coming
So Joseph shares this dream with his brothers, and provokes them to great anger
His brothers understand its meaning, and assume Joseph is retelling it in their hearing so as to pressure them to submit
Didn’t Joseph understand that repeating this story wasn’t going to win him any friends?
Perhaps, but he spoke prophetic truth without fear for how it was received
We need to see Joseph not as someone who lacked tact
Or as a naive young man who lacked an appreciation for how his words were taken
Instead, we need to see Joseph as a man who was obedient to God and spoke truth without fear of the consequences
Clearly, this dream was given by the Lord, and therefore the message was a message from God
Joseph knew it, and his brothers feared as much
In fact, this is the first dream in the Bible where God isn’t speaking in the dream
Joseph will be a man who hears from God in dreams
This is a departure from the patriarchs’ experiences
When we look at God speaking in dreams in scripture, we need to notice an important pattern
God reveals Himself in dreams to both Jews and Gentiles
When God doesn’t speak personally, He uses symbols and scenes to communicate some truth
When God uses symbols in Jewish dreams, the Jews themselves are always able to understand the dream without interpreters
Notice here that both Joseph and the brothers instinctively understand the dream’s meaning
But when God communicates in symbolic dreams to Gentiles, they must always consult a Jew for the interpretation
Joseph interprets for Pharaoh
Daniel interprets for Nebuchadnezzar
As Paul said, the nation of Israel are the people appointed to receive the oracles of God
And the dreams continue
Joseph’s second dream communicates a similar idea
The symbols have changed from wheat sheaves to the sun, moon and stars
But the actions are the same
These symbols are bowing down before Joseph
Once again, Joseph’s family instantly recognize the meaning of the symbols
The celestial bodies represent the members of Jacob’s family
These bodies have a pecking order in man’s perception
The sun is superior to the moon
The sun and moon are superior to the stars in the sky
So Jacob makes the correct interpretation without hesitation
He recognizes that the sun represents the patriarch of the family, that is Jacob
And the eleven stars must represent the sons of Jacob
There are only eleven since Joseph himself is the twelfth
Finally, the moon is the mother of the family, but which mother?
Logically, it would mean Rachel, since Jacob says “your” mother
But Rachel was dead by this time
So that means we’re looking at something other than a literal fulfillment in Joseph’s day
This time Jacob is the one upset at the prospect of such an event
It’s one thing for the brothers to submit to Joseph’s authority
This was the proper thing to expect given that Jacob had placed Joseph over his brothers
So while the brothers may not have liked it, it was a proper thing to suggest
On the other hand, it is another thing for a child to suggest that his father would submit to his authority
Jacob drew the line at that suggestion
Notice again that Moses is calling him Jacob at this point, not Israel
The effect of this second dream is much the same as that of the first
The brothers hate Joseph all the more
Yet his father kept it in his mind
Even though Jacob reacted negatively to the suggestion that Joseph would rule over him, he was still willing to consider the possibility
He waited to see if it would come to pass
But the brothers dismissed it altogether
We know both of these dreams came from God, so therefore we must conclude that God intended the consequences that followed
The brothers were already upset at Joseph, so these dreams were designed to provoke that anger and take it further
The Lord is working to expose the sin in the brothers‘ hearts and turn it to good for His purposes
What is that greater good God intends?
The Lord is at work teaching Joseph’s elders wisdom
Joseph’s elders include his father and brothers
They will learn important lessons through this experience
But the good doesn’t stop there
God is using the brothers’ sin to ensure the nation moves into Egypt
And the time they spend in Egypt will itself be a good outcome designed to address the sin of Israel
We’ll learn more about why the time in Egypt was a necessary thing in Chapter 38
Finally, God will use Joseph’s account to teach many generations wisdom about the Lord
And about the Lord’s anointed, Christ
Here again, Joseph pictures the Father’s work through Jesus
When Jesus came for Israel, they rejected Him, just as God designed
That rejection was the result of their sin, but the Lord took full advantage of that sin to produce good
The rejection of Jesus led to the exile of Israel into the nations, like Israel going to Egypt in Joseph's day
The rejection of Jesus and the scattering of Israel made possible the salvation of the Gentile nations
In Joseph’s day, that salvation comes in the form of the provision of bread
In Jesus’ day the provision will be through the bread of life, that is the gospel going to the Gentile nations
Some may be troubled at the prospect of watching the Lord stoking the anger of these boys against their brother
Is this fair? Shouldn’t the Lord work to assuage the brothers’ anger rather than provoke it?
While this perspective is understandable, it’s simply wrong
The Lord is not in the business of accommodating or appeasing sin
Rather He is in the business, so to speak, of exposing sin and judging sin and bringing an end to sin ultimately
He won’t accomplish those goals if He makes it easier for sin and righteousness to coexist
Neither in the life of a single individual, nor in the world as a whole
Instead, the Lord is working at all times to stir up sin, to bring it to light and turn it to good purposes
The Lord harnesses sin for His purposes
We have to remember that the world became a place of sin after the fall
It is the dominion of the enemy and a playground for all manner of depravity and ungodliness
When faced with that result, the Lord had two choices
To bring immediate judgment and destroy all that deserved that outcome
Or forgo judgment for a time, and work with sin to produce a good and righteous outcome
Thanks be to God that He chose to work with sin, giving us the opportunity to be born and to be saved
From our study a few weeks ago, we might think it’s a bit strange that Joseph’s brothers would venture back into the region of Shechem
Shechem is nearly 50 miles to the north of Jacob’s home in Hebron
Moreover, this is the place where the nation massacred the city
Why would they venture so far away and into a place that holds such bad history?
First, traveling long distance to pasture flocks was very common, especially in an arid climate like Canaan
Secondly, the brothers appear to be trying to escape Joseph’s oversight
The very fact that they have gone away with the herds without Joseph indicates they are trying to avoid him
Finally, Jacob had owned land in that region, so his sons had grown up there, meaning they would have known the area well
Jacob becomes concerned for his sons, perhaps because the last time they were in Shechem bad things happened
Notice it’s Israel that sends Joseph, not Jacob, indicating that this is an act of divine intent
Do you think that Joseph had some trepidation in going to find his brothers such a distance away?
He will have to travel desert roads alone
He will walk at least 2-3 days
When he arrives, he will be far from the father’s authority, vulnerable to his brothers’ hatred
But as indicated by the name Israel, we know this request was according to God’s purpose
God has ensured the brothers’ anger was stirred up sufficiently
And then He placed the brothers in the right place, far away from his father’s oversight and on a major trading route leading to Egypt
And for his part, Joseph accepts his father’s request without hesitation, but he probably recognized the dangers involved
Joseph accepts the responsibility with all the risks it brings
Israel seems to phrase the request in the form of a question
And Joseph agrees to the request, saying “I will”
In fact, in Hebrew it literally means “Behold I am here”
There is a beautiful picture of Christ formed in this part of the story
Like Joseph, Jesus was sent to the fallen world to rescue His brothers
The Bible tells us that before Jesus came to earth, He was with the Father
Then Jesus Himself said
He uses the same words as Joseph, behold…
Joseph left his father in Hebron
The term Hebron means fellowship or communion
This pictures the Son of God leaving the fellowship and communion with the Father in order to go to His people in the world
So like Joseph sent to Shechem, Jesus was sent to the fallen, sinful world
Shechem represents the sin of the world in this story
The name means to shoulder, as in bearing a burden
The events in that city were a burden that Jacob had to bear
And they represent the burden that Jesus came to bear
Even the detail of the man who finds Joseph wandering in the field forms a picture of Jesus
Joseph is wandering about Shechem but finds no one
Joseph is without a home or even a family where he wanders
Similarly, Jesus came to a world that was not His home
He had nowhere to lay His head and no one to receive him
At the end of John 7, we’re told everyone with Jesus went to their own home, but Jesus went to the Mt of Olives
Jesus was literally homeless, wandering in this world since His home could not be found here
And he had no family except those who obey His word
Finally, Jesus came for one reason only, to seek and find the lost
Just as Joseph has come to Shechem for only one reason, though he will be rejected on that basis
Just as it was with Jesus
But glory to God that John 1 continues into the next two verses