Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we were in the midst of watching Joseph interpreting the dreams of two royal prisoners
Joseph was accompanied by the chief cupbearer and chief baker
Both men had been accused of something worthy of death, perhaps they were suspected of poisoning the Pharaoh
And both were desperate to know their fate
As it turns out, the Lord gives each man a dream that foretold their destiny
We know that God can work through dreams to reveal things to men
And occasionally He will obscure the meaning of dreams so that He can connect the dreamer with an interpreter
And of course, the Lord does this so that they might seek out someone to interpret
And in this case, the Lord has given Joseph the ability to interpret dreams
Interpreting dreams is a unique skill in scripture
We only know of two men who have that gift: Joseph and Daniel
Many people can interpret their own dreams, as God permits
Or at least they think they can
But interpretations don’t always turn out the way we expect or prefer…
So an interpretation of our dreams may not be as we hoped
And such was the case for the second prisoner, the baker
Last week we learned that the cupbearer’s dream foretold his release and restoration to serving Pharaoh
This gave Joseph cause to ask the cupbearer to remember Joseph
Joseph’s hope was that the cupbearer could bring Joseph’s case before the Pharaoh and win his release
But there was still the matter of the baker’s dream
As we read, the baker’s dream foretells a very different, and no doubt disappointing, outcome
The baker would not be released
The baker’s dream has birds devouring bread even before it reached Pharaoh
Birds were viewed as spiritual creatures by Egyptians, and they were protected
So they were frequent nuisances and scenes like the one in the bakers dream would have been common
The baker’s responsibility was to keep the food protected and undefiled until it reached Pharaoh
His failure to keep the food safe may have been the issue which landed him in jail to begin with
So by that imagery, Joseph confirms this will be his undoing
He will be hanged and impaled on a tree to be eaten by birds
Egyptians thought this a fate worse than death since the soul could not proceed to the after life
There is an interesting play on words in Joseph’s statements to the two men
In the case of the cupbearer, Joseph said the Pharaoh would “lift up” the man’s head
Meaning, he would return to his high position of power
But in the case of the baker, Joseph says the Pharaoh will “lift his head up” in the sense of taking his head off
This is a reference to the man’s head being removed by the hanging
Thus we learn an important lesson:
The baker should have kept his dream on a “knead the dough” basis
And I’m sure Joseph’s interpretation got a rise out of the baker
And he probably thought it was half-baked
If you remember from last week, I alluded to a picture of Christ found in this passage of Joseph in the prison with these two men
The picture began with the observation that these days in the prison represent the lowest point in Joseph’s life
This is the greatest test Joseph will face
And this is also the trial that proved Joseph’s worthiness to be elevated
And then compare this period in Joseph’s life to the time in Jesus’ life when He hung on the cross and went to the grave
Clearly, this was Jesus’ darkest moments
The point at which Jesus accepted the sin of the world upon His shoulders
He felt the sting of death in a most cruel way
And He suffered the separation from the Father
And if you remember that moment on the cross, Jesus wasn’t alone
On either side of Him were two other condemned men
The two thieves who happened to find themselves crucified on either side of the Lord of the Universe
These two men are represented prophetically by the baker and the cupbearer
Those two thieves demonstrated two very different responses to Jesus and His predicament on that Roman cross
The first thief mocked Jesus
He challenged Jesus that if He were truly the Messiah, then He should get Himself off the cross
How could Jesus claim to save Israel if He couldn’t even save Himself
Without a doubt, this man was a man who held no faith in Jesus
And though he was only hours away from his own death, nevertheless he still fought against the inevitable
He was about to face judgment for sin
And he had no hope, no solution, no rescue
He was as condemned in the spirit as he was in his flesh
But then we have the second thief crucified on Jesus’ other side
This thief objects to the first thief’s statements
He comes to Jesus’ defense
Listen to the exchange that takes place
The second thief is destined to die just as assuredly as that first thief and Jesus Himself, for that matter
But in the face of death, the man seeks a source of hope
He turns to Jesus and in faith seeks Jesus’ mercy while acknowledging Jesus’ lordship as Messiah
He declares that Jesus will one day come into His kingdom
And this man seeks to be there on that future day
In a few words, the man expresses the essence of the Gospel
That Jesus was the Messiah
That He would be resurrected following His death
That He will return to rule a kingdom
And that He offers that kingdom to all who seek it from Him in faith
As Paul said:
What’s even more remarkable is this thief was willing to acknowledge this truth while staring into Jesus’ blood soaked eyes as He hung next to him on a cross
How much faith did it take to believe the claims of Jesus knowing He was soon to die Himself?
To accept that the One whose own body is soon to fail is the same One Who can save this thief from hell
So in the story of Joseph we also find two men on either side of Joseph, in a sense
Each had a moment to seek an answer from him concerning their future
One learns that he will be restored and will have his life returned to him, in a sense
Furthermore, that man is asked to remember Joseph before Pharaoh
But the second man faces a very different outcome
He is set to lose his life
He has no more to say concerning Joseph
The connection is clear to see
The cupbearer is a picture of that believing thief
While the baker is the picture of the unbelieving thief who had no hope after his encounter with Jesus
Moving into Chapter 41, we discover that Joseph isn’t finished interpreting dreams
The Pharaoh of Egypt receives a dream from God, designed to be unexplainable except by Joseph
We know the Lord is working in all these circumstances, both in the dreams in the prison and now with Pharaoh
Joseph proves himself before the cupbearer while he sat in prison
And this gives opportunity for the cupbearer to learn of Joseph’s abilities and apply that knowledge at a later time
And now that later time has come, when the Lord gives Pharaoh a dream no one can interpret
But first, did you notice once again that it required two more years before the opportunity arrived for Joseph?
I won’t repeat the lessons on this point that we learned last week except to simply reiterate the main point
God’s movement in our lives often takes much longer than we expect and desire
But that waiting is a period of testing and maturing that brings spiritual benefit that can’t be accomplished any other way
So in His wisdom, the Lord determined that Joseph needed to spend two more years in prison after meeting the cupbearer
God had laid the seeds for Joseph’s elevation, yet those seeds required time to grow and produce fruit
So it is in the way God uses our trials, to face them with patience, as James teaches
The Pharaoh's dream has two versions, and this is a pattern worth noting by itself
The dreams that Joseph interpreted from the cupbearer and the baker also had two version or two outcomes
This is a distinct pattern throughout the story of Joseph
It is a story with a recurring theme of “pairs”
For example, Joseph had two versions of the dream for his family and parents
The wheat and the celestial objects
He is betrayed twice with his garments
Joseph interpreted two dreams in prison
Joseph is in prison two years before hearing Pharaoh's dream
The Pharaoh had two dreams with different images
Cows and stalks of grain
There will be two seven year periods in Egypt
Later, we’ll see Jacob’s family take two trips to Egypt during the famine and appear before Joseph twice
Why does the story of Joseph often revolve around pairs in this unique way?
Well, here again, we find a subtle but unmistakable picture of Christ in the life and story of Jesus
And so through the pairs in Joseph’s story we find a foreshadowing of an important aspect of the ministry of Christ
The Messiah’s role is a two-fold role
First, Jesus is our perfect sacrifice paying a price for sin – a price we couldn’t pay ourselves and live
Secondly, the Lord will triumph over sin and death and come in glory to reign as King of the world
Jesus has a first coming to save men from their sin
And He has a second coming to judge and reign
He is the Lamb of God and the Righteous King
And so the pairs in Joseph’s story is leading us to understand that Christ’s ministry is split into two parts as well
In these two dreams, God uses symbols that held special importance to Egyptians and to Pharaoh
The dream included the Nile, cows and grain
The Egyptians associated the Nile with life
The water from that river made the difference between a hopeless desert and a lush oasis
So watching fat cows emerge from the river would have been especially significant to the Pharaoh
Cows were the symbol of Isis, the Egyptian goddess of fertility
So this dream was designed to stir Pharaoh’s heart concerning the future prosperity of his kingdom
And the stalks of wheat were a national symbol for Egypt, which was the grain basket of the ancient world
As Pharaoh experienced the dreams, he watched the seven ugly lean cows come out of the river
The scene must have become disturbing and bazaar
And then the lean cows consume the fat ones
The word for eat is akal which means chewed, a strange scene no doubt
And then in the second dream, he sees a similar parallelism, with one set of stalks, fat and ready to eat, with another lean and inedible
Even stranger than the cows, here the stalks eat each other
The word for eat here, bala, means swallow
I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t remember my dreams very well
It takes a pretty special dream to stick in my mind 10 minutes, much less the next day
But in Pharaoh’s case, each of these dreams stick out in a profound way
He is disturbed to the point of seeking out an answer
It’s as if life can’t go forward for the man until he finds an answer to the questions posed by his dreams
In fact, throughout the Bible, when God gives a man a dream, it will leave a profound and lasting impression like with Pharaoh
Men remember it and ponder it
They search for answers
And of course, this is God’s purpose in His revelations to men, regardless of the form
The Lord doesn’t reveal Himself to sinful flesh for nothing
His purpose is always to cause fallen men to seek for Him
But that seeking always begins with God making a revelation of Himself to men first
We cannot seek what we do not know
Nor can we find what we are not seeking
Pharaoh wasn’t seeking for Joseph, much less for the God of Joseph
But by this revelation of God, Pharaoh will have cause to seek
And by the Lord’s provision in Joseph, sitting in prison, the Pharaoh will have cause to find what he seeks
Praise the Lord that He is a God Who speaks, Who reveals Himself, and Who allows Himself to be found by sinful men!