Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter a brief break, we’re back to studying the story of Joseph’s rise
He is now at the lowest point of his life
Joseph is languishing in Egypt having spent 13 years in slavery and now prison
But two years ago, he encountered a man who God will use to change Joseph’s life
That man was the cupbearer, whom Joseph helped by interpreting his dream
As we learned in that prior week, Joseph has been gifted by God to interpret dreams, which is a rare gift in scripture
And Joseph has used the gift whenever the Lord gives opportunity
And the Lord is about to give Joseph another opportunity, in keeping with His purposes
The Lord has given the Pharaoh a dream that the black arts cannot discern
Of course, God is at work here to bring Joseph and Pharaoh together
He has gifted Joseph with a spiritual ability to serve God through interpretation of dreams
And the Lord has brought a need into Pharaoh’s life that only Joseph’s divine ability can satisfy
What a simple and beautiful picture of how the Lord works through spiritual gifts
In a sense, they are divine solutions to divine problems
God places spiritual gifts in the body of Christ specifically to address spiritual needs
These gifts serve to build up believers and strengthen them for further ministry
And at other times they serve to direct an unbeliever in the plan of God
Whether that connection is intended to bring saving faith
Or other times it merely directs the unbeliever’s steps in accordance with God’s plans
That’s what we see happening with Pharaoh here
So having received the dream, Pharaoh now seeks for an interpretation
And this gives opportunity for that cupbearer to step forward with a God-inspired solution
Pharaoh appeals to his wise men, which would have included diviners and magicians, but none could give the interpretation
These wise men relied on the black arts to obtain their spiritual insight
Diviners seek to predict the future, while magicians seek to control the future
And the enemy has power to a degree to give these powers to men who seek them from him
But his power is limited to insight and power related to Satan’s own plans and works
The enemy can only share with men his own plans and activity
And to the extent the Lord permits the enemy to act according to his desires, then Satan can empower men to “predict” the future, so to speak
But that power cannot extend to predicting God’s plans
Because Satan can’t know what God will do
So that’s where Pharaoh’s men come up short
It’s been two years since the cupbearer met Joseph, but only now he remembers Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams
That makes sense, since once the cupbearer had been restored, the last thing he would have wanted to do was remind Pharaoh of his past displeasure
In fact, notice that the cupbearer begins his testimony by making an apology for bringing up that unpleasant episode
So this was the first logical opportunity for the cupbearer to make mention of Joseph, since it was spoken in an effort to help Pharaoh
The more important question we should consider is why the Lord waited two years to bring this dream to Pharaoh
The Lord could have initiated this next phase of His plan at any point after the cupbearer left the prison
Joseph’s additional two years in the prison was made necessary entirely because the Lord waited that long to bring the dream to Pharaoh
How do we explain Joseph’s additional waiting in prison?
Glance ahead to v.46 in this chapter
God’s plan was for Joseph to wait until he had reached the age of thirty before he could stand before Pharaoh and begin to rule
This age is another picture connecting Joseph and Jesus
Jesus was thirty years of age when He began his public ministry
And this was also the age in the Law when a priest of God was to begin serving in the tabernacle
So Joseph is elevated into a place of ruling at this same age
From this position he will rule over not only Egypt but also Israel
In other words, Joseph will become a ruler for both Jew and Gentile, the picture of Christ
It’s lessons like this that help us maintain perspective in the experiences of our lives
Have you been required to wait for something to change in your life?
You wanted release from a burden
You wanted relief from an illness or a trial
You asked God to solve a problem, bring a blessing, intervene in some way
But the answer didn’t come, at least not at first, and perhaps never in our understanding
How do we relate to these disappointments?
Joseph’s story teaches that men can’t see enough of God’s work nor fully understand God’s purposes apart from what He reveals to us
So we don’t have enough data to make conclusions
Like Joseph suffering in prison, we wait and wait wondering where God has gone
So where do we turn when our knowledge and understanding fails? When our data is incomplete and our insight is lacking?
We stop focusing on the data, on our experiences and emotions and ignorance
We turn to God’s word and we rest in what He says
We know He says He never leaves us nor forsakes us
We know that it testifies that even if the Lord takes our life, there is glory to be found in it
So the Pharaoh, having heard about Joseph’s amazing abilities, calls for Joseph to be brought before him
The ancient historian Herodotus reports that the Egyptians were renown for cleanliness
They associated body hair with uncleanliness
So men would shave all body hair
Accordingly, we can be sure that Joseph didn’t appear before Pharaoh with any body hair showing
And the Egyptians probably didn’t have the Schick super smooth close razors of today
To make matters worse, the scripture says they hurriedly brought him before Pharaoh, since the king was impatient to receive an answer
No doubt the process would have been uncomfortable for Joseph, to say the least
They dressed him in fitting apparel and put him before Pharaoh
As Joseph appears before Pharaoh, the king reveals he wants Joseph to interpret a dream
Even before Joseph hears the dream unfold, he declares that he is not the one interpreting but it will be God doing the work
Another shining moment for Joseph
We can’t overstate how awesome it would have been to appear before Pharaoh in that moment
Joseph was standing before the most important man on the entire earth
The aroma of power and opulence would have been overwhelming, especially to a man plucked up from prison
And the king is turning to him for answers
Joseph knows he can interpret dreams, so he answers the king in confidence
But his response makes no attempt to claim any credit for himself
His modesty is simply honesty, as we know, but it’s still a remarkable show of humility and strength
He could have laid claim to the glory for himself assuming it would lead to something good for Joseph
But instead, Joseph gives all credit to the Lord
Let’s all emulate this example
In the way the Lord gifts us, we seek to serve Him
But as we serve, let’s never allow the results to be credited to us
Let’s tell people at every opportunity that our service and any good results it obtains are the direct result of the Lord at work through us
Like Joseph, we are vessels but God is the supply
Then Joseph hears Pharaoh’s dream again
Of the seven fat cows and the seven lean cows
Of the good ears and the scorched ears of grain
There are a couple of new pieces of information not previous revealed to us
The thin cows were the worst Pharaoh had ever seen
And the thin ears of grain consumed the fat but still looked gaunt even after the consumption
So then Joseph offers the interpretation
Joseph begins the interpretation by announcing that the two dreams are speaking about the same thing, so he need only provide a single interpretation
These dreams were given to Pharaoh because the Lord wants to reveal to him what is coming to Egypt
There will be seven years of severe famine in the land of Egypt
But before that time, there will be seven years of abundance
In fact, the Lord gave the dream in a repetition to Pharaoh to ensure that he knew it was from God and it would be coming quickly
And knowing the famine is coming, Joseph says the Pharaoh must use the seven years of plenty to prepare
The abundance must be a time of storing for the future need
But this famine will be so severe that it will consume the entire storage of the years of plenty
So Joseph tells Pharaoh that it will be important that someone manage this storage process carefully
The abundance must be husbanded with great care if the nation is going to survive the famine
I find Joseph’s story helpful to remember when making decisions about our own personal resources and the way we make plans for the future
Scripture teaches that the Lord will also make a provision for His children, as Jesus taught in the sermon on the mount
But God’s willingness to provide doesn’t eliminate our responsibility to take opportunity in times of plenty to store up
God’s provision for a future lean year may have been provided to us in an earlier year of plenty
Joseph gives Pharaoh a specific plan of action that would take advantage of God’s advanced warning
He tells Pharaoh now is the time to act
Appoint a leader and empower that person with the authority to tax, and store up and protect the abundance
Then once the hard times come, the nation will have a reserve it can draw upon
Notice that these suggestions do not follow automatically from the dream
The dream said nothing about how to respond to the coming situation
Nevertheless, Joseph knew what to do because he was drawing upon a second spiritual gift God had given him
Joseph has always demonstrated two gifts working in unison
He has the ability to interpret dreams and thereby demonstrate great insight and wisdom
And he has always demonstrated an ability to lead others and thereby become their ruler
And he’s putting both of these gifts together in his appearance before Pharaoh
And these two qualities provide yet another picture of Christ in the story of Joseph
In His first coming, Jesus demonstrates the power of God in His teaching and wisdom
Jesus speaks of spiritual truths and gives knowledge concerning the future
He acts as a prophet speaking truth
But in His second coming, the Lord will demonstrate His authority and power to rule over the earth
The reemergence of Joseph’s ability to lead is the clue we need to recognize that the story is turning toward pictures of Jesus’ Second Coming
Just as Jesus’ reign at the right hand of the Father begins after Jesus is resurrected from the grave
Now Joseph’s rise from prison leads him to be elevated to second in charge under Pharaoh
Pharaoh shows his own wisdom as he immediately decides that Joseph spoke truth
Moreover, Pharaoh decides that Joseph is the man for the job
He declares that no one could be as well suited for the role he himself defined
He says Joseph has a divine spirit, which was a pagan point of view
But it pictures the way Jesus had the Spirit come upon Him at the time He came into public ministry
And Pharaoh places Joseph at his right hand, second only to the Pharaoh
Here again, a picture of Christ seated at the right hand of the Father
Ruling all creation under the authority of the Father
Why would the Pharaoh suddenly have so much confidence in Joseph?
It goes back to the issue of the Hyksos ruling over a Hamite people
The Pharaoh was a Hyksos, a semite people foreign to the Egyptian Hamite culture
But Joseph is a semite like the Pharaoh, so he naturally feels more trusting of someone like Joseph than any Hamite
Here again is another piece of evidence of how the Lord has laid all the necessary ground work to bring Joseph the success God wanted in the day
In the thirteen years Joseph spent in Egypt, he would have learned the language, how to write the Egyptian hieroglyphics
He would have learned the culture, the government (from Potiphar), and the customs
He also would have been very familiar with Pharaoh’s elite guard and court officials
Without these skills, he never could have succeeded in his new role
Thirteen years may have felt like God delaying, but it was actually God preparing
Never lose hope in God’s power to accomplish great things through your patience and obedience
Instead, take hope in understanding that the Lord has been at work making preparations for you to serve Him in some way even before you were born
The details will come together in His timing
Just stay the course, remain obedient and faithful
Let’s finish this morning by looking at all that Pharaoh did in elevating Joseph
We already mentioned that Joseph was elevated to the right hand of the king
He is given the role of vizier, which means prime minister
And in that position of power, Joseph will represent the Pharaoh to the nation and the world
Joseph receives Pharaoh’s ring, which allowed Joseph to issue decrees sealed with the Pharaoh’s seal
Then he receives a robe typical of the kind of garment traditionally worn by men in Joseph’s position
Third, he receives a gold chain and royal chariot in which to take a victory lap around the nation
The Hyksos introduced chariots into Egypt, and it was the most advanced weapon of combat in its day
And everywhere Joseph would go, every knee in Egypt will bow
And even though Pharaoh is the reigning authority, nothing in the land can be done apart from Joseph’s word
Then, Joseph’s name is changed to an Egyptian word meaning “God has spoken and he shall live”
The sense is that the word of Joseph brings life
Finally, Joseph is given an Egyptian wife
By marrying an Egyptian Joseph effectively becomes a naturalized citizen in Egypt, which was the purpose in this gesture
The girl was daughter of a prominent priest
Joseph’s marrying of a Gentile wasn’t a problem, as God had obviously brought about these circumstances
This was different than marrying the Canaanites, a people to be destroyed
In these last details are one more picture of Christ
Like Joseph, Christ has earned His right to rule over the Creation by His righteousness and sacrifice in obedience to the Father
He was exalted and has been given all authority by the Father
He will reign over all Creation
And in that day, every knee will bow
As Paul wrote
And in that day, Jesus will not be alone
He will bring His Gentile bride with Him, a bride that His Father will have given Him
The New Testament church of saints will accompany Christ in that rule
You and I who have been joined to Christ by our faith
We can look forward to that coming day every bit as much as Christ Himself does