Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongSometimes, we think like this child’s note
We think we can escape the watchful eye of God
When we assume God or our boss or our parents aren’t watching, we begin to act differently
We begin to relax and allow our flesh to rule our hearts
Small children demonstrate this principle to us
When they want to do something they know they shouldn’t do, they will sneak away to a place where no one is watching
This is the sin nature at work
Last week in our study, Joseph had left his father and traveled to Shechem to find his brothers, who were shepherding the flock away from their father
These brothers hate Joseph because of jealousy, envy and other sinful passions
So long as they were living and working around their father’s house, they couldn’t act on their hatred for Joseph
But now that they have moved so far away, to a remote place outside their father’s view and authority, they have their chance
Like the child’s note says, Jacob and God aren’t watching, or so they think
And this gives opportunity for the sons to act against Joseph
But we also studied last week that these circumstances are according to God’s plan
The Lord is working to bring about Joseph’s eventual slavery in Egypt
And He is using the sin of his brothers’ heart to affect that outcome
The Lord has two primary purposes for this plan
First, the Lord is in the process of bringing Israel into Egypt as He promised to Abraham
The nation will spend their time in Egypt growing into a great nation
One that is large enough to return to Canaan one day and defeat the Canaanites
Secondly, the Lord is protecting Israel from a great sin, one that we learn about in Chapter 38
And as God does this work, He is also using the nation’s experience in Egypt to create a picture of His Son, the coming Seed
Joseph is a picture of Christ, as you know
His brothers and father form a picture of Israel in the future
And many details of the story line up with future details of Christ’s first or second coming
As Joseph enters Shechem, he doesn’t find his brothers
He’s told they have gone another 15 miles further north to Dotham
Dothan is an important detail in Chapter 37
The meaning of the town’s name is obscure, but it’s been said to mean either “two cisterns” or “law” or maybe “custom”
It was located was on the normal caravan route from Gilead to Egypt
The road passes through the Harod Valley to Jezreel, then crosses through Dothan to the coast
At the coast, it meets up with the Via Mar, or the Way of the Sea
The Via Mar was an interstate highway of ancient times, linking Egypt with the Near East
This is the place God wants to draw Joseph and his brothers, because it serve His purposes for Israel
The brothers’ hatred of Joseph is their own…God didn’t inspire their hatred
But the Lord is working with it, using it, taking advantage of it for good purposes
Joseph approaches from a distance and his brothers notice his arrival
It was probably his unique tunic that identified Joseph from a distance, and even before they speak with him, they are plotting against him
The word for plotting is nakal in Hebrew
It means to be crafty, deceitful
They are conspiring to kill their own brother, and purely because Joseph’s righteousness convicts them and leaves them jealous
Here’s another picture of Christ, since we remember how Jesus’ Jewish brothers conspired against Him and plotted to kill Him
The Sanhedrin council plotted to kill Jesus even as Jesus was some distance from Jerusalem
And as He approached the city, they sent Pharisees to Him warning Jesus not to enter Jerusalem
In this way, John writes in his first chapter that Jesus came to His own, but His own did not receive him
The brothers call Joseph the “dreamer”
By their use of this term, we discover the motive in their actions
They are set against Joseph’s prophetic dreams
The idea that he might rule over them, compels them to act against him
Notice in v.20 they ask what will become of his dreams if we kill him?
To put it simply, their motive is to stop the dream from coming true
And to that end, some in the group suggest killing Joseph and disposing his body in one of the pits in the area, and lying to Jacob
The pits they mention are empty cisterns
A cistern was a cavity dug out of the ground that held water
They were deep and the sides were smooth
If you fell in a cistern pit, you would die eventually unless someone rescued you
So they made an excellent jail cell
This may be the origin of the word Dothan, two cisterns
Reuben, the first born, secretly objects to the plan, and with a few minutes to spare before Joseph arrives, he argues for a better solution
Reuben suggests that none of them want to be guilty of the actual murder
Instead, they could simply put him in a cistern and let him die of exposure
Then, no one brother would be guilty of his murder
But Moses tells us that Reuben’s true motive was to save Joseph when the brothers weren’t watching
He would release Joseph and send him home, thus saving him
Why does Reuben want to save Joseph, and why does he feel the need to deceive his brothers in this way?
Reuben was the oldest son, and therefore he would be held accountable for the welfare of his brothers
Reuben knew that if Joseph died on his watch, his father would be crushed and might take his anger and sorrow out on Reuben
But it’s telling that Reuben couldn’t face his brothers and demand they abandon their plotting
He was a man who showed moments of strength, like here, but in general he was a man who couldn’t bring himself to do the right thing
He was tempted by his flesh to take Bilhah
And now he’s struggling to take a firm stand for his brother
In fact, his tribe will share this ignominious future
Reuben’s tribe never produces any military leaders, judges, kings, or prophets
As Joseph arrives, they pounce, and the first step they take is to strip him of his symbol of authority
They leave him nearly naked, throw him in the pit and leave him
Their actions mirror Jesus’ treatment, of course
Jesus was stripped before enduring the cross
And in nakedness, Jesus endured the shame of the cross
Fulfilling this picture, Paul tells us that Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth after he was crucified
Joseph’s brothers threw him in the pit to kill him, and Joseph’s time in the pit pictures Jesus’ time in the grave after his death
Like Joseph, Jesus descended below the earth
And from his brothers’ point of view, Joseph was dead
Now they could relax and consider their next steps
The brothers sit down to eat, while their brother languishes in a pit nearby
Later in Genesis 42 we’ll learn that during this meal, Joseph is pleading for their mercy
Nevertheless, they ignore his pleas
In fact, Amos 6:6 tells us that they showed no remorse or grief over what they have done
The next time they sit to eat a meal in Joseph’s presence, Joseph will be seated at the head of the table
About this time, they watch a caravan of traders approaching Gilead in the east and headed down south toward Egypt
The traders are descendants of Abraham
They are called both Ishmaelites and Midianites
Ishmaelites descended from Ishmael, who was born of Hagar
Midianites descended from Abraham’s third wife, Keturah
But the Midianites were eventually absorbed by the Ishmaelites, so the names are used interchangeably here
Judah speaks up and suggests a better way to dispose of Joseph
Rather than be guilty for Joseph’s death, Judah suggests they sell him
First, this plan would relieve them from the guilt of murder
Secondly, they would profit from selling him
The Midianites bought Joseph as a slave for twenty pieces of silver and took him into Egypt
This moment gives us another parallel to Christ
Jesus was also betrayed by His brothers (the Jewish people) for 30 pieces of silver
Since Joseph is merely a picture of Christ, he was sold for a lessor amount than Jesus
We know Joseph’s brothers were intent on blocking Joseph’s dreams from ever coming to pass
So they turn on their brother and devise this plan to sell him to traders
By their actions, they send their brother into Egypt, certain that their plan had put an end to the possibility of Joseph ruling over them
Each brother was doing as he saw fit, as he thought best and as his sinful heart directed him to do
Each man must have felt he was completely in control of his own actions and decisions
Yet we know God promised Abraham that his family would go to Egypt
Moreover, in Chapter 38 we will learn that God had good reasons to send Israel to Egypt
In other words, God intended for Joseph and his family to spend hundreds of years in Egypt
As we consider these events, we inevitably reach what seems a circular conclusion
God gave Joseph a dream that told the brothers Joseph would rule over them
The dream increased their hatred, leading them to send Joseph to Egypt
But because Joseph ends up in Egypt, he is able to rise to a position of power that forces his brothers to accept Joseph’s rule over them
So the action the brothers took to prevent the dream from coming true is the very thing that caused it to come true
What was God’s role in this chain of events?
Did God merely know these things were going to happen, and so He gave Joseph the prediction?
If so, was it just lucky for God that the sons were willing to sell Joseph instead of killing him?
What if they had never done anything against Joseph, how would the dream have come true?
Where does God’s sovereignty end and man’s will begin?
The God of the Bible has no limit to His power, and yet we often choose to limit Him by how we distort the teaching of Scripture
Probably the most common limit we place upon the Lord’s power and reach in our life is that of our own will
Many of us have been taught that God either can’t or won’t interfere in our thoughts and actions
You may have heard people tell you that God “loves us too much to deny us our free will”
This statement is trotted out as an obvious truth, and many of us accept it without questioning
But is this what the Bible teaches, and is this what the story of Joseph is teaching us today?
In truth, such a view is unbiblical and nonsensical
In fact, the only thing the Bible says God can’t or won’t do is sin
It never declares that man has free will in anything
Nor does it declare that God is a “hands off” God in the affairs of men…on the contrary, He’s a “hands on” God
The Bible teaches the opposite
God is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
He is the potter and we are the clay
His power is greater than any man’s will, and there is nothing in God’s creation that stops His will from being done
Furthermore, the Lord is at work in using everything and everyone to accomplish His will
The Bible teaches that even the sin and wrath of men will work into God’s plan
Every thought and action of every man is a part of God’s purpose and plan and under His control
In the Psalms, we hear that God’s plans span generations of men
The Lord then delivers His plans to men so that their hearts are inclined to His ways
And then He enacts His plan by guiding and directing the will and actions of men to accomplish His purposes
And should a man determine to do something other than what God has purposed, God intervenes
In a future day when the Antichrist rules the world in the Tribulation that is to come, we’re told in Revelation 17 that the world leaders of that day will all give their power to the Antichrist
No world leader would normally give up their power to another, except that God will cause them to do so
But notice God’s method
He will put it in their hearts to execute His purpose
And together, these men and the Lord will have a common purpose
The Bible never says any such thing about God loving us too much to interfere with our “will”
The Bible’s definition of love says exactly the opposite
The Bible defines love as that while we were yet sinners, Christ laid down His life for us
And that the Father so loved the world that He gave His son for this reason
But the Father’s love went even further
He loved us so much that He determined to override our will
Paul says that it was our will and nature to reject the Gospel and to hate God and to be His enemy
It was our will to oppose the things of God and to see the Gospel as foolishness and to never seek for God nor to do His will
So the Bible teaches that the Lord loved us enough to intervene in our lives and change our will and bring us into a relationship with Him by faith
Just as the Lord is working to bring Joseph and his family to Egypt as He promised Abraham He would do