Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongNehemiah has successfully defended the city and the people from attacks, both from those outside the city and those inside
The neighboring Gentles attacked the city with military might
They did some damage
But the people regrouped under Nehemiah’s leadership
Then the enemy began to stir up strife and discord among the Jews inside the city
Complaints arose over the unfair treatment of wealthier Jews of poorer Jews
But once again, Nehemiah stepped in, righted the wrongs, and brought the people back together again
So then, the work resumed
This operation is a triumph of focus and determination
Nehemiah and the people aren’t merely challenged to rebuild a wall
They are challenged by the enemy and the world in their walk with God
So it goes when the Lord works to restore us in fellowship
It will be a battle from start to finish
If it’s not our flesh drawing us away into sin, it’s the world tempting us to replace the Lord’s priorities with their own
If it’s not the world, it’s the enemy’s schemes and temptations
And if it’s not the enemy, it’s our brothers and sisters in the faith contending with us, or our leaders disappointing us...or something else
The fact that restoring fellowship with the Lord can be so difficult is a lesson in itself of the importance of abiding in Christ at all times
Last week, we ended in Chapter 5, with the people refocused and the enemies of Israel still seeking a way to defeat the plan
In Chapter 6, we move into a new set of lessons for how godly leaders must respond in leading God’s people to obedience
With the wall finished, Israel’s enemies are running out of options
The walls are up, but the city gates have yet to be put in place
This means the enemies of Israel can still enter the city as they please
So they use this limited opportunity to pay a visit to Nehemiah inside the city
Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem send a message to Nehemiah by way of a messenger asking for a meeting
They ask Nehemiah to travel to Ono
Ono is a plain about 25 miles west of Jerusalem, near the sea
It was a no man’s land between Judah and Samaria, a remote place of lawlessness
They tell Nehemiah to meet at Chephirim
The word “Chephirim” is the plural word for “village”, so it may just describe a collection of towns in the area of Ono
Interestingly, it might also be translated “with the lions”, which would be an apt description of what would happen to Nehemiah should he go
Naturally, Nehemiah knows this is a trap
He says they were planning to harm Nehemiah
If he went to this place, he would likely never return
Furthermore, even if Nehemiah did manage to escape their grasp, by the time he returned from his four day trip, the enemies of Israel would have likely attacked and destroyed the city
Without Nehemiah sustaining and leading the people, they would crumble in the face of an attack
So Nehemiah wisely avoids the trap
He says, “I’m too busy to meet you”
The enemies of Israel recognized that Nehemiah was the key to the people’s success
Leaders exist in the Body of Christ for a reason
While we might like to think that because every Christian is led by the same Spirit, therefore, we are equally capable of leading ourselves
But if that were true, the Lord would never have designated 12 of his disciples to be apostles
The truth is, God makes distinctions among men and women for good reason
He assigns some the responsibility to shepherd His sheep, feeding them so they will grow spiritually
They also guard the flock, making them to pass under the rod and leading them to an eternal reward
While we may rightly avoid men who attempt to lord over us by assuming too much power in the Body of Christ...
Then, let’s also acknowledge that we do have need for strong servant leaders who model Christ by calling us to follow and obey the Word
The enemy certainly understands this truth
So he makes a point to attack the head of every congregation as often as he can
Those attacks will be all the more severe and persistent if that leader is particularly effective in carrying out God’s commands
It’s a brilliant strategy, and one the enemy has long used: attack at the strongest point first
If the strongest defender falls, then you won’t even have to fight the weak points
This strategy worked perfectly in the first battle, in the Garden
The enemy set his eyes on defeating Woman, rather than Adam
Woman put up a fight, defending the Lord with His Word, though without sufficient understanding to recognize the enemy’s deception
Once the enemy had defeated woman, he didn’t even bother with Adam
Adam was clearly the weak link in the chain, as we see when he accepts the fruit from woman without argument
Unfortunately, over the centuries, many men (and women) leaders in the Church have fallen to the enemy’s schemes, like Woman
They’ve fallen for the same reason Woman fell
Because they didn’t recognize the enemy’s techniques and learn how to defend against them
In this chapter, we’ll see three ways the enemy works to defeat a leader and thereby bring down God’s people
In vs.1-4, we see the first of these attempts: the enemy seeks to distract or deceive Nehemiah into letting his guard down and making a misstep
In Nehemiah’s situation, the deception was to lead him to think that a compromise with the enemy was possible
Perhaps Nehemiah was tiring of the fight
Perhaps he had a weak spot for being liked and honored and flattered
If he accepted their overture, he would be deceived and distracted from the task
If we had a dollar for every church leader who succumbed to the enemy’s deceptions and distractions, we could buy the temple
Pastors have traded the pulpit to run for public office, to run corporations, to promote best-selling books or campaign for social causes
Others have remained in the pulpit, but been distracted in their message
Preaching prosperity, social equality, health and healing, or just entertaining the crowds became more attractive than preaching Christ and Him crucified
Elders and deacons and teachers and Sunday school leaders have likewise set aside their calling and diligence because the enemy dangled some shiny object in their path
A promotion at work, a new girlfriend, a midlife crisis
The defense to distraction and deception is focus and understanding
Our leaders must be men and women who wake up every day reaffirming their commitment to the hard work of ministry
And when something intriguing comes along, they need to be wise enough to expect the enemy to throw such things in our path
And the Lord allows the enemy a degree of freedom to test our hearts
We need to be in prayer for our leaders that they not take the exit ramps that the enemy places in their path
We want leaders who will make the kind of sacrifices that serving the Lord requires, because they make those sacrifices on our behalf
So it’s in our best interest to pray for them to stand strong
Now, we move to the enemy’s second common technique: dishonoring and discrediting leaders
Once again, Sanballat uses a letter to thwart Nehemiah’s leadership, but this time, it’s an open letter
In this day, an open letter was literally what it sounds like
It was a written instrument that hadn’t been sealed closed
Usually, a letter was sealed with wax or some other way to ensure the contents of the letter remained private until read by the intended recipient
The courier was tasked with ensuring the integrity of the seals
But in this case, Sanballat doesn’t seal his letter to Nehemiah
He sends an open letter precisely so that the courier and all whom the courier encounters will eavesdrop on the conversation
Sanballat’s purpose is to discredit Nehemiah as a leader before the people
In the letter, Sanballat impugns Nehemiah’s motives and purposes in assuming leadership over the city rebuilding
He says it’s been reported among the nations that Israel is planning to rebel against Persian authority
Furthermore, Nehemiah has designs on becoming king of Israel
And the prophets are walking around declaring that a king is in Judah
Finally, Sanballat says that these things will be reported to the king in Persia
The implicit threat is clear: the people of Israel are in jeopardy because of the reckless schemes of Nehemiah
Breaking down the elements of the deception, we can see the enemy’s thinking clearly
First, Sanballat lends credibility to his accusations by creating the impression of multiple witnesses without actually having multiple witness
He says, “others are saying…”
No one else is saying anything, but it sounds like there are multiple sources, which makes the accusation seem more credible
That’s the danger with gossip
No matter how many people repeat a lie, it’s still a lie
But because many people repeat it, more people are likely to believe it, making it all the more dangerous
That’s why we must not contribute to gossip, and in doing so, giving truth to the lie
This is also why Paul commands that we not accept an accusation against our leaders without independent confirmation of the accusation
Secondly, the enemy attacks the motives of the leader
He doesn’t attack the actions, since the actions are self-evident
But he takes the godly, righteous actions of a leader and calls them something else
He fills in details, assumes motives, and creates a narrative to fit his view of the facts
There is no substance to his comments, and there is another story that fits the same facts
Instead of rebellion, Nehemiah is rebuilding the wall to strengthen the king’s power in Judah
Instead of wishing to be king, Nehemiah is content to serve as governor for only a time
This illustrates the danger of interpreting a leader’s motives, or heart, based someone else’s interpretation of their actions
If the people of Israel agreed with Sanballat’s assessment, they would have been rejecting their leader without cause
And that was the enemy’s hope and the reason he made sure his letter was open
Don’t participate in such speculation
And pray that the truth will reign in your church
Thirdly, Sanballat misuses the Word of God to support his attempts at discrediting Nehemiah
He says he’s heard the prophets saying a king is in Judah
The prophets of Nehemiah’s day were Haggai and Malachi
Both these men walked around, declaring the Word of the Lord concerning the future, including the future of the Messiah
That one day, Israel’s king would reign in Judah as promised
Sanballat took that truth and twisted it to fit his lie about Nehemiah
This is literally the enemy’s oldest tactic
To twist the Word of God to indict those who lead God’s people
In the first case, it was Satan indicting the Word God spoke to Adam, asking if indeed He forbade eating of any fruit in the Garden
That was a distortion of God’s Word, leaving the impression that God’s Word brought negative, destructive outcomes to God’s people
Likewise, here Sanballat twists God’s Word to cause the people of Israel to fear that Nehemiah’s leadership will bring them destruction at the hands of the Persian army
Nothing could be farther from the truth
God’s people must know God’s Word so that when the enemy distorts it in an attempt to tear down our leaders – or or to tear down the Word itself – we are prepared to defend it
As a teacher, I’ve endured occasions when my teaching of God’s Word has been twisted with an intent to discredit me or the ministry
Usually, the point is to accuse me of mishandling the Word of God in a malicious way
But if we know the Word well, then we won’t fall for that discrediting tactic
Nehemiah responds to these reports with a timeless response
Nehemiah calls it like it is
He says nothing you are saying is true
The NIV captures the sense of this even better
Besides being an awesome retort, Nehemiah’s statement serves as a great example of not playing the game on the enemy’s turf
Nehemiah didn’t engage in a debate over his motives
He didn’t try to argue Sanballat’s lie with a different story
To do so lends even more credibility to the accusations
And it would look defensive and weak
The enemy doesn’t deserve a response to his schemes
The Bible tells us to resist the enemy, but it doesn’t tell us to engage with him on his terms
When the enemy brings voices to impugn the motives of our leaders, we need to follow the instructions of Scripture and wait for multiple, independent witnesses before passing judgment
In the meantime, don’t expect your leaders to answer the accusations with a defense
Instead, expect Nehemiah’s response
After calling it a fraud, Nehemiah appeals to the Lord for a defense
He knows the people might not be so strong in the face of this scheme
So he asks the Lord not only to stop the attack
But also to strengthen the people to resist the temptation to believe the slander and turn on Nehemiah’s leadership
Nehemiah’s return to prayer each and every time he is challenged is such a great example for all of us
But once more, after the attack, they get back to the rebuilding of the city
Finally, the third tactic of the enemy plays out, a plot to disqualify Nehamiah
On this occasion, Nehemiah visits the home of a Jew by the name of Shemaiah
Nehemiah says he was “confined” in his home
He may have been confined for health reasons, like a shut-in
But the word “confined” usually means “being detained”, as in a prisoner, suggesting he was under house arrest
The point is, he’s not an upstanding member of Jewish society
We don’t know Nehemiah’s reason for visiting, but it appears Shemaiah summoned Nehemiah to hear a “prophecy” he wanted to deliver
He suggests that both of them flee into the temple for protection from the enemies of Israel, who wish to kill Nehemiah
Shemaiah wants Nehemiah to believe this is a word from the Lord, and therefore Nehemiah must heed the warning
He tells Nehemiah to enter the temple, past its doors and shut himself in
Given the state of the city at that time, the temple was easily the most secure and defendable structure in the area
Much like the Texans retreating to the chapel in the Alamo against the Mexican army
In v.11, Nehemiah responds by asking, “Should a man like me flee, and could I go into the temple?”
Nehemiah recognized the two aspects of this plot to disqualify him from leadership
First, by fleeing from a threat, he loses his standing before the people as an example of faith and reliance on God
While there is a time to flee, Nehemiah has based his position of authority on calling the people to stand firm, fulfill their duty to God and trust in God to defend the city
How many times have we heard Nehemiah praying to God for defense?
And how many times has Nehemiah appealed to the people to wait on God, expecting Him to come to their aid in a time of distress?
So what would the effect be if Nehemiah turned tail and ran at the suggestion that God’s enemies might attack?
It calls into question everything he has said
This is why leaders are called to the highest standards of conduct in their service to God’s people
A leader has no power to compel godliness in others while he is modeling sin in his own life
A teacher can’t persuade others to obey God’s Word while failing to obey it himself
No one can accomplish anything for the Lord through hypocrisy
It would have been the height of hypocrisy for Nehemiah to lock himself up in the temple, having just exhorted Israel to stand firm in the face of threats
And of course, had Nehemiah taken this advice, he would have eliminated himself from the action
He would have been neutralized by his absence
And this is exactly what dishonor and disqualification brings
It removes a soldier of God from the battle
It creates a casualty on the battle field
The war continues on, but the casualty is left behind
The second way this plot would disqualify Nehemiah is by leading him into a very public sin, resulting from pride and arrogance
Nehemiah asks, “Who am I to enter the temple?”
He is referring to the limits imposed by the Law on who may enter the Holy Place of the temple
When Shemaiah suggests Nehemiah enter past the doors, he is speaking of the Holy Place of the temple
Only the Holy Place was secured by a set of doors
Yet, the Law stipulated that only the priests could enter into the Holy Place
Nehemiah is not of the tribe of Levi, so he has no right to enter the Holy Place
If he had taken Shemaiah’s advice, he would have been knowingly violating the Law of God without cause
We know there are times when men cross boundaries established in the Law with the approval of God
As when David ate the show bread reserved for the priests
But in this case, Nehemiah would be acting in sin, since he has not received permission from the Lord to enter the temple
Notice, in v.12, Nehemiah realizes that the prophecy of this man was no prophecy at all, but rather a lie intended to entrap Nehemiah
Were Nehemiah gullible enough to accept this advice, he would have been sinning in a very serious and public way
And the people would have rightly interpreted his sin as a reflection of his arrogance and pride
“What kind of man thinks he can walk into the Holy Place on his own initiative?” they would have asked
At that point, Nehemiah would have lost all support among the people
He would have been disqualified as a leader
It’s important to note the order of events in vs.11-12
Only after Nehemiah rejects this suggestion does he then come to understand that the prophecy is no prophecy at all
The order of these events demonstrates an important principle of how God works in us in the face of the enemy’s schemes
God waited for Nehemiah to make the right choice, based on the knowledge already available to him, before the Lord revealed the backstory
Even before Nehemiah was made aware that the prophecy was a trick, he knew enough to understand Shemaiah was giving bad advice
Nehemiah’s knowledge of God’s Word, combined with his own common sense, was enough to reject this suggestion
Once Nehemiah had come to the right conclusion, the Lord confirmed his choice by giving him the insight to know this man was hired to trick him
The Lord wanted Nehemiah to be confident in his decision, knowing the Lord was behind him
But God typically allows us to work through these tests without special revelation, or burning bushes or voices from Heaven
He has already given us all that’s required for godliness in His Word and through His Spirit
Before the Lord will move to give us more, He waits to see if we are willing to use what He has already provided
Meanwhile, notice how the enemy works to undermine our trust in God’s Word
Shemaiah called to Nehemiah claiming to have “a word from the Lord”
How often has the enemy pulled that trick out of his bag?
The enemy makes an appeal to our flesh by enticing us with something special, miraculous, mysterious
He knows that if our choice is between heeding the Word God delivered over the centuries through His prophets...
Or receiving an exciting, divine revelation delivered by special delivery from God to you
Then our flesh will always prefer the special new thing
But our flesh is self-destructive and easily manipulated by such nonsense
We must be trained by Scripture itself to turn aside from special revelation or “a word from God”, especially when it goes against what we know in Scripture
When we do this, we become trained in how to distinguish truth from nonsense, as Hebrews tell us
Nehemiah was trained, and so he rejected this bad advice, and as he did, the Lord revealed to him that this man could not be trusted at all
Notice, in v.13, Nehemiah correctly concluded that this tactic was intended to cause Nehemiah to act out of fear, rather than faith
Acting out of fear is a sin in Scripture
Because acting out of fear is the antithesis of walking in faith
The Bible doesn’t say that being afraid is sin, but it condemns allowing fear to rule our hearts and decide our actions
Secondly, Nehemiah understands that the scheme hoped to drive Nehemiah into sin, and thereby discredit him before the people
Now you can see why it’s so important that our leaders remain vigilant against schemes that might discredit them
Notice also in v.14, Nehemiah mentions other prophets and prophetesses who must have tried to trip him with other so-called words from the Lord
This wasn’t an isolated attack, so imagine all the ways the enemy must have tried to create fear or give a false word from God
The fact that a woman was involved as well, might indicate that a sexual trap was among the schemes the enemy tried
We need to pray for our leaders to be wise and brave in the face of this nonsense
And we need to be prepared for the attacks ourselves for the day when we’re called into a leadership role ourselves
Nehemiah places all this in God’s hand, asking Him to remember the evil deeds of these people
In other words, Nehemiah didn’t take revenge himself
He let it go, trusting God to take revenge in the proper time
Don’t become distracted by the scheme, nor by a pursuit of the guilty
Leave it all to God, and get back to work doing what He has called you to do
Remarkably, the people completed this project in only 52 days
Even under ideal circumstances, that was a remarkable feat
Considering how long it sat in disrepair, the speed of this work is both a testimony to God’s power and an indictment of Israel’s disobedience
They have been living in the city for about 100 years since the first return from exile
All this time, they have suffered attacks and harassment and fear
And they were always just 52 days away from having their wall
The speed of the effort testified to God’s power, as the people of the land acknowledged
In v.16, the people around the city declared the greatness of Israel’s God
Here’s the point of the whole exercise in one verse
God’s people are called to accomplish a great work and are given a leader, so that the result would be a witness to God’s power
And as a result, the world testifies to God’s glory
This must always be our aim in serving God
Nehemiah ends this chapter with a footnote on another adversary, Tobiah
The name “Tobiah” is a Jewish name
And this man appears to have been working all the while to drive a wedge between the nobles of Israel and Nehemiah
They were writing letters back and forth
Though we don’t know the contents of the letters, Nehemiah does tell us that these nobles were beholden to Tobiah through family connections
Tobiah used those connections to compel the nobles to commend him to Nehemiah, so that Tobiah might have greater influence over him
Ultimately, that effort failed as well, but it goes to show the immense pressure Nehemiah experienced throughout the project
Not only from outside the camp
But also from compromised members of Israel who did the enemy’s bidding
Reading this account causes me to wonder what accomplishments for God lie just “52 days away” for me?
What impossible task and seemingly insurmountable challenge is more achievable than I imagine?
Where has the Lord brought leadership into my life to spur me onward so that I might finally achieve the thing that’s been waiting for me for too long?
What an encouragement it can be to know that when we take a step of faith in a new direction, the outcome doesn’t depend upon us
Are we hesitating to serve God in some way because the enemy has succeeded in distracting, deceiving or discrediting us along the way?
Are we sidelined because of fear, doubt or weariness?
If so, consider you may be closer than you think to the success God has in store
You may be 52 days away from living in peace and security
You need only take a step of faith
As with priests who crossed the Jordan carrying the heavy Ark
With the wall finished, it comes time for the people to celebrate and enjoy the fruit of their labor by moving into the city
First, Nehemiah gives instructions on how to secure the city and control the gates
After living in an un-walled city for so long, the people needed training on how to operate the gates
Nehemiah says the gates remain closed at night and don’t open them until the sun is high enough to be hot
Only in daylight hours is the city open for business
And Nehemiah appoints trustworthy men to guard the city walls and control the gates
What a shame it would be to lead a great project and achieve great progress only to place the work into the hands of untrustworthy men
Many a great work of God’s people has come to ruin when a great builder was followed by an incompetent steward
With the city walls built and the security of the city established, Nehemiah now needs a way to determine who will occupy the city
Just as with the original exile under Zerubbabel, the Jews wanted to ensure that only those who were truly Jewish could receive a portion of this land
So Nehemiah searches and finds the list of names from the original exile
The list is almost identical to the list given in Ezra 2
And this list is the list of those who are eligible to enter the city
We will read it as a single unit, mangling names as I go
Since we commented on the list in Ezra 2, I will not take time to do that here again
Instead, we need only briefly note the purpose in the retelling of the list
First, this list established which families in Nehemiah’s day had right to enter the city and live there
So by re-reading the list, Nehemiah demonstrates that God’s Word will reign in the city
Secondly, he is reflecting the faithfulness of God
These people are the children and grandchildren and perhaps great-grandchildren of the first exiles
And yet here, they are experiencing the faithfulness of God to fulfill His promise that the people would re-inhabit this city with walls and a temple
What was once rubble has returned
The time required for that fulfillment was a result of the people’s delay, not the Lord’s
His faithfulness never waned
He remained true to His Word, sending prophets and teachers and leaders to ensure the work was done
And He even foretold the delay in the Book of Daniel, when we counted out the years that would be required to rebuild the city with a wall in Daniel 9
But for now, the people can see the power of God to keep His promises over time and distance, from generation to generation
Not even the disobedience of people will thwart the will of God and His faithfulness