Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe testing of David begins
He’s fleeing a madman who almost killed his own son
And he’s unsafe in his own country
He has nowhere to escape, since Israel is surrounded by enemies
David is confined to Israel while the king of the nation is determined to kill him
Surely the Lord has placed David in a pressure cooker
He’s left his best friend, Jonathan, and now he’s headed into the countryside with no one to receive him
Last week he visited the priests for a little bread
And he had some men following him
And now we learn where he goes
As we observe his flight, let’s take note of how the Lord works to accomplish something great in this man
The Lord carefully balances trial with relief
Threat with rescue
David’s fears balanced with the encouragement of friends
After visiting the priest, David headed to the Philistines, which was a near disaster
Now David gains his senses and realizes he can’t depend on Israel’s enemies or on his own tricks
He must stay on the run and rely on the Lord
So he leaves Gath and returns east into Israel toward an area of large caves
David ends up in a cave called Adullam
What should we assume about a cave significant to have a name?
Certainly, the cave is large
This cave exists in a region just south of the Elah Valley where David killed Goliath
It’s a region of limestone cliffs with many very large caverns
These caves can easily accommodate 400 or more men
David flees here in fear and utter despair
He has left his life, his power, his family, his best friend
He has made a fool of himself in front of Israel’s enemies
And he has no plan, no resources and no idea of how he will survive in the face of a determined enemy with all the power of a nation
And in this mindset David writes one of his first psalms
This psalm is called a prayer, because that’s what David is doing in this cave…he’s praying
He’s planned ways to avoid Saul
He’s schemed with the priests
He’s made his escape into the enemy's land
He’s like so many of us if we were brought through this trial
When life comes crashing down, at first we think we have it under control
We try to manage it ourselves, planning, scheming, even making a fool of ourself
Not realizing that the whole time the Lord is bringing these circumstances for good purpose
And all our scheming is just delaying the process of growth the Lord has planned for our sake
Then eventually we come to the end of ourselves
None of our plans work
All our scheming comes to nothing
We see the foolishness of our feeble efforts
And more importantly, we come to recognize that the Lord has brought these events into our life to test our faith
And in that moment, we turn to Him
It’s confirmation of the old adage that prayer is our last resort when it should be our first response
It’s fair to say this was David’s pattern as well
It’s confirmation that he’s in the beginning of his testing
We see the very immaturity that the Lord wants to expose and correct
And so David prays for relief, and in response the Lord sends David support
As v.1 told us David is met by a collection of men from his tribe and immediate household
This must have been a great encouragement to David
He’s sitting in a huge empty cave, fearing for his life and feeling abandoned by the world
And then a group of brothers appear and bring him great relief
Until he notices who shows up
If you were picking a kickball team, these guys would all be picked last
They are guys with nothing to lose
Samuel says they are in distress, debt and discontented
In other words, these guys are as wanted as David
So when they hear that the future king of Israel is on the run, they say to themselves, this is my kind of king
This collection of rejected, despised have-nots of society have found their refuge with a man who shares their shame
Such a beautiful picture of Christ as Paul wrote, speaking of those who find refuge in Christ:
The Lord appears to be giving David cause for encouragement, yet He’s doing it in such an odd way
It seems a perfect plan for encouraging a future king yet without giving opportunity for his pride to get in the way
Remember that Saul’s downward spiral was propelled by self-importance and pride
But the Lord won’t give David any room to make that same mistake
His palace is a cave
And his subjects are deadbeats and malcontents
Not much opportunity for pride under these circumstances
Ironically, though, it’s this odd group that becomes the nucleus of support that eventually leads to his crowning as king
God will turn this mustard seed of support for David into a kingdom
But there’s years of time still to pass and a battle that must be fought
Their enemy will seem quite strong for a time
But his defeat is assured from the beginning
I’m sure you can draw your own parallel between David and Christ
Now that David has his modest army, he decides to leave the caves and be on the move again, for if these men could find him, so could Saul
Since there was no safe place in Israel for an enemy of Saul, it makes sense that David would escort his family out of the country
The Moabites might have still had some affinity for his family in light of that connection
David’s great grandmother was a Moabite (Ruth)
And the country of Moab is also the sensible place to take them
David might have also sought refuge in Moab, but notice he has no interest in joining his parents there
He says he is is seeking to understand what the Lord will do with him
In other words, David seems to understand that the Lord is working in these circumstances and David must submit to it
For as long as David remained in Mitzpah, the stronghold, his parents were with him
But eventually, the prophet Gad comes to David and encourages him to return
Gad was a contemporary prophet with Samuel
But we have no Bible book by this prophet
We know of him because Samuel writes of him
He appears periodically during the life of David in support of his reign
So already we see the Lord raising up a support structure for David, but it’s the kind of structure that leaves no room for boasting
Meanwhile, the man who has no trouble boasting is raving over David’s escape
Samuel moves back and forth between the story of David and the story of Saul to drive home the contrast
As David is humbly submitting to the Lord’s will, enduring deprivation and taking shelter with Israel’s enemies, Saul is doing the opposite
He’s sitting securely in his home
Under a tree, resting with his attendants surrounding him
But rather than being at peace with his situation, he’s frantic
Saul hears David has followers in the desert now, and he begins to mock David and the song that enraged him so much
Unlike David, Saul has an endless number of loyal subjects
But it’s Saul making accusations that his followers are conspiring against him
He blames them for not revealing that Jonathan and David were in covenant
That covenant was struck in secret, so it’s unlikely the servants were hiding anything
But Saul’s paranoia doesn’t care about the facts
At the end of v.8, Saul is having a full-blown pity party
Once again, if anyone in this story had reason to sit on the ground and pout, it should have been David
But it’s Saul who’s in despair at this point
At this point, the character from the last chapter returns
Doeg, the Edomite, the one who noticed David hanging around the priests in Nob
Doeg tells Saul he knows that the priests gave David support
He got food and a weapon
The way he tells the story makes it sound worse than it was
It wasn’t as though the priests were seeking to assist David so much as they were fooled by David’s lie
And by betraying David, Doeg wins points with Saul and that’s his desire
As Doeg expected, Saul reacts in anger to the news
The king demands the High Priest appear before him along with his whole household and all the priests of Nob
Saul confronts him for supporting David
He accuses the priest of conspiring with “the son of Jesse” against him
He mentioned the bread and sword but then concludes these materials would be used to allow David to ambush Saul
Of course, nothing like this was planned, but Saul is simply imagining the worst in his state of paranoia
And the priest is as confused as Saul is paranoid
He first reacts incredulously at the idea that David would oppose Saul
He says no one is more loyal to Saul than David, the captain of his army
But as far as these matters, the priest says he knows nothing of them, which was true
He was acting under the deception David spoke to him
Saul isn’t convinced and orders the soldiers to kill the priests of Israel
The soldiers hear the command but take no action
They weren’t convinced there was good reason to take the lives of God’s anointed priests
These men had too much respect for the priesthood, so much that they felt Saul’s orders could be ignored
Clearly, they saw the command to respect the priesthood to be equal or greater than the requirement to respect the king
So what does a Jewish king need when he wants to act contrary to a Jewish law?
He needs someone who has no respect nor concern for that Law: a Gentile
And in this case, Saul happens to have that Gentile standing by
Doeg, the Edomite
Doeg has no problem killing the priests
Or for that matter, the women, children, even infants, oxen and the rest
There is no indication that the king expected this response
Nor does it appear Saul was upset either
Rather, it seems Doeg went well beyond the call of duty, either out of hatred for Jews or simply to impress the king
The Septuagint indicates that Doeg killed not 85 but rather 385
Josephus also wrote that Doeg killed 300 priests and prophets in Nob
It would seem that he wiped out the family of the high priest and the city of Nob
Ironically, Saul was unwilling to wipe out the Gentile enemies of Israel, the Amalekites, as God directed
But he was all too willing to sin against the Lord by allowing a Gentile to wipe out the Jewish priesthood
But one member of the family survives to perpetuate the priesthood
The priesthood of Eli is doomed to come to an end one day in the future during Solomon’s reign
But for now, it continues through Eli’s family by means of this one refugee
Abiathar escapes from Doeg and makes his way to David
He must have figured that he would be a hunted man like David, so he might as well align with David
Now we can see the wisdom of the Lord in allowing Doeg to attack the priests
This is an example of the Lord turning all things to good for those who love him
Because of Saul’s sin and the sin of this Edomite, the only priest remaining in the line of the high priests is with David, not Saul
David has become the protector of the priesthood and so it will forever be with David
And of course, the Lord is using David and Saul to extinguish the line of Eli as He promised to do
Nevertheless, David is distraught at the thought he was responsible for the death of the priests
David’s blaming himself and though we might be tempted to say he’s overreacting, it’s not far from the truth
His decision to go to the priests was a mistake
And when he saw Doeg, he admits he knew this man would report what he saw
So at the very least he should have stopped Doeg from returning
Nevertheless, David isn’t directly to blame for Saul’s actions
Saul is a man in full rebellion to God
And more than that, he’s psychologically and emotionally unhinged as a result
When Paul says the wages of sin is death, he is speaking broadly about the condition of our soul
When a person lives in persistent sin against the Lord, eventually the wages (i.e., the return) on that lifestyle take their toll
And death is the result
A person suffers a slow death socially, psychologically, physically and even spiritually
If a person has saving faith, then God’s grace will preserve them from the ultimate penalty of their sin, that is the Second Death
But nevertheless, they may still suffer the side effects of sin in this life
This is the state of Saul, a man earning the wages of sin including a deteriorating psyche willing to murder the innocent to obtain what he desires
As David reflected on these circumstances, he wrote another Psalm
Now the story returns to David for a time, once again contrasting the increasing rebellion of Saul with the increasing obedience of David
We assume David returned from Moab to the large cave of Adullam
From there he learns that the Philistines have attacked a Jewish town called Keilah
This town is only about 2.5 miles south of David’s cave, so he recognizes an opportunity to help his Jewish brothers
The Philistines were raiding the grain storage of the Jews living in the surround area of the Shephelah
So David asks the Lord whether he should assist in the defense of the city
Notice David starts with an inquiry of the Lord in prayer, asking for direction
This is the first of four times David seeks the Lord’s counsel in this matter
Interestingly, David’s inquiry of the Lord was by means of the ephod of the high priest who now accompanied him
The ephod of the priest contained two special stones called Urim and Thummim, which means lights and perfection or truth
These stones could be used to divine the will of God
The priest could ask a yes/no question of God and then throw the stones
The stones would then reveal the answer in some way
Obviously, this was a supernatural provision God made available to Israel so that they might seek His will
These stones had been in possession of Saul’s priests, so Saul could have inquired of God at any time
But Saul made no effort to know God’s will
Because he had no interest in following it
The loss of the priests made little difference to Saul
But the arrival of this priest has now become the means for David to operate with the guidance and direction of God
When he asks the Lord whether to proceed into the city, the Lord says go
So David tells his men of the plan, but they object to the sense of it
They say they fear for their lives enough already, so why take the added risk of going to this battle with the Philistines?
At this point, David could have argued the point, but instead he returns to the counsel of the Lord to be sure
And once more the Lord confirms His earlier order
David’s approach to this situation and to these men is a great example of godly and humble leadership
Of course, the first step for every man or woman who leads or ministers to others is to know you are in the will of God yourself
And that requires that we ask Him to direct our hearts, which He will do by His Spirit
You may be tempted to think those rocks would make that process easier
But in reality you have an even greater access to God’s will by His Spirit
The Spirit can inform us beyond merely yes and no answers
And He speaks to us continually, not merely in special moments when we seek Him
The only question is do we listen?
So David models the importance of seeking God’s guidance as we lead others, followed next by communicating the orders of the Lord to others
We share what God reveals so that His will is manifest to others
And more importantly, so that we are on the record with others
Accountability to the will of God goes up exponentially when you share with others what the Lord has told you
Keep his will a secret, and you are more likely to forget it yourself
But then as we share the will of God, we might encounter resistance
Perhaps our spouse or parents or friends will question the plan
At that point, we may be tempted to argue in God’s favor
This response might seem like a demonstration of faith, but it can just as easily be the result of pride
Perhaps their counsel is truly God’s will correcting our assumptions or selfish desires?
So we need to have the humility to seek the Lord again for confirmation
This isn’t an indication that we lack faith
It’s simply a reasonable precaution to avoid falling into the pride of mistaking our own voice for God’s
Then once we have confirmation, we move out and call upon those who look up to us to follow in support
For if we’re sure the Lord has spoken, then we must also have confidence He will bring the rest of the plan together
Spiritual leadership is often a matter of persevering in spite of opposition from God’s people, to say nothing of the enemy
David’s men need inspiration to overcome their fears and step out in faith
And David provided that inspiration without resorting to pride or bravado
Humility is an admirable and inspiring quality in any leader
Finally, David doesn’t let his men pout in self-pity
He tells them it’s time to get busy saving others
Nothing inspires us to serve and obey God better than focusing on the needs of others before our own
Ironically, when we live a self-centered lifestyle, we are unlikely to obtain the spiritual blessing we seek
But when we make serving others the goal, the Lord will take care of those needs
As Jesus promised
Sure enough, as David and his men obey the Lord, the Lord brings a great victory
Just four hundred poorly armed men were able to defeat a Philistine army of unknown number
They take away the livestock of the army
And they free the city from the attackers
So not only has David won a great victory that endears him to the people
But in the process the Lord has made a provision for him with the livestock
What a great example of seeking first for the righteousness of God and having all the other needs met in the process
Now that David has made a big splash in defending the city, word is going to reach back to Saul who is still search frantically for David
Samuel reminds us that when David went to the battle, the priest Abiathar accompanied him with the ephod
This shows us that David intended to continue consulting the Lord throughout his movements
And that proves to be a wise move on David’s part
Because he will need to consult the Lord again concerning what do to next
David has entered this city after the battle and is wondering if this might be a safe haven for him to defend himself against Saul
He’s pretty confident that Saul’s army can’t penetrate the elaborate walls of the city
But that’s true only if the inhabitants of the city take David’s side in the battle
Because David will need their help to defend the city from Saul’s attack
Saul also recognizes the opportunity
He realizes this city could be David’s prison
And he trusts that if he sieges the city, the inhabitants will give David up rather than rebel against the king
So then the question is, who is right in this matter?
Will the city defend David or side with Saul?
So David seeks clarity with the Lord by means of the ephod again
He first asks if Saul will come to attack this city
And the Lord responds by means of the ephod that yes, Saul is coming to attack
This is probably what David assumed would happen
So then David asks the more important question
What will happen in the attack?
Will the people betray David or protect him?
And the Lord tells David that if he stays, the people will betray him to Saul
In other words, the Lord is telling David he must flee to save himself
This city is not to become a refuge for David
It was God’s will that David remain on the run from Saul
So David leaves the city
This is an important footnote on our earlier analysis of David’s godly leadership
It would be natural to assume too much about this victory
That since God sent David up against this city and delivered a great victory that therefore the Lord was also prepared to defend David against Saul
David could have made that assumption without even seeking the Lord’s counsel
After all, why would the Lord have produced such a great victory only to let Saul destroy David in the end?
But that’s exactly what would have happened had David made that assumption
Which illustrates that we can’t ever assume we have the full picture of God’s will
We must continually return to know our next step in His plan
Just because He delivers us under one set of circumstances doesn’t mean He intended to grant us victory in everything we face
Sometimes, the defeats we encounter in life are the result of walking away from God’s counsel rather than God turning His back on us
The Lord is certainly prepared to defend and protect David, but only according to His plan
Therefore, David models for us the importance of never getting ahead of the Lord
Never presuming too much about the Lord’s willingness to rescue us, whether from life and death or just some temptation into sin
In vs.13-14 Samuel tells us that Saul gave up his pursuit once he learned that David had escaped
Further confirmation that as David moved according to the Lord’s will, he would see protection
Nevertheless, he was living under harsh and uncomfortable circumstances
He was moving around in a harsh wilderness in the hill country
Living on the run like this is never easy
But at least David’s men had some provision now
Remember David’s plight when someone tells you that those who lack comfort or material riches are suffering due to a lack of faith
David’s story is proof that such teaching is false
David was living in depravation precisely because he was in God’s will
This was God’s will for his life, that he would experience this hardship for a time
And by this experience, he would grow closer to the Lord