Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongDavid is fresh off his victory in defending the city of Keilah
He patiently sought the Lord’s counsel after the battle
So the Lord warned David not to retreat into the city
The people would give him up to the king
And therefore, David and his men must keep moving
Israel isn’t a very large place
So David’s flight from Saul is like a gang of men trying to hide from the police in Central Park
If you’re smart, you can manage it, but you have to stay on the run and you’re never out of danger
Such was David’s flight in Israel
Meanwhile, Samuel has constructed his narrative to contrast David’s increasing obedience with Saul’s increasing rebellion
And that contrast will only grow as we move forward
Next we find David seeking a new refuge
And now we find Jonathan seeking out David again in the wilderness
After leaving Keilah, David fled 12 miles southeast to the wilderness of Ziph into a town by the same name
This is a town in the tribe of Judah, yet as we’ll see it’s not particularly friendly to David
So once again, the Lord sends David encouragement in the form of a member of Saul’s family
Jonathan travels from Gilbeah to Horesh
It’s interesting that Jonathan located David while his father couldn’t
We can only assume that the Lord allowed – even sent – Jonathan to find David
This will be the final meeting of David and Jonathan, and during this meeting Jonathan speaks words to reassure David
He tells David that Saul will not find him
Moreover, Jonathan affirms that David will one day be king
And when that day happens, Jonathan will be at his side in support
Finally, Jonathan says his father also knows this to be true
Which is to say, not even Saul has confidence he can stop the plan of God, which explains his paranoia
Consider Jonathan’s words carefully and you land on several observations
At first, it seems as though Jonathan is speaking prophetically, as if the Lord had given him these words to speak to David concerning the future
But this cannot be so, since Jonathan’s testimony is not entirely accurate
Jonathan is correct, of course, that David will take the throne one day and Saul can’t stop that
But Jonathan is incorrect when he says he will be next to David
In Hebrew Jonathan literally says he will be David’s double which probably means he will be David’s right hand man in leading Israel
Jonathan seems to think he will be in David’s government
That the house of Saul and the house of David would be united in leadership
But this is simply not true
Jonathan is going to die before David becomes king
More importantly, this is not the plan God has for Saul’s house
Saul’s family will have no part in the monarchy of Israel
So then it would seem that Jonathan is speaking in optimistic and hopeful terms yet without specific revelation from the Lord
Jonathan did not understand the Lord’s intention to replace Saul’s family with David’s family
And he certainly didn’t know of his own untimely death
Jonathan’s words are simply a statement of faith and trust in the promises of God concerning David
Jonathan was speaking in agreement with the revealed word of the Lord
And in faith he was certain that God’s word would come to pass, and on that basis he offered his encouragement to David
This is a good example of the differences between inspired prophecy and simple encouragement
Jonathan had not received a specific revelation from the Lord concerning David
Nevertheless, he spoke with great earnestness convinced he had something to offer David
But sincerity isn’t a substitute for accuracy nor does it guarantee that someone’s word can be trusted
More often they are simply presuming too much about what God intends to do
People still fall prey to this error today believing they have received a divine revelation when it was merely optimistic encouragement
If someone simply repeats previously revealed promises of God to us, this does not make them a prophet
Jonathan and David both knew that God had said David would be king…Jonathan was merely repeating this truth
But he mixed God’s revealed word with his own assumptions and presented it as certain fact
Just because someone speaks with certainty does not ensure they speak accurately
The best we can say about such speech is that is a personal demonstration of faith in God’s word
And of course it can serve as a source of encouragement
But as people make predictions of your future, take those words with a large dose of skepticism
After Jonathan’s words of encouragement, he and David enter into another covenant
There is some debate over whether this is a new covenant or the reaffirming of an existing covenant
While it could be a reaffirming of the original covenant of friendship, I believe this is something new
I believe this was a covenant to formalize Jonathan as David’s right-hand man in the future government of Israel
David is promising to grant Jonathan this position, while Jonathan is promising to support David’s rule as before
David might have been willing to make this covenant in response to Jonathan’s willingness to take great personal risk in seeking David out in the wilderness
Once again they separate, and they will never meet again in this life
And in the end, Jonathan’s death will prevent this covenant from ever being put into force
As Paul teaches in Romans 7, the death of one party dissolves a covenant
Returning back to Saul, he’s still seeking to locate David
And he’s depending on a word of David’s whereabouts from informers
We remember that earlier when David was seeking to know whether to stay in Keilah, he sought the Lord’s counsel
But in contrast, Saul is seeking the counsel of men
It’s telling that we never see Saul seek counsel from the Lord concerning anything he does in this situation
He is depending entirely on the wisdom of men
Moreover, he’s only seeking men who will affirm his existing opinions concerning David
Can you imagine what Saul might have done to someone who suggested that his pursuit of David was misguided
To say nothing of a suggestion that Saul should step aside and allow David to have the throne
Saul would have heard nothing of it
Paul speaks of a similar problem in the last days, when many in the church won’t listen to counsel that contradicts their preferred notions
And in the place of the Bible, men and women will seek for earthly wisdom
They will seek out teachers who say what they want to hear
As a result, false teaching will grow and with it, biblical ignorance
Then Saul gets his informer
The Ziphites decide to turn in David to Saul
We can imagine numerous sensible reasons for them to make this decision
Perhaps they worried Saul would do to them what he did to the priests when he discovered they were harboring a fugitive
Or maybe they wanted to receive the king’s favor
Or maybe they didn’t think very well of David’s band of men
In any case, they send representatives to Saul and tell him of David’s hiding place
Their desire to get on Saul’s good side seems to have worked
He says they are blessed of the Lord for this action
Here we see the corollary to our earlier observation about encouraging speech
Saul tells these people they are “blessed” for what they did
In reality, there would be no blessing for seeking to destroy the Lord’s anointed
Once again showing that just because someone uses the words doesn’t mean they are speaking with the heart of God
God is the source of all blessing, and He blesses those who seek to please Him
As Jesus said:
Then Saul begins to scheme with the people on how to locate and trap David
Notice in his instructions the repetition of action verbs
He says “Go, make sure, investigate, see, look, learn, return…”
For all this activity and effort there is no thought to turn to the Lord, which is Samuel’s point here
Saul is focused on human effort while David has been content to seek only the Lord, for that is the only counsel he has
Furthermore, Saul says David is cunning
This is not a compliment, obviously
It suggests a person who schemes and devises trickery to get his way
Yet David is the opposite of cunning
He’s relying only on the Lord’s direction
It’s Saul who is obviously being cunning in his plans to kill David
He sends the people to carry out his plan and to report back with what they learn
Saul doesn’t want another goose chase
And so they return
The men of the city return and report that David was in the wilderness of Maon, which was a few miles south of Ziph
So Saul departs to intercept David there
But sympathizers of David get word to him so he can escape Saul again
Unfortunately, David didn’t really have somewhere to run
This is a wide open wilderness, such that if David took off across open land, Saul would have had no problem chasing him down
So instead, David and his men hide behind a large hill
The text says “mountain” but the word can also be used to describe a smaller hill
In this region there are many wadis that run up from the Dead Sea to the high cliffs on the either side
It’s probably one of these wadis that conceals David
And Saul is closing in on both sides of the wadi
But then we see the Lord move to protect David
A messenger comes to report that the Philistines are raiding Jewish land
In another clear display of God’s sovereignty, Israel’s enemies are put to the task of attacking Israel to distract Saul
The Lord directed that attack and ensured a messenger would make his way to Saul in just the right time to stop the attack on David
Stories like this are a real encouragement to every believer to trust in the Lord’s protection
What was David thinking at the time? Did he assume that the Lord would automatically save him? Was he just resting assuming it would all work out?
No, he was praying fervently that the Lord would do something
We read that prayer in Psalm 54
Notice in that Psalm David’s tone seems to shift
At first he’s sounding fearful and desperate
And then it turns to thankfulness
It seems like the prayer was changing even as the Lord was answering
The result is an escape for David and a new hiding place in Engedi, a wadi near present-day Masada
The Engedi wadi has a fresh supply of water from a flowing spring
It still flows today
Tourists can walk up and stand in the same waterfalls that David and his men would have found refreshing
Perhaps David was here in this partial cave of Engedi when he wrote Psalm 57
As we now move into Chapter 24, we begin a three chapter story of David’s spiritual growth
You may remember I said that David’s flight would be a time when the Lord schooled him on righteousness
The time David spent in the wilderness fleeing Saul would expose David to many trials
And as David contended with these situations, he grew to rely more and more on the Lord, which was the purpose
In Chapter 24, David will have opportunity to kill Saul
He will refrain from doing so, yet he still commits a sin against the Lord’s anointed
Afterward, David will sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit
Then in the next chapter, the Lord will put David in a similar situation again though this time with a different antagonist
As David moves to sin again, the Lord will bring godly counsel to David through an unlikely source
David will learn his lesson and repent
Then in Chapter 26, the Lord will once more put David in a position to kill Saul
David spears Saul’s life again
But this time he also refuses to dishonor the Lord’s anointed
Leading the Lord to take vengeance on behalf of David, which was the lesson the Lord was trying to teach David
So let’s study the first chapter of this three-part drama
Engedi is a narrow canyon that moves up from the desert floor of the Dead Sea to the mountain range on the West
It is rocky and difficult to traverse as you wind through the canyon
Running down the wadi is a stream created by a spring at the mountain
Along either side of this canyon are caves of various sizes worn out of the limestone hills
And mountain goats can be seen throughout this region even to this day
Saul has come here with three thousand men to find and kill David
This gives Saul a considerable advantage in numbers if not skill
David and his men are essentially trapped in this wadi
So David decides to hide in one of the caves used as sheepfold along the side
As it turns out, Saul decides to enter one of these caves to relieve himself as we’re told
He just happens to select the very cave David and some of his men are occupying
They had hoped Saul would have moved up the wadi, discovered no one waiting and retreated without searching every cave
Instead, they are staring at back of the king in the dark
David’s men see their opportunity and counsel David that this was a day the Lord gave him to destroy his adversary
They are encouraging David to rise up and kill the king and be done with this trial
And they tell David these circumstances were orchestrated by the Lord for that purpose
Here again we see someone speaking falsely yet as if with godly insight
In reality they are projecting their own desires upon God and interpreting their circumstances to their own benefit
The truth is the Lord placed Saul in that cave for David but these circumstances were intended as a test of David’s trust in the Lord
It was not to be an opportunity for David to rebel against the Lord’s anointed
Would David do the right thing by resisting his desire to take matters into his own hands?
And to make matters worse, his men are encouraging him to go down the wrong path
In response to their suggestion, David declined to take Saul’s life
He understood that Saul was the Lord’s anointed and therefore, he did not kill the king
Nevertheless, he wanted to send Saul a message about what might have happened
Saul’s robe would have been removed and set aside so that he could attend to his business
While that robe was lying on the floor of the cave, David cuts a piece of the hem off
In the ancient East the hem of a robe held special significance
We may remember how the woman following Jesus touched the hem of his garment and was healed
The hem was a symbol for the social standing of the person, which is why Pharisees decorated their hems in ornate ways
In the case of a king, his hem would have been particularly special and symbolic
So cutting it off represented cutting off the king’s rule and authority
David’s choice seemed like a smart play under these circumstances
I’m sure he felt he was demonstrating admirable restraint yet he succeeded in sending a message to Saul
But this was just his pride
David failed the Lord’s test
And immediately the Spirit of the Lord brought David conviction
Though David took a measured step against Saul, the problem was he was still attacking rather than depending on the Lord
The degree of offense doesn’t matter
That’s something we tell ourselves to feel better about our sin
“I could have killed Saul, but I only cut off his robe…”
“I could have robbed a bank, but I only kept the extra change I received at the cash register”
But from God’s point of view, sin is sin
The Lord set up this circumstance so that David would discipline his flesh to do the right thing
But David listened to the voice of his men rather than seeking the voice of the Lord, as he had been doing
Having been convicted of his sin, David confesses it to his men
His act of cutting the hem was a moment of rebellion against the Lord’s anointed, however minor it might have been
And in that moment, David lowered himself to Saul’s level
Up to this point David has been blameless
But now he has sinned against the king and could justly be condemned for his offense
This change of heart causes David to become Saul’s protector
Now he knows he must not permit his anger at Saul turn to sin against him
Let Saul do as Saul will, but David must remain obedient to the Lord
The Lord brought Saul near David to test David’s heart of obedience
David failed the test because he tried to take matters into his own hands
Having confessed his sin to himself and to his men, it now stands for David to confess his sin to the one he offended, Saul
After Saul has returned to his army in the bottom of the wadi, David stands at the mouth of the cave on the side of the mountain and puts himself in God’s hand
He calls out to the king and professes his faithfulness to his authority
He bows and lies prostrate in a sign of submission to the king
Obviously, little prevented the king and his men from charging up the cliffside to attack David
David is trusting the Lord in whatever happened
His attitude is that if it were the Lord’s will that Saul defeat David here and now as punishment for David’s offense, then so be it
For David, the Lord’s will be done
Nevertheless, David hopes to turn the king’s heart with a passionate argument combined with a little shock
He begins by telling Saul that he has been mislead to think David is his enemy
David is no threat
He will respect Saul’s leadership as king until the day Saul dies
And to prove his argument, David holds up the piece of Saul’s hem as evidence he will not harm Saul
Obviously, anyone who could cut his robe could have killed Saul with a single blow
So the hem is proof that David didn’t intend to kill Saul
Ironically, the hem was a small symbol of rebellion, however
The Lord installed Saul and it was the Lord alone who had the right to remove Saul in the day the Lord chose
For David to accelerate that plan was sin
David needed to learn that he must wait on the Lord to avenge David’s enemies
Whatever happened in the meantime was a part of God’s plan to train David
David is learning this lesson through these circumstances
Notice in v.12 David asks the Lord to judge between him and Saul
David promises he will not take matters into his own hands
Because out of wickedness comes only wickedness
The more we sin – even in cases where we think we’re doing some good – will eventually produce more sin
Instead, David is saying he’s so sure of his innocence in this matter, he will willingly submit himself to God’s judgment
He won’t fight his own battle
He won’t oppose Saul
He will let the Lord judge his sin and Saul’s sin
We’ll see who the Lord favors…Daivd has confidence that he’s on the right side of the matter
David ends his argument highlighting how disproportionate Saul’s anger is in light of David’s degree of threat
David compares himself to a dead dog, a flea
How much threat are such things to a king?
Yet here’s Saul with 3,000 of his best men trying to eradicate a flea
David’s statements are well-reasoned and demonstrate a degree of repentance for his mistake in cutting the hem
But when you fail a test, the Lord will make you retake the exam
So David must see this circumstances once more before the Lord grants him a respite from the oppression of Saul
For now, the Lord will grant David temporary relief
Saul responds to David with a disingenuous reply calling him “my son”
Saul’s weeping is probably a mixture of relief and personal conviction
It’s hard to tell at this point in Saul’s life how much he is hearing from his conscience
Certainly, the Lord has provoked him into this chase, as we’ve already seen
And that provocation was intended to produce good outcomes in David’s life
Still, many wonder about what lies in the heart of this man at this point
He’s certainly been deceived and is paranoid
But he still appears to have some sense of right and wrong at least in moments like this
Which is proof that he hasn’t completely lost touch
Like David, Saul recognizes that the Lord has been in control of everything that’s happening
This is the primary effect of confession and repentance
While it mends relationships and softens rebellion, the primary outcome is a recognition of God’s sovereign will
We come to see that our will has been in conflict with the Lord
Moreover, we come to appreciate that our present negative circumstances are the result of the Lord pressing upon us
That’s Saul’s feeling here…he recognizes that his moment in the cave was God getting his attention
And David, whom Saul counts as his enemy, did something unexpected in saving his life
From the shock of that revelation, Saul enters into a moment of clarity and transparency
He declares that David will one day be king after all
And he asks, much like Jonathan, that his descendants not be cut off
David agrees because he has already made a covenant with Jonathan to that effect
With that Saul departs, but neither man expects this to be the end of the conflict
For all that I’ve observed about Saul’s demeanor, don’t fall for his crocodile tears too quickly
Although Saul felt some regret at pursuing David, more likely he’s just saving face among his men
His enemy had a perfect chance to kill him but chose to show mercy
Under those circumstances, Saul would have appeared to lack honor had he then attacked David
So Saul has no honorable choice but to retreat under these circumstances
Therefore, both men know that there will be another day to come
Meanwhile the first part of our three part story has come to an end
Since David failed his test to honor the Lord’s anointed, the Lord will give David a second chance to pass it
But before that, the Lord is going to show David what honoring an evil man truly looks like
And he’s going to deliver that message with an exceptionally godly and humble servant