Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we move to the second chapter of the three-part account of David’s spiritual growth
In Chapter 24, David had opportunity to kill Saul
Though he refrained from doing so, David still committed a sin against the Lord’s anointed when he cut off the hem of Saul’s robe
Afterward David felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit, so he repented, confessed to his men and to Saul, and he pledged to protect Saul
David even promised to protect Saul’s descendants and reputation when he assumed the throne
But this was still a failure on David’s part, so the Lord wants to teach David about depending upon the Lord rather than taking matters into his own hands
Which brings us to Chapter 25
Because the Lord loves David and has great plans for him, the Lord is going to place David in a set of circumstances to test his heart and develop his trust
The Lord will expose David’s weakness, his tendency to take matters into his own hand much like Saul
And the Lord uses a most unlikely hero to accomplish this work
So let’s move into the second act of our three-act play
Act 2 begins with the death of Samuel
Since this book and its sequel are named after Samuel, we naturally ask who was writing the book at this point in the narrative?
General opinion views Samuel as the author of at least chapters 1-24 of 1 Samuel
But other writer(s) must have completed the rest of the books later
The Jewish Talmud credits Nathan and Gad with finishing 1 & 2 Samuel, in which case Gad would have a book in scripture after all
The Lord raised up Samuel to bless Israel all the days of his life, as we learned earlier
Considering the evil behavior of Eli and Saul, it’s fair to say that Samuel was the only bright spot among leadership in Israel
Were it not for Samuel the nation would have been without any godly leadership during this time
But now this man is gone, so where will godly leadership come from?
Obviously, David becomes the next man to serve God in this way for the sake of Israel
And that’s why Samuel’s death features prominently in the text at this point
It emphasizes that it’s time for David to assume the place of godly protector of the people
And he still has some things to learn before he’s ready to assume this responsibility
The timing of Samuel’s death raises an interesting possibility
Samuel ruled as Israel’s only judge after Eli’s death
So Samuel was Israel’s judge for 12 years until Saul became king
And then Samuel continued as judge in contrast to Saul’s evil rule for the next 18 years
This means that Samuel was the righteous judge over Israel for 30 years, a number that indicates God’s sovereignty
So if God intended Samuel to rule for thirty years and then David would assume the role of righteous leader over Israel, what about Saul?
Perhaps the Lord is showing us what could have been for Israel?
Had the nation not demanded a king prematurely, perhaps the lord would have raised up David at the point of Samuel’s death
Instead, the nation brought Saul into power delaying David’s arrival and creating great suffering for the people in the meantime
If so, then perhaps this serves as another picture of Jesus’ first and second coming to Earth
Jesus is pictured by David according to scripture
And when Jesus came to bring the kingdom to Israel the first time, He was rejected because the people had a different kind of king in mind
Just as Israel rejected God’s appointed leader, Samuel, in favor of Saul who looked the part
This rejection created a delay and suffering for the people
Only after a delay will the people of Israel eventually receive their Messiah
It’s unlikely David attended Samuel’s burial at Ramah, since Saul would have been there too
Instead, David retreats into the desert of the Sinai, called Paran
While he’s there, we must expect he was depressed and worried
The one man who could check Saul’s power was now gone
Yet David is still on the run and living under difficult circumstances
But then things begin to look up just a little
The writer introduces us to a man living in Maon named Nabal who possessed a large sheep herding business in nearby Carmel (not the same the Carmel of 1 Kings 18)
Maon and Carmel are only about 15 miles due west of Engedi, which has been David’s homebase of late
Nabal’s name means fool, and it’s a prophetic reflection of his character
Scripture defines a “fool” as someone who does not give regard to God
Despite his foolishness, Nabal is very rich, possessing huge flocks of sheep and goats
The reason for his success is explained by his heritage: he is a Calebite
Caleb along with Joshua were the faithful members of the scouting party who first entered the Promised Land
As a result, Caleb was awarded a large track of land near Hebron
And his decedents were blessed with the riches of the land
The writer reports Nabal has 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats
Besides indicating Nabal’s wealth, the number of his sheep is important for another reason
If you look back to the beginning of this three-chapter story, you find Saul sending three thousand men to capture David
At that time David failed the Lord’s test of obedience when he took matters into his own hands by cutting Saul’s robe
So we said God was going to make David take this test again
Then in Chapter 26, David gets a second opportunity to pass the Lord’s test
In that third part of this story, Saul is seeking David’s life again
And once again, Saul will come with three thousand men
And between those two chapters we have this story of Nabal, a man who possesses 3,000 sheep
So in each chapter we have the number three thousand featured prominently
The author wants us to understand that the events of this chapter are connected with the other two
Nabal is a proxy for Saul
In fact, we will see numerous narrative analogies between this story and the story of Saul and David
These connections help us recognize how the Lord uses this experience to teach David
Nabal’s wife, Abigail, is a striking contrast to her husband
Abigail is a beautiful and intelligent while her husband was apparently not
She was also kind and generous and most important, godly
While Nabal is harsh, ungodly, foolish and without a concern for the will or presence of God
Abigail’s name is even a contrast of Nabal, since it means my father rejoicing
So Nabal is Saul’s counterpart in this story, and his wife is a counterpart to David
And therefore, she serves as an example of how a godly servant of God responds to an ungodly superior
David failed this challenge in Chapter 24
And it’s the lesson David needs to pass in Chapter 26
So after Samuel’s death, David hears that Nabal is shearing his sheep
This event is newsworthy because of Nabal’s wealth
The person who owns 4,000 grazing animals was the Bill Gates of his day
A man with that many animals needed a tremendous range of land for grazing so many animals in such an arid climate
Since Carmel was only 15 mile west of Engedi, we know that Nabal’s shepherds would have crossed paths with David and his men from time to time
Therefore David would have been aware of Nabal’s wealth
So when David hears that it’s shearing season, he takes note
He believes this is his opportunity to gain some much-needed relief for him and his men
Shearing time was the point in the year when sheep were brought into the pens and the wool was shaved off
The shearing took place over a number of days or weeks depending on the size of the flock
And sheep shearing was a time of celebration because this was the moment the master cashed in his crop
So after each day of shearing, the laborers would share in the master’s reward with a feast each evening
There was plenty of food and drink available for everyone
And David believes he and his men have a right to share in this celebration
So he sends messengers to Nabal to explain why he believes he has earned the right to join the feast celebration
First, David tells his men to greet Nabal by name
This was a sign of respect and recognition
David wanted to communicate to Nabal that they were not strangers but rather associated together
Also notice in v.8 that David refers to himself as Nabal’s “son”
This indicated that David placed himself in a position of service or submission to Nabal
Here again is another comparison to Saul, who called David “my son”
Secondly, David tells his men to declare a blessing upon Nabal and his house and all that Nabal possessed
This statement made clear David was not Nabal’s enemy or a competitor in the land
On the contrary, David’s desire was to see Nabal strengthened and prosperous
Then having heard of the shearing David reminds Nabal of what his men did to support Nabal’s operation
As Nabal’s shepherds led their flocks in the wilderness, David’s men protected them
David’s men showed Nabal’s shepherds respect and allowed them to graze
More than that, David says Nabal’s shepherds lost not a single sheep during this time
This is a remarkable thing
David isn’t saying that they never stole any of Nabal’s sheep, because that wouldn’t be a basis for reward
In fact, that would have been a threat of extortion (i.e., “pay me or something might happen to your sheep”)
Rather, David is saying that his men prevented a loss
Not a single sheep was taken by wild animals or thieves
Even the occasional sheep that wandered off was returned safe
Under normal circumstances a flock of 3,000 sheep would have experienced at least a few losses over the year
But David’s men had acted as a personal protection army for Nabal’s sheep
Therefore, David has come to claim his reward for that effort
He’s not asking for charity
He’s expecting to be paid for his services in protecting Nabal’s flock
And therefore, Nabal is obligated by honor to do the right thing in response to David’s request
David played a part in ensuring the success of Nabal’s business and that hard work is worthy of compensation
David is even making a specific demand beyond the opportunity to participate in the evening feasts that all workers enjoyed
This would have been a great source of joy and encouragement to David’s men, who probably haven’t enjoyed a real meal in some time
But when Nabal receives this reasonable request, he behaves in a most unreasonable way
David’s men approach Nabal expecting a proper answer
But Nabal surprised them with his dishonorable answer
First, he rebuffs David’s attempt to recognize an existing relationship
While David has his men call Nabal by name, Nabal asks who is David?
In other words, he is saying on what basis do I have to trust David?
Furthermore, he asks who is the son of Jesse?
Nabal goes a step farther and questions David’s right to have even the throne of Israel
By this point everyone in Israel knew that Samuel had anointed the son of Jesse as the next king of Israel
Yet Nabal has the gall to suggest that David’s claim to the throne was not legitimate
This too is similar to the way Saul refused to acknowledge that David had a legitimate claim to the throne of Israel
And then Nabal’s proposed his own reason for why Saul was pursuing David
Nabal says many servants are breaking away from their masters
Nabal suggests David had selfish reasons to challenge Saul’s rule and therefore David was to blame for his circumstances
Finally, Nabal asks why he should take his wealth and hand it out to men he doesn’t know?
Nabal is denying David’s men have earned compensation
He’s indicating they are seeking charity
David responds to Nabal’s rebuff by preparing to defend his honor and the honor of his men by killing Nabal and all his household
On the one hand, David’s response is not surprising given the expectations of the day
When a man was dishonored in this way, he would typically be expected to avenge his honor
Death was the usual penalty and the culture would have likely let the judgment stand
On the other hand, God has made it clear to David not to resist evil in his own power
Instead, David is supposed to depend on the Lord for vengeance
This was the mistake he made in assaulting Saul in the cave
Now here again David is challenged by a foolish man, and once again he’s preparing to take matters into his own hands
So David travels the 15 miles or so back to Nabal that very night to kill Nabal and his household
We can see David operating in his pride and anger
He doesn’t pause long enough to even seek the Lord’s counsel
If he had, then he would have received different direction
David wasn’t the only one to be shocked by Nabal’s answer
Nabal’s shepherds learned of Nabal’s response, so now they are seriously concerned
Nabal’s shepherds rush to Abigail and inform her that Nabal has scorned David
They confirm for us they had good reason to expect an attack from David’s men
The servants also seemed to understand that Abigail was a person they could reason with under these circumstances
They explain to her that David’s men had done the right thing by Nabal
Notice in v.16 they report that David’s men even took turns guarding the flock at night when it was most vulnerable
Essentially, David’s men were working as shepherds for Nabal for free, so they deserved pay
But notice also in v.17 they say “evil” is preparing an attack
They expect David’s anticipated revenge
They called David’s actions good in one case but evil in another
David was good to help the shepherds but he is about to commit evil if he prosecutes this attack
Seven times in this chapter the words good and evil are paired, indicating that this contrast is a focus of the chapter
So after hearing the report, Abigail springs into action to save her husband
She grabs two hundred loaves of bread and jugs of wine and large quantities of grain, raisins, and cakes of figs
These materials were available because they had likely been prepared for the nightly shearing feasts
So Abigail is simply bringing David’s men exactly what they requested
Though she isn’t bringing enough for all of David’s men
Instead she’s bringing the most she could carry on her donkey
To get a sense of this woman’s bravery, imagine a solitary woman riding a donkey laden with valuable goods headed into a desert alone to face an approaching army of bloodthirsty men
She was placing herself entirely at David’s mercy
There was at least an equal chance she might have been killed or worse
Why doesn’t she send a servant in her place?
Because in doing so she would likely have condemned that servant to death one way or another
If David didn’t kill the servant, Nabal would certainly have disciplined any servant who gave away his possessions without permission
But the wife had authority in the house to act in this way
Therefore, she was the only one who could survive the consequences
Before she meets David, the writer shows us what was in David’s heart according to David’s own words
He is fuming at Nabal
David declares that he has been wronged by Nabal, which is true
David took good care of Nabal, and Nabal returned the favor by dishonoring David
Then David declares that should he fail to kill every male in Nabal’s household, then may the Lord complete the task for him
In other words, David suggests he will be doing the Lord’s work as he vanquishes Nabal’s household
David’s words aren’t prophetic, obviously
David is acting in the flesh but assuming God was on his side
In fact, he sounds a little like Saul, thinking that what he wanted was automatically what God wanted
This entire situation is very similar to one David has been facing for some time
David worked hard in support of Saul
He defended Saul’s army and respected Saul’s authority
He simply expected Saul to show David the proper respect in return
Instead, Saul was evil and unjust against David
Nevertheless, the Lord didn’t permit David to raise his hand against the anointed king of Israel
Clearly, David didn’t learn the lesson God was trying to teach him in Chapter 24
David was supposed to rely on the Lord to protect and defend him
Only the Spirit’s conviction led David away from making an even worse mistake
Now he’s about to repeat that mistake
So this conflict with Nabal becomes an opportunity for the Lord to teach David the correct way he should respond to those who oppose him
And the Lord chose an unlikely and humbling hero to make His point
As Abigail approaches David, she bows and immediately places all the blame on herself
She isn’t suggesting that she is responsible for what happened
David knows she had nothing to do with the situation
Rather, she’s asking that David transfer her husband’s blame upon her
She says had she known David’s men had come, she would have stepped in earlier to ensure they received what they deserved
So now she is working to make things right after her husband ruined the situation
Abigail forms a distant picture of Christ by her behavior
She is riding a donkey as Jesus did when he entered Jerusalem
She is giving herself up freely to her enemies as Jesus did with the Romans
She was innocent but nevertheless she assumes the blame for a guilty party
She offers payment for the sins of the foolish, those who do not acknowledge God
Abigail asks David to pay no attention to her husband, whom she calls worthless and worthy of his name
Obviously, Abigail knows her husband well
She testifies to David that his behavior in this matter is characteristic of his nature overall
As his name indicates, he is a fool, so therefore he acts like one
She’s saying he couldn’t help himself
Therefore, she asks David to overlook her husband’s mistake
Perhaps at this point, we begin to wonder if Abigail has crossed the line in her behavior as Nabal’s wife?
Can a godly wife say such things about her husband and still honor him?
Shouldn’t she be more supportive of her husband?
Or at the very least, shouldn’t she remain silent and refrain from insulting him publicly?
And what about her decision to bring the food to David…isn’t that disobeying her husband’s wishes?
If we focus only on these details, we will draw the wrong conclusion about Abigail’s actions and judge her unfairly
Consider the entire set of circumstances and take note of Abigail’s desires concerning her husband
In Genesis 2 the Bible says a wife is to be a helper to her husband because she is one flesh with him
Under these circumstances preserving her husband’s honor isn’t the highest priority
Ladies, imagine a situation where a robber breaks into your home at night, ties up your husband and points a gun at his head
The robber demands your husband give up the keys to his new sports car but your husband stubbornly refuses
Now you know where he keeps his keys
And you know your foolish husband is about to die if you don’t act quickly to save him.
So what do you do? How do you honor him?
Some wives might reply, “I would keep quiet, collect his life insurance and buy another sports car…”
Obviously, the most honoring thing to do under those circumstances is to act in your husband’s best interests by giving up the keys to save his life
You haven’t directly disobeyed his instructions
You’re just acting to compensate for his foolishness, which is in keeping with your role as helper
This is what Abigail is doing
Abigail’s first concern must be saving Nabal’s life from David and his men
And if Abigail hadn’t taken this extreme course of action, Nabal’s own foolishness would have resulted in his destruction
And she might have died as well
Furthermore, Abigail isn’t violating any specific order from her husband
Her husband never forbade Abigail from acting
In fact, she didn’t even talk to Nabal before going on this mission
Obviously, she probably suspected he would stop her if he knew
But here again, she was acting shrewdly to compensate for his foolishness
As she appeals to David’s mercy, Abigail wisely invokes David’s relationship to the Lord
In fact, throughout this important speech Abigail frequently refers to David’s relationship with the Lord
She acknowledges the Lord’s anointing of David as the future king
She affirms that the Lord will always defend David
Then she wisely asks David to consider how he will feel once he becomes king should he go through with his plan?
How will he feel when he remembers that he wrongly took the lives of an entire household because of one man’s foolishness?
Especially since David already knows the Lord will defend David from all enemies without requiring he sin in this way
Won’t David be ashamed?
Won’t he view his actions were unnecessary?
It’s easy to see the Lord speaking through Abigail directly to David’s heart
She skillfully speaks to David’s conscience by pointing him back to his relationship with the Lord
This was the lesson the Lord wanted David to understand
In Chapter 24, David took a step of revenge in defense of himself against a foolish man, Saul
Here he was ready to do the same again
So the Lord sends a woman to teach David what he already knew
And to stop David from sinning against the Lord
Finally, Abigail knew her audience well, because in v.29 she used a metaphor especially appealing to shepherds
Shepherds carried two bundles while tending the sheep
One bundle held the food that would sustain the shepherd’s life while out with the sheep
The second bundle were stones used with a sling to fend off thieves and wild animals
She reminds David that his life is assured because he is bound with the Lord
While David’s enemies are like stones to be flung away by a sling
David hears Abigail and his heart is touched by her appeal
First, David recognizes that Abigail was sent by the Lord for his sake
This is the first step in recognizing the discipline of the Lord in our own lives
When the Lord disciplines his children, the Bible says He does so for our good
And that discipline usually comes through other people
Most often through our spouse
But other times through our children or friends or even a stranger like Abigail
Obviously, not every critique we receive is from the Lord or even appropriate
But when someone offers criticism or makes a suggestion or maybe they merely model righteousness before us and we experience conviction, we’ll know it’s the Lord
What happens next will determine whether we’ll learn the lesson
Do we react defensively, do we make excuses, do we run away?
Then we missed the chance to recognize the Lord sent us a messenger to correct our heart
For his part, David immediately knew this woman was speaking with the heart of God
So David received her as from the Lord
Next David blessed Abigail for her discernment and her bravery for stepping into a dangerous situation to stop David from sinning
This is the second step in receiving the discipline of the Lord
Bless the person who acted obediently to deliver the Lord’s message
Abigail took a tremendous step of faith to serve the Lord’s purpose in David’s life
She was in this position because of David’s prospective sin
So when David recognized the Lord working through her to his own benefit, he blessed her in return
This is the opposite of shooting the messenger
Next time someone tries to rescue you from yourself, recognize they are working on your behalf, so return the blessing
They might not even know the Lord was working through them
So encourage their heart by acknowledging how they served God’s purpose in your life
David tells Abigail that had she not obeyed the Lord, surely terrible things would have happened
And David would have been far worse off
So David agreed to her request and determined not to attack Nabal
But what of David’s honor?
Well, because David was willing to step aside and let the Lord fight his battles, the Lord showed Himself faithful
Abigail returns and fittingly she finds her husband, the fool, drunk that night
He was completely unaware of what was coming his way
He and his men were sitting ducks that evening, but the faithful wife saved his life
Nabal reminds us again of Saul who lived by the flesh and operated as if he was invincible over his empire
In the morning, at the first opportunity, Abigail reports what happened
The writer makes a pun in v.37 using Nabal’s name
The Hebrew word nebel means wine sack
So the writer says Nabal (the wine sack) ran out of wine…
An empty wine sack is worthless, and so was Nabal when he was sober
Notice Abigail didn’t deceive Nabal at any point
She told him the whole story at the first opportunity, once the emergency was over
And at that point the heart of Nabal went dead
It means he lost all courage when he realized how close he came to death
But it also pictures Saul becoming hardhearted as sin took hold in his life
Finally, the Lord brings the vengeance David deserves because David refrained from acting on his own behalf
Notice Nabal’s death came about ten days later
About means not exactly ten, as in something between nine and ten
The number nine means judgment in scripture
While the number ten means testimony
So Nabal’s death was a judgment of God in defense of David’s honor
And the entire episode was a testimony
It was a testimony of the wickedness of Nabal, the faithfulness of Abigail and the repentance of David