Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJoseph has been sent away from his family, and meanwhile his brothers and his father go on with their lives in Canaan
It will be 22 years before Jacob leads his family to Egypt to join Joseph
And in all those 22 years, we have but one chapter telling us about life in Jacob’s household – Chapter 38
The focus of the chapter is Judah, the man who now carries the seed promise, the one through whom we know God plans to bring the Messiah
Judah is no saint…he has already demonstrated that
Like his brothers, he was willing to kill Joseph
Ultimately, he was the one to suggest selling him into slavery
And so far in Chapter 38 we’ve seen him take a Canaanite woman as a wife, a woman who is never named and is soon to die
Judah’s choice was a serious departure from the choices his forefathers made when choosing a mate
He has hitched his wagon to the cursed Canaanites, against God’s wishes
As God has proclaimed, any Canaanite family will bear the curse and must one day cease to exist
We were introduced to Judah’s three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah
As Er reached his teens, Judah found a wife for Er; a woman called Tamar
Er’s character reflected the Canaanite curse, as he was evil and displeased God
So the Lord kills him
Likewise, Onan, Er’s brother, marries Tamar as part of a levirate marriage or brother-in-law marriage
But Onan refuses to give Tamar children since it threatened his desire to receive the birthright
So God kills him too
Judah is to be the tribal line to receive the privilege of birthing kings – he carries the seed promise God gave Abraham
Ultimately, this line will bring forth The King, the Messiah
But it seems clear that if the Lord is to bring the Messiah through Judah’s line, then something must intervene to change the current direction of this family
Already, the Lord has intervened to put two sons to death, thus preventing the line of Messiah from tracing through Canaanite descendants
But there is still the matter of Judah, now without a wife…he still needs an heir
And there’s Tamar, a widow living in Judah’s house waiting to marry Judah’s final son, Shelah
But Judah refuses to allow the marriage
So no one is getting married, no one is having babies
But as we’ve seen so many times already, the Lord is steadily moving the storyline in the direction He desires using the sin of this family as His muse
The brothers sent Joseph into slavery, but the Lord’s hand was clearly evident in that outcome
And now as Judah’s repeated sins have left his family on the brink of ruin, the Lord intervenes to protect the seed promise that Judah carries
At this point in the story, we learn that Judah’s unnamed wife dies
This resulted in Judah engaging in a period of mourning, as we’ve seen before
After this time is complete, normal routines return
And in this case, the time to shear the sheep arrives
The shearers were located a distance of about 12 miles from Judah’s home in Adullam in the Shephelah
So he travels along with a friend
The time to shear the sheep was usually a time of great revelry
The days were long and filled with hard work, but the evenings were a time to feast and cut loose
It was also an occasion limited to men, so boys will be boys
As Tamar learns that her father-in-law has decided to attend the shearing, it told her three things
First, it indicated that the period of mourning was over
Secondly, it told her that he would be in a place and state of mind to celebrate
Finally, it told her that Shelah would never be her husband
For Judah to leave the family home for this event and not take Shelah with him meant that Shelah was now old enough to watch over things
With Judah’s wife gone, the only person left in the family to watch over the estate was Shelah
And yet Judah hasn’t permitted the marriage
So Tamar decides to take matters into her own hands
The thing any woman feared the most was to be made a widow without a son to care for her
According to the levirate marriage law, Tamar is betrothed to Shelah
This means she can’t marry another, but she must wait for Judah to permit the marriage
Judah was now sinning against Tamar by denying her the opportunity to have a husband
But a woman has one tool at her disposal that she can use to even the odds
She can use her body, and use it to steal what she can’t obtain legitimately
And that’s what Tamar does
Tamar removes her widow’s garments and puts on a very unique outfit
First, she puts on a veil
The mention of a veil is a reference to a wedding veil
In this day, prostitution was legal
The uniform of a prostitute was to dress up as a bride on her wedding night
So when Tamar appears in public in this outfit, she will be advertising herself as a prostitute
Of course the veil will also serve a useful purpose of hiding her identity
Furthermore, she wrapped herself
The wrapping refers to the particular clothing of temple prostitutes
Temple prostitutes were a different class of prostitutes
Under the law of the time, only certain cultic prostitutes could wear such apparel
Finally, Tamar stations herself in the gate of the city of Enaim to await for Judah
This city sits directly between Adullam and Timnah, so she is hoping to catch Judah upon his return
Sure enough Judah sees Tamar and assumes she is a prostitute from the temple, but her covered face conceals her identity
Judah stops to secure her services
And this begins the negotiating process for Tamar’s price
Tamar knows that Judah won’t be carrying anything of significant value
Her intent is to obtain something personal of Judah’s, something that will tie him to this night
Tamar’s intent is to become a wife and a mother, and this scheme is her last opportunity
She will entice Judah in the hope of being impregnated
This will force Judah’s hand, requiring him to marry her
Technically, this was allowed under the levirate marriage rules
If no brother was available to marry the woman, another male relative, including a father-in-law could fulfill the duty
But in this case, a brother was available, so Judah could not legally marry her
Yet because Judah prevented her from having his son, she takes the next best alternative
So she is seeking something from Judah that she has a right to expect, that is a husband and heir
But she is going after the right thing in the wrong way
But if her plan works and Tamar turns up pregnant one day, she will be in a heap of trouble
She will be accused of adultery and put to death
So she needs something to tie Judah to the moment, which can protect her later in the event she is found with child
Judah offers to pay with a goat from his herd, but of course his herd is in the field
So his promise is to deliver a goat later
Essentially, Judah wants Tamar’s services on credit
Tamar counted on this, and so she is prepared with a response
Tamar asks Judah for three things that were intensely personal yet of little value to someone other than the owner
She asks for Judah’s seal, a ring used to seal documents in wax
This was essentially Judah’s driver’s license
Secondly, she asked for his cord, which is the necklace upon which the ring hung around his neck
This was essentially Judah’s wallet
Finally, she asked for his staff, which was the unique tool of a shepherd
That was like the keys to Judah’s work truck
By taking these things, a prostitute would be assured that the owner would return for them as promised, since they were personally valuable
But Judah would be willing to let them go temporarily because they had no intrinsic value to a prostitute, so she would be unlikely to run off with them
But run off she did
Tamar took Judah’s personal items and fled, returning to her father’s house and donning her widow’s garments
Meanwhile, Judah sends his friend back with the goat as payment
He expects to find the prostitute in the city waiting for payment
But she is gone
Hirah searches in the town asking about the temple prostitute that was working the area
But of course no one knew anything about a prostitute
Rather than search harder, Judah decides to drop the whole thing
Otherwise, he will look the fool
But of course now Tamar has the proof she needs to stay alive
Nature takes its course, and three months later Tamar starts to show her pregnancy
Naturally, everyone assumes Tamar has been fooling around on the side
In that culture, prostitution was permitted and accepted if not approved
But adultery was punishable by death
So when Judah is told of her sin, he reacts in the traditional way declaring she must be put to death
As the patriarch living in a patriarchal period of history, he had the authority to do this
This is an age before nations and governments as we know them today
City states were the largest ruling entities
And these were simply large clans ruled by a patriarch
So patriarchs were the law
But as Tamar is brought out to be burned, she brings Judah’s ring, cord and staff with her
She presents them to him and says these belong to the father of the child…do you recognize them?
Judah’s response is an important moment in the story of this family
Judah immediately recognized the items, of course
How could he not?
And as he stared at them, I imagine a flood of memory and emotion ran through his mind
He’s caught up in righteous indignation at the prospect of killing his daughter-in-law over her adultery
Then suddenly he’s remembering a night with a prostitute
And he connects the dots and understands the situation in a flash
This is the moment of truth in Judah’s life
From this moment he could go one of two ways
On the one hand Judah could react in anger and disgust
He could deny the accusation
Only his close friend would have known the truth
Judah could have killed Tamar anyway and covered up his part in the tragedy
He’s done this before
After all, Judah was the one to suggest that Joseph be sold into slavery
He had to sit and eat while listening to his brother’s pleas for freedom
He had to carry that bloodstained coat to his father and repeat that concocted story with sincerity
But that episode with Joseph was too much to bear, and it drove Judah out of the house and into the arms of a Canaanite woman
Now he’s faced with a similar choice
Does he lie? Does he let injustice stand? Does he run again?
Or does Judah take Option #2? Does Judah repent?
In v.26 Judah takes the second option
He declares that Tamar was more righteous than he was
Or said another way, he is declaring that he bears greater guilt than she does for her situation
Because Judah has denied Tamar from marrying his last son
Notice that Judah isn’t just confessing of his sin of laying with Tamar
He is also confessing that he was acting in sin when he denied her a husband
Judah’s turning point reflects a theme common in Genesis
Abraham started as Abram
Israel started as Jacob
And here we see Judah becoming a new man also
He is shown his sin, a sin God brings upon Judah for good purposes
In fact, notice that Judah was deceived by an outfit, just as he used an outfit to deceive his father
Once again, we see God visiting the sin of the person upon himself to teach a lesson on the consequences of sin
And it has done its good work in bringing Judah’s heart into conformance with God’s heart
Judah has confessed, repented and been restored
There is no lesson more important to a successful walk as a Christian than to recognize the opportunities God gives us to confess, repent and restore
When He gives us the grace to come face to face with our sin and its consequences, make the most of them; don’t waste them
Drop your guard, let go of pride, understand that God brings these moments because He loves us and knows what is best
Without confession, we never face the reality of who we are by nature
We never see our sin honestly
Nor do we acknowledge its destructive nature
It’s like having cancer but pretending it isn’t something to worry about
Without repentance, we won’t break the grip sin has on our future
We may regret our failure in the moment
But without repentance, we’ll soon forget that regret and return to sin in time
And without restoration, we never feel the sting of sin nor fully experience the suffering it brings
Judah restored Tamar to his home and denied both her and himself the opportunity for future relations
He couldn’t marry her, since it would be adultery
But he couldn’t give her to his son either, since that would create an incestuous relationship now that Judah had fathered a child with her
Judah paid a price for his sin, as did Tamar for her sin
And yet God was able to create good things out of this episode
Judah repented, Tamar was saved from unjust death
And Judah’s line would now continue
Tamar’s pregnancy turns out to be a birth of twins, making her and Rebecca the only women in the Bible to give birth to twins
Since Judah is the line to bring the seed promise, it’s even more unsurprising to see her with two sons
This has been God’s method through every step of the patriarchs to this point
Abraham had two sons, Isaac had two sons, and Jacob had numerous sons through two wives
Now Judah will have twin sons as well
And one of these sons will carry the seed promise
As the birth takes place, the midwife waits to see who will be born first
It was so important to know who would be the birthright holder, that the first son is to be noted and marked carefully
One of the sons put an arm out of the womb, meaning it was about to be born first
So while the arm was exposed, the midwife ties a red thread around the arm to mark that son as first
But just then, the arm goes back into the womb
And then the other son is born first
The second son then comes out, making him the first born
Once again, the Lord makes a point of reminding His people that He alone decides who will hold the seed promise
As the world was ready to declare Zerah the holder of that promise, the Lord intervenes to make clear He was granting it to Perez instead
And in fact, Perez will be in the line of the Messiah
In fact, exactly ten generations later his family line will produce its first king for Israel, a man named David
But Israel’s first king came from the tribe of Benjamin, a man named Saul
If Judah’s line was to be the tribe of kings, why was the first king of Israel taken from Benjamin?
Because God’s Law says that an illegitimate birth shall prevent a family’s descendants from entering the assembly of the Lord
Perez is the illegitimate son of Judah
And David is the tenth generation after Perez
Most importantly, the Lord has restored the tribe of Judah from the curse of the Canaanites and protected the seed promise
None of Judah’s three sons could be in the line of Messiah because they were the product of a union between Judah and a Canaanite woman
So how did Judah’s union with Tamar avoid that same problem?
Well remember, we’ve never been told anything about Tamar’s origins
All we have is her name
The name Tamar means “palm tree”
Her name has that meaning only in one language: Hebrew
Her name is a Hebrew word, therefore Tamar was a Hebrew
She was probably the descendant of Abraham and his third wife, Keturah
Once again, we see the Lord at work to achieve His purposes in the lives of His people
He works through lives in even the smallest details
He plans things beyond our imagination
He bends wills and turns hearts
He guides our steps and ensures that we land where necessary
And He uses sin, turning all things to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose
Judah’s life was a train wreck, one that threatened to end the seed promise upon which all humanity depends for salvation
But God brought Judah conviction, repentance and a son through Tamar to carry the promise forward
But through all this soap opera, we come to understand why God needed to bring Israel into Egypt and into captivity
For while God is capable of rescuing Judah and his brothers from their own sin
The growth and health of the nation depends on a better, long-term solution
Next week we turn back to watch what God does next with Joseph in Egypt