Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week I offered the structure that united Chapters 8-10
Chapter 8 saw the people assembled for a reading of the Torah
Perhaps for the first time, they all heard the entirety of the Law
They came to understand the Covenant their forefather’s agreed to on their behalf
They now recognize the way this Covenant regulates every aspect of their life
Then, in Chapter 9, we saw the people gather in a joyous celebration of prayer and worship
They were so moved by the reading of God’s Word that they initially wept
But Nehemiah said this occasion was one of joy in the faithfulness of the Lord
So the people moved from mourning to feasting, celebrating the Feast of Booths, as required in the Law they only recently learned
At the end of Chapter 9, their joyful celebration of the feast gave way to an awareness that Israel was still suffering under the Lord’s chastisement for past sins under the Covenant
The nation was still under Gentile authority, which the Lord promised would be their punishment for breaking this Covenant
In the Law, the Lord proclaimed this outcome would come to pass for disobedient Israel
If the nation rejected the Law, then it would see itself suffering under a variety of curses, including being struck down by enemies
The nation in Nehemiah’s day was still experiencing the consequences of those curses
Every generation of Israel would experience the consequences of the Covenant, regardless of individual performance
Because the Covenant was a national agreement that bound the entire nation to its terms
If the entire nation met the requirements of the Law, then they would see blessings
But if even one member of the nation failed in keeping the Covenant, then the entire nation would suffer the penalties
And this Covenant bound not only the generation of the exodus, but also every generation that follows
Once again, we see this in the Law itself
Every generation of Israel has been under the requirements of the Law
Which means that they are all suffering under the penalties of the Law as well
So here in Nehemiah’s day, the people are still bound by the Covenant
During the reading of the Covenant, the people came to learn that every facet of their daily lives was under the jurisdiction of the Law
They knew the burdens
They understood the blessings for obedience
And they realized the penalties that were promised for disobedience
This new awareness introduced the third and final phase of restoration
The people recommit to obedience under the Covenant
They know of their ancestors’ failings
But they are determined not to repeat them
So the people, through their leaders, sign a pledge to obey the Law
In Chapter 10, we’ll begin reading the names of those who signed on behalf of the people of Israel
And in the latter half, we hear their personal summary of the Law’s requirements
The chapter begins with the names of the heads of 21 priestly families
Then, it continues to the names of 17 Levites who are not priests
Then it moves to 44 heads of other families, probably elders in the nation at that time
All together, these names represent the whole of Israel, terms of leadership
This is representative governing, which is something that has existed in Israel since the beginning of this Covenant
A few leaders were responsible in the time of Exodus for binding all Israel to the Covenant
Later, in Jesus’ time, a few religious leaders are responsible for condemning all Israel for rejecting their Messiah
All through the history of the nation, the Lord has allowed the leadership to speak for the nation when it comes to the Mosaic Covenant
So it happens here again
Then, in v.31, the people as a whole summarize the Law they jointly intended to keep
Notice Nehemiah describes them as a people who had separated themselves from the Gentiles and to the Law of God
This is a rededication to being the people of YHWH
They recognized that keeping the Law was a means to keeping them separate
And so, if they are to achieve that purpose, their obedience must not waiver
Because they’ve already experienced how the world hates them
In their restatement of the Law, it’s interesting what they choose to focus on
Their concerns centered on three general issues
Not intermarrying with the Gentiles
Observing the Sabbath requirements, both of the Sabbath day and the Land Sabbath
And the needs for worship
Caring for the needs of the priests
And supporting the operation of the temple
Why did they focus on these issues? Because these were the chief sins that brought judgment to prior generations
First, past generations made the mistake time and time again of intermarrying with surrounding peoples
They would offer their daughters to these cultures and receive their sons
These relationships quickly introduced idolatry into the nation
The Northern Kingdom was taken by Assyria for this sin
Secondly, as their hearts grew greedy over time, the nation set aside the Sabbath observances
The nation ceased observing the Sabbath day, preferring to work the extra day for more income
And the nation ceased leaving the land fallow every seventh year, as required
God provided a double portion in the sixth year, yet the people preferred to take an extra year of harvest in the seventh year as well
This is the reason God cited when He sent the Southern Kingdom into slavery in Babylon for 70 years
One year for every Land Sabbath they failed to observe over 490 years
Finally, the nation became so corrupt that it introduced pagan idolatry into the temple, setting up pagan idols and employing priests of Baal to serve in the temple
These abominations were just the final stage of a descent into pure idolatry for Israel
Occasionally, a good king would come along to rescue the nation for a generation, but the die was cast
The nation had walked away from a true worship with the Lord
So now, the people have learned the lesson of why the Lord brought Israel into Babylon
And now they’re determined not to repeat that mistake in their own generation
This is the true repentance that we expect to see in response to the Lord’s kindness
He has been exceedingly kind to restore the nation back to its land
And as we’ve watched, He’s been teaching them all the way through
Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah each played a role in bringing the nation to this point
Escorting exiles, teaching laws and building walls
But at the end of the day, the key was developing a heart of repentance in the people
That was the mission
Repentance isn’t a feeling or attitude or even a statement
It’s an action
To repent is to turn, so there must be an action consistent with repentance before we say it’s present
And this is that moment when we see that movement away from the sins of Israel’s past, at least on these issues
And truly, the nation never again falls prey to these particular sins
The restoration of any child of God must eventually reach this point
Once we’ve been brought back under true worship, good teaching and godly leadership, the question is: how will we walk?
Will we repeat the sins that brought us under discipline in the first place?
Or will we walk in repentance?
Consider the three areas that entrapped Israel, and notice how they relate to our own walk as Christians
First, Israel decided they would rather be friends with the world, rather than to remain separate and apart as God intended
Friendship with the world is always our first step away from obedience
James said:
If we are truly intent on walking with the Lord, then we have to make up our minds not to seek for what the world says is valuable or important
That’s what it means to make friends with the world
Israel wanted to make friends with the neighboring people, so they established that friendship by establishing family connections
And in doing so, they became an enemy of God
And so will we, if we continue to allow the world to set our priorities
True repentance means forsaking the world
Secondly, the people became greedy
Specifically, they began to rely upon themselves,
In particular, they sought to provide for themselves at the expense of their relationship with the Lord
The Sabbath has always been a picture of resting in Christ
So when Israel traded the rest of a Sabbath for the chance to earn more wealth, they were trading Christ’s work for their own
If we are truly going to walk with the Lord, we must learn how to rest in Him and His promises and His goodness and power to provide
But more than simply financial provision, we need to be ready to rest in Him for everything that the world throws our way
When the world is in a panic about economic collapse, environmental disasters, disease or drought
No matter the circumstance, we need not worry, for we rest in Christ
Not that we assume no calamity will befall us
But because no matter the calamity, it can’t do worse to us than kill the body, which is destined to die anyway
As Jesus said:
Finally, Israel fell because they placed no importance on the house of the Lord and the proper means and meaning of worship
They profaned the chance to assemble and meet with the Lord
In the place of spending time in God’s presence, they substituted pursuits of the flesh, idolatry and other indulgences
They enjoyed living for themselves only
They reveled in the lack of accountability
And the more things change, the more they stay the same
Today, a Christian’s walk with the Lord is directly proportional to their personal diligence to assemble and worship with God’s people on a regular basis
Attendance at a church service isn’t the requirement
Participation in the Body through some kind of spiritual service is the key
I’ve seen far too many believers wander away from the faith because, in part, they lacked a true commitment to the gathering
When Sundays or Wednesdays rolled around, they always found something more important to do
And that something was usually flesh-bound
Something to indulge the flesh
Anything to avoid the inevitable sense of conviction and accountability that hearing the Word of God produces
If we are to show the works of repentance, then we must remain committed to the house of God, which means remaining committed to the gathering
More than attendance, we must invest ourselves in that gathering
As Paul says in Romans 12:
Worship means service within the context of the Body gathered
Neglect our responsibilities to worship through our service and we’re moving away from the Lord, which isn’t repentance
It’s regression
Now to finish the lesson, we move through Chapter 11
The scene in this chapter also runs into Chapter 12, but we’ll only look at this one chapter tonight
At the time that the wall was complete, the city of Jerusalem was occupied by just the leaders of the people
The leaders have remained in the city to hold the ground and protect the walls
Until the walls were complete, no one would have lived in the city under any circumstances
There was simply no reason to be there
It was dangerous
And there was no commercial purpose for being there
The people would rather live on the plot of land they received after they returned
They are raising flocks and raising crops
Apart from the temple, the city of Jerusalem holds no interest for them
Now, the walls are repaired and the city is ready to be reoccupied
Nehemiah needs the city to be repopulated so it may flourish and survive
He wants the best Jewish families to occupy the city
But there isn’t much room in the city
Jerusalem is a relatively small town
At best, it could probably house 8,000 people
In v.1, we’re told that Nehemiah solves the problem by holding a lottery
Most interpreters read vs.1-2 as a lottery to see who gets to go into the city
But the language of the text suggests a different possibility to me
It reads as though this was a lottery to see who must go into the city
Notice it says that the lots were to select who must be “brought” out of the land and into Jerusalem
And then, those who are selected are blessed by the rest for volunteering to live in the city
The word choice in vs.1-2 suggests that this is a hardship duty for those who move into the cramped and undeveloped city
They are the pioneers, giving up the comforts of their present home to live in the city as a sacrifice for the nation
I’m sure they saw the opportunity as an honor, but perhaps in the same way that a soldier is honored to die for his country
Then, in vs.3-24, is a list of the new residents of Jerusalem
Just a quick summary of the list is appropriate
The residents included members of the tribe of Judah, Levi and Benjamin
This makes sense, since these were the tribes occupying the Southern Kingdom when it was taken away to Babylon
Any other tribes were prohibited from living in the city
They were allowed to live in the surrounding lands
The reason other tribes were excluded, was to ensure that only pureblooded Jews occupied the city
The other tribes were taken in the earlier invasion of Assyria
And many of the Jews of the northern tribes intermarried with the Assyrians and other Gentiles in the years that followed
Only the Jews from Judah, Levi and Benjamin were sure to be pureblooded Jews
Notice, in v.21, a place was made available inside the city for the temple servants
In fact, a significant part of the city is devoted to the Levites and those who served the temple
That was a key purpose in the city inhabitants
To support the operations of the temple
The Lord’s temple didn’t exist for the city; the city existed for the temple
Finally, a representative of the king of Persia, Pethahiah, also entered the city
Apparently, Artaxerxes wanted a man on the ground to check out the happenings in the city
All together, about 5,000-8,000 people moved in at this time
The next section describes those who remained outside the walls
This group is described in terms of the cities they occupied
The name places mentioned here stretch north to south throughout Judah
Looking south, they range from the Hinnom Valley south of Jerusalem to the southern border of Israel, at Beersheba
And in the north, they go as far as the border with Samaria
There are 17 towns for the tribe of Judah and 15 towns of the tribe of Benjamin mentioned in this list
The Levites lived among the general population, since the Levites were not given a portion in the land
This explains why the other tribes were required to care for the Levites
The priests were a part of Israel, yet a special class, set apart
By having them live among the other tribes, they became a source of good influence in the culture
They were the local pastor, as it were, for the other tribes
All in all, the society of Israel has been restored to a structure they haven’t seen since the time of Joshua
This is a remarkable transformation, when you consider the state of Israel immediately prior to the captivity
Instead of idolatry, the nation has pledged obedience to God’s Law
Instead of mixing with the culture, the people are living to serve the Lord
Instead of profaning the house of God, they are protecting it
Instead of living for themselves, they are making sacrifices for each other and for the Lord
Restoration is a beautiful thing when accompanied by a willing, humble heart