Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWhat is our responsibility to our leaders in ministry?
How are we to respond to their authority?
Did they arrive at those positions as a result of the consent of the governed?
Or did they acquire their authority through the agency of a higher authority?
Paul has been speaking sternly with the church in Corinth regarding their immaturity in faith
As we’ve moved in Chapter 4, his critiques have begun to sting
He’s called them arrogant, prideful, foolish
He’s mocked them for thinking themselves superior even to the apostles
And he’s just getting started
When we move into Chapter 5, Paul will begin to address the specific situations he heard from Chloe’s delegation
And many of Paul’s comments will come with demands and corrections
Paul will place obligations on the church and demand changes in behavior
He will challenge their thinking and call them out publicly for their sin
Paul’s words were no less offensive in his day than they might be today
Imagine having your sinful behavior called out publicly among your brothers and sisters
Or imagine being embroiled with other members of the church in a fierce dispute about church practice, and Paul writes a letter that sides with the others against you
How would you respond to such a moment? Would you fight back, pout, run away…or submit to Paul’s authority?
The answer would depend on how you viewed Paul’s authority
Do you see him as a man sent by the Lord speaking with the authority of the Lord?
Or is he nothing more than your peer, a man with an opinion like everyone else
And therefore, you can dismiss his opinion
This was the situation Paul faced in Corinth
Only his situation was even more challenging, because he was physically separated from them
He had to impose his authority on the church from a distance
So he chooses his words carefully
And yet he doesn’t tiptoe around the point
And so as we study Paul’s response to rebellion and accountability, let’s consider our own responsibility to leadership in the body of Christ
I’ll start a few verses back from last time, in v.11
Paul is concluding his reminder that godly servants will often experience lives of sacrifice and need according to God’s grace
And therefore, such things cannot become our measure of power or success or merit in the church
So speaking of himself and the fellow apostles, Paul reminds the church:
Paul tells Corinth that even as he writes them this letter, he is hungry and thirsty
As they sat in comfort in Corinth, Paul was sitting in Ephesus poorly clothed, roughly treated and homeless
Paul lived a life that was the epitome of want, weakness, and shame
Was this the consequence of laziness? Was Paul simply not willing to work hard enough to achieve a better standard of living?
Was Paul suffering in this way despite working hard with his hands?
He says he toiled, which is a Greek word meaning to work so hard and diligently that the worker grows weak and weary
Paul was tirelessly working to support himself even as he worked for the sake of Christ and the gospel
Paul’s situation was not a reflection of laziness
Paul’s situation was the direct result of serving Christ and the Gospel
Paul was called by God to sacrifice to serve the Lord according to a basic spiritual principle
The more we seek to serve the Lord, the more we come to reflect Christ by our words and actions
And the more we become like Christ in our words and deeds, the more we should expect to experience the same things Christ experienced
Our Lord explained this principle Himself when He taught His disciples
The more diligently we seek to serve Christ, the more we become like Him
The more we become like Him, the more the world will treat us like they treated Him
And therefore, Paul’s poor circumstances was a testimony to his Christ-like life
And to the negative consequences that naturally follow
Paul’s hard work didn’t arrive at wealth, because he probably found it very difficult to find work for his tent making business
In Paul’s day, artisans worked under the protection and authority of guilds
Like unions, these guilds regulated business to the extent that if someone was rejected by the guild, they would find it very difficult to do business in any Roman community
Paul’s willingness to upset Jewish and Roman leaders with his ministry undoubtedly left him unable to prosper financially regardless of how hard he worked
So Paul’s economic persecution was the natural consequence of living a Christ-like life in a world that hates Christ
If Paul suffered such things, then we should not be surprised to see negative consequences to living our faith and proclaiming the Gospel
And that’s ok
We can’t let that penalty cause us to question our commitment to serving the Lord
We simply understand that this is the natural consequence of a spiritual law the Lord Himself gave us
And we remember that our reward in Heaven will be great
Secondly, Paul’s poverty was a reflection of him placing a higher priority on heavenly goals rather than earthly goals
Naturally, preaching of the Gospel competed with his time and effort to make a living
The more time Paul spent on serving Christ, the less time he could spend earning a living
And clearly, this was the right balance
Paul understood that earning a living was a means to an end, rather than the end in itself
He needed money to feed and clothe his body, but only so that he could then continue forward in ministry
As the saying goes, he worked to live; he didn’t live to work
And notice, Paul doesn’t say he has nothing
He may have needs, especially in comparison to the affluence of Corinth
But we can have enough while still having needs unmet
We can have enough food, enough clothing, enough shelter while experiencing needs
Paul experienced needs, but the Lord gave him enough to ensure he could accomplish his mission
There is a word for having enough even while we experience need: contentment
Paul knew contentment
He understood living in need but accepted that situation as a necessary condition of serving Christ
He also trusted the Lord to provide what was required to enable him to remain focused on his Master’s business
This is the joy of serving the Lord
As we set our mind on things above, the Lord gives us contentment for our circumstances
Our needs remain, but they concern us less
Then Paul said he was reviled and persecuted and slandered by his enemies
Was he mistreated because he invited the negative attention?
Did Paul insult people, did he treat people poorly?
Was he deserving of such mistreatment?
No. Paul says he returned those insults with love in the same way the Lord turned the other cheek
In other words, there was no earthly explanation for Paul’s situation
He worked hard, but he was in need
He was diligent, but he suffered
He brought a blessing and tried to reconcile with people, but he was rejected nonetheless
Paul said he was considered scum, which means refuse
He has been rejected by the world, and the only explanation for why is his love for, and service to, Christ
Nevertheless, Paul’s critics in Corinth had been using Paul’s situation against him
Suggesting that his poverty and persecution was somehow evidence that his teaching was wrong or that he lacked authority
Authority is a funny thing
It’s something we can have easily but it’s not something we can take easily
That water representative reminds us that we can’t take authority that hasn’t been granted to us
If we try, we’re just setting ourselves up for a fall
Sooner or later, we’ll find ourselves challenged by someone – or something – that doesn’t respect our claims
But when we have been given authority and that authority is challenged, then it’s necessary to demonstrate our authority through the exercise of power
In the church, God grants a measure of authority to individuals
He grants authority to parents over their children
He grants authority to husbands over their wives
He grants authority to teachers over their students
He grants authority to elders over the flock
And in Paul’s day, the Lord granted apostles authority to found the church
In each case, those in authority have the power to demonstrate their authority
That power is the word of God itself, which declares that these relationships exist
If we go against these sources of authority, we will experience the displeasure of God Himself, Who established these relationships
If we choose to rebel against these sources of authority, we may see consequences in this life
And we will most definitely experience loss of reward in eternity
In the case of the apostles, the Lord granted unique authority and backed it with unique powers
Apostles were appointed to bring a new message to a people who weren’t receptive
So God granted them power to persuade
They spoke with power and they performed miracles to validate their claims
These powers also gave the ability to quiet dissenters and oppose those who challenged their authority
The most memorable example of this power comes in Acts 5
Merely by his words of judgment, Peter was able to bring these two to death
And we can see the effect it had on the church: fear of God and fear of the apostle’s authority
This was healthy fear, in that it promoted obedience to God
So now keeping in mind the power of the apostles, consider Paul’s next words in Chapter 4
Paul starts by explaining that he didn’t intend to embarrass the church with his hard words
Instead, Paul wants to admonish his beloved children
The word admonish means to correct with instruction
Paul is both chastising and teaching the church
And sometimes we need to combine both to get folks’ attention
There is a time for discipline, and a time for instruction, and a time when we need to combine both
In this case, the church was suffering intense pride and arrogance
So simply educating the church wasn’t enough to address their problems
They needed to be corrected, to be humbled, to have the pride set aside just long enough that they might be willing to hear Paul’s instruction
So Paul admonishes them
Notice also that Paul calls them his beloved children
Paul isn’t acting in anger or spite or with intent to hurt them
Like when a parent tells a child that a spanking is a sign of love, such is the case here
Paul is correcting in love
In a nutshell, this is the reason we’ve been given both teachers and leaders in the church
There is a time to be taught, and teachers fill that role nicely
But there is a time for discipline and correction, even in the midst of teaching
And leaders with authority over the flock serve that role
If we are willing to accept teaching, then we must also be willing to accept the correction of leaders even if it wounds our pride or challenges our ego
Especially if it wounds our pride and ego!
This is a primary way the Lord disciplines His children
He admonishes them through leaders who are called to teach us even as they correct our behavior
Notice in v.15 Paul says that we might have countless teachers who educate us in our Christian walk, but we have a limited number of authority figures
Paul calls himself a father in the faith over Corinth
He’s referring to his role as the founder of the church and the one who originally delivered the gospel in that region
This is no small matter, since it reveals the will of God to work through Paul
This church could see clearly that Paul was sent by God, and therefore it stands to reason that Paul carried God’s stamp of approval
Like that water inspector, Paul had a card from God
Expect that Paul’s card came with real power
Like we saw with Peter, Paul could back his words with authority
He could easily demonstrate by the Spirit that he was speaking with authority granted him by Christ
Surely, Paul had demonstrated his power in the past
In v.16, Paul appeals to the church to imitate him since they knew he was a man following the Lord
To ensure they had an example to imitate, Paul took the extra step of sending his young protege, Timothy, from Ephesus to Corinth to serve as his representative on the ground
Paul knew it was important for the church to have a leader they could observe and emulate
Teaching is far more effective when it is modeled
So with Paul in Ephesus, he sends Timothy to Corinth to play the role of both teacher and example
Our leaders in the church exist to serve similar purposes as Paul and Timothy
Pastors, elders, and teachers are not apostles
So we’re not equating these roles to the power and authority of an apostle
But they do play a comparable role in the church today in that they are called to do the same three things for the sake of the body
First, they are called to teach the church to follow Christ according to the word of God
Secondly, they are called to model obedience through their own lives so that we might imitate them as they follow Christ
Finally, they hold positions of authority over us to watch over our souls by admonishing us as needed to obey Christ
We shouldn’t neglect or minimize that third role
We will seek instructions from many teachers
But only have a few appointed leaders in the church
Just like we may have many adults in our extended family, yet we only have two parents
Christ has raised up church leaders so His sheep may be admonished or disciplined when necessary
So we must recognize and accept the leadership of those God has placed over us so that we may gain the full benefit of that authority
When we receive correction, rebuke, admonishment and the like, we should consider those words carefully
Don’t become defensive, don’t reject difficult words out of hand
Consider the correction in light of scripture and in prayerful consideration of how to respond
As Hebrews says
Leaders aren’t perfect, so they won’t always have the right perspective
But we ought to be very careful in challenging that authority
Because men rarely recognize their own errors until someone points it out
If we do not submit to our leaders, we are in danger of becoming arrogant, just as the Corinthian church, as Paul says:
Paul says the Corinthian church was showing evidence of arrogance in terms of rejecting authority
The key issue was lack of fear
Notice Paul says it is as if they assumed Paul would never return
This tells us that their arrogant behavior was inversely proportionate to their expectation of facing consequences
The less likely they were of facing consequences, the more arrogant they became
Just like every 4 year old child
The less likely of getting caught, the more likely they will misbehave
So Paul corrects this bad assumption
Paul would return one day, and when that happens these people will be called to account for their arrogance and disobedience
Because the kingdom of God exists in power, not merely words
This is a great statement, filled with meaning
First, today the kingdom of God is a kingdom of people, the believers on earth
And that kingdom doesn’t exist merely in words, meaning it isn’t merely some human institution created by creeds and doctrines
It is an entity built with real spiritual power, the power of Christ’s Spirit working in the hearts of men
Moreover, it includes spiritual gifts given to leaders like Paul, which can bring punishment to the rebel
Paul asks when he returns, would they prefer he come in love and gentleness or with a rod (meaning a rod of correction)
Paul is offering an implicit threat of doing to this church what Peter did in Jerusalem in Acts 5
Today, our leaders don’t possess the powers of apostles, but that doesn’t mean they are deserving of any less respect or submission
Leaders serve over us to educate us and direct us into a closer walk with Christ
A good leader asks questions, examines our life, encourages us to persevere and to do better, and corrects us when he finds fault
To object to these things is arrogance and Hebrews says it will be unprofitable for us when we reach the day of our judgment
Paul reminds Corinth he has authority, he has power and he has words of wisdom they need to hear
And if they were offended by what he wrote in Chapters 1-4, then they’re really going to be bothered by what follows
In Chapter 5, we’ll hear of great immoralities in the church
And a failing to fulfill the basic mission of the church
Such are the consequences of failing to hear and obey the word of God and the leaders appointed to help lead us into righteousness