Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we move into the second major section of Paul’s letter
In the first four chapters of his letter, Paul spoke to the Corinthian church about their pride, arrogance and spiritual immaturity
He was addressing the underlying cause for so much of their troubles and missteps
Arrogance and pride are so dangerous in the lives of Christians because they become excuses for doing whatever we want and thinking ourselves OK in the process
Paul has disabused this notion in Chapters 1-4
They are not wise; they are acting foolishly
They are not powerful and successful; they are living in their flesh like the spiritual infants they are
Paul made this observation based on feedback he received from Chloe’s delegation
But we’ve yet to learn what Paul heard that prompted this stern correction
What did Chloe report to Paul?
The answer to that question dominates the rest of the letter
In this next section, we’ll learn what Paul heard
He will take each allegation and address it in turn
In each case, Paul issues an admonition
He will provide teaching in combination with discipline or correction
Generally, each issue is allocated one or more chapters, so the breaks in topics will follow chapter breaks
This morning, Paul addresses perhaps the most serious sin of all he heard about: tolerating serious sexual immorality within the church body
Paul explains what he’s heard in Chapter 5 vs.1-2
Paul says it is “actually” reported that there is immorality among you
This report is Chloe’s report, as we said
Paul says it was actually reported…
Paul uses the Greek word holos which means “completely”
The sense of that word in this context is one of incredulity
Paul can hardly believe his ears
So Paul says I find this hard to believe, but I’m told you are engaging in immorality, which is the Greek word porneia
That word can have wide meaning, but it generally describes sexual activity prior to and outside the institution of marriage
Among Hellenistic Jews, the word porneia referred to any kind of extramarital affair, including homosexuality
The New Testament letters routinely warn against porneia precisely because it was such a common behavior among newly-converted Greek believers
Paul names the specific sin involved: a man who has his father’s wife
Paul doesn’t say a man has his mother, but his father’s wife
And Paul uses a Greek verb meaning “to have” in the present tense
When used in a sexual context, it refers to an ongoing relationship, not a single encounter
So, putting all this together, it seems that a man was now living with a woman who used to be (or perhaps still was) his stepmother
While divorce was common in Greek society, both Greeks and Romans took a dim view of incest and Roman law prohibited it
So Paul says this kind of adulterous, immoral behavior is not even tolerated by the Greeks
What kind of thinking must be present in the church of God for men to think they have freedom to engage in behavior that even the unbelieving world rejects as too sinful?
Paul names it in v.2
He says the church is showing evidence of arrogance
The word arrogance is hubris, thinking we are above accountability
Which leads to outlandish behavior unrestrained by a fear of consequences
This church was arrogant, without fear of consequences for immoral behavior
The proof of their arrogance was their willingness to tolerate this behavior within the church
Presumably, this couple were welcomed to church meetings, participating in the gathering without concern
No one said anything to them, no one made any demands that they repent and turn to godliness
Paul says no one mourned what they saw
The proper thing for this church to do would be to set this couple outside the fellowship of the church until they repented and corrected their behavior
Paul is speaking of church discipline, the process of using the influence of the body to motivate its members to put away sin and live holy and pleasing lives to the Lord
Frankly, the church has limited weapons in the battle against sin and corruption in the body
We admonish, we counsel, we pray and when necessary, we set people outside fellowship
While the sin of this couple is very significant, don’t overlook that Paul reserved the focus of his critique for the church body itself
The church’s failure to “put this couple out” of the church is Paul’s principle concern in this chapter
Every church body will encounter bad behavior from time to time among its members
And sometimes that behavior will be especially egregious, as it was in this case
But in all cases, the test of maturity and sobriety in a church is how the church body responds to such things
Do we acknowledge it?
Do we confront it?
Do we address it?
How did Paul expect this church to respond to the circumstances at hand?
He gives his admonition beginning in v.3
This is a rare expression of Paul’s apostolic authority
Paul says he has executed a judgment upon this man from a distance
Paul was physically absent from Corinth at the time he wrote this letter (i.e., “absent in body”)
But his apostolic powers didn’t depart from Corinth when his body did
So Paul says he has already made a determination or judgment of how this couple is to be disciplined and that judgment will now take place
Remember the apostles had powers to execute earthly judgment on Christ’s behalf for the good of the church
As we saw with Peter putting Ananias & Sapphira to death over their sin of lying
This is Paul’s Ananias & Sapphira moment
So what exactly was Paul commanding to take place?
First, notice in v.3, Paul is disciplining only the man in the situation
This was in keeping with the culture
The woman was also guilty of sin, but women were presumed to be victims of male authority in these circumstances
Much the way a student assaulted by a teacher is not held to account in the same way that the teacher will be
So while the woman has engaged in sin, her sin is not the focus of the discipline
Furthermore, her sin will end when the man is put out of fellowship
Secondly, Paul commands the church to assemble
Paul is requiring that the process of putting the member outside fellowship take place when the entire church was gathered
Presumably, the leaders of the church would explain the man’s sin to the congregation
Then the leaders would announce that Paul had determined this man must be put outside fellowship
Third, Paul says the man’s personal consequence for this sin will be to see his flesh destroyed at the hands of Satan yet his spirit saved
Paul is describing excommunication, that is the cutting off of fellowship in the church
In this vulnerable position, the man is left without the support structure of the church
And Paul says that the Lord will permit Satan to attack this man in such a way that his earthly life will come to a premature end
We can imagine what that might look like
Disease, Roman persecution, violence
But remember the story of Ananias & Sapphira
The man’s ultimate end was likely something supernatural
His earthly life was cut short because Paul had judged him
And in v.4 Paul says he does so by the power given to him by the Lord as an apostle
Yet Paul says there was a good outcome in this judgment, that the man’s spirit is saved
What does “saved” mean in this context?
The key to interpreting this statement is found in the phrase “in the day of the Lord”
That day refers to the judgment day when the Lord judges believers and assigns rewards
That day is NOT the day we receive salvation…so Paul isn’t talking about the man becoming a believer
The man IS a believer, so Paul is trying to preserve (i.e., save) his eternal reward, what little there remains of it
The point is that it would be better for this man to see his earthly life cut short than to go on sinning in this way
Every day this man lives and continues in this terrible sin, his heavenly account balance is dropping
Like a man spending his retirement savings, this Christian was in danger of losing everything the Lord had stored up for him in the Kingdom
So if this man wasn’t going to repent, then the next best possible outcome was to die early to minimize the damage he might inflict upon himself and others
This is a sobering truth, isn’t it?
The Lord is loving and generous, but He is also demanding and perfectly just in His judgments
If we use the time He has given us to serve Him well, as Paul said in Chapter 2
He has the power to reward us beyond anything we could want or even imagine in this world
A wonderful and glorious life awaits God’s children in the Kingdom
But the Lord is also a true and righteous judge
So He must also take into account our rebellion, unholiness, and faithlessness
He isn’t holding these sins against us for the sake of righteousness
We are declared righteous because we have been given Christ’s righteousness
But there is still an accounting for our service, as how we serve determines how we will be rewarded
And if our service is not pleasing, then our reward will be less
It can get to zero, as Paul says in Chapter 3, like coming through fire with nothing
Peter warns us to remain mindful of this coming judgment, knowing the Lord will deal with us in strict fairness
Knowing that the Lord is impartial and fair should motivate us to live sober and upright lives, aware the times are short
And having concern for how that judgment will go for each of us
Consider some of the warnings the apostles give us concerning how that day will go if we persist in disobedience
Paul delivered this man to Satan to end his life as a last-ditch effort to rescue his soul from the judgment he awaits
Had that man been allowed to live another decade or two engaged in this sin, who knows how bad that judgment would have been for him?
He still had eternal life
And salvation was never in question because he was saved by faith alone
But don’t minimize the Lord’s judgment because you have received grace
The writer of Hebrews says if those who disobeyed the Law of Moses suffered death of the body, how much worse will God’s judgment be for those who have disgraced the blood of Christ?
It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of a living God
So Paul directs three things: the man is to be set outside fellowship, the moment of discipline is to be public, and this earthly punishment is taken in the hope of obtaining a better spiritual judgment
These three principles must guide all forms of church discipline
First, we must address willful sinning within the body of Christ when we are confronted by it
Paul never suggests we are to form squads of inspectors to seek out sin or investigate church members
We should never want to pry or become busybodies
Our intent should also be loving and healthy
But when immorality comes to our attention, we must have enough love and courage to act on the news
The New Testament gives us parameters for how to respond in love through our leaders
The first steps are always done in private with a hope of encouraging repentance and self-correction
So the second principle is that when our private efforts to correct sin in the body fail, the church must be willing to take the matter public (meaning to the church body)
Not to the unbelieving world, but within the church
Our hope is that a public exposure of the matter might place additional pressure on the individual to do the right thing
At the very least, if the person continues to resist the will of the Lord and the church, then the rest of the church will have motivation to avoid making the same mistake
Since they will have witnessed this person’s public shame and condemnation for their sin
And they will be admonished not to walk in their footsteps
Finally, we take these hard steps in love in view of eternal consequences
We practice this process with an understanding that though the short term effect may be negative in terms of relationships and peace in the body…
…we are working toward eternal outcomes
The person being disciplined may react very negatively to our efforts to correct their sin
But these risks are well-worth the possibility of improving their eternal judgment
Furthermore, we are working in the best interests of the body as a whole and the mission of representing Christ to the world
I know of a case when a church exercised this discipline process with great positive outcome
Two teenagers active in the church engaged in immorality; premarital sex
The result was a pregnancy, which meant the sin was brought to light both to teenagers’ parents and to church leadership
The leadership called the couple to account before the body
They were instructed to speak publicly before the entire church, confessing and repenting of their sin
The teens were truly repentant, and so they agreed to submit to the church leadership and make the public confession
The result was profound
The church body was stunned but immediately after the news, they embraced the teens, wept with them, committed to helping them get through the experience
The church loved on those teens and they chose to put the baby up for adoption
More importantly, the Lord was glorified
The teens were transparently restored in fellowship
The body was reminded of the need to remain chaste and pure until marriage
And the entire church witnessed the wisdom of God’s word lived out
If we ignore sin among our members or excuse it or approve it, then the church body is guilty of an offense worse than the sin we have approved
Paul explains the danger of tolerating sin in the body in vs. 6-8
Notice again that Paul says this church is boasting
I doubt that Paul means this church is walking around bragging about a man sleeping with his stepmother
The church was celebrating this immoral relationship in the sense that they accepted it, perhaps thinking that grace makes such things possible
But when we approve someone else’ sin – even if simply by not acting to correct it – then we are condemned by our approval
There is a sin of approving sin, that is, to seem to give our approval to bad behavior
But it’s important to note this sin only applies to the fellowship of believers
We are not called to criticize or attempt to discipline unbelievers
Sinners sin, that’s what sinners do
We don’t solve the problem of a sinner through disciplining the behavior
We address that problem by preaching the Gospel so that they might become a new person in Christ
But we must be careful about turning a blind to sin in the body
Paul says such behavior is a form of arrogance and it leads to bigger problems in the body
He uses a familiar biblical metaphor to explain the danger: a little sin leavens the whole lump of dough
The metaphor draws a comparison to yeast causing dough to rise
We put only a comparably small amount of yeast in a large lump of dough
And that small ingredient causes the entire lump of dough to change
Likewise, if we allow a single person to live within the body of Christ with obvious, unrepentant sin, the entire body of Christ is polluted by their influence
The rest of the body is likely to look upon that person and their sin and draw wrong conclusions
We might assume that the behavior is permissible
We might assume that Christ or at least the church leaders don’t care about our behavior
We might assume that sin doesn’t necessarily carry consequences
We might assume that our personal behavior and choices don’t matter to our faith
We might assume that salvation by grace through faith means we have nothing to worry about when we sin
All of these assumptions are terribly wrong, and a church that thinks this way is a church headed for disaster
If not now, certainly in their judgment day
So when we allow sin to persist in our midst, we are potentially doing injury to our own day of judgment
You might have overlooked others’ sin in the past thinking that it was their problem
Perhaps you assumed that only they stood to suffer for their mistakes
But what if I told you that if you allow that sin to persist unchecked, it has the potential to rob you of eternal reward?
The power of sin is in its ability to reproduce itself, to spread to all men, Paul says in Romans
Is that a chance you are willing to take? Are you willing to suffer eternal loss of your reward so that a brother or sister may continue in sin?
So the solution is to cut out the cancer before it kills the entire body
Paul extends his metaphor by ordering the church to cut out the leaven so the lump becomes new
Paul’s referring to the Jewish feast of unleavened bread
Interestingly, Paul is speaking to a Greek church that lacked a background in Jewish feasts
So he must have explained the spiritual meaning of the Exodus and the feast commemorating the Israelites flight from Egypt
A flight from slavery is exactly the picture Paul has for this church now
They are in bondage to arrogance and the sin it produces in the body
They need to cut those chains
Just as Israel was set free from their chains in Egypt and ran from Pharaoh
So the church should cut themselves free of the sin of this individual (and all like him) so that they might walk without sin as a people
Paul says we must not celebrate and approve sin, we must celebrate sincerity and truth
Let’s hold up values of honesty and transparency
Not busybodiness but healthy concern for others
Let’s reward sincerity and confession and repentance
Don’t condone selfishness, immorality, rebellion, arrogance and unholiness
Let’s all seek for a good reward on the day of the Lord