Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn serving the Lord, we don’t seek out positions of leadership; they seek us
Ezra has come to Israel to serve the people by teaching them to know and obey the Word of God
It’s a role he embraced as the Lord revealed it to his heart
And he has made personal sacrifices to leave behind his way of life and return to Jerusalem
His return marked the second stage of God’s purpose in restoring the people of Israel in their land
First, they re-learned to worship with true hearts
So now, it’s time to worship through a life of obedience
Because worship can’t just be a one-day per week activity
But as we saw last week, Ezra’s commission to teach in Israel came with a demand to judge Israel
Ezra came, hoping to instruct the people into righteous living
But when that fails, Ezra has the authority to compel compliance with the Law of God
Disciplining disobedience is the hard part of leading God’s people
Ezra may not have signed up for this duty, but nonetheless, he can’t shrink back from it
He can’t look the other way
He can’t worry whether someone likes him
Shortly after arriving, Ezra discovers a problem in the camp of Israel
Ezra says “now when these things have been completed...”
He is referring to the events at the close of Chapter 8
The traveling party has arrived in the city and presented their gifts to the temple authorities
They also delivered the king’s edict and they made an offering of bulls, rams, lambs, and goats
And now at the conclusion of those events, which may have taken a few days, Ezra hears the shocking news
The princes of Israel, which refers to the tribal leaders or elders, inform Ezra that the people of Israel had not kept themselves separate from the people of the land
The people were intermarrying with the various enemies of Israel, including Canaanites, Egyptians and Moabites
This behavior was a direct violation of the Law and Covenant the Lord established with Israel
The Lord specifically named the people of the land of Canaan
There are numerous sub-tribes of Canaanites
You can always distinguish the Canaanite peoples by the “ites” ending to their names
So in the list of Ezra 9, we find the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, and Amorites
These are all Canaanite peoples, which the Israelites were specifically prohibited from marrying
The Lord forbade the Israelites from marrying these peoples because they were a cursed people
The Canaanites descended from Canaan, the grandson of Noah
Canaan’s father was Ham, the son of Noah who showed disrespect for his father’s nakedness
Because of his behavior, Noah spoke prophetically in cursing Ham’s line through his grandson Canaan
A curse is a pronouncement by the Lord of eternal damnation
When someone is cursed, they will never be redeemed
And when a people are cursed, then they are all assured of destruction
Ham himself was spared being cursed because he was a believer, according to Scripture
The Lord will never curse His children, for we are saved for eternity
But the Lord cursed Ham’s line in Canaan
Therefore, the Canaanites are a cursed people with no future in God’s providence
They were specifically called out for destruction so that the land Israel entered would have a worthy enemy due destruction by God’s decree
Furthermore, the Lord instructed Israel to not intermarry with these cursed people as they entered the land
Instead, the Lord called the nation to destroy the people in the land, as He intended by His curse
Israel was to be the instrument God used to do His will concerning the Canaanites
The Lord told Israel in advance that if they succumbed to the temptation to marry the Canaanites, they would be cut off as well
Furthermore, since the Canaanites were an ungodly and cursed people, they would lead Israel into idolatry if given the opportunity
So the nation was told never to marry with the Canaanites
Unfortunately for Israel, the people did intermarry in a previous time
That decision produced the outcome God foretold
Israel played the harlot and was carried away by idolatry
As a result, they were judged and scattered outside their land
But now, a remnant has returned to Israel
The Lord has been gracious to provide for them in many ways
He has permitted them to rebuild a temple and re-establish their lives in the land
He has sent them wealth
And He provided a teacher, in Ezra, to teach and judge them
But now, in fewer than 100 years, the people have reverted to the very problem that led them to be scattered in the first place
They are intermarrying with Canaanites
Moreover, they have intermarried with two other enemies of Israel: Moabites and Egyptians
In these cases, the issue isn’t a curse, but still, these people are historical enemies of Israel and likely to corrupt the people in the same way
At the end of the day, the issue is maintaining Israel’s purity and holiness, which is lost when they disobey the Word and marry idolaters
And once again, the sin runs all the way up to the top of the chain
Even the princes and the priests had participated in the sin of intermarrying
It seems the people are quickly in danger of repeating the sins of the past
Ezra reacts in the predicable way, especially for a man who devoted his life to knowing, teaching and obeying the Lord
He mourns in the traditional fashion
He tears his clothing, pulls hair from head and beard
And then he sits down appalled
The word “appalled” means “astonished and ruined”
We can imagine what Ezra was thinking, can’t we?
Haven’t they learned anything?
Was their worship sincere?
Were their hearts still true?
Or perhaps these people are no better than their forefathers
And what would God do next?
Will this test His patience to the point of breaking?
What kind of punishment awaits the people for this sin, especially in light of what the Lord had done the first time?
Ezra collapses, seemingly without a hope
Or maybe this is exactly the reason the Lord sent Ezra down to Jerusalem in the first place?
I’m reminded of another book of Scripture, one that is set in virtually the same point in history
Mordecai tells Esther, who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?
He was saying she must understand her circumstances as having been orchestrated by the Lord to ensure Israel’s preservation
Likewise, Ezra has just arrived in the city for the preservation of Israel
So, we know the sins of the exiles had been ongoing well before Ezra was called to go to Jerusalem
Clearly, the Lord brought Ezra back here, knowing exactly what he would find when he arrived
So we can conclude that Ezra’s intervention is the response the Lord planned for Israel’s sin
Here’s an important distinction between how the Lord works with the rebellious vs. the foolish
Israel’s forefathers had been given the Law, and they chose to disobey
Then, the Lord brought them prophets to warn them and call them to repent, but they killed them
Then the Lord brought famines and allowed Israel’s enemies to attack them, but they persisted in disobedience
So the Lord drove the rebels out of the Land
Just as the Lord drove Adam out of the Garden
But here, we have a remnant of Israel who remain largely ignorant of the Law and the penalties for disobedience
And they have yet to receive the counsel of teachers and prophets
And they are without judges and leaders to hold them accountable
They are led by their flesh into sin, but then aren’t we all?
They certainly realized that intermarriage wasn’t approved
Just the fact that some princes brought the matter to Ezra’s attention, tells us that some knew better and wanted Ezra to intervene
But overall, the people were in a far different situation than their forefathers
Which led God to respond in a far different manner
God sends Ezra to Israel as a response to their sin, so he can bring them out of it
Of course, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a consequence for their sin
They must be taught the right thing to do
They must be called to repent
And they will be expected to act in keeping with repentance
It begins as soon as the people take note of Ezra’s response to the news
In v.4, the people tremble at the words of the God of Israel
Ezra recites the Lord’s Word to the people, concerning the prohibition of marrying Canaanites
Perhaps the words of Exodus 34
And as the people hear the Word of the Lord and see a man of God react to their sin, they are convicted on the spot
And so they tremble in fear for what the Lord might do in response
This response, recorded in v.4, is an important verse to understanding all that follows in this chapter and the next
The union of the Word of God and the admonishment of a godly man, combine to bring the fear of God to the people of Israel
By the Word of God’s Law, the people came to understand their sin
As Paul says, where there is no Law, there is no knowledge of sin
And then, when they see a man of character and authority demonstrate horror at their behavior, they come to realize the seriousness of their actions
In a nutshell, this is the role of a teacher in service to God’s people
A teacher must bring the truth of God’s Word to arm them with a knowledge of God’s expectations
He explains the rules and corrects mistaken understandings
He reminds them when they forget and answers their questions along the way
Secondly, he sets an example through his own life, so that his words carry weight
In leading by example, he becomes a model to show the truth lived-out
Without a testimony of obedience, the teacher lacks the authority to command others
Finally, he exhorts and admonishes when necessary, to prompt repentance
This last step is entirely dependent on the first two working together
A teacher can’t compel obedience to standards his students don’t know
And he can’t critique disobedience of standards he won’t keep himself
Ezra’s teaching of God’s Word, and his principled display of disgust over their disobedience, leads to their conviction
Equally important, their willingness to demonstrate a fear of God in response is itself a huge departure from their forefathers
While their forefathers mocked and persecuted the prophets sent to correct them, these people show immediate remorse at their actions
God delights to see His people acting righteously in the first place
It is better that we obey, rather than we sacrifice for sin
But should we sin, He calls us to repentance so that we may be restored in fellowship
Teachers are a means for God to bring us to the place of repentance
In fact, the process of restoration presupposed relapses and missteps, which is why the Lord provides teachers in the second step of restoration
He is fully aware that our hearts are prone to wander
He knows we need correction from time to time
And He sends us those who can instruct and guide us as we continue to strengthen in our walk with Him
The thing to remember is to make full use of the teachers the Lord sends our way, especially as we may emerge from a period of discipline in our lives
Instruction involves, by definition, a reshaping of our understanding
And so, if we are to benefit by God’s instruction, we must remain prepared to change our thinking, even on issues we assume are settled fact
Surely, someone in Israel must have argued with the leaders that it was permissible to marry these foreigners
But now, they are learning the truth from Ezra, and the question is how would they respond to learning they were wrong?
If they were to benefit from the Lord’s grace, they must be ready for conviction and respond with repentance
But in the case of Israel, the outcome is far from certain
They are presently married to foreign wives and some have children
They feel sorrow, but that doesn’t address the real issue
There’s no indication the Lord is prepared to forgive
So Ezra takes another step on behalf of the people
As the teacher and a leader of sorts, Ezra offers an intercessory prayer for the people
Remember, Ezra is also a priest, so he is especially qualified to make this intercession
He rises at about 3:00 PM, the time of the evening offering
He’s in a disheveled state, clothes torn and head and face bleeding from torn hair
And he stretches out his arms to his sides in prayer
Does anything about Ezra’s situation strike a bell in your memory?
Mid-afternoon sacrifice?
Torn clothing?
Bleeding body?
Arms outstretched?
Interceding for the sins of Israel?
Ezra’s actions are a clear picture of the Christ to come
Jesus was crucified to win forgiveness for the sins of the people
He was a sacrifice at 3:00 PM
His clothes were torn
His body bloodied
And His arms outstretched
Ezra is the priest, the prophet and the leader of Israel in this moment
And in these similarities, he pictures the work of the Lord in a future day
Another time when Israel was astray and needed someone to save them from their sins
Ezra’s prayer is one of the great intercessory prayers in the Old Testament
In a heartfelt and impassioned voice, Ezra calls upon the Lord to overlook Israel’s sin
He begins his prayer by associating himself with the people and their sin
Ezra did nothing wrong
Nevertheless, he throws himself in with their lot
He’s recognizing an essential characteristic of the Covenant between Israel and the Lord
It bound everyone in the nation to meet the same standard, or suffer a common penalty
In other words, Ezra was going to suffer in whatever response the Lord took under the terms of the Covenant
Just as righteous Daniel suffered when Israel sinned in a previous generation
Then, Ezra recounts the mercy and patience of the Lord through past generations
Israel had sinned in this very way before, Ezra says
And in that earlier moment, the Lord brought the people to discipline
And following that, the Lord showed the people mercy and restored them to the land
In v.8, Ezra says for a brief moment, the Lord has shown grace to Israel
It resulted in a remnant escaping their captors
Ezra is emphasizing that all this mercy could evaporate in an instant
Israel had been taking the Lord’s mercy and grace for granted when they sinned
The Lord kept their enemies at bay
He brought them wealth from the kings of Persia
But all the while, the people were sinning against the Lord, daring Him to remove His favor from them
Then, in v.10, Ezra offers a group confession and appeal for mercy
He asks “what can we say?”
We have no excuse or defense
We have disobeyed your commandments
If you only permitted a remnant to remain following the last time we sinned, how can we expect you to allow even one to remain now?
And still, we throw ourselves on your mercy
Here’s a wonderful model for confessional prayer
Admit your guilt and shame for having disobeyed the Word
Recognize that your sin was a matter of disobedience, not ignorance nor circumstances
Acknowledge the Lord’s right and willingness to punish sin
Confess your sin of testing the Lord’s patience and kindness
And seek His mercy, conditioned on a sincere desire to repent
So in the final chapter, we find the people’s response
Even as Ezra is interceding for the people, the large assembly recognizes they must act in accordance with repentance
They are weeping bitterly at the recognition of their mistake and at the prospect of what they must do to avoid the Lord’s wrath
Two men step forward to speak on behalf of the people
They admit their unfaithfulness to the Lord in marrying foreign women
And then, they spontaneously stir the people to act courageously to bring themselves back into compliance with the Covenant
Specifically, they know they must put away the foreign wives and children
The term “put away” is a term that always carries the same meaning, wherever it appears in the Bible
It means to permanently separate or divorce
It’s the same word used in Deuteronomy, in conjunction with a certificate of divorce
This is the act that Abraham took to separate from Hagar and Ishmael
And in this case, it’s for a similar purpose: to put an end to an illicit relationship that stood in the way of obedience to the Lord
These two men make this proposal to Ezra and the people, so now it remains for Ezra to decide how to respond
Ezra rises, and as a priest, he leads all the priests in accepting this proposal
They take an oath on the spot that any who have foreign wives and children would put them away
Next, Ezra calls an assembly of all Israel in Jerusalem so that the rest of the nation could address this sin as well
In fact, if a man refuses to come in response to the call, he will be automatically excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and forfeit his possessions
So one way or another, the nation was going to be purged of their foreign wives and disobedient families
Next, Ezra begins a period of fasting and prayer in the home of a fellow priest
He is seeking the Lord’s wisdom and mercy in the midst of this process
Meanwhile, the people are assembling in a mere three days
They assemble and are trembling out of fear over the matter and because of the heavy rain
The mention of the rain is an interesting detail
Falling rain presents a consistent picture in Scripture
It’s used in parables to represent the grace of God
And in the Old Testament, the Lord withheld rain when His people were in rebellion
But he brought beneficial rain when fellowship was restored
The detail of heavy rain serves as a commentary on God’s point of view on the proceedings
Then Ezra addressed the assembly
Ezra’s command to the people of Israel is simple, yet bold
He says they have sinned and they must confess that sin and do His will
In other words, the only solution to their problem is to admit they are wrong and then do the right thing
No wonder Ezra has been in fasting and prayer for the past three days
He must have been terrified at what the nation might do in response to his call
It could have divided the nation, led to further rebellion
Prophets have been killed for less
But Ezra demonstrates the courage to call for the people to do God’s will
Anytime we call for God’s people to do God’s will, we’re risking alienating ourselves from them
Inevitably, some people will respond favorably, while others will reject us in response to the conviction God’s Word creates
If we can’t stomach the rejection that comes from preaching God’s Word, then we need to be in a different line of work
God’s people can’t repent from sin while persisting in the sinful relationships that got them into trouble in the first place
This was especially true, given the reason for the prohibition in the first place
God’s instructions were for their good, to protect them from idolatry
Had they been allowed to continue in these relationships, it meant the end of Israel
There was simply no compromise possible
Remember Jesus’ own commands
In light of the eternal ramifications, allegiance to the Lord must take precedence over any earthly, fleshly relationships
While we can be sure these men loved their wives and their children
Their relationships were the consequence of disobedience to the Lord and they had to be put to an end
Ezra’s courage is rewarded in v.12, when God’s people respond in unison that they must act according to the Word of the Lord
There is no more pleasing response for any teacher of God’s Word than the people of God responding in this way
However, the people do seek one minor concession
Since it’s the rainy season (late Autumn) and since there are many families impacted by this decision, they needed time to carry it out
In other words, the process of separating and sending the family away required some time to carry out
And given the cold and rainy season, travel would be more difficult
Also, it would be inhumane to send wives and children packing in cold, wet weather
So they are asking for an orderly process, with appointments before judges and time to set their affairs in order
The process was one of legal divorce
We know the Lord declares elsewhere that He hates divorce
And New Testament Scripture forbids it
So, we can safely assume the Lord was not pleased to watch these divorces taking place
Nevertheless, it was Israel’s sin that prompted the need for this outcome
These marriages were the sinful consequence of an earlier sin
In a sense, we can say that Israel had already made this sin necessary when they chose to enter into illegitimate marriages in the first place
Furthermore, these marriages couldn’t stand without doing even greater damage to Israel’s future and God’s plan for His people
Those marriages were illegitimate
And as long as they persisted, the sin would continue
Only separation would end the sin once and for all
There were a few dissenters, as we might expect, under these circumstances
But their objections didn’t overrule the majority
So the separations were ordered and carried out obediently
Obviously, these separations were difficult, reinforcing the truth that sin has consequences
These families suffered as a result of the fathers’ sins
The wives suffered, the children suffered
They endured the pain of separation
But it’s not unexpected that putting away sin would be painful
In the end, this moment is a reminder that a people restored without a leader is a people ripe to fall again
They needed to be restored in worship
They needed to be reminded of the truth of God’s Word
And now, they need a leader who can build their character and perseverance in the face of temptation to sin
Step three of restoration is about to begin…