
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week, we reached the end of the beginning of the restoration of Israel
The Lord is restoring the Nation of Israel after a period of discipline
God stirred the heart of the King of Persia to release the Jews from captivity
While simultaneously stirring the hearts of nearly 50,000 Jews to answer the call to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple
As that first band of refugees arrived in what was left of Jerusalem, they made a crude altar and began to worship God
God brought the Jews back to the heart of worship
No frills, no distractions
Just the people, with hearts to worship and thank God
With a total dependence on God
And as the people showed a true heart to worship, God was pleased
As we’ve moved along, we’ve noted that Israel’s experiences can serve as a pattern for the way God restores His children in any age
For example, the first step the Lord brings us through following a period of rebellion, is to reignite a desire for worship
Before anything else, we are brought back to a place where we appreciate the Lord for Who He is and what He has done
This is the step we’ve watched God orchestrate through the first six chapters
Today, our study moves into the second step of restoration for God’s people
The people of Israel have rebuilt the temple in accordance with the Lord’s request
They persevered, despite opposition, and eventually finished the building
The temple now stood again in Jerusalem, though it was far less impressive than the one that Solomon built
Nevertheless, it was there, and that physical house of worship stood as metaphor for the work God did in the hearts of His people
Rebuilding them and bringing them back as a testimony to His faithfulness
But what next? Where do these people go from here?
In God’s plan of restoration, these people have returned to Him, and obeyed His instructions to rebuild the temple
So now comes the second step of restoration, beginning with Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem
Chapter 7 of Ezra takes place 58 years after the close of Chapter 6
When we last studied, we noted we were in the time of Darius I
Darius ruled the Persian empire well, putting an end to rebellion and uniting the empire under his rule
He subdivided the kingdom into 20 divisions called “satrapies”
The leader of satrapy was called a “satrap”, a nobleman who acted like a little king in authority over his division
Darius a was man who built an extensive road system, a huge palace near the Red Sea
And all in all, he brought the kingdom great prosperity
Darius’ son, Xerxes, succeeded him in 486 BC
He is the king who married Esther
As we said at the beginning of this study, all the events of the Book of Esther takes place in the 58 years between Chapters 6 and 7
Under Xerxes, rebellions re-emerged, and eventually the Greeks destroyed a third of the Persian naval fleet, forcing Persian forces to withdraw from Europe
Eventually, Xerxes was assassinated
The younger son of Xerxes, Artaxerxes, assumes power in 464 BC
Artaxerxes killed his older brother to gain access to the throne
He couldn’t stop the decline of Persia as the Greeks, Egyptians and others in Asia Minor continued to rebel
One satrap remained firmly in Persia’s grasp...the province Yehud (that is, Judah)
During the reign of Artaxerxes, Ezra departed from Babylon and returned to Jerusalem to join the exiles in the city
Ezra introduces himself with his genealogy
Ezra is establishing his credibility for what follows in the story
And he has an impressive lineage
His name is a shortened version of “Azariah”, which means “Yahweh helps”
He descended from the first priest, Aaron
So he is a priest and scribe
A scribe was a communicator in every sense of the word
He wrote, copied, and taught the Word of God
Ezra is credited with reestablishing and redefining the role of the scribe in Israel after the exile
Before the exile, scribes served as messengers, military officers, and cabinet officials to the kings
But after Ezra’s day, scribes became uniquely associated with studying, writing and teaching God’s Word
In v.6, Ezra declares that the Lord’s hand had been upon Ezra to bring an opportunity for him to join the exiles in Jerusalem
Ezra began to leave Babylon on the first of the first month, the month of Nisan
He didn’t actually leave Babylon until the 12th, we’ll learn near the end of Chapter 8
Which means that Ezra will depart Babylon around Passover
Consider how you would feel if you were captive for decades in a foreign land, and you were set free on July 4?
That’s probably how Jews felt whenever they read of Ezra’s departure from Babylon in mid-Nisan
And then, with God’s grace, Ezra completed the 900-mile journey in only four months
Why does Ezra leave for Jerusalem so long after the earlier exiles had reached the city?
The next verse tells us
Perhaps one of the more memorable and inspiring verses in the Old Testament
Ezra was a man who had set his heart to three things, three important priorities
Notice the verse begins with the word “for”, indicating that this is the reason for the departure
And also notice, the verse ends with the phrase “in Israel”
Ezra is determined to serve his people in his land
And what Ezra feels called to do is especially important, especially at this moment in Israel’s restoration
First, Ezra has set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, or the Torah
The term “Law” is the word “Torah”, which is most specifically a reference to the books of Moses
But often, the Jew would call the whole of the Old Testament the Torah or instruction of God
So we should understand the meaning here to be that Ezra began to study all of the Word of God intently
Secondly, Ezra committed to practicing it, to living it, to obeying it
It didn’t satisfy Ezra to simply know what the Word said
Many men pursue the knowledge of God
Some even choose to do it through His Word
But Ezra knew he had to live according to it as well
Otherwise, his teaching would be hypocritical and lack authority
Godliness is the product of knowing and practicing the Word of God
Finally, Ezra taught what he knew to others in Israel, to become an instrument to encourage obedience in others
Israel has always had many teachers, but often, those teachers were false and self-serving
But Ezra was a man who combined sincere knowledge, a model of obedience and a heart to serve others with the truth
Many have come to this verse and held it up as a model for how Christians are to place a priority on the Word of God, and rightly so
We can certainly learn something from the examples of godly men who make a priority of learning, practicing and teaching others the Word of God
We understand that this is a model for any mature Christian
And we acknowledge without a second thought that every Christian should aspire to this mindset
Oh, that every Christian could have these words recorded on their gravestone!
But when we make this application, we actually diminish Ezra’s example
Ezra isn’t like the ordinary Christian
And the vast majority of Christians are not even called to be like Ezra, much less expected to get there
Take a second look at the start of that verse
Ezra set his heart on doing these things
To set your heart on something means to focus all your desire, energy and purpose on something
To place everything else second
To be consumed in the pursuit of something
While you or I may like to ski occasionally, Olympic skiers set their heart on skiing
While you or I might enjoy playing guitar, Carlos Santana set his heart on playing guitar
While you and I might enjoy taking a mission trip to Africa, missionaries set their heart on it
And while you might have a love for studying and living and even teaching God’s Word, Ezra set his heart upon it
Very few in our day are following in Ezra’s footsteps, and I believe only a few are called to do so
Everyone is called to study the Bible
Everyone is called to be obedient to the Word
Everyone is called to share (or witness) what they know with others
But only a few, in my experience, are called to set these three things above virtually everything else in their lives
To make sacrifices for these things
To set everything else aside to do these things
To serve God’s people at a level and with a dedication that puts them in different category
They are the Olympians of Bible study
And we all benefit from their dedication, just as Israel is about to benefit from Ezra’s unique dedication
So now we know why Ezra leaves, but what triggers the timing of his departure?
Once again, Ezra explains by relating the letter of a Persian king, Artaxerxes
Once again, Ezra records a letter from the Persian king, and once again, this letter appears in Aramaic in the Hebrew Bible
The king’s order sounds similar to Darius’ order, and it is likely based on Darius’ earlier edict
He gives Ezra the right to leave for Israel and bring with him any other Jews who wish to return, along with priests
The group is to be well-funded out of the Persian treasury
And Ezra is to go with the power of the king to enforce his law in the land of Israel
In fact, Ezra is to be the king’s representative in the land, appointing judges to rule over the land
At first glance, we’re left wondering why the king has granted Ezra and Israel so much independence and wealth seemingly out of the blue
Did the Lord stir this king’s heart as He did earlier?
Well, we certainly know the Lord is working through these circumstances, as He works through all things
But there is no specific statement that God has directed Artaxerxes to make this move on Israel’s behalf
In fact, in this case, there is good political reason for Artaxerxes to make this move
In 460 BC, the armies of pre-Alexandrian Greece attacked Persia with 200 warships
They captured Egypt and the coasts of Palestine and Phoenicia from Persia in 459
These regions formed the coastlines of present-day Israel
The very next year, 458 BC, is the year Artaxerxes orders Ezra to go down into Israel with more Jews
It makes sense that the Persian king would send a well-funded group of pro-Persian Jews into the land to shore up his southern flank against the Greeks
And this group would be led by a hand-picked leader with the backing of the king to rule over the land
Ezra is essentially the Judean satrap, or governor, for Persia
He is sent to rule Israel for Persia and hold the territory for the king
Furthermore, the king’s strategy is to keep the Jewish inhabitants of Judea in line
They knew their family members still resided back in Persia
Which gave them added incentive to remain loyal to the Persian king
As it happened, a few years later, the Persians and Greeks signed a peace treaty to end hostilities for a time
The king authorized more utensils and wealth be given to Ezra for the priests’ use in the temple
These may be additional artifacts not originally given, or new works of the Jews living in exile
Additionally, the king authorizes tax breaks and a support line
In fact, Ezra was granted a stipend to continue teaching the Law to the people
In the end, the king authorizes whatever will keep Israel content, strong and on his side
Ezra’s effect on Israel will be to organize a government, a system of justice and rule of law
First, Ezra is to appoint magistrates and judges to judge the people of Israel
But if there are to be judges, then the people must first know what is expected of them under the Law
So they need to be taught concerning the Word of God
And so Ezra’s second purpose is to establish religious education as a principle of Jewish society
He is to teach the people who are ignorant of God’s laws
Where lawlessness exists, then Ezra is to bring punishment, according to the king
Remember the way God brought discipline to the nation of Israel?
First He removed leadership, then the literary class (the teachers), then He eliminated the false worship
Now in the restoration step, we’ve seen God working in reverse order
He’s restored worship both in their hearts and in the physical form of the temple
And now, He is restoring His Word through instruction and justice and calls to obedience
There was a similar pattern in the Exodus
The people were moved out of captivity to a place of worship
And then, they were given a Law
Later, they were given judges to instruct and command them
Eventually, they were given leaders, kings
This is God’s way of building up His people
In this period of restoration, we see God re-establishing godly forms of learning
God is re-educating His people on the truth after centuries of false teaching
But with teaching comes accountability
Ezra comes with authority to hold the nation of Israel
accountable, should they fail to hold to it
Consider how God will bring this same pattern to bear in your own life
We’ve already said that God will discipline His children so that we might be rebuilt in a new way, according to His desires
And that God’s first priority in restoration is to produce a heart of worship within His people
We understand it’s not just a weekly gathering with singing and study
It’s a daily life of living in praise and service to God
Then comes step 2 of restoration, which is to re-engage our minds in a pursuit of God through His Word
In other words, our desire to worship God in Spirit must be matched with a commitment to know God in Truth
To know Him according to how He has revealed Himself
If you want a simple picture of how God’s call to worship is always followed by a command to know and follow His Word, consider your own salvation
In coming to faith, a new Christian is typically prone to focus initially on praise and worship and proclamations
We’re taken over by grace and the awareness of God’s love
We praise His Name
We call out to the Lord in repentance and thanks
We begin to understand some details of our faith
The cross, the resurrection, the grace of God
And your heart responded in worship and thanks
This phase of worship and praise was probably the full extent of your Christian experience for a time...until it was time to mature
Then, God began to place new expectations on your heart
Having come to faith, you were challenged to get into God’s Word
Perhaps someone encouraged you
Or perhaps you discovered it by yourself
Either way, it was the Lord leading you into step two, because the times are short
The proper and expected course of development for any Christian is a careful, disciplined study of God’s Word
Combined with a diligence to obey that Word
And it’s no different for the nation of Israel
God is bringing Ezra to educate them on His Word, and then gives him authority to ensure it is followed
A knowledge of God’s truth, combined with a commitment to follow it, are essential to a godly life that pleases God
We might ask what would have happened to Israel had God not sent Ezra to Israel?
They might have continued their pattern of worship for a time longer
But it couldn’t have lasted
In time, their hearts would grow cold, their worship would become lifeless and self-serving
Their flesh would have led them away to serve other gods
And the progress would have been lost
This happens to Christians today
Christians can be drawn away into experiences that emphasize emotion and style over knowledge and substance
They were drawn by the love of God and responded in worship
But they find themselves in settings where they’re never challenged to move beyond the infant stage of Christianity
As the writer of Hebrews warns, they are not pressing on to maturity
The effect of remaining stuck in step one of restoration, or of Christian growth, is to become dull or lazy of hearing
We don’t progress to teach; we regress to infants
And in that infantile condition, we lack the ability to discern good from evil
Leaving us vulnerable to false teaching and the schemes of the enemy
When the meat of God’s Word isn’t a staple in our spiritual diet, we are subsisting on junk food, and eventually, it will catch up with us
When God sent Ezra to teach, the expectation was that the Nation of Israel would learn through his influence and grow stronger spiritually
And that’s the lesson for us
God restores his children patiently, carefully
And once the heart has begun to worship, it’s time to work on the mind
And so, God will send us teachers
This is further evidence of the Love of God, as Ezra notes
The return of Israel to Jerusalem was the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise through Jeremiah
Nevertheless, it was a miraculous event that Israel should be freed to return to their land
What’s more, the fact that their own captors would not only permit the exodus, but finance it, was even more remarkable
It’s certainly evidence of God’s hand at work, and as such, it serves as proof that the Lord was at work to fulfill His promises to Israel
This isn’t luck or chance
This is providence
So Ezra leads a second wave of exiles back to Jerusalem
And that leads us into Chapter 8
And just as with the first group of exiles that departed Persia, we see a list of names of those who accompanied Ezra on the trip back
The main thing we learn in studying this list of names is the similarity between these names and the ones in the original list, in Chapter 2
It would seem in many cases, these names are relatives of those who left in the first group of exiles 80 years earlier
These families are at least one or two generations later than the original exiles
So they probably have heard of the exploits of uncles and grandfathers and wish to join them
We might interpret this as proof of God visiting His blessing on successive generations, as He promised to do
The group eventually camps on the banks of a river called Ahava in a province of Babylon of the same name
At this point, Ezra realized he didn’t have any Levite volunteers to accompany him for the work in Jerusalem
Since the Levites had the unique responsibility to maintain the temple and carry out certain aspects of the Law, they were crucial to Ezra’s mission
So he stops here, while still in the region of Babylon, to recruit Levites to join his expedition
Imagine the difficulty of that task
It’s hard enough to round up volunteers to serve in the church nursery
Imagine recruiting men to leave their entire way of life to leave for a Jerusalem in shambles?
It reminds us of another time when fishermen were asked to leave their nets and follow an itinerant preacher
In other words, apart from a call of the Spirit, no one would likely respond
In the end, 38 Levites and 220 temple servants respond and join the exiles headed to Jerusalem
At this point, Ezra has the men he needs and is ready to undertake the rest of the trip
It’s at this point, he proclaims a fast among all who are traveling to Jerusalem
The purpose of the fast is to humble themselves and seek the Lord’s protection
This trip was indeed a dangerous journey
The kingdom was not a stable place and the territory they would travel through was not secure
Between the Greeks and the rebellions and general lawlessness, the Israelites had much reason to fear for their lives
Never mind the fact they would be in possession of a lifetime of riches in the form of gold and silver
Despite their fears, Ezra had apparently refrained from asking the king for protection for the trip
He says in v.22, that he was ashamed to request troops to protect him
When Ezra says he was ashamed, he means it felt shameful to make the request
It shamed him because earlier, Ezra had convinced the king to let him go by maintaining that the Lord had the power to hold Artaxerxes accountable should he refuse Ezra’s request to leave
Imagine the irony if in one moment, Ezra declared that the God of creation commanded King Artaxerxes to let Israel go, or else
And the next moment, Ezra says “Oh by the way, I need some troops to make sure I get there.”
Ezra was sensible enough to recognize the contradiction, so he never made the request
Similar to the way Moses left the land of Egypt vulnerable, yet under the Lord’s protection
But now that he has reached the brink of departing the Empire and facing the dangers of the road, Ezra realizes that he truly is dependent on the Lord for protection
He fasts and he entreats God on the matter
Verse 21 was the subject for the final sermon preached by John Robinson in the Netherlands before the Pilgrims sailed for the New World in 1620
Ezra is following the Bible’s pattern for seeking God’s will under circumstances where we can’t move forward without God’s reassurance
First, we subdue and restrain the flesh
If we are truly going to discern the Lord’s will, we need to make sure we are not slaves to our flesh
We need to discipline the flesh, make it our slave, and by doing so, diminish it’s influence on our thinking and desires
I think of it this way...imagine you are a child lying in bed and you think you hear a faint noise outside the window
You begin listening intently to hear it again
But the sound of your own heart beating and your own breathing drowns out the faint sounds from outside
You hold your breath and try to lower your heart rate so you can more clearly detect any sound from the boogie man outside
In a way, that’s what fasting achieves
It is a practice of self-discipline, designed to lower the influence of the flesh, so we can more clearly hear from God
It is a sacrifice done in love, as a sign of our desire to grow closer to God by hearing Him more clearly
That’s Ezra’s first step
Next, Ezra sought God
Simply put, Ezra prayed, seeking God’s will on whether there would be protection for the people
If God isn’t going to protect the people, then there is little reason for the people to more forward
So seeking His will is paramount
That’s why the Bible so often pairs fasting with prayer
Fasting is the process of turning down the noise
While prayer is a process of turning up the volume on God’s voice
We do both in an earnest desire to seek the Lord and expect a reply, because we’ve made the sacrificial effort to seek His will
Having received confidence of the Lord’s protection, Ezra and the camp depart for Jerusalem
Ezra comes up from his period of fasting and prayer with a plan to ensure everything of value is set aside for the Lord, even before they begin the journey
He assigns to trustworthy individuals responsibility for about 28 tons of precious cargo destined for the temple
The gold, silver and bronze utensils for the temple represented immense wealth
The Jews of Babylon had apparently become quite wealthy in the course of their lives
Remember, the Jews were not always slaves in Babylon
But they were forced to remain as citizens in the land until the kings released them to return to Jerusalem
As the company moves toward Jerusalem, we’re told the Lord was faithful to protect them
Interestingly, we’re not told what happened, but it seems that they experienced ambushes along the way
Nevertheless, the Lord did protect them
After resting in the city three days, the people go to the house of the Lord to inventory all the materials brought down from Babylon
Among those who greet the party are the son of Jeshua
But notice, there is still no clear leader, like a king
Ezra will become a leader of sorts on account of his commission from the king and his teaching authority
But the nation still awaits a leader who will guide them into greater works of faith
Meanwhile, Ezra will begin to make an immediate impact on the people as he comes to learn of their sin and the need for correction under the Law of God