Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongFrom the beginning, we’ve said that Nehemiah’s task was not to build a wall or secure the city
He was drawn to Jerusalem to accomplish those tasks, certainly
He has focused his efforts there since he arrived
And at the end of Chapter 7, Nehemiah had achieved what he had come to Jerusalem to do
But these tasks were just the backdrop for the real purpose in Nehemiah’s call
The Lord called this man to minister to His people
When Nehemiah came to Israel, the city was still in ruins, the people were living a meager existence, under attack and lacking purpose
The Lord freed Israel and returned them to their land for a purpose
But they were failing in that purpose, and so He sent them a leader
As we’ve said, Nehemiah’s mission wasn’t to build a wall
He was there to build up a people
So with the temple constructed, the wall finished and the city inhabited again, it’s time for Nehemiah to return, right?
As we’ll see today, the answer is “no”, because the mission hasn’t been accomplished yet
All the pieces are in place, yes, but a temple and a wall and even a bustling city are the not the measures of success in God’s economy
Those things are at best means to an end, and the end is restoration in worshipping God through a life of obedience to His Word
Loving God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength
While loving one another
So with the pieces in place, Nehemiah begins leading the people into a proper relationship with the Lord, Who has brought them back to the land
At the conclusion of Chapter 7, we’re told the people were settled in the city and it was the seventh month of the year
The mention of the seventh month is significant
The final feasts of the Jewish calendar are conducted in the seventh month of the Jewish calendar
The Feast of Trumpets, the Feast of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles all occur in the seventh month
The events of Chapters 8-10 will take place during this important month of the year
In Chapter 8, Nehemiah assembles the people for a reading of the Torah to the people and explaining its meaning
Then, in Chapter 9, we’ll witness the people joyously celebrating what they learn in a moment of corporate prayer and worship
And in Chapter 10, the people declare a corporate commitment to obeying God
Across these chapters, we’ll see the true mission for godly leaders: edifying God’s people for service
The Law of Moses required that the people of Israel hear the reading of the Law once every seven years
Moses stipulated the requirement in Deut. 31, near the conclusion of the Law
These gatherings were Covenant renewal moments in the Nation of Israel
Renewal was not optional, but these moments were to be repeated so the people knew the Law
The renewal was not prescribed for a specific day in the seventh month
It simply must take place at the time of year of the remission of debts and the Feast of Booths
The remission of debts refers to the Feast of Atonement, which came early in the month, while the Feast of Booths came later
So the requirement was to read the Law sometime early in the seventh month
Ezra chooses to waste no time, reading the Law on the first day of the month
This is Ezra’s first appearance in the story of Nehemiah
I said at the outset of the book that Nehemiah and Ezra were contemporaries
In fact, it’s my belief that Ezra was the scribe who penned the Book of Nehemiah, though he wrote it in Nehemiah’s voice
And here we see Ezra is still acting as the teaching leader over the people, even after Nehemiah’s arrival
Take note that Nehemiah’s arrival didn’t mean the end of Ezra’s leadership role
It seems clear that the Lord raises up men with different skills to perform different roles in the Body of Christ
Ezra was a gifted teacher, and he led the people from a position of intellectual strength
But when Nehemiah arrived on the scene, Ezra yielded authority over the people, yet he retained his teaching responsibility
Men like Nehemiah and Ezra need to understand how to work together as the Lord appoints
The leader of a congregation need not be the teacher of the flock
And the teacher of a flock need not be the chief administrator of a church
In fact, it’s rare to find a man who is the best at both roles
More often, the roles will be split – unless ego gets in the way
Looking at the scene, Ezra gathers the people in front of the Water Gate on the first day of the seventh month
In v.1, it’s interesting to see that the people themselves asked Ezra to bring the book of the Law out to read to them
The people were eager to hear the Word of God
They were looking forward to the instruction
To the chance to grow closer to God through His Word
What follows has become the basis for Jewish synagogue service
The pattern was probably established during the exile, when the people lacked access to a temple
It’s still the common order of worship among orthodox Jews today
And the pattern is instantly recognizable for Christians today
The people gather for a service
Readings of God’s Word takes place
The people stand, a leader offers praise, people respond
Finally, the people receive instruction through an oral explanation of the Word and an exhortation to live by what they have learned
After the gathering, the people go away to share a fellowship meal
This is a common pattern – or should be – in the Christian gathering
New ideas come from time to time, but the basic formula hasn’t changed
Where it has changed, it’s largely been diminished by a de-emphasis on the Word of God
In many churches, it isn’t even read
And even when it is read, it’s not explained properly
Explaining God’s Word is no longer the highlight of many services
Let’s revisit the formula in this chapter to see why it was so valued in Israel
First, in v.2, Ezra brought the Law before everyone in the nation who could listen with understanding
Only children at an early age were excluded from the gathering and from the teaching of God’s Word
If families were separated, it’s only because the youngest are too little to value the instruction
Because they are likely to be an interruption to others
Apart from these youngest ones, everyone else should be gathered to hear the Word
Secondly, he read the Law as required from early morning to midday
Roughly, Ezra read for 5 hours or more
Ezra stood and read and the people stood to listen for this entire time
Their standing was a sign of respect and attentiveness
Can you imagine something like this happening today?
Christians fidget in the pews when they’re made to sit for a sermon longer than 20 minutes
And Heaven forbid children are required to sit still that long
Have children changed that much – or just our expectations?
People say it’s unreasonable to expect Christians to listen to a 60-minute sermon or attend a 2-hour church service
Yet those same people gladly sit through a 3-hour Hollywood blockbuster without a second thought
How important is the Word of God to us?
Next, we find Ezra standing behind a wooden podium
Around him, stood elders or leaders of the people of Israel
Here’s another instantly recognizable scene
Don’t let anyone tell you that the tradition of a preacher teaching from a pulpit from the Word of God is a modern invention or a dispensable anachronism
From the beginning, God has chosen to communicate His truth from the mouths of preachers to the ears of His people
Next, the people are drawn to a heart of worship through the reading of the Word
The people bow to the ground, cry “Amen” and worship
The people give an objective lesson in worshipping in spirit and truth
The truth of God’s Word is a powerful tool to bring the heart closer to God
In fact, there is no greater tool
Finally, the elders of Israel follow the reading of the Word with an explanation
The five-hour reading of the text gives way to sermons concerning the meaning of what was written
I wish I could hear what these leaders said
What insight did God give them about the stories of Genesis, the experience in Egypt and the time of wandering?
I wonder if any of the stories in the Law gave the exiles a sense of déjà vu, having just left their own period of captivity, wandering and now security in the land?
This is the moment we want for every child of God, whether the one being restored or the one who never strayed
We want to be drawn by our leaders into a moment of sincere fellowship and worship
We want men who lead by, and through, the Word of God
We need men to call us to sacrifice and to exercise discipline, so we can have the patience to hear God’s Word
We need to be moved by the Word to humble ourselves before God
And we need men to give us instruction and explanation from the Word so we can understand and follow what we’ve been given
God is faithful to give us these things, and He always will
The problem has never been God’s willingness to supply
It’s our willingness to seek for them
Because Nehemiah and Ezra have come and done their part, the people have been blessed
And when we do our part in obedience, we make it easier for other believers to do theirs
The entire day was so moving for the people, they were weeping in response to their sermons and readings
The tears were probably tears of thankfulness and regret
Thanks for God’s faithfulness
Regret for the way they and their ancestors had tested the lord’s patience so often
Most of all, they are moved by the presence of the Lord’s Spirit
But Nehemiah responds with a call to joy
Nehemiah tells the people that this day is a holy day for the Lord, to honor His faithfulness
So therefore, he tells the people to feast, celebrate and know the joy of the Lord
In fact, Nehemiah says their joy in the Lord has been their strength in the days of their trials
So the people respond with a fellowship meal to celebrate the end of the day in joy
The words Nehemiah speaks in v.10 are especially important to understanding the prophetic significance of this passage
He says, “the joy of the Lord is Israel’s strength”
The phrase, “joy of the Lord” is a reference to Christ, Who is the joy of the Father
This phrase is a description of Christ
It’s also our clue to see this entire scene as a picture of another moment in a future restoration of Israel
Another time when Israel will encounter the joy of the Lord bringing strength to Israel
A time when Israel persevered through trial
A time when mourning turns to joy, culminating in a period of restoration and feasting
On that future day, Israel will experience great distress because of attacks brought by the nations of the world that surround Jerusalem
The attack comes at the hands of the antichrist, at the end of Tribulation
The people of Israel were under attack, fearful and driven to desperation
With the Lord’s strength, the people will defend the city
They succeed in defending the city against terrible odds
Just as Nehemiah’s Israel defended the walls from attacks with the strength of the Lord
Once again, their ability to defend the city comes from the Lord
Then in that day, the people will be moved by the Word of God, delivered by the Spirit
The people of Israel living in Jerusalem will come to understand that Jesus was the Messiah
The people look into the Word of God by the Spirit and come to a recognition that they disobeyed the Word, that is Christ
Their ancestors crucified their Lord
And they all mourn the revelation
And this recognition will lead them into a mourning for the sins of their fathers and their own sins in rejecting Jesus
Just as the Israel in Nehemiah’s day was moved to tears at the recognition of their own sin under the Covenant
This future Israel will be humbled by what they learn in the Word, to the point of weeping and tears
But just as Nehemiah called the people to cease weeping and find joy in the Lord, so will the future Israel trade tears for joy
The Lord’s return for Israel will bring great joy to the nation
They are rescued from the antichrist and brought to faith in Him
The Lord establishes His kingdom on earth and the people of Israel are at the center of it
This story is explained in greater detail as part of the VBVMI Revelation study
And just as we see in Nehemiah 8, the concluding act in this moment of restoration is a celebration feast, the Feast of Booths
The Feast of Booths memorialized Israel’s wanderings in the desert upon reaching the promised the land
It was to be celebrated by those who had received their permanent home to remind them that they had to wandering in a temporary place first
That feast symbolized the wandering of the desert prior to crossing the Jordan
And it represents the Jews’ life on earth prior to entering the Kingdom
The final celebration of the feast will happen when the nation enters the Messianic Kingdom
But here, in Nehemiah’s day, is a moment when Israel experiences a lesser version of that celebration
The nation has returned from a new exile and is enjoying a new life in their land
And so they are ready to celebrate the feast anew
Following the long day of hearing the Word taught at the Water Gate, the heads of the households are intrigued to learn more about the Word
Specifically, they remembered hearing something the day earlier about a feast in the seventh month of the year
They returned to Ezra to ask questions and to know more about the words of the Law
With his help, they found in the Law the Word of the Lord commanding that the sons of Israel should celebrate the Feast of Booths
Having confirmed what they heard, they know what to do
They go out into the people and circulate a proclamation to everyone that the day for the feast is coming quickly and they must get ready
They are commanded to collect the branches and leaves that are used to make the booths they occupy
A booth was essentially a tent made of natural materials
For this feast, the Jews essentially abandoned their homes for a week to camp out in these temporary structures
The booths reminded them of living in the desert, wandering without a home
While it appears Israel did celebrate the Feast of Booths (Ezek. 3:4), they were not previously making and living in booths as was commanded by the Law
Everywhere they could fit these structures, the people made the booths and occupied them
And notice, it’s a time of great joy for the people
The feast is joyful, because it is celebrated by people who have finally received their permanent homes
They remember the Lord’s faithfulness to deliver them through a period of wandering and trial
This was true in the time of Exodus, as the people knew the joy of Canaan
It’s true again for Israel that returned from exile and occupied the city in joy under Nehemiah
And it will be true for the future Israel that enters the Messianic Kingdom in joy under the leadership of Christ
The celebration of the feast included Ezra reading from the Book of the Law daily to the people
They couldn’t get enough of God’s Word
The love of God’s people is an eternal truth
When Heaven and Earth have passed away, the Word of the Lord will remain
The feast lasted the required seven days, and on the eighth day, the nation holds another solemn assembly
It seems that the celebration of this feast brought people to a realization that the Word of God was to direct their lives in an even deeper way
They had heard a single reading of the Word of God, and they had discovered the Feast of Booths
That discovery completely changed their lives for seven days
And it led them to ask more fundamental questions about the power of God’s Law to change their lives
If one reading could produce so much enlightenment, could later the course of their week so dramatically, then what more must they do?
Clearly, they needed to redirect their entire lives according to what was written in the Word
They had been living their entire lives without the guidance of the Word of God
And it had been generations since the people had the freedom and opportunity to live by the Word
And even longer since they had even tried
So now, on the first day after the feast, they are ready to recommit in prayer and repentance to living according to God’s Word
Following the feast, a great spiritual revival takes hold in Israel
The word “revival” gets thrown around too often in the Church
A revival can’t be manufactured and it can’t be timed to suit our desires
It’s a work of the Spirit that comes only when the Lord desires
And it’s evidently happening in Israel here
In this case, we can understand why it’s happening now
The Lord has been leading Israel to this moment over the past 100 years, and even earlier
This is the work of restoration reaching its climactic end
The people seeking the Lord with all their hearts in humility
In this moment, they are also picturing that moment of Jewish repentance that precipitates the Lord’s return for Israel at the end of Tribulation
The Jews in this day heard Ezra read Leviticus 26, and in particular, this promise
The Lord promised to Israel that in a future day, when the whole nation turns to Him with their hearts humbled
When they confess their sins and the sins of their forefathers, then the Lord will remember His covenant with Abraham
The covenant that promised to send a seed to bless Israel
The seed of Christ
At this moment, the people are responding in faith to the promises they heard in Leviticus 26
And in response, the Lord will send Israel Her Seed
The first coming of Christ comes a few hundred years following this confession
Not as a result of the confession, but as a result of God’s promise to honor His Word to Israel
Only when the final generation confesses Christ, will the Kingdom be made available
Then, the prayer of repentance and worship ensues, beginning with a beautiful retelling of what they have learned in God’s Word
This retelling competes with Stephen’s testimony in Acts for the most thorough, yet concise, retelling of Israel’s history leading up to Christ
Many of the phrases included in this retelling can be found in the Psalms, or elsewhere
It’s clear that the people have learned something in the days of listening to the Law
And what they’ve heard has influenced their thinking
Not only have they come to understand their own history in a new way
They have also come to appreciate God more
And that’s the purpose of learning Scripture, in the end
We learn about God
We see His long-suffering character in the face of our sin
We also see His willingness to act eventually, to discipline His children
And we see His faithfulness to restore
Having seen His faithfulness, the people make an appeal for mercy in light of their continued slavery under Persia
Their prayer ends in a confession of sin and a request for mercy
The people ask the Lord to recognize and remember that the people still suffer in significant ways
Life in Jerusalem still not an easy existence
They have the worry of attack by the surrounding people
They are not ruling over their own land
They are under the rule of Persians
And according to the prophecy of Daniel, it won’t end there
In the near future, Persian oppression will give way to Greek oppression
And Greek oppression will give way to Roman rule
And Roman rule has evolved over the millennia and continues today, in a modern form
Still, Israel is in oppression, unable to live in peace and ruling over her promised land
The people in Ezra and Nehemiah’s day appear to recognize the seriousness of their situation
They appeal for God’s mercy
But they also acknowledge that they are where they are because of sins that require God’s response
Just as the Lord promised in Leviticus and Daniel, the people of Israel will see an extended period of curses
Until one day, when the Lord returns to fulfill His promises of blessing
In the meantime, the people of Israel are moved by a sober appreciation of their past mistakes to vow never to repeat them
In the next chapter, the people recommit to living according to God’s Word
To never repeating the mistakes of their forefathers
They mostly keep their word
Never again does a generation of Israel participate in pagan worship or idolatry of the sort practiced prior to the captivity
On the other hand, they commit an even more serious error
They reject the Messiah
So the judgment continues until the moment of Zechariah 12
Nevertheless, we see their intentions expressed in Nehemiah 10