Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week Paul was guiding us through a construction project of sorts
Paul’s point, as you remember, was to draw a comparison between the work of constructing a building and our work in serving the Lord
And the analogy had several parts
We read in 3:9 Paul said he and Apollos were God’s workers
And the field or place of work was us, the Church
Paul then calls the body of Christ “God’s building”
Then as we moved forward in the analogy, Paul says that men who work for the Lord have opportunity to construct God’s building, that is the Church, using two different types of materials
On the one hand, we can work on the building using precious materials
We can construct something lasting, durable, precious to the Lord
These are works in the body of Christ that promote holiness, spiritual maturity, love, forgiveness, generosity, sacrifice, glory and honor to the Lord
On the other hand, we can work in such a way that produces nothing durable, nothing valuable in God’s building
We can choose to spend our time, energy and resources on priorities that aren’t the Lord’s priorities
Essentially, we’re like that one construction worker who stands around and watches the others at work
We’ve got the hard hat, we’re wearing the tool belt, but we’re not putting them to work in a useful, helpful way
And then Paul said the Lord will test our work on the day of judgment
In that moment, truth will become evident or obvious
The work we did which mattered to Christ will be cause for reward
And the wasted time that produced no value will be lost opportunity
Now we move forward in Chapter 3 and into Chapter 4 with Paul continuing to use this analogy of God’s building
Let’s see where he goes next
Paul asks the church a rhetorical question: don’t you know (or understand) that the church is the temple of God?
In Greek, the pronoun “you” is a plural word
Paul is working with his analogy of a building representing the church body
Paul isn’t talking about the individual body per se
He’s talking about the body of Christ, the collective body of the church
Paul asks don’t you understand that the church is the temple of God?
This building that we are supposed to construct is a special, holy building to God
It’s not just some common construction project
Building up God’s people is the most important construction project on earth, at least in this day
The reason it’s so important is because the Spirit of God resides in this temple
In ancient Israel, the glory of God dwelled among men in a different kind of building, a stone temple
God tabernacled within this building, so He placed great importance on how it was built and maintained
So Paul draws out his analogy in making application for us today
We are that temple of God today
Today, the Lord’s Spirit indwells a group of people rather than a single stone temple
Therefore, He concerns Himself with the construction and maintenance of this building every bit as much as the earlier structure
In fact, He is far more concerned with the construction of the church because we are living stones, His adopted sons and daughters
Consequently, how stringent do you suppose the Lord’s test will be for how we worked on God’s building?
When the day of judgment comes, God will take a sober view of how we treated the construction work we were given
Paul says in v.17 that if someone makes a point of tearing down, destroying the temple of God, God will destroy him
Paul is using an extreme example of a false teacher, an unbeliever, who enters the church with the intent to do harm
This person will be destroyed in the same way that the Lord destroyed those who violated His temple in Israel
Paul says we shouldn’t deceive ourselves concerning the seriousness of our coming test and the standard the Lord will apply when judging
God cares deeply about the construction project we’ve been given
Building up the church is a holy project, one intended to reflect glory on the Lord
We can’t expect the Lord to overlook shoddy work
And Paul wants us to know what’s coming so we may be motivated to do the right things now
And in the case of the Corinthian church, Paul wants them to boast in the right things
When Paul says that if the Corinthians want to value wisdom, they need to understand what spiritual wisdom looks like
In a nutshell, it looks exactly the opposite of earthly wisdom
In most cases, you can arrive at the wisdom of God by taking the world’s wisdom and reversing it
When the world says Evolution, God says Creation
When the world says self-esteem is good, God says pride is bad
When the world says the earth is permanent, God says it’s temporary
When the world says man is temporary, God says we’re eternal
When the world says there are many ways to Heaven, God says there is one way
When the world says there is no truth, God says Truth is a Person
That’s what Paul means when he says to become spiritually wise we must be willing to be seen as foolish in the eyes of the world
We must be willing to be humbled by the truth of God’s word
We must be willing to reject the world’s standards, the world’s criteria for power and wisdom
And once we have set aside the world’s wisdom, the Lord begins to build us up again in His wisdom
That’s what working to build God’s building looks like when it’s done properly
Precious stones and gold are symbolic measures of introducing godly wisdom and promoting spiritual growth in the body of Christ
We deceive ourselves when we try to build God’s building with the wisdom or intelligence of the world
It’s laboring with straw and hay
Any time men devise new ways to accomplish the purposes God has already established in His word, then they are working in foolishness
In v.20 Paul says such efforts are useless
He means they do not work and they do not profit the builder
The building of God’s building is a spiritual work, not a physical work
The size and appearance of the church is not the measure the Lord will use in the day of judgment
Those are things that men boast in and men like to build
But they are not durable or precious works God wants for us
Such things are boasting in men, and we can’t do that if we expect a reward
There is no such thing as a breakthrough in church planting
There is no such thing as a new technique for building up believers
Churches grow only upon God’s decision to affect that growth
Believers are discipled the old fashioned way
By teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded from God’s word
The best any man can hope to do in serving the Lord is to lay the right foundation, plant the seed, water it, and trust God to grow it
We can’t improve the foundation, we can’t make a better seed, we can’t control the growth
Therefore, we can’t boast in men
Then in vs.21-23, Paul ends with a beautiful and powerful reminder of our relationship to each other in the body of Christ
Paul says all things belong to us
He means there is no one within the body of Christ who is privileged above anyone else in such a way that we have reason to create special affiliations
We share the same origins in faith
We share the same power in the Spirit
We share the same destiny in Christ
All these things belong to the entire body of Christ
Whatever Paul or Apollos or Peter accomplished in working on God’s building traced back to the power and grace of Christ
And from Christ, it itself traced back to the Father
Since we all share that same affiliation to Christ and the Father, we all have the same status and merit with regard to the building process
Further distinctions or associations are pointless
This is spiritual wisdom
So with the issue of boasting having been settled, Paul will now explain the proper perspective this church should have for the apostles’ roles
When the church in Corinth encountered a great man like Paul or Peter, he asked they be regarded as servants of Christ and stewards of mysteries
The word for servant in Greek is huperetes is literally the word “under rower”
It’s a word most often translated officer
It describes a position of authority that serves under a superior
Like a sergeant under an officer
So we should regard men who serve in significant positions within the church as men and women commissioned by Christ to serve us
Secondly, Paul says they are stewards of mysteries
The Greek word for steward means a manager
A manager is given something which they must care for
They steward something entrusted into their care
So it was with the apostles
They were entrusted with certain mysteries God intended to reveal through their ministry
They weren’t the authors of those mysteries, so they didn’t deserve to be objects of the boasting in Corinth
Finally, Paul says he doesn’t concern himself (i.e., it’s no big deal) with how he is perceived among the church, whether they boast in him or criticize him
A steward is expected to be found trustworthy, and Paul has a clear conscience before the Lord
Paul raises the point of credibility to emphasize that he serves the Lord and not men
Therefore, he is not seeking to receive the praise of men
Nor does he respond to the critique of men so as to win them over
In the end the Lord will be his judge
Therefore, Paul makes the application in v.5
The church needs to stop making comparisons, passing judgment on each other’s degree of service and assigning status to each other
That’s a natural thing for men to do
But it’s a product of sinful, prideful thinking
It’s the root cause for the behavior in Corinth
And it’s still prevalent in the church today
We may not have Paul or Apollos in our midst today, but we haven’t defeated this enemy yet
As long as believers occupy sinful flesh, we’ll remain prone to comparing ourselves to others in the body so we may feel better about where we are
I go to two Bible studies a week, but Bobby only attends one
I give more than Jeff, I take more mission trips than Pam
I attend a Bible church, I serve in the soup kitchen, I homeschool my kids
Paul says we all need to stop judging one another because we’re terrible judges of hay, straw, precious stones and gold, so to speak
In Paul’s day, men were criticizing him for doing the wrong things in teaching and leading the church
Why did they level their criticisms? For the same reason any of us criticize someone: to influence them to do what we want
So Paul said he paid little attention to such commentary, because they couldn’t understand what the Lord had revealed to Paul
Paul was serving the Master and all that mattered was that Master’s approval…not the approval of men who didn’t understand spiritual truth
You see, all this time we thought Paul was talking about a problem in the Corinthian church, but now Paul says it’s a common issue among men
Paul says all these things he’s been teaching about (planting, watering, building) focused on Paul and Apollos in their roles as apostles
But now Paul says from the beginning he was using Apollos and himself figuratively for their sakes
What Paul means is that he wasn’t talking about himself and Apollos so much as he was talking about how the church viewed each other
Paul began this letter pointing out divisions in the body, and now he ends the opening section by diagnosing the cause of the division
The Corinthians were making judgments about each other, and drawing sides and assigning superiority in the church
Drawing Paul and Apollos into the discussion was just a convenient way to make distinctions
But they would have found another
They were determined to maintain the status culture common to Greek society
And Paul says this needs to stop
Notice Paul says they are in danger of exceeding what is written so as to become arrogant
Exceeding what is written means living outside the boundaries set by scripture
In this case, it meant assigning value to things the scripture did not value
Boasting arrogantly in fleshly things to the detriment of unity in the body
Anytime we untether ourselves from scripture, we will drift into sinful thinking and practices…like dividing the body by boasting and making comparisons
There is a pathetic quality to their boasting, because in reality they have so little to boast about
Consider Paul's next comment to the church
There was a phrase I remember kids used to throw at anyone on the playground who tried to assume more authority than they should
We would ask, “Who died and made you king?”
The message of the sarcastic statement was that the person thought they were more important than they truly were
That’s what Paul is saying here
Who regards you as superior? Who says you are important in the first place?
It’s a strong statement, but it’s one the church needed to hear
And sometimes we need to hear it too
There is nothing more pathetic than to watch someone with a thimbleful of responsibility lording over others
Generally making a pain of themselves
Making clear that the church exists to serve them rather than vice versa
Acting as if they are God’s personally chosen representative
God already chose His Representative, and you’re not Him
To that person, someone needs to say what Paul says here: who said you are superior in any way?
Paul asks the church, what do you have in faith that you did not receive?
Whatever they knew of Christ, it required that someone introduce them to the Savior
Whatever they understand about scripture, someone taught them that truth
Whatever spiritual gifts they possessed, the Lord assigned them by His Spirit
Whatever spiritual things they boasted about were gifts of grace, God’s unmerited favor
It didn’t reflect on them
It was a reflection of the love of God
The problem was they were boasting about possessing such things as if they deserved credit for obtaining them
They acted as if receiving great things made them great
That possessing great things proved great things
If this were true, then every lottery winner would be hailed as a brilliant business person
Finally, Paul mocks them for thinking themselves so great, while ignoring the plight of those men God was using to bring them the very things they boasted about
In v.8 Paul uses sarcasm to illustrate their selfishness and ignorance
He says you have already been filled, that is you have become fully filled spiritually
You have already become rich, referring to the rewards of the kingdom
You have already become kings, referring to having authority in the Kingdom
In other words, Paul says you have already obtained all the things that we apostles are still working to receive from the Lord
You think you’ve already arrived, you no longer need to be sanctified, to receive instruction
The Corinthians behaved as though they had already faced the judgment seat
They acted as if they had received their rewards and could boast of all that they had done
They are like the disciples of Christ who argued about which would be the greatest in the kingdom
They are looking past the moment and arrogantly assuming things about where they will stand in the kingdom
Yet they were actually far from understanding where they stood
The fact that they had many riches and a relatively easy life didn’t mean they were pleasing God
And it certainly didn’t say anything about Paul and Apollos that they lived hard lives with significant challenges
Paul continues on to mock them for the way they triumph in their self-importance
If the Corinthian logic was accurate, what would it say about Paul and the other apostles?
If they were men of great worth to God as evidenced by their life of ease and achievement…
Then what would that say about the apostles who were suffering great hardship in the work of the ministry?
Paul mocks them by drawing the obvious conclusion
While the Corinthians were prudent, the apostles must have been fools
While the Corinthians were strong, that must mean the apostles were weak
If the Corinthians were distinguished, then clearly the apostles lacked honor
If we’re going to make assessments of each other and form judgments based on what we see with fleshly eyes, then we need to be consistent, don’t we?
If the measure of value to God is what men value, then it stands to reason that the things men detest must be the things God detests
And when we compare the lives of God’s appointed messengers to the lives of the newest members of the church, we see the folly of that thinking
Few in Corinth would have the gall to think themselves greater than Paul
Yet by their boasting they were creating an impossible standard, one that left them looking superior to Paul himself
We have the same problem today
We’re often told today that if we’re poor and lacking the things of life, it’s proof that God isn’t pleased with us
Then how do we explain the apostles?
We’re told that if we are suffering persecution, it means we haven’t found the right way to approach people in a culturally sensitive way
Then how do we explain the apostles?
We’re told God wants us to be happy
How do we explain the apostles?
We’re told God wants to heal our bodies
Then how do we explain the martyrdom of the apostles?
Paul says that if apostles were judged according to the standards of the world, then we must conclude the apostles were least valued of all men
God turned them into a spectacle, before angels and men
But we know the opposite was true, so we know human values and boasting is exactly backwards
We need to be watchful of where we seek affirmation and what gives us satisfaction
If we want to climb the social ladders of the world, we can
But we can’t climb that ladder and the one that leads to heavenly reward
We must become fools in the world so we can become wise in God’s estimation
Because these value systems are always the opposite
Remember the first shall be last and the last shall be first