Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThat story reminds us that all great men begin the same way: as babies
Today, we begin a new book, the Book of Nehemiah, but in reality, we’re simply continuing in our study on Israel’s restoration
Nehemiah tells the story of the third and final step of God’s restoration of Israel
God reversing course in the first step He took in disciplining Israel
When Israel was in rebellion against God, He struck first against the nation’s corrupt leaders
That first step cut the head off the snake, so to speak
And it was followed by two more steps of discipline on a path of descent into captivity
In Ezra, we studied the first two steps of restoration, as the Lord brought a remnant back to Jerusalem
First, the Lord restored true worship in the hearts of His people
Then He delivered a teacher who could lead the people into maturity and obedience to the Word of God
So now comes the step of bringing the people together in service to the Lord under the authority of a leader
Heartfelt worship, study of the Word, service to God
These three steps are a concise description of every saint’s walk of faith
Broadly speaking, we find three themes in this book, each related to the restoration of Israel
First, Nehemiah completes the return of the exiles from captivity
After Nehemiah enters the land, the total number of Jews who returned from Babylon will number about 100,000
And this remnant shows little sense of national identity
And any previous anticipation of a coming Messiah is now completely absent
Interestingly, the books written during this time (Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther) make virtually no reference to the Messiah, except in pictures
But God was still preaching about the Messiah through Zechariah and Malachi
So the first theme is the reunification and nationalization of Israel in preparation for the Messiah’s arrival, which was right around the corner, historically
Secondly, the people are being brought back under the custody of the Law
They had lost their identity, because they had largely ceased practicing the Law while in captivity
The Law was a custodian given to guard Israel and keep her pure until the Messiah could come
Without the freedom to worship and without a temple, it was literally impossible for the Law to fulfill that purpose in the people
Finally, the third theme of Nehemiah is how the Lord brought purpose and unity to the people through the gift of a skilled leader
In fact, the book of Nehemiah is often approached as a study in leadership principles
More than a few Christian, and even business books, have been written using Nehemiah as an example of godly leadership
Teachers focus on Nehemiah’s organizational methods
Or his people skills, oratory skills, negotiation skills, etc.
And the proof of his leadership acumen, they say, is found in the result
After lying in ruins for decades, the city walls are rebuilt in a few weeks
An astonishingly short period of time
Certainly, there are many good principles of leadership on display in the story of Nehemiah
And Nehemiah’s accomplishments are obviously impressive
But I don’t believe that’s the reason (or at least not the main reason) this book is included in the canon
The main purpose of the Book of Nehemiah is to show how the Lord raises godly leaders to build up God’s people
God doesn’t care about brick walls, does He?
Or does He care about the people who are protected by the wall?
The Book of Nehemiah is a continuation of the Book Ezra
They were originally a single work, written by Ezra
Though many chapters are written in the first person, it’s likely Ezra wrote the book from Nehemiah’s perspective
The events of Nehemiah span 15 years, but most of the events in the book occur in less than a year
Chronologically, it’s the final book of the Old Testament
The next events recorded in the Bible are those of Matthew, a few hundred years later
The final prophet, Malachi, prophesied during the time of Nehemiah
Chapter 1 of Nehemiah picks up 12 years after the end of the book of Ezra
Nehemiah is still living in Persia with the rest of the exiles who have not chosen to return to Israel
The king ruling Persia is Artaxerxes, the son of Xerxes, the king who married Esther
In the late Autumn of 445 BC, Nehemiah is living in the capital city of the Persian Empire when he hears disturbing news
One of his brothers, Hanani, had traveled down to Jerusalem with Ezra, and now he has returned to see his brother in Susa
Naturally, Nehemiah is curious for any news for how the exiles were doing in rebuilding Jerusalem
We can assume that those stuck back in Persia were hopeful to hear that the city was rebuilt to its previous splendor
But when Nehemiah asked, his brother gave disappointing news
Hanani reports that the people in the city are in great distress and are a reproach to the surrounding people
In other words, Jerusalem is like a ghetto and is despised by the surrounding people
The city is probably raided at times by thieves
It has no glory and displays no strength
And whatever barriers the people might erect, they were incapable of ending their reproach
Naturally, Nehemiah’s response is weeping and mourning
But his reaction goes beyond what we might consider to be a normal degree of mourning
He is mourning for an extended period
Which then gives way to a period of fasting and praying
We remember from the Ezra study that this combination is an effort to hear clearly from the Lord without the interference of the flesh
Next, we discover what Nehemiah was fasting and praying about
Nehemiah appeals to the Lord in a heartfelt, earnest manner for the Lord’s favor concerning a matter Nehemiah intended to bring before the king of Persia
Nehemiah is burdened by the news that his people and city are in distress
Nehemiah’s prayer is directed toward one request: that the Lord should keep His promises
He’s referring to Lev. 26, where God declared that when Israel repented, He would restore them
Who shouldn’t expect a prayer like that to be well received?
God will always keep His promises, so this request is a no-brainer
Except that Nehemiah is appealing to God for two very specific outcomes that are not necessarily assured
First, Nehemiah is asking the Lord that this moment would be the moment when the Lord would choose to act in accordance with his promises
God has made promises, but He still controls the timing of the fulfillment
Many Jews prayed for the chance to see the Messiah in the flesh, but the Lord chose to grant that privilege to Simeon (Luke 2)
So Nehemiah is praying for the opportunity to see God fulfill His promise to reunite and bless Israel in the land
So far, a regathering has begun
But Nehemiah reminds God that His promises in the Old Covenant included blessing Israel in that return
To Nehemiah’s ears, that blessing hasn’t come as yet, so he’s praying for it to come now
Secondly, Nehemiah is praying for the Lord to accomplish it through him and not someone else
The Lord has promised to bring about certain events in the life of Israel, but the question remains who the Lord will select to bring about these things
Nehemiah was praying for the chance to be that man who could accomplish the blessing God had promised
Nehemiah knew God would bless Israel someday, somehow...that’s why he prayed confidently
Throughout the history of Israel, many young women prayed for the blessing to be the woman to give birth to the Messiah
But it was Mary who was chosen
Nehemiah wants to be chosen for that honor now
We might even wonder why Nehemiah is praying so desperately for this opportunity
After all, why not just leave and go to Israel like the other exiles?
If Nehemiah wants to serve God in Israel so much, what’s holding him back?
Then, in v.11, we discover why Nehemiah is praying so earnestly for the Lord to hear his plea and release him to serve in Jerusalem
Nehemiah is employed in a very unique role
And he doesn’t have any vacation time
Nehemiah is the cup bearer for the king of Persia
The role of cupbearer is an interesting one
Simply put, Nehemiah served the king his cup
But the role was much more important than that sounds
The cupbearer was like the king’s chief bodyguard
He had the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the king’s food supply
He was like the head of the secret service
He was required to sample everything the king would eat and drink before the king ate or drank
Since the cup bearer knew he would eat and drink everything first, he made sure the entire food chain was safe from enemies
He commanded a great deal of respect and authority
And he naturally became one of the king’s most trusted advisors
In other words, Nehemiah served in a role where you couldn’t just up and leave anytime you wanted
But Nehemiah was burdened
He was inquiring about the welfare Jewish people long after most everyone else had forgotten them
Then, he mourns the bad news
And he's losing sleep, concerned with what to do about the situation
This is a godly burden, one a godly person cannot escape
Nehemiah also recognized that obedience to God’s Word demanded action in the face of a burden
And in v.11, Nehemiah begins to contemplate that solution
Nehemiah begins to wonder if he might be the one God will use to accomplish that plan
But how can Nehemiah be the one, since he was the cupbearer for the king?
Immediately, we’re confronted with a basic principle of how God brings godly leaders to guide His people
He doesn’t cause them to audition for the part
He doesn’t entice them with promises of personal fame or fortune
He doesn’t lay out a career path, where each constituency is seen as merely another rung on a ladder of personal success
If these things had been the motivation for a man like Nehemiah, he never would have left the king’s side in Susa
Nehemiah is already serving in arguably the highest position any Jew in that day could aspire to hold
There was nowhere to go but down for a man like Nehemiah
And a job of leading the Jews in Jerusalem is about as low as you could imagine in that day
So riches, fame and accolades were not the motivation for this job, and God doesn’t seek for hearts motivated by those things
When God wants a man to move into a position of leadership and restore His people, He gives that man a burden
An unshakable, unmistakable calling to serve God’s people
The only way he could act upon his burden, was if God opened a door for him to leave
And so God brings about that opportunity
The second chapter begins with the month of Nisan
This is roughly March-April on our calendar
This is significant, because it means that between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Nehemiah, roughly four months have passed
For about 120 days, Nehemiah went into the work and into the king’s presence with this burden on his heart
Nehemiah spent every one of those 120 days in the company of a man who could have granted him his wish to join his brethren with just a word
He must have thought time and time again about how he could raise the topic or ask the question of the king
His desire to press the issue and receive a response must have been eating away at him
And yet, he didn’t say anything to the king for four long months
What was Nehemiah doing during that time?
Remember v.4
Nehemiah began four months of praying to God for action
But what do you think was running through Nehemiah’s mind at about the second or third month?
Do you think he was growing impatient with God?
Have you ever had that same tendency in your walk?
You feel you’ve done your Christian duty to pray to God for an answer
You’ve been praying for some time, but eventually, you decide that either God isn’t going to answer you, or you need to do something instead of nothing
So you get busy
When God is ready for us to act, I am convinced that God is fully capable of making His will known to each of us
When God wants you to know it’s time to act and when He’s ready to show you where and how to respond, He won’t hesitate to do it
And you won’t miss it
You might not like the answer, and you might choose not to obey it, but you won’t miss it
So often, the real test of prayer is in the waiting for God to answer
We can’t assume that God’s silence is equal to an answer
For obvious reasons, Nehemiah is often held out as a model of a praying man
He’s a man who sought God’s will before taking action
And that he certainly was
But don’t overlook the real lesson in Nehemiah’s prayer life
Nehemiah was going to wait on God to open a door and direct his steps
Nehemiah’s real virtue in prayer was his patience to do nothing apart from an answer from God
If God had not opened the door for another 4 months, or 4 years, I believe Nehemiah would have waited
And all the while, his burden would have continued to be upon him for his people in Israel
But then, God opened that door for Nehemiah
In v.1, Nehemiah says “I had not been sad in the king’s presence”
This was an important detail to the story
Part of a cup bearer’s official duties was to never show any sadness in the presence of the king
In fact, no one in the king’s court could show any sadness or unpleasant emotion before the King
Under Persian law, anyone who would dare show themselves unhappy before the king could be executed, and they often were
The Persians were especially strict in enforcing their laws
And so Nehemiah has been careful to keep up the expectation that went with his duties, he says
But then in v.2, the king perceives Nehemiah’s sadness, nonetheless
We have to assume that the king didn’t come to know of Nehemiah’s sad disposition through observation
In other words, Nehemiah says he wasn’t sad before the king’
Nehemiah doesn’t mean he was trying not be sad, but it came through anyway
He means exactly what he said...he wasn’t showing sadness; and yet, the king somehow perceived that Nehemiah was sad
He must have come to know it supernaturally
In other words, God revealed to the king that Nehemiah was sad
Which causes Nehemiah great fear, because he knew the king could have him put to death
This was God opening a door
God selected this day to reveal to the king Nehemiah’s burden
And though Nehemiah did nothing different on this day, God intervened to open this conversation
God could have created this opportunity on any day, but He chose to wait until today
And Nehemiah’s patience in waiting on God was now being rewarded
When God moves to bring leadership to His people, He also moves to raise up men to fill that need
When God is ready to provide that leader, he will begin by preparing a leader who possesses a burden for the work that lies ahead
He probably won’t have a burden for what the people want, but he’s carrying a burden for what God knows they need
He will have a burden for God’s people and for God’s Word and for God’s glory
And that man will often be someone who isn’t looking for the opportunity
At least not at first
But when he senses the burden, his first response may be to pray and seek the Lord’s intervention
Ultimately, that burden gives way in God’s timing to taking action
A leader in God’s economy is someone who answers a call, not someone who comes calling with all the answers
A godly leader knows that if God has brought the burden and the call, then God can be trusted to provide the means to answer it as well
Equally important, God will usually raise a leader who doesn’t fit the classic mold
Here, God is raising up a cupbearer to become a wall builder and a leader over a nation
Nehemiah didn’t go to wall building school
More than that, he had no background in building at all, as far as we know
In other words, in the eyes of men, he was wholly unqualified for the role
And yet he was God’s man for this job
To be fair, Nehemiah was someone who had already developed leadership expertise in his role as cupbearer
So it’s not that God had done nothing to prepare the man
It just might not look like the way the world would expect
We can say that God does not raise up incompetent men, but he often raises up unqualified men
Because these men are the perfect representatives to bring God glory
Men like Moses, David, Peter
So the king’s question no doubt catches Nehemiah off guard
We know he asked it, because the Lord directed his attention to Nehemiah’s burden
And Nehemiah must have sensed this as well, but he responds in courage, assuming the Lord had made this opportunity available
Nehemiah speaks boldly and truthfully in response to the King’s questions
He says that his sadness was because his people were suffering in Jerusalem
Even in the face of a potentially life-threatening situation, he doesn’t lie
Obviously, this tells us that the man had integrity – a godly leader
But it goes deeper than that
He’s a man who’s looking for God to answer his prayers
He’s been praying for 4 months
But it hasn’t stopped looking for God to answer that prayer
So when this unexpected, dangerous question comes from the king, Nehemiah may be surprised, but he’s not unprepared
He recognizes it as the moment he’s been praying for
So he steps up to answer the king
Nehemiah has clearly been ready to give this answer for some time, so he lays it out for the king
When you are looking for God to do the impossible, then when the impossible happens, you won’t be afraid to go with it
Even when it seems like the worst possible alternative
When the king hears Nehemiah’s request, he merely asks, “When will you be back?”
In other words, you can go, but I want you to return
His reply probably stunned Nehemiah, if for no other reason than it was such an unexpected answer to prayer
A moment earlier, Nehemiah hadn’t a clue that his life was about to change
And then, the next moment, his life has completely changed
God is sending Nehemiah to attend to the needs of the city and the people, but the king’s question is an important detail in God’s plan
Before he gets any wrong ideas, God makes clear that this isn’t going to be the start of another monarchy
In fact, Nehemiah will be called governor of Judah
And he will be there for a term or two
But God is going to reserve the place of king for Himself, in Christ
There is principle of biblical leadership at work here, one that carries over into the Church today
God’s idea of leadership usually isn’t man’s idea
People tend to prefer to have leaders with impressive titles and power and authority
Israelites preferred Saul
Until that moment, God had provided leadership through judges, like Samuel, who enforced God’s Law
But then, God allowed the monarchy to come into being in response to a sinful peoples’ request
They got what they wanted, not what they needed
Throughout history, men have had a tendency to dismiss and overlook the leaders God brings to guide their walk with Him
The classic mistake is to repeat the actions of Israel in the day of Samuel
We are so busy looking for someone mighty and impressive, that we forget what the Bible teaches
It is God who leads and guides all His children
And He is as capable of working through a small child, as He is working through a mighty preacher or king
We need to be careful not to reject God and demand leaders of our own making
Leadership for the Church is no different today than it was in the time of the judges
Our King has already been appointed by the Father to rule over the Church
He is Our Lord Jesus
He’s looking for men like Nehemiah to be servant leaders under Him
And only for a time, not to replace Him on His throne
When we gather as a body, we should expect God to raise men into leadership positions, usually from within that same body
And we expect to submit to their authority for the sake of good order and effective ministry
For to do so, honors our Lord
We should expect these leaders to be, first and foremost, servants
Men who will place the needs of the congregation above their own
Like Nehemiah, they demonstrate a desire to assume responsibility because they have a heart for the people
So the Lord has found the right man for the job, and now, he prepares to depart
Nehemiah gives the king a return date of 12 years (we learn later)
And then, he asks the king for letters to the governors
The first letter allows Nehemiah passage to move through the kingdom unmolested
And the second letter allows Nehemiah to gain access to the king’s forest
The king granted these requests quickly, it seemed
As with Ezra before, there are political happenings to explain his willingness to go along with this request
Inaros had led a revolt in Lower Egypt in the late 460s, aided and abetted by Athens
While Megabyxos had led a revolt in Syria
So having a strong ally leading the Jews in Judah was probably a shrewd political move for the king, hoping to keep Israel’s neighbors in check
So Nehemiah departs
Nehemiah is accompanied by a military escort as he makes his way from Persia to Jerusalem
But not only was the military escort a source of protection, but it also served to provide Nehemiah with an impressive entrance into Jerusalem
It established credibility for Nehemiah, and authority
Nehemiah never asked for this as far as we can tell, but it seems the Lord was intent on providing it
Clearly, the Lord wanted to provide His chosen leader with an endorsement
God still does this at times, as well
The Lord appoints men and women to hold positions that come with certain trappings
Not for the purpose of building up egos or elevating the importance of servants beyond what’s helpful
But rather, to help establish credibility and authority among the people
So that God’s people will see that God is moving in this person’s life on their behalf
Much could be made of the way Nehemiah arrived and the way he approached his task
He stayed in the city three days before surveying the wall
He seems to want to get to know the situation on the ground before rushing into action
That would seem a prudent move for any new leader
Then, we notice he goes out at night to do his surveying of the wall
Most assume he didn’t want to attract undue attention until he was ready to announce his intentions
He didn’t want to alert Israel’s enemies to the change that was coming
Or perhaps he didn’t want to alarm the people of Israel, who might suspect he was planning an attack on the city
Being sensitive to the situation he was entering was another wise move on his part
And then when he did go out, he only took a few trusted men
Limiting his circle of trust until he could know who were God’s people and who were not
Once again, a shrewd move for a new leader
There might be numerous theories for why he did these things and how they contributed to his success as a leader
But we’re not going to spend much time exploring those
We’re looking beyond the details of leadership style for the sake of something more important
Nehemiah goes about his business in the way he does because he is acutely aware of his purpose and mission
He’s not running for office
He’s not trying to impress people
He’s not doing this for himself
He’s serving God
Nothing he is doing is calculated to build an image
He isn’t concerned with appearances, except to minimize unnecessary gossip or worry
He isn’t trying to build allegiances or undermine challengers
In other words, he isn’t overly worried about the politics of his situation, because he is confident that the Lord will clear his path
His only worry is being a diligent workman in the task God has given him
Leaders in modern ministry are so often taught the opposite
In fact, the story of Nehemiah is ironically taught as a good example of a new pastor exhibiting a good sense of politics
He knows how to build the right kind of relationships in his new position
But it’s apparent that Nehemiah’s true focus is in the work itself
We can see this clearly when we look at the way Nehemiah approaches the people after he’s done his investigation
Nehemiah faces the people and presents them with his call and argument to rebuild the city
Consider the appeal he makes to them
He says you see the facts
You see the situation
What do you say we fix it together?
He appeals to their shared interest in the problem and to a shared solution
But didn’t these people know this already?
You think they would have noticed the desolation already
And then having noticed it, you would think they would have done something about it
Perhaps they lived by the motto: Tomorrow is the excuse of the lazy and the refuge of the incompetent
Whatever the reason for their past inaction, now here’s Nehemiah telling them what they already know
Why would it make a difference?
Because Nehemiah tells them the one thing that can make a difference
Nehemiah says that the God of Israel had been favorable to him
Meaning that God was working behind the scenes to make all this possible
And if God had been working to bring Nehemiah here and to appoint him to this important work, then surely, God was going to see it accomplished through the people
Nehemiah knew the key to his plan and to his success was not to turn God’s work into his work
Nehemiah had received a calling and appointment to do a work for God by serving God’s people
But he’s not going to be able to do it alone
He will need to people to agree and lend their support
But where in the world might Nehemiah expect to make an appeal on the basis of his qualifications or experience?
Or the genius of his ideas
Or the size of his bank account to fund the project
Or merely to order them to work, because he was in charge...
No, he appeals on the basis that God was prepared to do a work
He established that the call was from God and he asks God’s people to join in that work
Friends, that’s all we should expect from a godly leader
Leaders are servants in the Church
We look for them to serve the needs of the congregation
But they serve us best by appealing to our own sense of responsibility in serving the Lord, and then calling us to join in that work
They aren’t sent to do all the work for us
We don’t want leaders who give us no higher calling and lay no expectations on us
We should expect a godly leader to demand we use our gifts and participate in the work of the Church to serve God’s purposes
On the other hand, they can’t be opportunistic glory seekers who are obsessed with achieving something big and great apart from what God might assign
Those men will run a church into the ground in one major project after another, trying to build an edifice to their own ego
Few, if any, arise from God’s direction or call under those terms
We need to look past people like that and look for the godly leaders God has appointed around us
Those people will always rise up, but that never stops God from raising up true leaders in some other context
And usually, these are the least likely ones we can imagine
Nehemiah is that least likely person, called with a burden and present to do the work of the Lord