Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe drop back into the moment when Saul’s paranoia, pride and arrogance has driven him to seek the counsel of a medium
Saul met with a woman who practiced speaking with the dead
In reality, those practitioners never actually made contact with dead spirits
Instead, they were simply encountering evil spirits who impersonated the dead spirits
It was a charade the demons used to control those who sought such counsel
Men like Saul…
Or in this case, the Lord took over the moment to present Saul with exactly what he was looking for: an encounter with Samuel
A vision of Samuel’s spirit is presented to Saul so he can hear Samuel’s counsel
And that counsel was appropriately harsh
Samuel told Saul he was sinning to seek counsel from the Lord through him
That in fact the Lord was not interested in speaking to Saul
And then Samuel declared that Saul was destined for the grave by the next day
Saul had the kingdom ripped from his family’s hands
It was to be David’s now
So not only would Saul find himself with Samuel, but so would Saul’s son, Jonathan
Samuel’s words to Saul were clearly stunning and unexpected
And the next section of the chapter reveals just how concerned he has become
And at the same time, we see another ironic roll reversal that 1 & 2 Samuel are so well known for
At hearing of his judgment from Samuel, Saul falls stiff to the ground in fear and distress
Whatever view you may have of this man and of what he has done to deserve this outcome, still it’s hard not to feel some pity for him here
He has heard that he will die
Moreover he knows his son will die too
And he has been given the reason for that outcome: his sin
By his faith, Saul was saved from judgment in eternity
But sometimes the Lord will permit the consequences of a person’s sin to rest upon them while we’re still alive
He does this to chastise them, to correct them in the hope it will lead to better things for them
But in the worst cases, the Lord may bring a person to the end of their earthly life as a consequence for extreme sin
That’s the situation Saul finds himself in at this point
And it must be a hard thing indeed to know the Lord has determined to bring this particular judgment
To know you will die the next day
And even worse to know that your son will die with you
This was devastating news for Saul, and the worst part for him was knowing in advance
And of course, he bought that upon himself
Had he not gone against the commandments of the Lord in seeking the advice of this medium, he wouldn’t have known
The outcome would have been the same
But in knowing in advance, Saul suffered all the more
In fact, his suffering is so acute it leaves him on the floor for some time, or so it seems, because it says he ate no food that day or all that night
So it seems as the night was ending, the woman wanted to help Saul leave her home
And in another reversal of roles, now the medium is comforting Saul
A king of Israel should have had this woman executed for doing what she did
Instead, she is ministering to him, indicating how far from God Saul is at this point
He can be refreshed by a woman more familiar with demons than God
Now the woman speaks using words very similar to those Samuel used a moment earlier, though reversed again
Samuel had just said that because Saul hadn’t obeyed, the Lord would do something to Saul – that is, take his life
Now this woman says because I have obeyed you in performing this service, I want you to do something for me
Throughout this book, we see these kind of reversals of roles, particularly in the life of Saul
The meaning of this pattern in Saul’s case is that he is operating 180 degrees from the commandments of God
Saul is living in opposite world
That’s a phrase that describes the world perfectly in that everything the world celebrates is the opposite of what is godly
Made so because the world is under the influence of the Father of Lies
In v.22 the woman reminds Saul of his obligation in keeping with the covenant he made earlier
So she insists he eats, probably for the reason that it would facilitate his departure from her home
But in a great moment of irony in Saul’s life, he refuses to honor this woman’s request
In other words, Saul was violating this covenant just as he did the one he had with the Lord
This is a reflection of his heart, that he makes promises he never intends to keep
How many times have we seen him make promises to David but then turn against him the next moment?
And now he does it even to this woman trying to help him
Ultimately, the woman with the help of Saul’s servants convince him to eat something
In fact, she’s so determined to get him out of the house, she is willing to kill a fatted calf and feed Saul what will be his last meal
She may have gone to such trouble to ensure the covenant was official
A meal of this kind would have been the normal convention when entering into a covenant
With that, Saul leaves the woman in Endor and goes out to prepare for that day’s coming battle
Returning to David’s situation with the Philistines, we find him preparing to advance into battle on the side of Israel’s enemy, but with a plan
But before he can enact his battle plan, the commanders of the Philistines object to his presence on the battlefield
The Philistines are amassing in Aphek, a town in the north of Philistine territory near the Jezreel Valley
The mention of Aphek brings us full circle in the story of 1 Samuel
The first mention in this book of Israel battling with the Philistines happened in Chapter 4
And the place the Philistines were amassing then was also Aphek
That connection seems to emphasize that 40 years of Saul’s reign have done nothing to advance Israel’s security
As we heard a couple of chapters ago, David and his men are marching into battle with the Philistines at the rear of Achish’s formation
We don’t know exactly what David was planning
But we can safely assume David was going to turn on Achish in the midst of battle
Certainly, that’s what Achish’s fellow commanders assumed
They object to David’s presence, asking why are there Hebrews in our midst?
It’s really a very comical moment
These men are preparing to kill as many Hebrews as they can, when they look up and see Hebrews standing among them
It’s like a football team discovering a player from the other team standing in their huddle
So naturally they object, and Achish, who David has deceived, comes to David’s aid
He asks is this not David?
By that he means, isn’t this the David who has served me faithfully (or so he thinks) for 16 months?
But the commanders use Achish’s own words against him asking is this not David?
Then they repeat the well-known song that emphasizes David’s propensity to kill lots of Philistines
And it highlights that Saul and David are united in purpose and goals
And they ask Achish exactly what could someone like David do to ever make him acceptable to Achish?
Therefore, they mock Achish’s naiveté at thinking David has suddenly become a traitor to his own people
They know how dangerous it is to have him in their midst in battle
Now Achish must deliver this bad news to David
Achish has to work to convince David to return to his home in the south
Achish acknowledges that David has done nothing wrong in the 16 months he has served this king
Furthermore, Achish has been pleased with David’s support
He probably appreciated receiving the booty David secured from the Amalekites in the south
Nevertheless, Achish says his fellow lords are not pleased with David, so David must depart
David asks what he’s done to deserve this treatment
He says he only wants to fight against the enemies of David’s lord, the king
We can only assume David is still working to deceive Achish
When he says “my lord the king” David is referring to Saul, not Achish
But of course David wanted Achish to think he was talking about him
In v.9 Achish vindicates David for the third time, having already done so in v.3 and v.6
Nevertheless, David must go back
Achish is treating David unfairly despite testifying three times that David has done nothing to deserve this treatment
In this small detail we find a picture of Christ, in the way that Pilate denied finding fault with Christ three times yet still condemned Him
The whole scene is a bit odd in that David seems to be working very hard to become part of something he likely couldn’t have controlled in the end
He may have had a plan for how he would ultimately turn against the Philistines and support Israel
But what if that plan hadn’t worked out as he expected?
In the fog of war, there are an infinite number of ways that things don’t go as planned
In fact, it’s probably more likely that David would find himself in dangerous and uncontrollable circumstances than that things would work out as he hoped
What’s David forgetting in his scheming? He’s working without the counsel of the Lord
If the Lord had orchestrated this plan, then David could have moved forward in confidence that the Lord had already worked out the details
That’s been David’s experience with the Lord in previous battles
But the difference this time is that David hasn’t sought the Lord
As we observed last week, David has not prayed to the Lord nor sought His counsel at any point in the time he spends among the Philistines
In fact, God’s name doesn’t appear in Chapter 27
And the only mention in this chapter comes from Achish who uses it merely to mollify David
In other words, David is operating on his own, and he’s dangerously close to making a serious mistake
But then the Lord’s invisible hand steps in to protect David from himself
David is being prevented from going into this battle by the Lord
Even as David is resisting the Lord’s will, nevertheless the Lord is going to get His way with David
I love seeing the Lord working this way with David because it gives all of us hope that even in our worst moments, the Lord doesn’t stop blessing us
He acts like a good and perfect Father would
He steps in to rescue us when necessary so we don’t run with scissors or play in the street, spiritually speaking
The Lord knows David is trying to use his situation to Saul’s benefit, but he’s going about it the wrong way
The Lord not only wants us to serve His purposes and goals, He wants us to do so according to His plan
There may be multiple ways to achieve something according to God’s purposes
But that doesn’t mean all means are equally valid and godly
To say it another way, the ends do not justify the means in serving God
He wants us to seek His goals by following His plan
We can know His goals and purposes by reading scripture
But we can only know His specific plan for how we must achieve those outcomes through prayer and taking note of His responses
He will close some doors while opening other doors in our life
He will convict us of one thing while encouraging us in another
David was being pushed away from this battle because he was working the wrong plan even though he had the right goal
Next we discover why the Lord wanted David to return to Ziklag rather than enter into this battle
The circumstances of this chapter serve a couple of purposes in the larger story of David’s ascent and Saul’s fall
First, we’re seeing the consequences of David’s sin of entering the Philistines territories
David moved into Ziklag without the Lord’s approval
He avoided the fight with Saul, which was intended to grow him
And he resorted to deception again to get his way
So there will be a reckoning now
But the Lord is good to those who love Him, and so the Lord will ultimately turn these circumstances to good for David and Israel
This is probably the most important comparison between David and Christ throughout the books of 1 & 2 Samuel
Tragedy turns to victory for David
Sorrow leads to joy
Just as Christ’s death lead to salvation
As the circumstances unfold, David’s absence with the Philistines gave opportunity for the Amalekites to avenge David’s attacks
They came up into the city and burned the city and took the women and children captive
Obviously, David and his men are greatly distressed by what they find
They weep until they are exhausted
And it leads David’s men to consider stoning him for his poor leadership
Obviously, if he hadn’t made the decision to enter the Philistine territory or attack the Amalekites, this wouldn’t have happened
Ironically, David made this move as a means of seeking safety
But in the process, he put his men at greater risk
The safest place for us to be is in the will of God
That may not place us in the most peaceful circumstances
But it will assures us the greatest protection from the world
David is learning that lesson now
And then at the end of v.6, we find a phrase we’ve been waiting to see for three chapters
David strengthened himself in the Lord
This isn’t merely a reference to David finding physical revival or even spiritual resolve
It indicates the moment that David returns to seeking the Lord’s will rather than following his own plans
It’s the mention of God that’s been missing for too long
At this moment, we have the clearest distinction between David and Saul
When Saul faced great distress and the end of his life, he sought demonic counsel in the face of a silent God
When David entered this crisis, he responded by seeking the Lord
If there was a single lesson of 1 Samuel, this is it: seek the Lord
This is also a powerful illustration of how every child experiences a walk with the Lord, moving in and out of His will at times
We may walk closely with Him for a time finding strength and joy and a measure of spiritual fruit
But for whatever reason, we may begin to feel confidence in ourselves thinking we know what we’re doing
Then we step outside His will in some area of our life
Just as David had experienced victory after victory over Saul in the wilderness, but then ran for protection among the Philistines
When we step outside the Lord’s will, He doesn’t forget us or leave us
Instead, He works patiently in the background
First, He may give us time to experience the foolishness of our decision
He may let our situation play out for a time, letting us collect a few scars along the way
But even during our rebellion, the Lord watches over us, protecting us from the worst of our mistakes and turning our mistakes to good
Just as He stopped David from going into a battle he had no business entering and couldn’t control
Likewise, the Lord will protect us from destruction even as He sends us counselors, friends, or other correction to prompt repentance
And then as we repent, returning to Him, He delights to pick us up and move us forward
Just as we see the Lord doing with David now
David returns to consulting the Lord for guidance
You can almost hear a Hollywood soundtrack beginning to play soaring, victorious music at this point
This is the climatic turning point in David’s ascent to the throne
He has passed the final test of his time in the wilderness
This crises cements David’s trust in the Lord
David goes back to the High Priest, and asks him to inquire of the Lord concerning what they should do next
This is no small thing when you consider what was at stake
Obviously, every member of that community is determined to retrieve their family members
They are angry and ready to kill David
Can you imagine what would have happened if David had told them not to pursue the Amalekites?
Yet that was the risk David was taking in this moment
He asks the Lord if they should pursue, taking the risk that the answer might have been no
This is a dramatic example of submission to the Lord’s will
David won’t move to recover his own wives unless and until the Lord grants him permission
This is one of the high points in all scripture of a man submitted to the will of the Lord
Of course, the Lord grants David the permission he sought, and gave David confidence of victory in the process
While Saul desperately desired to hear the Lord’s counsel but couldn’t, David receives an answer to his question
The difference between David and Saul is an important one
Both men knew the Lord, both had the Lord’s anointing
And both men sinned at times, as do all men
But when Saul sinned and the Lord brought correction, Saul’s heart was hardened to correction and fought back against it
As that process took hold, Saul moved further away from the Lord
And at a point, the Lord confirmed Saul’s place outside His counsel
This is a devastating place for any believer to find him or herself
The writer of Hebrews warns us to stay away from such a place in our relationship with the Lord
The writer draws a comparison between believers who act in unbelieving ways and those in Israel during the Exodus
Those Israelites saw and heard from the Lord in many dramatic ways and yet they continued to go astray
Their error illustrates the danger of taking for granted God’s activity and revelation in our life
The Israelites were granted unique and power revelations of God
But it was for nothing in the end, since they made no good use of it
Instead, they squandered that grace and turned against the Lord time and time again
Similarly, the believer can find himself or herself becoming hardened by repeatedly turning away from the Lord
Sin is deceitful in that it lies to us
Sin lies by convincing us that to obey our own desires is a better course than obeying God
And it lies by convincing us we can live in open rebellion to the Lord with impunity
That since consequences haven’t come so far, then they will never come
Saul’s heart was hardened by the deceitfulness of his sin
He sinned long enough that he came to believe there was no other way to be
And as he went, his heart lost its capacity to receive God’s rebuke or to be sensitive to the consequences of his errors
His heart became hardened, such that the tools God uses to bring repentance were no longer effective
And once Saul reached that place, there was no way back
Meanwhile, David made some similar mistakes and saw similar consequences
But when he experienced the negative impacts of his decisions, he chose to change his path
His heart remained sensitive to the Lord’s rebuke, and so he returned to the Lord seeking something better
And the Lord was there waiting for him
The story of Saul and David isn’t one of a sinful king and a righteous king
It’s a story of a hardened heart and a faithful heart
Of one man deceived by his sin
And another man corrected by his sin
After the Lord gives permission, David takes his 600 men and begins his pursuit, though not sure where he’s going
But because he’s following the Lord’s counsel, he has confidence that the Lord will take care of the details
And so He does
David and men go south as far as the brook Besor, which was the border of Israel with Egypt
It’s interesting that David’s men just fall in line behind him
One moment they are ready to stone him
And the next moment they follow
The only thing to explain their change of heart was seeing David consult the Lord
Godly leadership is inspiring to others, both in our families and in the church
The Amalekite raiders were moving in this territory freely, between the land of the Hebrews, the Philistines and pockets of Canaanites
So finding them was going to require quick work and direction from the Lord
The journey down from Aphek and the emotional toll of finding Ziklag burned has left some of David’s men exhausted
So David decides to leave 200 men with the camp equipment while taking 400 men with him to continue to fight
This might have discouraged a leader, to lose a third of his already small force
But David is following the Lord now, so he shows no doubt or fear
Spurgeon remarked:
So in kindness David allows these 200 men to rest
Plus by leaving the baggage with them, David’s other 400 men can move more swiftly
This is reminiscent of his planned battle against Nabal, where David left some men behind to guard the baggage
As they move out, David and his men encounter an Egyptian in the field
This was an odd thing…a foreigner by himself so far north and in the middle of nowhere
So David and his men find this suspicious and take the man captive
They assume that this man may know something or at least he may have seen the Amalekites passing through
But the guy is so famished and weak that he’s no use to them without some time to gain his strength
This man fell ill three days ago and was left here by the retreating Amalekites
So they give him food and water because it’s been three days since he’s had anything
And then they begin to interrogate him
He confesses that he was a part of the raiding party that struck Ziklag
As an Egyptian, he was probably a slave of the Amalekites, perhaps captured in a previous battle with the Egyptians
So he speaks as one under orders to do what he did, not as one with a personal grudge against David or anyone else
So he tells David the complete story that they raided Ziklag
David realizes this man can lead him to the camp of the Amalekites, so he instructs the Egyptian to take his men there
Of course, this worried the Egyptian
He will make himself an enemy of his master
So if David will not protect him, then he is certain to die
Therefore, he asks David for protection and David agrees
This entire scene is recorded for us to see the heart of David in the midst of war
He regards even the lowest of men with respect and kindness
This trait will follow David all the days of his life as king
It’s one of the marks of a man after God’s own heart
As Jesus says:
So then David goes into the camp
As the Lord promised, David and his men are successful in the battle
They fought all night long, destroying the enemy and freeing all the captives
We hear that 400 of the Amalekites escaped on camels, the sports car of that day
The significance of the number is in telling us that David had a much smaller force
He was fighting with only 400, and just the escapees of the Amalekites was 400
Still the Lord delivered a victory to David
David’s victory was so complete that nothing was missing, not even his possessions
The Amalekites had other possessions taken from other peoples besides David’s men
And these possessions David took for himself as booty of the battle
And it was called David’s spoil
Finally, he carries that spoil back to the other waiting men
The distribution of the spoil takes up these five verses and the rest of the chapter
We will study it next week as we enter the final chapter of the book
It will illustrate once more David’s fairness and concern for the welfare of his people
And it becomes the means God uses to turn the hearts of Israel to their new king even as Saul loses his life on the battlefield
Because when both the king and the prince die at the same moment, it leaves a power vacuum
David is God’s choice to fill that vacuum
And the Lord wants the people of Israel to see that too