Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re wrapping up our story of Saul’s fall and David’s rise
It’s been ten years since David first entered Saul’s court
And in those years, the Lord has trained David in skills necessary for his time as king
David’s been trained in warfare and in music
He’s learned shepherding and diplomacy
And during his time in the wilderness, he’s learned some of the most important lessons of his entire life
He’s learned to rely on the Lord, to seek Him in prayer and follow His commands
He’s suffered loss, deprivation and despair
He’s known triumph, seen miracles and found love
He’s almost ready to take the throne
And so today’s the day Saul and Jonathan will die on the battlefield, and as a result the nation will seek for a new king
The question of who should succeed Saul will be on everyone’s mind
And with David having been living in the land of Israel’s enemies for the past 16 months, the answer isn’t obvious
The Lord needs to make sure David is the natural and only choice in the minds of the people
For he is the Lord’s choice
Therefore, the rest of Chapter 30 is devoted to explaining how the Lord prepares the hearts of the people to receive David as king even as He removes Saul
David has just returned from defeating the Amalekites in the south and rescuing the families of all his men
He won the victory with only 400 men
He was forced to leave 200 of his men behind due to exhaustion
Despite having a third fewer men, David’s army has still managed to win a great victory
And as a result of his victory, he’s taken considerable spoil
In v.20 last week we read that the people called this war booty “David’s spoil”
In other words, David has the right to determine the distribution of this wealth
Logically, he will share it with those who helped him fight in the battle
But David is prepared to go well beyond that
Here’s another difference between David and Saul
David is a man after God’s own heart
So David does the unexpected with this bounty
David and his 400 men and the families they rescued return from the battle and enter Ziklag greeting those who returned
The word for greet is shalom, which means they wished peace upon these who stayed behind
It’s probably an understatement for what would have been an emotional reunion for those families
But it’s also an indication that David is not going to hold these men in contempt for their unwillingness to enter the battle
Once again David displays a degree of compassion out of keeping with the way most military commanders thought
But this is in keeping with God’s heart
But within the group that entered battle, there were some men who were not like David’s heart
They are called wicked and worthless in v.22
And their wickedness is evident by their willingness to cut off from receiving any of the spoil all those who didn’t fight
This was probably normal for most armies
But it wasn’t David’s heart
And the reason David viewed the situation differently was because he understood the source of the victory differently
The wicked and worthless soldiers were taking full credit for this victory
They believed they had defeated the Amalekites by their own power
And therefore, they felt they deserved the spoil
And conversely, the men who failed to fight could not claim a part in the victory nor the spoil
But remember we saw last week that these men were likely greatly outnumbered in the fight
The number of Amalekites who escaped the battle on camels was equal to the total number of David’s force
So we can be sure these men were a long shot to win this battle
What explains their victory then?
David recognized that the Lord brought the victory supernaturally, in keeping with His promise to David that they would recover their families
In v.23 David says the Lord gave them the victory
And then David concludes that the share of the spoil must be divided equally since no one earned this victory
The ones who went into battle could take no more credit for the victory than those who stayed behind with the baggage
So the spoil should be divided equally
The principle David is following has profound implications for all believers in many areas of our spiritual lives
This principle recognizes that believers can’t take credit for God’s work through us
And therefore we can’t use our successes in ministry as cause for individual distinction at the expense of others
This principle impacts how we talk about our success, how we fund our work and how we qualify those who serve in the church
Paul says it this way
If the Lord has given us the means for our success in serving Him, then who are we to elevate ourselves among others?
If we are part of a body, then how important can any one part be?
And if the same Spirit is empowering all of us as He desires, then what part did we play in creating any distinction?
When we operate with an awareness of this principle, several good things will happen
First, we remain humble, or as Paul put it, we have “sound judgment”
In Greek, the term means having the right mind
We see the spiritual world accurately, without deluding ourselves and inflaming our pride
We’ll worry less about perceptions of us and spend less time promoting ourselves and more time lifting up the Lord
We’ll experience contentment with our anonymity knowing that it’s woe to us when men speak well of you
Men and women who serve God in this way typically accomplish far more for the kingdom than those who make personal recognition a priority
Secondly, living under this principle means we be preoccupied with the contributions of others as they seek to serve the Lord
We can set aside questions of who does more or who does enough to serve the Lord
We can trust that the Lord will judge all fairly and we can rest in that assurance without passing judgment on one another
Again, Paul puts it this way
David has made a wise and courageous decision
He has resisted the temptation to selfishly exclude the 200 men so as to ensure the 400 received a higher reward
Moreover, he has set forth a principle that all those who serve in Israel are equal beneficiaries of the Lord’s blessing
In v.25 we’re told that as a result of David’s actions, a new ordinance or statute was instituted in the nation
And this unconventional choice becomes the opening for David to claim the throne of Israel
David’s wisdom doesn’t end with his distribution to the soldiers
David holds some of the spoil back so he can use it to win over the entire nation
David distributes a portion of the plunder to the elders of Judah
Judah is the tribe of David and these towns were the principle places David had spent his years wandering during his time in the wilderness
David is taking the same principle we just examined and applying it on an even broader scale
David’s victory over the enemies of Judah wasn’t just the result of a momentary intervention by God
On the contrary, the Lord had been working steadily over the past ten years to bring David through the entire episode of wandering
It seems that David has learned the final and most important lesson of his time wandering
That the Lord was forever and always working in every circumstance to care for David and direct his steps
Therefore, the spoil from this victory was just the latest evidence of God’s grace in David’s life
So as David reflected on the events that brought him to this point, he must have realized that the elders of Judah were likewise responsible for this victory
When the elders in Bethel or in the Negev supported David, they were doing the Lord’s work
When the Kenites or the men of Hormah protected or fed David, they were instruments in God’s hands
So when David received his reward in battle, he understood that the Lord was working long before to grant this outcome
And therefore, these men should share in the spoil too
Not only was David living true to the principle he established, but he was also acting in a very politically astute manner
This gesture was sure to cement loyalty among the elders of Judah
So that after the death of Saul later this day in battle in the north of Israel, David will be positioned to receive their support
And David is well prepared to assumed that role
In fact, if we glance back across the events of this chapter, we see David exhibiting a list of admirable leadership traits
He shows empathy, decisiveness, kindness, integrity, generosity and above all, faith
These qualities were present in David to varying degrees from years ago
But his experiences in the wilderness fleeing Saul have matured him in necessary and important ways
So that now David is clearly qualified to sit on the throne of Israel, in a way that Saul never was
And in this way, Saul and David become a striking picture of Satan and Christ, respectively
Saul assumed the throne of Israel yet lacked the proper pedigree and qualifications
He wasn’t of the correct tribe and he didn’t possess the tested character nor heart of God
And as a result, the usurper’s reign brought only death and destruction to Israel
Meanwhile, the Lord raises up a humble servant from unassuming circumstances to rule the nation
This man comes from the proper lineage
He has a heart after God
And after a time of severe testing, he is shown worthy to take the throne of God’s people
A throne he assumes after the usurper is destroyed
It’s easy to see the comparisons with Satan and Christ
Obviously, we aren’t suggesting that Saul is satanic or evil or even an unbeliever
We’re just noting the way the arc of his life represents Satan’s role in contending with Christ
Satan wants the throne reserved for Christ, and for a time he appears to have it as he rules the fallen world enslaved to him
But a humble Christ was tested and proven worthy to sit at the righthand of the Father
Even now the kingdom has been ripped away from Satan and granted to Christ
Yet for a time, the body of Christ is being tested, living in a wilderness of the world
While our enemy desperately tries to hold on to power and persecutes us as he did our Lord
But in a day to come, the Lord will assume His rightful throne and the enemy will be vanquished
And now has come the time for David to assume his throne
The story now turns back to Mt. Gilboa and to Saul and the army of Israel in the north
This scene was probably taking place simultaneously during David’s fight with the Amalekites in the south
Obviously, the Lord is working to time these two outcomes so that they create a contrast with one another
On the one hand, Saul’s ignominious defeat in the north
And on the other, David’s triumph in the south
The Philistines press the battle and the result is exactly as Samuel foretold the night before
Saul’s son Jonathan is killed on the battlefield
But Saul’s other sons Abinadab and Malchi-shua are also killed
Once again, this is to be expected since the Lord has said that Saul’s dynasty would come to an end
And then Saul himself dies and in a most shameful way
Saul is struck by multiple arrows and is mortally wounded
Recognizing he has come to his end, Saul instructs his armor bearer to kill him lest the Gentiles capture him alive
The armor bearer is reluctant to follow Saul’s orders for obvious reasons
Had the armor bearer killed the king, there would be no one alive to testify to Saul’s instructions
And the armor bearer would have been seen as Saul’s murderer
So he refuses to comply
Saul then decides to do the deed himself, committing suicide by falling on the point of his own sword
Saul’s death is the final irony in his sad story
The day earlier, the Lord had finally spoken to Saul as Saul desired, saying Saul would die in battle
The Lord’s silence had been the product of Saul’s unwillingness to submit to the word of God in prior days
Yet nevertheless, Saul was determined to hear from God, necessitating his visit to the medium
And once more Saul has heard the voice of the Lord and chosen to go his own way, even in his death
Rather than conceding to the Lord’s will, Saul decides to take his own life
Of course, the word of God was still correct that Saul dies as a result of the battle
But the specific cause was Saul’s own hand, a fitting conclusion to a life that rejected the word of the Lord time and again
It’s interesting that Saul was more concerned with what might happen to him when the Philistines found him
When he should have been focused on what was to happen when he faced the Lord following his death
When the armor bearer sees Saul take his own life, he decides to follow in like way
The armor bearer falls on his own sword
This was not an uncommon response under the circumstances
The armor bearer was charged with protecting the life of the king
And if the king died, especially in such a dishonorable way, the armor bearer was likely to be executed anyway
His death simply emphasizes that Saul’s sin and death brought many others down with him
Not only did this armor bearer lose his life because of Saul
But so did many in Israel’s army on that day
As we read in v.6, all Saul’s army died on that day
Many wives lost husbands and many children lost fathers
Such is the consequence of sin
Those consequences extended well beyond the dead on the battlefield
As a result of the army’s defeat, the entire north of Israel is overrun by the Philistines
The towns throughout the Jezreel Valley and beyond the Jordan are left exposed to the Philistines
So the Jewish people and other peoples living in these towns abandon their homes and fields in anticipation of the Philistines’ advance
This is a terrible defeat for the people and the low point in Israel’s history since entering the land
This is the opposite outcome from the one Saul was supposed to accomplish
The Lord declared that Saul was the one through whom He would deliver Israel from the Philistines
Now we understand that the Lord didn’t mean that Saul would defeat the Philistines once and all
Instead, he simply meant that Saul would win meaningful victories in his early days
But in the end he failed in his mission because of his disobedience and sin
In fact, reading this opening passage again reveals an interesting symmetry to Saul’s time as king in Israel
The story began with an innocent Saul seeking for Samuel and finding him with the help of a female guide
And the story ended with a wicked Saul seeking for Samuel by means of a female medium
His life has gone full circle, albeit in a downward spiral
And now our story comes to an end with the final disposition of Saul’s body
When the Philistines were scavenging among the dead, they come across Saul and Jonathan and Saul’s other sons on Mt. Gilboa
They do to Saul what David had done to Goliath years earlier
They decapitate the king’s dead body, remove his weapons and put his head and weapons on a tour of the Philistine cities
The land celebrates this great victory over Israel
In another contrast to the start of the book, Saul’s head ends up in one pagan temple (according to 1 Chronicles 10:10) and his weapons in another
The book opened with Samuel entering service in God’s temple
And it ends with Saul in a pagan temple
Saul’s headless body was nailed to the walls of the Jewish town of Beth-shan
This town is located on the east end of the Jezreel valley, near the battle where Saul lost his life
In further irony, Saul died worrying what the Philistines would do to him, yet the very thing he tried to avoid happened anyway
By treating his body in this way, the Philistines were bringing Saul great dishonor in death
To treat a dead body in this way was great disrespect
Eventually the news of Saul’s body reached a nearby Jewish town
Jabesh-gilead was about 13 miles away from Beth-shan, which took most of the night to reach by foot
They wanted to show respect to their king even in death
So they removed him from the wall and burned his body probably to cleanse it of abuse
And then they buried the bones in Jabesh
This town had been rescued earlier by Saul from the Amalekites, so they were simply repaying Saul
They buried him under a tamarisk tree
That location serves to remind us of where Saul spent some of the most pivotal moments of his inglorious career as king
Earlier, Saul acted foolishly fearing David and making rash accusations while seated under a similar tree
Later in 2 Samuel David will further honor the king by reinterring his bones in the family tomb
Thomas Constable offers a fitting summary of the life of Saul: