Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe Lord is ready to put Saul’s wavering heart to the test
Tests brought by God are intended to reveal what’s in a person’s heart
God knows our heart already, of course
But when the Lord wants to expose the inner motives and thinking of a man, He will construct a test, a trial
The test offers the Lord’s servant an opportunity to obey and receive the Lord’s praise
But there is equal opportunity for the person to disobey and fall into ruin
We can find examples in scripture of men who passed such tests
For example, the Lord allowed Job to be tested severely by the enemy to reveal Job’s heart for the Lord
Despite the severity of God’s trial, Job steadfastly maintained his devotion to the Lord
And Abraham passed a test by his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac
And Joseph, Hezekiah, and David all exhibited faithfulness of one kind or another in the midst of testing
But we can also find plenty of examples of men who failed such tests
Peter failed his test when he denied Christ three times
And virtually the entire generation of Israel who left Egypt failed ten tests in grumbling against Moses and the Lord
In all cases, the Lord knew the heart of each person before He brought the test
But by observing these tests, we learn an important spiritual principle
The motives of our hearts are best revealed by how we respond to a command from God
In chapter 15, Saul will receive a test from God
Even before the test comes, we have seen Saul’s deteriorating walk with the Lord
He’s increasingly prideful, arrogant
He’s determined to receive glory for himself rather than giving it to the Lord
And just to make sure we don’t miss Saul’s descent into conceit, the Lord brings a test to reveal it
The Lord has already declared that Saul’s dynasty can’t last
And now with this test, Saul will be personally disqualified from serving as king
Soon, the Lord will anoint Saul’s successor even as Saul remains on the throne a while
The Lord will withdraw His Spirit from Saul even though Saul continues to rule
And the Lord will bring an evil Spirit to terrorize Saul during his final years on the throne to reveal His jealous heart
The test of chapter 15 is important to explaining why and how Saul’s reign comes to an end
Then in Chapter 16 the Lord selects Saul’s replacement
A king according to the Lord’s choice who will become a contrast to the one the people selected
But first we finish up chapter 14 with Samuel’s summary of Saul’s reign
It was common in ancient records to highlight a king’s accomplishments by summarizing his family line and his military victories
So Samuel offers that summary of Saul here
At this point in Saul’s reign, his family consisted of three sons and two daughters
One son we know, Jonathan
The second, Ishvi, (going by his other name, Ishbosheth) becomes an important character in 2Samuel
Malchi-shua is third
Not all Saul’s sons are mentioned here, but all but one will die violent deaths
The captain of Saul’s army is also mentioned because he plays a large role in the rebellion against Saul’s anointed successor
Then Samuel mentions Saul’s military service to the nation, commanding standing armies in Israel for the first time in their history
He fought principally against the Philistines who were Israel’s strongest opponent in these years
Nevertheless, the Philistines were a severe enemy all the days of Saul’s reign
And Saul was constantly recruiting new warriors to serve him
When he came across a valiant or mighty man, Saul would conscript him into the army
This summary paints a picture of a failed and wasted monarchy
Saul’s posterity was ignominious
He fathered only a few sons, all of whom died violent deaths
His trusted advisor becomes a traitor
His military success was hollow, since he never defeats the Philistines, barely keeping them under control
And he can’t seem to inspire and attract men to serve him, since he has to conscript them
This is a picture of failed leadership and wasted opportunities
That summary sets up chapter 15, where Saul’s reign is judged by God
Samuel prefaces his announcement with an important comment
Samuel reminds Saul that the Lord sent him to anoint Saul as king over His people
Saul wasn’t king because he earned it or even inherited it
The monarchy of Israel was dropped in Saul’s lap
The implication? Saul should have kept that fact in mind to keep his heart humble before the Lord
Yet we know this is not what Saul did
He has become arrogant
Secondly, Samuel reminds Saul he rules over God’s people, Israel
Israel didn’t belong to Saul
Much like the judges, Saul was appointed a caretaker working under the authority of God
Yet Saul has been ruling the nation like it was his private kingdom
And finally, Samuel directs Saul to listen to the words of the Lord
This is a thinly veiled rebuke of Saul’s unwillingness to listen to the Lord
We’ve already seen one episode of Saul ignoring the instructions of God and His prophet
And we’re about to see another in this chapter
The instructions Saul receives are to utterly destroy the Amalekites and their king
The Amalekites were descendants of Esau who lived in the southern Negev and Sinai
As Samuel mentions in v.2, the Amalekites tried to destroy Israel by a sneak attack upon the people when they were walking out of Egypt
In Exodus, Moses needed help holding up his arms so Israel would win the battle
After that battle, the Lord declared in Deut 25 that one day He would bring the Amalekite people to an end
And now He’s offered Saul the honor to fulfill that prophecy and bring about the end for one of Israel’s main enemies
But the Lord’s instructions are very specific
Saul is to show no mercy
He must utterly destroy every man, woman and child, including the king
And every animal of the Amalekites would be destroyed
And the people of Israel may not take any spoil from the city
In scripture, this is called being under the ban
To be placed under the ban meant that every person, beast and all possessions must be destroyed without mercy or exception
Nothing survives or carries forward
Just to emphasize that the Lord was clear on His expectations, Samuel repeats the word utterly seven times in this account
Why did the Lord order such a complete destruction?
In short, to make a point
In ordinary warfare, a conquering army would destroy the men in a city since they posed a threat
But women and children would usually be spared so they could become slaves of the conquering army
And the choice livestock and precious materials would be kept as war booty
But the Lord isn’t taking Saul to war to enrich Israel with slaves and war booty
By putting the Amalekites under the ban, the world will know God was fulfilling His promise to destroy an adversary Israel
Therefore, all the credit for the victory will belong to the Lord alone
Now if Saul obeys the Lord’s command, naturally Saul himself would receive a measure of glory for the victory
This is always the pattern for those who serve the Lord
The Lord does great things through His people
By working with Him, we have opportunity to share in His reflected glory Just as Moses’s shining face reflected the glory of God
We receive a measure of reflected glory and praise for what God accomplishes in and through us when we obey Him
And we also understands that all credit for the result belongs to the Lord
This is the test for Saul’s heart
Heed the word of the Lord
Defeat the city, take nothing
And forgo any opportunity to become enriched by the victory
Don’t seek personal credit for the victory
And ensure the world understands God keeps His promises
And with that commission from Samuel, Saul goes out to battle the Amalekites
Saul musters a large force to attack and he prepares to ambush the city
An ambush was traditionally understood to be a less honorable way of prosecuting war
But it was the Amalekites who had ambushed the Israelites in Moses’ day
So turnaround now was fair play for Saul
Living among the Amalekites were another people descended from Esau, the Kenites
The Kenites descended from Abraham through his third wife Keturah
Unlike the Amalekites, the Kenites had been kind to Israel when they wandered through the desert
So to repay their history of kindness, Saul allows the Kenites to flee before the attack
Following the departure of the Amalekites, Saul’s army rolls over the city
This was no small victory, as the Amalekites were powerful
But God delivered the victory to Saul as He promised
Saul defeated the people throughout the region of the Sinai
And Saul killed all the inhabitants of the city as God directed
Well, all except the king, which he captured alive and brought back into Israel
After capturing Agag, the king of the Amalekites, Saul lets him live
Nevermind that Saul is directly disobeying the Lord’s command, why would Saul even want his enemy to live?
There is no reason given in scripture, but we might suppose Saul was keeping his adversary as a trophy
To keep an opposing king alive as a prisoner or slave humiliated the king
Regardless of Saul’s purposes, it was sin
Furthermore, Saul’s heart was taken in by the prospect of enlarging his personal fortune
He took one look at the good herds of Agag and decided it would be a waste to kill them
So he took them as well destroying only what he didn’t want
Every decision Saul made was calculated for his own benefit
Obeying the Lord wasn’t on his mind
Both those Saul killed and those he let let live served his selfish purposes
Saul failed God’s test, just as the Lord knew he would
Twenty-five years have passed since Samuel first declared that Saul’s dynasty would not stand
And since then, we’ve been watching Saul’s heart move in this direction
Now having failed this final test, the Lord is going to reject Saul personally as king
In the climactic verse of the chapter, we’re told “the word of the Lord came to Samuel”
This phrase appears only three times in all 1 & 2 Samuel
Each time it, it is followed by a word of judgment from God to the king
It’s a solemn and eternal declaration
The Lord tells Samuel He regrets making Saul king
This phrase inevitably causes some confusing for Bible students
To regret (or the KJV says repent of) something implies that God’s mind has been changed by events He didn’t anticipate beforehand
As if He didn’t realize all that would happen in Saul’s reign
So it’s confusing to consider that the God Who is the same yesterday, today and forever, is changeable, lacking omniscience
Well, the Spirit anticipated our confusion, and so later in this very chapter we see an important clarifying statement
Glance down the page briefly to read v.29
Despite the wording of v.11, Samuel makes clear that God doesn’t change His mind
Moreover, God is not like a man in that new information could come to His attention or that His judgments or opinions change
God knew Saul before the foundations of the earth
And He knew exactly what would happen when Saul became king
In fact, Samuel warned the people on two occasions that bad things would come upon them if they called for a king
So there is no surprises here for God
So why are we told God regretted Saul’s reign?
In the few times you find a statement of this kind, it’s always in the context of someone failing a test of the heart
When the sinful, unfaithful, disobedient heart is exposed by a test, the Lord expresses regret at the discovery
It’s regret in the sense of sorrow, not remorse
Our sin and disobedience grieves God’s heart, but they don’t surprise Him
God’s sorrow was for Saul turning back from obeying God’s commands to destroy the city properly
As Samuel learns the news, his heart is broken as well
Now Samuel isn’t mourning the discovery that Saul disobeys God’s commands
He’s also seen that before
His distress is over the coming consequence because of the Lord’s anger
Samuel understood that God will not be mocked nor will He overlook sin forever
If the king of the people is disobedient and receives God’s discipline, then the people of God will suffer too
Moreover, it’s a principle of scripture that what God delights in, we should approve
And what grieves God’s heart should also grieve our hearts
Samuel is grieving with God over the sin of Saul
• As Samuel comes to meet Saul following the victory, someone retells Saul’s exploits
Saul traveled north from the Negev desert about 25 miles to a town called Carmel
In Carmel, he erects a monument to himself
He doesn’t erect an altar or place of worship to honor the Lord, as other men have done following great victories in the past
Instead Saul wants to glorify his great victory
Following his victory lap, Saul goes back to Gilgal
We remember that it was at Gilgal that the Lord rejected Saul’s dynasty some 25 years earlier
Saul had decided to perform a sacrifice on his own and the Lord said his family could not have the throne after him
Now we’re back to Gilgal again, where now the Lord will reject Saul as king
Samuel confronts Saul in Gilgal
The first one to speak is Samuel, which is similar to way their previous confrontation in Gilgal began
In chapter 13 Saul had become impatient and sacrificed without Samuel
When Saul learned Samuel had arrived in Gilgal after all, Saul rushed out to meet him
You’re left with the impression Saul felt guilty at begin caught sacrificing, so he tried to put the best face on the situation
Now it appears Saul is up to something similar again
He sinned with his eyes wide open
And his guilty conscience is showing
Saul declares to Samuel without a trace of irony that Samuel should feel blessed because Saul has carried out the command of the Lord
The pride and arrogance of Saul’s heart seems to know no limit at this point in his life
He is lying and knows it
And he has audacity to cover his sin with a baldfaced lie
Samuel, knowing all he had learned from the Lord and what he had heard about Saul’s monument, reacts in disgust
He points out the king’s hypocrisy to his face
And in the process, Samuel utters one of the more memorable lines in scripture
Samuel asks Saul if Saul had accomplish all the Lord commanded, why then does Samuel hear the bleating of sheep and lowing of oxen?
He’s pointing out the obvious
Not all the animals died, which is in violation of the Lord’s commands
Given how easy it was to see Saul’s disobedience, it was utterly ridiculous for Saul to claim he did as the Lord commanded!
So how does Saul defend himself?
First, notice Saul speaks in the third person referring to the people and to what “they’ve” done
Saul didn’t make a mistake...the people had a mind of their own
Saul is passing the buck, pure and simple, deflecting blame rather than taking responsibility
This shows us there is no repentance in his heart
Secondly, Samuel says he had godly reasons to take the animals
He was going to sacrifice them to the Lord
There is no better cover up for sin than to claim we did it for God
It’s like defending bank robbing by claiming you were going to give the money to charity
It’s a lie and an excuse claiming a sinful act was actually a righteous act
In reality, Saul was selfishly preserving the best animals for himself
Now that he’s been caught, he’s trying to rewrite history to avoid the wrath of God
Even if we were to assume Saul truly intended to sacrifice all the animals, he would still have been disobeying the Lord
And any act that isn’t consistent with God’s will is sin, regardless of how good it appears
This has become Saul’s pattern
His will rules his heart, not the Lord’s
As we’ve said, the Lord intended to rule His people, whether through judges or through a king
The king existed to carry out the Lord’s instructions
But Saul shows no interest in serving the Lord, only himself
As Saul is sinning his yarn, he forgets that Samuel has direct access to the God with all the facts
God Himself gave Samuel the true story
A reminder that lying to a prophet of God is a dumb idea
In Hebrew, the word for wait means cease or let it go
Samuel is having none of Saul’s pathetic excuses
So he tells Saul stop digging the hole he’s standing in
And instead Samuel says let me tell you what the Lord has already told me
To which Saul responds tell me, faking interest in the Lord’s word
Samuel starts by reminding Saul where Saul came from
Before the Lord elevated him to king, Saul knew he was the least among the least tribe of Israel
He had a humble – but more importantly – a realistic self-image
Having been anointed as king of Israel, the Lord turned to the one He raised up, to the one He called to serve Him and gave a command
Now we might think that a man plucked from obscurity
And elevated to an unexpectedly grand position beyond anything he could have imagined would have gladly served God
That’s Samuel’s point...Saul has lost all perspective on who he is and who God is
Obedience to the Lord is always directly related to the accuracy of our self-image in relationship to our view of God
The more we understand our humble, undeserving, sinful nature
And the more we appreciate God’s power, judgment and wrath
The more likely we will value His mercy and obey His commands
But when we get those two perspectives reversed, we’re headed for a fall
That’s Saul in a nutshell
Samuel nails Saul’s true reason for leaving the allowing the livestock to survive
Saul simply wanted the spoils of war for himself
The choice animals were too good to pass up
Saul could only think of the wealth he would receive
Forgetting he owed everything to the Lord who granted him such riches
In response to Samuel’s rebuke, Saul double-downs on his lie
Saul seems to have lost all sense of shame at this point
He repeats his lie claiming to have obeyed the Lord when in fact he didn’t
And again he points to the people as the real villains
But be sure to notice again Saul’s word choice
He speaks of “your” God not his God
Saul was living so far from God that he has stopped seeing God from a personal standpoint
Then Samuel responds in poetic language
Why does Samuel respond in rhyme? This isn’t “Saul: The Musical”
When a prophet speaks in poetic structures, it’s an indication that his words are spoken under inspiration
Obviously, all scripture is inspired
But this indicates that Samuel’s speech in that moment was coming directly from the Lord to Saul
The Lord says He delights in obedience even more than pious acts of sacrifices
He prefers a heart desiring to please the Lord than one that performs rituals
While sacrifices were themselves acts of obedience to the Law, the need for sacrifice was itself a result of prior disobedience
Said another way, if there were no disobedience in the first place, there would be not need for sacrifice either
Had Saul killed all the animals in obedience, then by definition there would be no sacrifice of any animals needed
In v.23 the Lord compares disobedience to the command of God to divination
Divination is the sin of appealing to demonic power to control the future
When we seek to do our will rather than God’s will, we inevitably seek to control the future in place of God
When you disobey the Lord, you align with Satan’s purposes
And insubordination is equal to sin and idolatry
Insubordination is defiance of authority or a refusal to obey orders
It’s attempting to put another in God’s place, as Saul did here
Therefore, it’s a form of idolatry
And with that, the Lord declares that because Saul rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord has rejected him
This a cause-and-effect outcome for Saul
He wasn’t going to have a dynasty, but might have reigned in peace and security all the days of his life
He might have achieved great things as a king
Assuming Saul obeyed the Lord
But those days are over for Saul now
And he’s brought it upon himself
And the word of the Lord has gone forth and cannot be changed
Now that he’s pressed into a corner, Saul expresses regret
Finally, under pressure and facing the consequences, Saul acknowledges he has sinned
This isn’t repentance...this is merely regret
Saul says he has transgressed the command of the Lord
But in the Hebrew, the word is better translated overlooked
Saul’s saying he overlooked a small detail in the overall command God gave Saul
When you put these two thoughts together you realize that Saul was speaking in a dismissive tone
He was saying, “Oh, I guess I sinned...if you count those small details I overlooked in God’s plan...”
Hardly the words of a repentant heart
Then Saul goes the extra step of pulling a page from Aaron’s playbook
He blames the people for making him do it, just as Aaron did with the golden calf
He says their greed and desire forced his hand
Nevermind, Saul is the king and can do whatever he wants...
In v.25 he asks Samuel for forgiveness, but this kind of confession can’t gain forgiveness
Moreover, Saul is asking the wrong person, isn’t he?
Samuel is just the messenger
Saul’s words remind me of Simon in Acts 8, who asked the apostles to pray to God on his behalf when he was told he had sinned
Those who have strayed from God (or have never known Him) are uncomfortable speaking to Him personally
So they ask religious people to intervene on their behalf
Finally, and perhaps worst of all, Saul says he needs Samuel’s forgiveness so he can worship the Lord
This is a purely cynical move on his part
He is no more interested in truly worshipping the Lord than he was obeying the Lord
In fact, scripture tells us that true worship is obedience
Saul is merely doing eye service in an attempt to ingratiate himself to Samuel and to God if that were possible
Next we find Samuel’s response
Samuel refuses to participate in Saul’s charade
Samuel refuses to accompany Saul to worship in Gilgal
And Samuel reiterates that the Lord’s rejection was final and not subject to negotiation
This is a central truth of scripture
As the Lord determines to do, He will do
As we said earlier, nothing changes God’s mind
Because God already had all the information when He made His decision the first time
In fact, God is the author of all history, so all that transpires happens according to His will
And all that happens is according to His eternal plan which was established before the foundations of the earth
So it is literally impossible for God to change His mind, as His mind is arrived at the perfect outcome from the beginning
Samuel turns to leave, and in a moment of great irony, Saul reaches out, grab’s Samuel’s cloak to stop him, and rips the garment
Saul is losing grip on power and on reality
And so he desperately reaches out to grab hold of God’s mercy, as it were
Seeking something by his might that he could only find in faith and obedience
And as he rips the garment, Saul is watching the rule of Israel being rent from his hands
Samuel then informs Saul that a better man has been found and will be anointed in his place
This knowledge will torment Saul in the final 15 years of his reign
And it will become a test for Saul’s successor
Finally, the chapter ends with Samuel tying up loose ends
Samuel honors the office of king by agreeing to accompany him to worship
To do otherwise would have dishonored the king in the eyes of the people, which Samuel won’t do
His willingness to honor the office of king foreshadows David’s own behavior
Honoring those God has raised up is our duty
And we do so regardless of whether the individual deserves the honor personally
Finally, Samuel finishes the job Saul should have done
He calls for the king of the Amalekites and beheads him
Samuel might be old, but he could swing a sword
In v.33, Samuel tells Agag why he must die
The Amalekites attacked the Israelites of the Exodus by ambushing the stragglers at the rear
Naturally, those in the rear ranks were mostly the children
So when the Amalekites attacked Moses and the people, they made many women childless
It was a cowardly act deserving of God’s retribution
And now Agag and his people have paid the price
This was the last time Samuel saw Saul, though Saul rules for another 15 years