Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we noticed a pattern in Samuel’s narrative of Saul’s early time as king
The pattern serves to introduce Saul while foreshadowing where the nation was headed under his leadership
The pattern consisted of three parts in Samuel’s narrative
He begins with a warning to the people about seeking a king instead of the Lord
Secondly, Samuel explains Saul’s exploits emphasizing his humble heart
Finally, Saul is called into a climactic battle to demonstrate the Lord was working through him to care for God’s people
We’ve gone through this pattern once already in the earlier chapters
And we’ve started the second go ‘round
In Chapter 12 last week, we finished the lesson hearing Samuel’s second warning to the people
The second warning was more intense
Samuel describes Saul as the king whom you have chosen, that you asked for
In other words, the people have made their bed and they are about to lie in it
And a king won’t save the people from God’s judgment when they disobey the covenant
Both the people and the king will be swept away
Chapter 12 formally ends the period of Judges in the history of Israel
Now the people are ruled by a king
But the prophets will still be a part of the scene
Kings will not have the word of God
And as kings go wrong, it will fall to prophets to keep them and the people honest
And herein lies the key problem with Israel’s demand of a king
Kings are people too, and like all men they will sin
When the people sinned in the past, the Lord spoke through a prophet to judge the people
They could listen to the word spoken through the judge, repent and be rescued from God’s judgment
In that way, the Lord was judging His people, and by the counsel of God’s word, the people were rescued from their own sin
But what happens when the person speaking the word of God is no longer the most powerful person in the land?
What happens when a sinful king begins to lead the people away from God?
What will such a man say to a prophet who comes to give him counsel and correct him and the nation?
Do we think a monarch will receive such critique gladly?
It would take a very humble, godly sort to receive the rebuke of a prophet
And most kings aren’t that sort
So from this point forward, Israel has made it much more difficult for the word of God to counsel them away from destruction and into obedience
God will remain faithful, so He will continue to send prophets to the king and to the people
But more often than not, the prophet will not be heard
Instead, the king, who doesn’t like his power to be challenged or his sin to be rebuked, will lead the people in persecuting the prophets
Such that most prophets will be martyred as a result
Culminating in Christ’s own death
There’s a bit of irony in all this
Samuel gave Saul his power
And as Samuel anointed the king, he declared that the people were wrong to want him
Suggesting to Saul that he shouldn’t even have the job
And at first, Saul didn’t want the job
But then he took it knowing that this was an unwise move
So Saul should have determined to lean heavily on Samuel’s counsel and rebuke
Had he done so, God’s word spoken through the prophet would have still been front and center
And the people and their king might have avoided the problems Samuel warned would come
But of course that doesn’t happen
Saul becomes the instrument to fulfill the prophecy spoken against him and Israel
Speaking of Saul’s downfall, let’s move back to Samuel’s three part pattern
The next part covering Saul’s exploits begins in Chapter 13
For such a simple statement, there is a remarkable amount of controversy surrounding v.1 of this chapter
The controversy begins in the original Hebrew manuscripts
The original manuscripts are all missing numbers of Saul’s age and all but the final number of the years he ruled
In fact, the Dead Sea Scrolls are missing v.1 altogether
In the Hebrew manuscripts that do include v.1, the words read:
This is the only verse in scripture to address Saul’s age when he began to rule
So without the missing number, we’re left guessing about Saul’s age
The NASB proposes 30 years old
Other versions propose 40 years old
Some versions simply show nothing in keeping with the original Hebrew
That leads to the first controversy
The second controversy is how long Saul reigned
We know he reigned longer than 2 years but how much longer?
But what number do we place in front of the 2?
Well, in acts 13:21 we’re told
So Acts says Saul reigned for 40 years
So where does the “2” enter in?
Perhaps Saul reigned 42 years and the time given in Acts 13 was merely rounded down
Or perhaps Saul reigned exactly 40 years as Acts says
In which case we conclude Samuel was recording the number of years Saul had been ruling when the events of Chapter 13 came to pass
And if you believe Samuel was giving the total number of Saul’s reign, then you introduce a third controversy
When did the events of Chapter 13 take place?
Did they happen early in the 42 years or later? It’s hard to know
There are various attempts to resolves these mysteries
I’ve looked at these various explanations, and I have my opinion
I believe the second part of v.1 was intended to time the events of Chapter 13
So it reads correctly to say 2 years
The events of Chapter 13 happened 2 years into Saul’s reign
Therefore, Saul’s total reign was 40 years just as Acts 13 says, not 42 years as the NASB concluded
That’s leaves only the controversy over the age of Saul
Some translations conclude Saul was thirty when he began to rule
They take this view primarily because if Saul ruled 40 years, then he died in battle at age 70, which is fairly old
This camp finds it hard to imagine that anyone older than 70 could have entered into battle
Plus a younger age of 30 seems to fit better with the description of a young Saul in the earlier chapters of 1 Samuel
But other translations like the NASB favor an interpretation of 40 years old
They take this view because of v.3 in this chapter
In v.3 we’re told that Jonathan leads an army into battle, which means he must have been at least 20 or older
If Saul began to rule at the age of 30 and this battle happened two years into Saul’s reign…
Then Saul would have fathered Jonathan at age 12
So the most reasonable conclusion is that Saul began to reign at age 40
And he had been ruling for 2 years when the events of Chapter 13 took place
The point in all this is that Saul hasn’t been in charge for very long before the problems start to develop
The events of the chapter begin with Saul sending a warning shot across the bow of the Philistines
Two years after Saul takes rule, he decides to put the Philistines on notice that the land belonged to Israel
On a plain a few miles north of Jerusalem, the Philistines had stationed a garrison of troops
They occupied this territory to keep an eye on the Israelites and to defend the entry to the costal plains of the Philistine cities
Saul wanted to clear the area of Philistines, so he takes 3,000 men and splits them into two groups
Saul leads one group of soldiers coming from Michmash 1.5 miles to the north
While a second group led by Saul’s son, Jonathan, approached from 3 miles away in the south from Saul’s hometown of Gibeah
It’s a classic pincer move
Jonathan’s troops finish the battle, destroying the garrison
The word then gets back to the Philistine cities on the coastal plain
Saul knows there will be a retaliation, which was his intent when he provoked them
So in v.3 we’re told he blows a trumpet to call Israel to arms for the ensuing battle
And the people show up in response to the call of the king
And the Philistines respond
They bring a force of 30,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen while the number of the foot soldiers was innumerable
If Saul wanted to provoke the Philistines, he succeeded beyond all expectations
The Philistines have brought everything and the kitchen sink
They enter in Michmash and wait to engage Saul
On v.6 my translations says the people saw they were in a “strait” but the word in Hebrew means simply afflicted or distress
The Israelites gathered in Gilgal, which is next to Jericho in the Jordan river valley on the far eastern border of Israel
They are distressed to hear that the Philistines had gathered such a large force
Some responded to their fear by hiding in caves, cellars, cliffs and bushes
Others were running from the fight going east over the Jordan river into Gad
But Saul stayed with what remained of his trembling troops in Gilgal
This is the turning point in Saul’s time as king
We’re told that Saul waits seven days according to a time set by Samuel
This reminds us of instructions Samuel gave Saul immediately after his anointing in Chapter 10
This first trip to Gilgal for sacrifices took place at the end of Chapter 11
But apparently Samuel had given Saul these instructions again in preparation for their battle against the Philistines
So Saul knew how this was supposed to go down
Saul knew Samuel would follow him to Gilgal after seven days
After the seventh day, Samuel arrives to lead Saul and the people in making sacrifices to the Lord
These sacrifices would make a way for the Lord’s intercession on behalf of the people
But in v.8 we’re told that Saul notices his troops are dwindling throughout the week
And we can easily imagine the scene
Each morning Saul wakes up and inspects his camp only to find more men missing
As the week goes on, he begins to worry about how he can win this battle
It may remind us of a previous military leader who saw the Lord reduce the number of his army down to 300 (Gideon)
Toward the seventh day, the wait has become unbearable and the worry reaches a climax
Saul must be thinking to himself, why does the king have to wait on an old man to help win a battle?
It makes the king look weak and indecisive
After all it’s just a process of cutting up animals and burning the meat on a fire
Hardly rocket science
So before the end of the seventh day, Saul can’t take it any longer, so he commands that the people bring him the animals for the sacrifice
And Saul, a Benjamite, offers the sacrifices for the people
In making the sacrifice himself, Saul is violating the prophet’s orders
This isn’t a matter of the Mosaic Law, because there is no tabernacle at Gilgal
This is simply a matter of obeying the word of the Lord
We can see how seriously the Lord took obedience to the word of the prophets by the example of a later king, Hezekiah
King Hezekiah was called to cleanse the temple
And he followed the instructions of the prophets to the letter
A command from a prophet was a command from the Lord
So to disobey the prophet meant to disobey the Lord
More specifically, Saul was placing his authority over that of the prophet and the word
Saul had no reason to act in this way
The seventh day was not yet concluded
The Lord and his prophet had not failed in their promise
It’s interesting that Saul was determined to conduct the sacrifice yet not worried about doing so in accordance with the Lord’s word
This calls into question what Saul thought about the sacrifice in the first place
It appears to be merely ritual to him
Sure enough, as soon as Saul had finished conducting the sacrifice, he looks up to see Samuel approaching
Samuel challenges Saul asking, what have you done?
The question alludes to much more than merely the sacrifices
It points to much more serious consequences for Saul
Saul offers an excuse to Samuel, which is that Samuel took too long
And then Saul says that he feared the Philistines would attack while the people were without the protection of the Lord
Again, it seems that Saul views the sacrificial program as winning the Lord’s protection
Would the Lord have allowed the people to be destroyed if Saul was still waiting for Samuel when the attack began?
The answer you offer depends on your faith in God’s word
Would the Lord keep His promises?
Does the Lord have the power to protect His people regardless of Samuel’s timing?
If only Saul had recognized his period of waiting was a test of his heart rather than a test of his patience
Samuel’s response is immediate and unforgiving
Samuel’s response may seem harsh, but it’s appropriate when you consider the meaning of Saul’s actions
Samuel says Saul has not kept the commandment of the Lord
The commandment was the one spoken to Saul through Samuel
The command was to wait for the prophet because the Lord expected the prophet to do the sacrifice
The king didn’t have the authority to sacrifice, for that is not the role of a king
So when Saul made this mistake, he was indicating that the word of God was not his authority
Instead, Saul was becoming his own authority
And the moment he tried to rule Israel outside God’s authority, he forfeited his authority to rule
In fact, Samuel says that Saul could have had the kingdom over Israel forever
That statement leaves us scratching our heads, because we know that the rule over Israel couldn’t remain with a Benjamite
But remember, Samuel is speaking about what was humanly possible
From Saul’s point of view, there was nothing preventing his family from having a dynasty…except his own sin
And therefore, the fall of Saul was inevitable
So we can hear Samuel’s words as a theoretical possibility, not a theological possibility
Saul was always going to sin and forfeit the kingdom
And as we said in the beginning of this story, Saul becomes the exception to prove the rule
Because of Saul’s choice to dismiss the authority of the Lord’s word, his kingdom will not endure
In fact, the Lord has already sought to identify your successor among the people
This successor will be a man after God’s heart, which means this man will have the goal of pleasing the Lord
And with that goal, he will endeavor to rule the people knowing that the Lord is the true ruler working through the king and His prophets
Unlike Saul who, in just two short years, has come to believe he has the authority on his own to rule the nation
Remember, we said that the chief problem with a king ruling God’s people is that human kings don’t take criticism kindly
And Saul has just received stinging criticism
He’s been fired, except the Lord will allow him to remain on the throne for many years
The decades between this moment and Saul’s death offer the Lord time to prepare the next king to receive the throne
Meanwhile, Samuel leaves Saul alone on the battlefield without the Lord’s blessing for the battle with the Philistines
Saul counts his army and finds only 600 men
The number 6 in scripture is the number of fallen sinful man
And it couldn’t be more appropriate for the fallen king’s army to have only 600 men
Saul takes his meager army up to Geba, about 1.5 miles from the Philistine army
After Samuel leaves, Saul, Jonathan and the 600 men went back up to Geba
Immediately, we see Saul beginning to falter as king
He no longer has the midas touch
Because the Lord is no longer blessing Saul
Saul is still acting as king
But the Lord has no interest in propping him up before the people
The Philistines are still waiting for their confrontation with Saul
But Saul is hiding, daring not to enter into battle against such a superior foe
So the Philistines venture out in three directions
They head out north, east and west looking for Saul
Fortunately for Saul, he’s hiding south of the Philistines so he isn’t found
As these raids continue, Samuel explains to his readers that the Philistines had a distinct advantage over the people of Israel
The Philistines knew how to smelt iron but the Israelites had not yet developed the skill to make iron tools
And the Philistines declined to share their blacksmith techniques with the Jews
Yet they would sell them some iron tools
So when the Israelite’s tools needed repair or sharpening, they were forced to return to the Philistines for blacksmith services
And merely sharpening a tool was two-thirds of a shekel, which was a a inflated price
This was a costly monopoly, as Samuel reports
All this meant that the Philistine armies had a decisive advantage in war since they had iron swords and shields
Only Saul and Jonathan have swords made of iron
The Lord has left Saul to lie in the bed he made in disobeying the Lord
Saul has only 600 men
They have no armor or weapons
Only the king and his son have decent weapons
Remember what got Saul into trouble in the first place?
He was impatient and worried that his army would become insufficient to win the battle
Now because of his impatience, Saul has found himself in exactly the place he worried about
His lack of obedience to God’s word brought about the very outcome he assumed he had to fix through disobedience
And at this point, the Philistines decide to mass for battle
All this bad news doesn’t mean the Lord will leave His people unprotected
This is an important detail to the story of Saul
Saul’s unfaithfulness will not result in the Lord becoming unfaithful to His people
But He is making a point to Israel
He raised up Saul as king as an exception to prove the rule
The rule I’m speaking about is the prophetic promise God made to provide a king from the tribe of Judah to rule Israel
Ultimately, that king will be Christ
But before then, other men of Judah will rule
Saul is the exception to show what happens when God’s people are not content to wait on the Lord and obey His word
The people ran ahead of the Lord in demanding a king before the Lord’s anointed was ready to rule
Remember, David was barely born when the people demanded a king
So the Lord provided a temporary solution – Saul – who was an exception to the rule proving the error of seeking to act outside God’s word
By his sin, Saul has proven true the rule that only Judah can rule Israel
Ironically, the Lord used Saul’s example of running ahead of the Lord into disobedience to remind the people of their mistake in demanding a king early
Yet the people still need God’s leadership and mercy or else they will be destroyed by their enemies
And the Lord will remain faithful to His word
So even as Saul has erred, the Lord will work to care for His people
But He does so through someone other than Saul
Once again, David simply isn’t ready to rule yet
So the Lord must work with someone else for a time
And that person is Saul’s son, Jonathan
Earlier in Chapter 9, the Lord declared to Samuel that Saul would be the one who would free Israel from the Philistines
And now we learn it will be a member of Saul’s family to fulfill that promise
Saul seems to be staying in his hometown resting comfortably with no intention of engaging the enemy
He has his 600 bodyguards protecting him
And he seems content to just hide
Interestingly, Samuel notes that the descendants of Eli’s sons were still operating the tabernacle in Shiloh
Why mention this detail here?
First, notice that Samuel mentions both sons of the disgraced priest Phinehas
The first son, Ahijah, inherited the position of high priest after the death of Phinehas and Eli
But the other son, Ichabod is mentioned too…why?
Remember, Ichabod means the glory has departed
So Samuel wants to connect Saul with the discredited family of Eli
Just as the glory of the Lord departed the tabernacle during the time of Eli’s family, so had Saul’s reign lost its glory
These two families are the perfect bedfellows in Samuel’s story
While Saul sits in comfort in his home, his son is not content to sit still
Without telling dad, Jonathan decides to act to win the battle
He goes alone with only his armor bearer
An armor bearer is like a caddie to a golfer, holding his important weapons and armor
So forget Saul’s 600, and Gideon’s 300…Jonathan is about to fight the multitudes of the Philistines by himself
This is faith indeed
The Philistines are in Michmash while Jonathan is coming up from Geba
Separating these two sites was a steep wadi canyon running east-west
And this is the path Jonathan plans to take in launching a surprise attack against this incredibly powerful army
Why would Jonathan engage in this suicide mission?
The simple answer is faith
We’ll study Jonathan’s victory next week
But it’s already easy to see that Saul’s son will become an example of faith to contrast with his father’s failure to trust in God’s word